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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Artimus on January 17, 2007, 04:11:40 PM

Title: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Artimus on January 17, 2007, 04:11:40 PM
I know the other thread got moved to General, but this is a specific attack regarding the treatment of Zelda:


As you pointed out, though, what is far worse is the level of displayed arrogance and ignorance by some of the editors. If you watch the video, you will hear some of these people rip into Zelda as though it was a major disappointment and unworthy of even making the nominations list. The kicker is that these very same commentators clearly never played so much as 10 minutes of the game. In our written roundtable, which I encourage you to read on Insider, Peer and I made the case that - accidentally or on purpose - there is an editorial faction at IGN that does not give Nintendo's games a fair shake. I don't think there is any disputing that point after watching and reading our Game of the Year wrap-ups.

Second letter. He says more and its worth reading. I know a lot of you hate IGN, but I keep telling you the Nintendo employees are not frauds like the rest of the consoles (and I'm right).
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Smash_Brother on January 17, 2007, 04:26:15 PM
*Respect for Matt +10.*

Now, if he'll wrestle the other editors for TP's honor, I'll take back my quips about his poor enunciation.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: ShyGuy on January 17, 2007, 04:40:11 PM
I watched the IGN Weekly Game of the Year Video, and man, Matt actually seems fantastic compared to most of the other editors. IGN needs to fire some people for gross incompetence.
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on January 17, 2007, 06:12:00 PM
Well this is one reason why I have always respected Matt even if sometimes his opinions may be at odds with mine, he says what he thinks. These comments directed at his fellow co-workers are pretty brutal and an honest assessment, something you don't see every day.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Mario on January 17, 2007, 06:20:52 PM

It's funny how people at other forums are calling him some kind of raging "ntard" now. He doesn't knock other games, and the other editors do, yet he gets branded with a negative label. I hate the internet.
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Caterkiller on January 17, 2007, 07:12:09 PM
I never start anything, and I wanted to start this topic...

I am very pleased with what I read, you really dont see this kind of "attack" on fellow workers for the public to see. I never ever had a problem with Matt, I don't agree with him all the time, but I do think his opinions are valid. I'd love for  other mags and sites take notice and start to call out their own co-workers about Nintendo bias.

For some reason I am amazingly pleased at what he said about the other eiditors. Doesn't benefit me one bit, I guess im just so happy someone within the company finaly said it.  
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Artimus on January 17, 2007, 07:17:54 PM
The reason people have a problem with Matt, btw, is that he is often seen as anti-Nintendo. He's seen as not loyal enough. He obviously is, but I ask you this:

Would you rather he be a blind fanboy and act like the others at IGN?

Surely not. Be thankful we have such a well-known and powerful person on the Nintendo side of things and be thankful he has integrity.
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Kairon on January 17, 2007, 07:26:24 PM
So have we admitted that Matt is not in the wrong for his comparisons to the XBox and his GC 2 labelizations?

~Carmine "Cai" M. Red
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on January 17, 2007, 07:27:38 PM
Nothing's different.  IGN is still the horrible place it is, Matt or no Matt.

If Matt and Peer didn't have so much influence on the actual operation of the outfit, I can see them being outted from the organization by the other employees.
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on January 17, 2007, 07:47:37 PM

Originally posted by: Kairon
So have we admitted that Matt is not in the wrong for his comparisons to the XBox and his GC 2 labelizations?

~Carmine "Cai" M. Red

Ehhe, it still seems like developers are still working with the Wii so I'm not sure if anyone knows the potential. If you look at the specs you can see some merit to GC 2 even though I think we will start to see the Wii outshadow the GC graphically down the line but a noticeable margin.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Nick DiMola on January 18, 2007, 01:15:33 AM
I am relieved to read these comments by Matt. It takes a real man to step up and talk sh!t about your fellow employees when they are being jackasses. More recently I have grown to respect Matt and I think that he is doing his job to the best of his ability. I imagine some of his earlier opinions were swayed by coworkers and more recently he can't stomach the ignorance anymore.

