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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: KDR_11k on January 05, 2007, 06:38:45 AM

Title: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: KDR_11k on January 05, 2007, 06:38:45 AM
I've seen claims of 30+ hours of battery life for the Wiimote but mine is closer to 5, especially transporting the Wii somewhere seems to drain the batteries.

What gives?
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: thepoga on January 05, 2007, 06:43:20 AM
maybe when you're transporting it, the buttons are being pressed, which also drains the batteries because its trying to detect the Wii.

The remote battery lasts a pretty long time when using only motion sensing (60 hours), continuous use of the pointer, like in a game like trauma center uses up a lot more power (30 hours). But 5 hours? I dunno man. I found the batteries that came with the remote to last a really short time. So I guess it depends on brand too.

EDIT: Another theory. Maybe you need to get Elebits (Or play more of it, if you already have it). Your Remote is trying to tell you something.  
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: Artimus on January 05, 2007, 06:56:03 AM
I've changed them once in two weeks (with heavy play). I use rechargeables though so it's not a big deal.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: Ceric on January 05, 2007, 07:14:06 AM
I just get done playing until mine where drained.  I can't tell you the exact hour for the whole battery but I can tell you that I played roughly 6+ hours of Zelda on 1 bar of battery life.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: vudu on January 05, 2007, 07:39:23 AM
I don't have an exact figure, but the initial batteries that came with my remotes each lasted between 25-35 hours and I had the rumble and the speaker turned all the way up.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: NeoThunder on January 05, 2007, 08:00:03 AM
i would say in my experience, they should last you a good 20-30 hours
i use 2000 mhp, AA rechargeables
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: Ghisy on January 05, 2007, 08:45:41 AM
Mine are rechargeable 2700 NiMh and they last for 25-30 hours too.
And since I have 4, I usually have the next pair charged and ready when the first pair dies.
Title: RE:Wiimote battery life?
Post by: The Omen on January 05, 2007, 09:40:14 AM
The first pair lasted about 24 hours for me.  So far I think I have about trhe same amount of time on the second pair, and it's only gone down one bar.  So between 24 and 30 hours.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: Shecky on January 05, 2007, 10:31:57 AM
The first set of batteries that came with my system lasted for 25h and 25m play time (including channels) and does not include idle time.

Technically the controller still had some juice, but the "change your batteries" notice was displayed.

Edit: KDR:  You never know what kind of batteries get packed into these types of electronics... how old they are, storage conditions, etc.  Try a known fresh pair and then report back.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: KDR_11k on January 05, 2007, 10:13:54 PM
EDIT: Another theory. Maybe you need to get Elebits (Or play more of it, if you already have it). Your Remote is trying to tell you something.

That'd be kinda hard since I'm not aware of a Wii modchip yet and the Wii is region locked.

You never know what kind of batteries get packed into these types of electronics... how old they are, storage conditions, etc. Try a known fresh pair and then report back.

I've already gone through 6 batteries from a battery pack we bought separately. I'm not playing the Wii much so they shouldn't empty that fast.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: Shecky on January 06, 2007, 02:00:31 AM
Question, what exact symptom is being displayed that your prompted to change the battery... and what game are you playing during these symptoms?
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: Vundu on January 06, 2007, 02:20:02 AM
I switched NiMH rechargables as normal batteries were only lasting me a week.

I have noticed the Wiimotes speaker to be a bit more crackily with the rechargables.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: KDR_11k on January 06, 2007, 03:48:56 AM
Question, what exact symptom is being displayed that your prompted to change the battery... and what game are you playing during these symptoms?

Wiimote battery showing one bar in the home menu or not reacting at all (only flashing one light when a button is pressed). I once had one going from 4 bars to no reaction within a day that included a 3 hour transport.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: BranDonk Kong on January 06, 2007, 04:12:58 AM
Also, don't use crap batteries. Name brands really do make a (big) difference.  
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: D_MaN87 on January 06, 2007, 04:15:37 AM
Im using NiMH batteries without any problems.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: Rancid Planet on January 08, 2007, 12:36:41 PM
I'm not sure what level of playing time I'm getting out of the batteries I'm using but I don't really care. I have designated two sets of AA Energizer rechargeable batteries to be soley for my Wiimote controller. As soon as one pair goes dead I just pop in the other pair and stick the two dead batteries in the charger. That way as soon as the second set goes flat I have the first set all charged up and ready to go.

I too noticed that the pack-in batteries sort of sucked ass but what else is new in the world of free batteries?
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: vherub on January 09, 2007, 07:41:53 AM
the panasonic industrial strength batteries that come with the wiimote lasted 20-30 hours
During one failure, I was playing rayman rabbid, the game paused and something came up saying the player was disconnected
battery life depends on the battery, some pretty good rechargeables that pay for themselves to take a look at are hybrio
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: Dan_Flyhight on January 09, 2007, 02:08:27 PM
I've found that if you keep the batteries out of the controller while your NOT playing with them, the batteries last about 30-40 hours.
That's my solution.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: Shecky on January 09, 2007, 04:04:02 PM
I think that, in my expert opinion, KDR is either:

1) Playing way more than he thinks he is and should try good timekeeping
2) Using batteries that are from a bad lot
3) Has a short in his Wii remote and should try a second one or borrow a friends to try for a bit.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: KDR_11k on January 09, 2007, 06:21:47 PM
Both of my Wiimotes act like that and I'm pretty sure I'm not playing my Wii that much (it does keep track of your time after all, it's about 2 hours on days I even use the thing, usually it just sits there collecting dust). The biggest discharge was during transports, often from full or nearly full to almost empty in an hour or two of transporting.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: IceCold on January 09, 2007, 06:23:28 PM
Take out the batteries while you do that - whenever you push the button while the remote is off it uses battery power.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: KDR_11k on January 10, 2007, 02:35:08 AM
After the first time I transported them with the batteries removed. I remember when I had to do that with my wireless mouse and how glad I was when I got one with an on/off switch.
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: ryancoke on January 10, 2007, 03:08:19 AM
I just replaced my batteries yesterday for the second time since launch. Pretty good battery life I would say
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: trip1eX on January 10, 2007, 03:25:14 AM
The wiimotes eat batteries like no tomorrow.  I turned off rumble in hopes it would help and bought some extra rechargeables.  
Title: RE: Wiimote battery life?
Post by: couchmonkey on January 10, 2007, 04:17:52 AM
I like how the last two statements are totally contradictory.  It's all relative, I'm personally pretty satisfied.
Title: RE:Wiimote battery life?
Post by: Rancid Planet on January 10, 2007, 11:36:40 AM

Originally posted by: ryancoke
I just replaced my batteries yesterday for the second time since launch. Pretty good battery life I would say

Screw the battery life. You aren't playing with your Wii enough. Now go back in your room and don't you come out untill you've played with it for at least three hours. Don't worry you won't go blind but you may get hand cramps.
Title: RE:Wiimote battery life?
Post by: WuTangTurtle on January 10, 2007, 12:49:54 PM
i dunno i put in 6 hours of Link last night, i didn't get hand cramps or blindness.  However i could have sworn i saw Midna peeking through my closet laughing at me