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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: NeoThunder on January 22, 2007, 12:22:16 PM

Title: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: NeoThunder on January 22, 2007, 12:22:16 PM
I have a question that I haven't really gotten an answer to yet, and that is what is the need for those little clear wrist strap clip things that are on the end of the nunchuck and classic controller that in games that use the nunchuck, always tell you how to wrap the wrist strap around the clip properly.

As I see it, I don't see any added benifet of it at all.  Even if you droped one or the other, or even both if your wearing the wrist strap.  Could someone please clue me in here

While were at it, someone tell me why a Classic controller has the analog triggers with the extra "click" at the bottom just like GameCube controllers.  Why make an evolutionized GameCube controller that can't be used to play GameCube?  
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: IceCold on January 22, 2007, 12:25:26 PM
Because the digital click is AWESOME.
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: Strell on January 22, 2007, 01:06:53 PM
I've asked the same thing re: digital click on the VC controllers.  You'd think Nintendo wanted to make them compatible for all BC games, but then chose not to or couldn't.

I doubt they could not get it to work, so that leaves the former.

If it's simply a question of "well the Wii boots as a GC with GC games, meaning you can't use wireless controllers," then just give me a cord to plug the VC controller into the GC slot.

It's gotta be that easy, right?

I'm hoping some hacker does it for me and lets me buy cables from him.
Title: RE:Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: NeoThunder on January 22, 2007, 01:16:33 PM
the only downside I could see playing Gamecube with Classic controller is no rumble, however, the Wiimote could rumble....the question is where to stick it.

But back to this extension cable clip thing....what is the reason for it
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: UncleBob on January 22, 2007, 01:34:40 PM
Digital Click on VC controllers could be for original VC content.
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: mantidor on January 22, 2007, 01:38:35 PM
we all know that this "original content for the VC" is just like the "online" of the GC, lets admit it and move on.

No word of third party accesories yet?

Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: BranDonk Kong on January 22, 2007, 03:02:30 PM
It's too hard to slide the new wrist straps in and out of that plastic clip, so I don't even waste my time trying anymore. My guess is it's for in case you dropped one of the controller parts as you were unhooking/hooking the nunchuck to the Wiimote.
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: NeoThunder on January 22, 2007, 03:19:34 PM
i got to say, I agree that the VC original content is like online gamecube.  It's never going to happen.  Could a future firmware update allow Classic controller play on GameCube?
Title: RE:Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: Strell on January 22, 2007, 03:44:34 PM

Originally posted by: NeoThunder
Could a future firmware update allow Classic controller play on GameCube?

No, it's impossible.  Once the Wii goes into GC mode, it is a GC.  Meaning it cannot pick up anything that is wireless since the Wii uses Bluetooth.

The only way it would work is via a physical connection with a VC controller -> GC port adapter cord, --OR-- some kind of "cap transmitter" that you put on the end of the VC controller's cord, with a receiver inside the GC port (much like a Wavebird receiver).

Sucks, but that's the deal.  Which is why I still hope some clever hacker is out there working on this.

Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: NeoThunder on January 22, 2007, 03:59:33 PM
I now want a way to clip my Classic controller to my Wiimote so the Wiimote doesn't just lay on your lap.  After all, lets put the clip on the back of the Classic controller to work
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: BranDonk Kong on January 22, 2007, 04:43:21 PM
It was supposed to clip onto the Wiimote, Nintendo must have forgotten.
Title: RE:Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: NWR_pap64 on January 22, 2007, 05:36:59 PM

Originally posted by: mantidor
we all know that this "original content for the VC" is just like the "online" of the GC, lets admit it and move on.

No word of third party accesories yet?

My, aren't we on a cynical mood today!

I agree that Original VC games may or may not happen, but its far too early to be saying anything, since the console just launched.

Give it time!

Plus, technically, we are already seeing indie Wii in the way of flash games that can be played using the Wiimote as well as websites dedicated solely to games for the Wii via the internet channel.
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: thepoga on January 22, 2007, 05:47:40 PM
I'm thinking that the clip is supposed to be for those who just want their nunchuks attached to a specific wiimote and want it to be kept as one item or set. The games in WiiSports require you to not use the nunchuk and I guess you could take it out and have it still in "one piece". That's the only reason I could see for it. It doesn't entirely make sense for Nintendo to implement it for that reason, but that's the most probable use of it.
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: NeoThunder on January 22, 2007, 06:20:21 PM
i'm sorry, but that's the stupidest reason i've heard for the clips

not sure if you mean the clip on the Classic controller or the nunchuck attachment....eather way, that answer doesn't make any sense
Title: RE:Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: Nephilim on January 22, 2007, 08:25:35 PM