Unfortunately, Nintendo, since the N64, has always been in it's own world segregated from the rest of gaming. As a result, the average Joe hates Nintendo for no real reason other than the obvious. It's too bad these fools miss out on some of the best games ever made just because of their ignorance. Twilight Princess was a special game. It literally reignited my interest in actually playing video games and not just talking about them. Good thing I can use my own brain to figure out what I like, and I don't have to rely on game journalists to tell me what is good.
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Darc Requiem on January 18, 2007, 02:05:19 AM
I never had the dislike of Matt that others seemed to have. I appreciated the fact IGN's Nintendo channels gave us reliable reviews, outlooks, etc. I like the fact that Matt never blindly followed Nintendo. While, I haven't always agreed on his views I appreciated the fact that his opinions were honest. I never saw a fiasco like the WWF RAW for X-box score on the Gamecube channel.  
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Caliban on January 18, 2007, 03:35:09 AM
Yesterday, when I read Matt answer in that way I was like "whoa, he had the guts to say it", and seriously I can't blame him because some of his co-workers are either blokes or come to work still drunk and say such disparities.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: decoyman on January 18, 2007, 03:44:55 AM
I noticed this very thing when reading through all the editors' GOTY picks. Zelda made very few lists other than the Nintendo editors, and it wasn't even mentioned in any of their "honorable mentions" section. It made me curious, and I went to the Okami review (scored at a 9.1), since that game seemed to be picked more often. I'm going to quote from the Okami review, by Chris Roper...


It might not quite be on the level of Zelda, but it's probably the closest thing we've ever seen outside of Nintendo.

Now, this game received a 9.1 score. Going by the numbers, LoZ:TP received a 9.5. Different reviewers, yeah yeah, whatever. What's clear is that the other editors, in order to become knowledgable about what else is out there and make informed decisions, need to drop the Nintendo hate and actually play the games before they judge and disregard them.

It takes guts to do what Matt did and call them out, and I applaud that.
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: bustin98 on January 18, 2007, 03:46:30 AM
It probably helps that of the editors he was talking about are in different locations. It would really suck if everyone of them were trapped in the same office.

I've always associated with Matt and feel most of his opinions are in line with mine. He can say some whacked out things and be a bit too picky with graphics, but overall I'm on his side.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Terranigma Freak on January 18, 2007, 04:01:31 AM
Matt is still pretty ignorant himself, but speaking out like that did earn a few extra points  of respect in my book.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Ian Sane on January 18, 2007, 06:08:21 AM
Didn't IGN pick the PS3 as console of year?  Clearly both the Wii and the Xbox 360 had better years.  Hell the PS2 had a better year.  So there's something up.

I think Matt only appears to get a lot of flack because he pisses off the "Nintendo does no wrong" types and they're everywhere.  Matt comes across to me as a Nintendo fan that likes Nintendo because of the great things they've done and do now but isn't cool with the stuff they do wrong.  He sh!ts on Nintendo when they got it coming and thus he gets crapped on becaues due to ten years of severe incompetence in everything but game design itself Nintendo's fanbase has a disproportionate amount of fanboys because so many of the less fanatic Nintendo fans got fed up years ago.

Anyway I like how he called the other staffer's sh!t though it seems a little unprofessional.  Still IGN in general doesn't have much credibility due to one thing I read like five years ago.  They did some Playstation retrospective article and one of the editors shared his personal experience of how the Playstation was his FIRST CONSOLE EVER and he bought it for Final Fantasy VII, which he knew nothing about but bought because of the commercials.  How did this guy get a job covering videogames with what was probably barely over a year of experience at the time?  HUH?  

I think ignorance is a huge problem with gaming "journalism".  Too few people in general have a good grasp of game history.  So in the grand scheme of things their opinion isn't worth a damn because they have too little to compare things to.  The first game you ever play is at the time the best game ever made.  Imagine if that sort of crap was common with movies.  Imagine professional movie critics that had never seen Casablance or Citizen Kane.  You don't see it because movies don't have that same amount of mass ignorance.  The console wars mentality of gaming also encourages the problem because people miss out on a whole console worth of stuff.  When a site decides on Game of the Year I think the other editors should put some serious time into the top three titles on each major system.  Though the truth is they should be doing that anyway if they're really interested in games.  If I was the Nintendo guy at a site and had access to the other consoles I'd give the big titles a whirl because I'm naturally interested in acclaimed games.  If the PS3 guys gives a game a 9.5 I'm going to want to see what that game is like for myself.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: NWR_pap64 on January 18, 2007, 06:22:50 AM
Matt was the one that dismissed Wii sports, complaining about how the game lacks contro. IGN also posted an editorial about how Wii sports might lead to cheap, un-inspired sport titles and give the Wii a bad image when Wii sports has proven to be one of the Wii's biggest hits.

