Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => General Gaming => Topic started by: Mashiro on July 13, 2007, 03:43:48 PM

Title: The last E3? The rumors are flying around . . .
Post by: Mashiro on July 13, 2007, 03:43:48 PM
Here's what the big guys are saying:

Title: RE:Is this the last E3? The rumors are flying around . . .
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on July 13, 2007, 05:16:04 PM
Well it would be sad to see it go, but in its current state it sounds disjointed and more hassle then it is worth. Perhaps I misunderstood but wasn't Sony and MS the primary drives behind this "new" E3 because of Nintendo handing them their butts last E3?
Title: RE: Is this the last E3? The rumors are flying around . . .
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on July 13, 2007, 05:59:21 PM
I support alternative avenues.
Title: RE:Is this the last E3? The rumors are flying around . . .
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 14, 2007, 04:32:26 AM

Originally posted by: GoldenPhoenix
Well it would be sad to see it go, but in its current state it sounds disjointed and more hassle then it is worth. Perhaps I misunderstood but wasn't Sony and MS the primary drives behind this "new" E3 because of Nintendo handing them their butts last E3?

Well Nintendo handed them their butts this time around too, but at least this was in a more orderly fashion this time.

I like Sony's quote on that page where he personally doesn't know why they're doing it. Lol, if my company embarassed itself two years in a row like Sony has done at the last two E3's, then I'd be saying something like that too... lol.
Title: RE:Is this the last E3? The rumors are flying around . . .
Post by: ThePerm on July 14, 2007, 10:23:14 AM
time to bring back Space World
Title: RE: Is this the last E3? The rumors are flying around . . .
Post by: Mashiro on July 14, 2007, 10:25:24 AM
I miss spaceworld =(