No, it's impossible. Once the Wii goes into GC mode, it is a GC. Meaning it cannot pick up anything that is wireless since the Wii uses Bluetooth.    The only way it would work is via a physical connection with a VC controller -> GC port adapter cord, --OR-- some kind of "cap transmitter" that you put on the end of the VC controller's cord, with a receiver inside the GC port (much like a Wavebird receiver).    Sucks, but that's the deal. Which is why I still hope some clever hacker is out there working on this.

people claimed the same thing with GBA player for about a year, til nintendo even admitted it could
So I wouldnt count it out
Title: RE:Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: Strell on January 23, 2007, 03:15:24 AM

Originally posted by: DeadlyD

No, it's impossible. Once the Wii goes into GC mode, it is a GC. Meaning it cannot pick up anything that is wireless since the Wii uses Bluetooth.    The only way it would work is via a physical connection with a VC controller -> GC port adapter cord, --OR-- some kind of "cap transmitter" that you put on the end of the VC controller's cord, with a receiver inside the GC port (much like a Wavebird receiver).    Sucks, but that's the deal. Which is why I still hope some clever hacker is out there working on this.

people claimed the same thing with GBA player for about a year, til nintendo even admitted it could
So I wouldnt count it out

I'm not sure what you are implying here.  Are you saying a GBA player wasn't possible on the GC, and that this was commonly understood by the gaming populace because the GC was the first disc based system from Nintendo?  And that because of this, the only way it could have worked was with an add-on?

I'm going to assume that's it, but that situation isn't comparable to this at all.

First off, how many Bluetooth controllers have you used with your GC?  How many do you own?  Don't say the Wavebird - that's RF technology.

The GC has absolutely no internal hardware that communicates with Bluetooth, and it never will.  The only way it could is if there was a receiver that you plugged into the controller port.  Then you'd need a controller that communicates via Bluetooth.  None of this exists.

When the Wii boots a GC game, it is no longer running the Wii OS.  It is a GC in all forms.  And the GC, having no Bluetooth tech or any way to recognize it, won't be able to communicate with a VC controller at all.

The only way it could is with an adapter.  That is the only way.  Right now there is nothing like that available.  And even then, there's no telling how the signals work that are transmitted from the controller anyway.  

People don't seem to get that when you play a GC game, the Wii more or less no longer considers itself a Wii.  It's purely a GC at that point.  This is why we can't exit a GC game back into the Wii Menus - at that point, the internal memory is no longer loaded, so we can't boot back the menu.  The only way it could be done is if there was a wrapper/emulator program running inside the Wii OS that emulated the GC, and thus allowed us to close down the program and return to the menu.  But this would require an immensely powerful machine, because you'd have to emulate the GC (which is powerful in the emulation world) AND run the Wii OS on top of that.  Meaning the only way this could even possibly happen would be with the Wii's successor, because by then Nintendo might have a powerful enough machine to pull this off.  

For comparison's sake, the 360 and PS3 probably couldn't emulate the GC too effectively.  They probably can, but I doubt you'd get stable FPS.

The entire point is simple - there's no way to get the VC to function with GC games, *despite* the fact that it looks like that WAS intended at some point, given that it has the digital clicks in the shoulder buttons.  That means it has the bases covered.  It's even got an extra button with the extra Z button (whatever it is called).  So it is entirely possible, but NOT without some kind of adapter.  And that's going to require some very clever hacking.
Title: RE:Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on January 23, 2007, 04:25:16 AM
I think Nintendo's original plan was for the Wii to be able to run GameCube software natively thanks to binary compatibility with the GameCube.  That is, code compiled for the GameCube would run on the Wii unaltered.  The only problem then would be managing the timing of the various low level operations such as memory access so that the hardware differences would be imperceptible to the software.  That's not an easy task, and no doubt there were plenty of games developed for GameCube that were written so close to the metal that they still wouldn't work right.  There would have to be updates to those games, Xbox 360 style.  Nintendo saw the headaches Microsoft experienced, both technically and in public relations, and decided to do something more foolproof.

That's my theory, anyway.
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: decoyman on January 23, 2007, 04:30:10 AM
Come on, guys... it's to make sure that if you drop the remote, it takes the nunchuk along with it as it breaks your strap and smashes into your tv. You wouldn't want to put pressure on that plug part!
Title: RE:Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: mantidor on January 23, 2007, 04:38:15 AM

Originally posted by: pap64

Originally posted by: mantidor
we all know that this "original content for the VC" is just like the "online" of the GC, lets admit it and move on.