But I certainly applaud his effort of dismissing the ignorant comments of the other editors. He pretty much confirmed what we have been bitching about for years now.
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on January 18, 2007, 08:32:52 AM
Pap you are right about Matt dismissing Wii Sports at first, but he is obviously not afraid to admit he was wrong. He listed Wii sports as one of his favorite Wii games of the year. Also you have to realize, a TON of people (many here) were dismissing Wii sports except for a few of us (Oh like the one who is typing this hehe). Wii sports shocked alot of people, and definately shifted some opinions, which goes to show you shouldn't hate something completely without looking deeper into it or actually playing it (Looks at Mantidor with Wii Zelda).
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Dirk Temporo on January 18, 2007, 09:39:45 AM
There it is! Absolute proof that IGN is biased against Nintendo, Matt said it himself!
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: NWR_pap64 on January 18, 2007, 10:09:41 AM

Originally posted by: VGrevolution
Pap you are right about Matt dismissing Wii Sports at first, but he is obviously not afraid to admit he was wrong. He listed Wii sports as one of his favorite Wii games of the year. Also you have to realize, a TON of people (many here) were dismissing Wii sports except for a few of us (Oh like the one who is typing this hehe). Wii sports shocked alot of people, and definately shifted some opinions, which goes to show you shouldn't hate something completely without looking deeper into it or actually playing it (Looks at Mantidor with Wii Zelda).

This is true, I know a lot of people were annoyed that they were forced to get the game alongside the Wii (S_B included), but now people swear by it and claim it to be the best Wii game yet (I actually defended the game and the decision, saying that including Wii sports pretty much guarantees a great introduction to the Wii and a sale).

I wonder how Wii play will fare when its released next February...
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: SixthAngel on January 18, 2007, 10:35:05 AM
I am kind of surprised that so many of the editors didn't play the games up for GotY.    You would think that working for a game review site would mean you had some kind of passion to at least play the "best of" games on other systems.  I don't really have a problem with Okami winning under the circumstances but I'm glad he pointed this out, especially with the other editors railing on game they really didn't play.  It does make the ign game of the year award is pretty much worthless when a majority of editors seemed to not even play the biggest contender and proceed to make fun of it.  
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: ThePerm on January 18, 2007, 10:40:20 AM
the power of wii sports is surprising, i come home from school and theres a ton of people playing my wii everyday
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Ian Sane on January 18, 2007, 11:10:23 AM
"I know a lot of people were annoyed that they were forced to get the game alongside the Wii"

At the time I recall there being more of a complaint of being forced to PAY for it.  Remember that the Japanese Wii didn't come with WiiSports but cost less money when converted to American dollars.  Thus many assumed that this wasn't a "free" game at all but rather a forced bundle that we had to absorb the cost of ourselves.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: BlkPaladin on January 18, 2007, 04:35:29 PM
And you know what is funny about them not playing it is supposedly they held off until the second week of this month so all the editor will get a chance to.
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: NWR_pap64 on January 18, 2007, 05:12:31 PM

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"I know a lot of people were annoyed that they were forced to get the game alongside the Wii"

At the time I recall there being more of a complaint of being forced to PAY for it.  Remember that the Japanese Wii didn't come with WiiSports but cost less money when converted to American dollars.  Thus many assumed that this wasn't a "free" game at all but rather a forced bundle that we had to absorb the cost of ourselves.

Yeah, but by now people don't care anymore as Wii sports has become the gateway drug I predicted it would be and like SB has mentioned before it pretty much guarantees that a Wii is sold.

Seriously, my mom was extremely dubious about the Wii, but once she got the hang of it she couldn't get enough and wouldn't stop singing its praises.

This wouldn't have happened if the game was sold separately.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: TrueNerd on January 18, 2007, 05:12:43 PM
I already made myself a "Matt Is Right" T-shirt.  
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Smash_Brother on January 18, 2007, 05:23:49 PM

Originally posted by: ThePerm
the power of wii sports is surprising, i come home from school and theres a ton of people playing my wii everyday

Like, random people off the street?

Lock your door, man!
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: couchmonkey on January 19, 2007, 03:38:29 AM
..but the bias only really matters in stupid awards ceremonies.  The rest of the year you're reading the Nintendo channels as written by people who like Nintendo.

