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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Reader Reviews => Topic started by: Shecky on May 20, 2007, 09:02:45 AM

Title: TurtleBeach Nintendo DS Ear Force D2 Headset
Post by: Shecky on May 20, 2007, 09:02:45 AM
I've been using it lately for Pokemon... sounds find on my side... but can other hear me OK?

A buddy of mine got this before I got mine and it was absolutely horrible to hear him at first.  A ton of static... so much so that it was better just to use the built in mic.  By adjusting the boom so it was no longer in front of his face, but off to the side, he got to a quality equivalent to the built-in microphone.  However, he hasn't been available since I picked up mine to reverse the trial and provide feedback on my set.
Title: RE: TurtleBeach Nintendo DS Ear Force D2 Headset
Post by: Shecky on June 07, 2007, 05:35:33 PM
I apparently not that hot for those on the other end... Built-in mic works fine unless you like to move your head or DS a lot while chatting (ie: look away from the screen)
Title: RE: TurtleBeach Nintendo DS Ear Force D2 Headset
Post by: that Baby guy on June 07, 2007, 06:31:49 PM
Well, from playing you, I have to say that I think it's better than just the bare DS microphone.  I don't get any static, but it does seem to soften up consonant sounds somehow, making it hard to hear articulation.