No word of third party accesories yet?

My, aren't we on a cynical mood today!

I agree that Original VC games may or may not happen, but its far too early to be saying anything, since the console just launched.

Give it time!

Plus, technically, we are already seeing indie Wii in the way of flash games that can be played using the Wiimote as well as websites dedicated solely to games for the Wii via the internet channel.

I'm in a cynical mood all week long

Actually the responses proved my point, I wasn't implying that original content was not going to happen, because online did happen for the GC, there were LAN and internet games (or is it just "game"? I can't remember), there was a modem and all, but it was so obscure and had so little if any support from Nintendo that most people don't even know there were actually online game(s), so far I don't see original content for the VC having a different fate.

Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: Ian Sane on January 23, 2007, 06:02:25 AM
I continue to believe that the classic controller was designed by people with the technical expertise to design a controller but without the real world experience to design something suitable for all VC games.  Thus the incompatibility with N64 games and superflous Gamecube "clicky" shoulder buttons.  Nintendo's "A" group of controller guys were most likely preoccupied with the remote and nunchuck so the classic controller was handled by someone else who used the Gamecube and Dualshock controllers as a model without any real experience with the games the classic controller is supposed to play.
Title: RE:Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: vudu on January 23, 2007, 06:15:09 AM

Originally posted by: NeoThunder
i'm sorry, but that's the stupidest reason i've heard for the clips

not sure if you mean the clip on the Classic controller or the nunchuck attachment....eather way, that answer doesn't make any sense
I think the reason the system tells you to thread the wrist strap through the clip at the end of the nunchuk is if you get too wild and start flailing your arms about there's a chance that the port at the end of the nunchuk could come out of the remote and smack someone in the head or damage a piece of expensive electronic equipment.  The strap helps to reduce this risk.

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
I continue to believe that the classic controller was designed by people with the technical expertise to design a controller but without the real world experience to design something suitable for all VC games.
I continue to believe that that's the stupidest thing I've ever read.
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: Ian Sane on January 23, 2007, 06:37:56 AM
"I continue to believe that that's the stupidest thing I've ever read."

So you prefer the other options where Nintendo is either too stupid to make a universal controller to support consoles THEY MADE or they just don't give a f*ck and just made a dualshock clone because they were too lazy to think things through for more than five seconds?  At least my theory doesn't make Nintendo look so bad.  They have all their resources being used on the remote so they assign the less important classic controller to someone else and even though the end result is flawed it works and it's "good enough" for most the VC library so they go with it instead of wasting money to redo it.
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: Adrock on January 23, 2007, 07:07:34 AM
An alternative to the classic controller would be a completely self-contained wireless traditional controller (maybe with the speaker and rumble). It wouldn't just be a classic controller that didn't plug into the Wii remote. It'd be built for games today (analog stick in primary postition etc.), but would work for VC games just like the GCN controller does. It might be confusing for consumers, but no more confusing than the original Dual Shock or Type S.

I'd consider buying something like that (for games that don't use the Wii remote like Brawl) even though re-synching controllers every time you switch between controllers would get old.
Title: RE:Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on January 23, 2007, 07:45:52 AM

Originally posted by: Adrock
I'd consider buying something like that (for games that don't use the Wii remote like Brawl) even though re-synching controllers every time you switch between controllers would get old.

You wouldn't have to resync unless you switched during gameplay.  The Bluetooth standard allows for many, many devices to be registered to the host but inactive, so whichever one you picked up would simply be the active controller, with no need to open compartments and press buttons.  Changing them around while the Wii is on is a simple matter of choosing the option in the home menu, which is easier than the old way of getting up and juggling plugs.  
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: nitsu niflheim on January 23, 2007, 07:59:31 AM
It's there to make you ask questions and to piss you off when you can't find the answers. lol
Title: RE:Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: Ceric on January 23, 2007, 08:26:25 AM
You know in theory someone could create a box that the Classic Controller connected into.  This box would provide it power and translate the signals from it to it correlating GCN Controller signal and then feed it back through a GCN connector to the Wii...  Though the unit probably be expensive.
Title: RE: Extension wrist strap clips and classic controllers
Post by: Stimutacs Addict on January 23, 2007, 09:08:23 AM
or they knew that games like smash bros. brawl would likely require the analog triggers for shield-shifting