You know, Matt's single biggest anti-Nintendo streak, and the one that got him a ton of flack on here, was when he was dissing DS vs. PSP in their early days.  And frankly, I agreed with him.  I personally preferred DS, but DS' first half-year on the market was weak: the launch games were mediocre, and PSP launched with as many games as DS managed to put out in the entire first 5 months of its life.  Going strictly by the games, DS had some really neat ideas early on, but the game selection didn't reach "must have" status until the end of 2005.

I agree with someone else who commented that Matt is too picky about graphics, but overall I think he's pretty good.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Ceric on January 19, 2007, 04:35:14 AM
From what I read it sounds like it be like if NWR would give all the NWR awards for each other system out there that wasn't a covered Nintendo System...  Shoot NWR probably do better...
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Ian Sane on January 19, 2007, 04:42:47 AM
I just thought of something that could have hurt Twilight Princess even if the other editors put some time into it.  The game actually starts off pretty weak.  For the first several hours of gameplay the progession is a really linear and it's not until after the third dungeon that you're given that usual Zelda freedom to just explore the world.  Initially large chunks of the world are in Twilight.  I think the game took a while to really get going.  I was willing to work through it because it's Zelda and I knew it would get better but someone with a natural bias against Nintendo wouldn't have such patience.  Most Zelda games let you roam around pretty early on after a brief intro but both Cube Zeldas seem to take forever to really get going.  I certainly would never use either Wind Waker or Twilight Princess to introduce Zelda to someone.

Still any game editor of any sort of credibility should be familiar enough with Zelda to WANT to beat Twilight Princess, let alone just try it out.  Have you ever met anyone with a serious interest in gaming that DIDN'T like Zelda?  That's that universal game series that everyone loves.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Mario on January 19, 2007, 05:28:33 AM
I thought the exact opposite about Zelda, it just went downhill after the well-paced beginning.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on January 19, 2007, 05:31:49 AM
Fanboy fluff.  Japan was right to avoid the game.
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: NWR_pap64 on January 19, 2007, 06:15:13 AM

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
I just thought of something that could have hurt Twilight Princess even if the other editors put some time into it.  The game actually starts off pretty weak.  For the first several hours of gameplay the progession is a really linear and it's not until after the third dungeon that you're given that usual Zelda freedom to just explore the world.  Initially large chunks of the world are in Twilight.  I think the game took a while to really get going.  I was willing to work through it because it's Zelda and I knew it would get better but someone with a natural bias against Nintendo wouldn't have such patience.  Most Zelda games let you roam around pretty early on after a brief intro but both Cube Zeldas seem to take forever to really get going.  I certainly would never use either Wind Waker or Twilight Princess to introduce Zelda to someone.

Still any game editor of any sort of credibility should be familiar enough with Zelda to WANT to beat Twilight Princess, let alone just try it out.  Have you ever met anyone with a serious interest in gaming that DIDN'T like Zelda?  That's that universal game series that everyone loves.

I agree that the game does take a while to get going, but it isn't as bad as in other games (Kingdom Hearts 2 LITERALLY took 3 hours to fully start). Plus there are some funny moments (like Link getting pwned by the cat).

And Pro, they avoided Wind waker too...
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on January 19, 2007, 06:26:08 AM
Not true.  Wind Wacker got 40/40 from Famitshoe.  That is a flaming success.
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: NWR_pap64 on January 19, 2007, 06:53:42 AM

Originally posted by: Professional 666
Not true.  Wind Wacker got 40/40 from Famitshoe.  That is a flaming success.

Famitshoe can suck it...
Title: RE:Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on January 19, 2007, 11:27:46 AM
I never thought TP started off slow, I thought it had enough set-up to make you enjoy the characters. Honestly I see nothing about it that was slow, and like was stated before a game like Kh2 was a perfect example of starting off slow (THough I didn't mind).
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Smoke39 on January 19, 2007, 12:33:43 PM
I thought TP started off kinda slow.  Not too bad, though.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on January 22, 2007, 05:47:58 AM
Slow compared to MM's RUNNING START.


Adventure Awesome ensues.
Title: RE: Matt Calls Out IGN Editors in Defense of Zelda and GOTY
Post by: Smash_Brother on January 22, 2007, 05:50:54 AM
TP's "slowness" was the calm before the storm.


Originally posted by: pap64 Famitshoe can suck it...

...And then they can give it a perfect 40!