Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Reader Reviews => Topic started by: couchmonkey on June 19, 2007, 08:44:28 AM

Title: SSX Blur
Post by: couchmonkey on June 19, 2007, 08:44:28 AM
I haven't seen much, if any, talk about this game around NWR.  I rented it, and it's pretty darn good.  Since I just rented it, I'll throw down some quick and dirty reactions:

- really fun motion controls with more depth than the average minigame-heavy Wii title
- cool soundtrack constantly reacts to your performance
- it appears to have a lot of content, though I only played it for a few hours myself

- some of the crazy drawing-based tricks are really hard to pull off
- lower production values than other SSX games
- most of the content is recycled, apparently
- the more cartoony art direction is a letdown (and I'm usually a huge fan of cartoony graphics)

- No voice acting...some people will be relieved as the characters can be really obnoxious, but I find their over-the-top personalities to be one of the series' best assets

Overall, I was really happy with the game - it's arguably the best third party title I've played on the system, but it definitely shows that the game was thrown together (no voice acting, recycled content) and given EA's track record, I'm tempted to skip this game on the assumption that a better one is coming down the line.