Nintendo World Report Forums

Community Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: oohhboy on December 18, 2006, 06:46:59 AM

Title: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: oohhboy on December 18, 2006, 06:46:59 AM
This is a spin off thread from I didn't graduate Thread. Come here to list, whine, cry, slurp your employment related problems. If it is a job related problem, post it here. Whether you are trying to find one, the boss is riding you in your current one or you need to pull the ejection handle, do it here.

I will start off with own semi-current story from the previous thread plus an update at the end.


Employers are a real pain in the ass sometimes. Atleast they are contacting you and telling you something. I have to chase up each and every one of my CVs to see what has happened to it. When I do catch up with them they start getting all nervous and weird. I normally have to come up short of verbally squezzing them with my salesperson mind powers to get a straight answer from them.

Store manager: "Errm, yeah these things take time" (Been two weeks)
Me: "Yeah you know any info would be nice"
SM : "A letter should have been sent by now"
Me: " Alright then, thanks"

Several working days later (Fouth visit)

Me: "Hi, again, no letter, nothing" (Notes new staff around the store)
SM: "Those things are from HQ"
Me: "Yeah thats great and all, but can you just tell me like yes/no and what is in that letter?"
SM: "Well, err, there aren't any opennings at this store, but HQ looks at them. Why are you chasing this?"
Me: "You know, so I know what I might be doing with myself" (What I am really saying: "FU M0th3r #$^, you could have told me this crap a week ago, now your trying to interogate me on my motivations for following up a CV")
SM: "Oh, ok"
Me: "Thanks anyway" (Asshat)

Epilouge: Still no job, no letter.

Update: Letter arrived. Take a good guess what it said.

Edit for better title.
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: Ceric on December 19, 2006, 03:33:04 AM
I like to Crescent my place in this thread but I've actually had some luck lately... Though expect frequent entries within the next few months.
Title: RE:Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: oohhboy on February 18, 2007, 10:30:44 PM
Hah! Finally after 3 months of handing out my CV like candy I have finally have an interview. Selling duty free or something like that at the airport. They are having a mass group interview or something or rather on Thursday. Wish me luck or feel free to toss me a tip or two.

Maybe it is Chinese New Years power of the pig helping out. I will return with an aftermath report.
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: Nick DiMola on February 19, 2007, 03:56:39 AM
I just had an interview with a company last Tuesday and I am stil waiting to here back from them. Wednesday through today they have been closed due to weather (and the national holiday today). Hopefully I got the job, especially after driving a total of 8 hours to go on the interview and the 5 hours of interviewing I did on site. Getting a programming job is a huge pain in the ass. Hopefully I pick this job up or else I'm pretty much screwed.
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: Bloodworth on February 19, 2007, 05:19:25 AM
Well, I finally got a break and landed a great job as an associate producer at G4, making segments on game strategies.  I put together a full show on Twilight Princess, did a great job, and got a lot of compliments, but the gig only lasted three months.  Now I'm looking for work.  It seems like my old day job is still open, but let me tell you, once the perfect job has come and gone, it's a whole lot harder to settle for less.
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: NWR_pap64 on February 19, 2007, 06:00:38 AM
I don't have a job, so I can't contribute to this thread .  
Title: RE:Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: segagamer12 on February 19, 2007, 06:45:32 AM
I am currently unemployed as well. lukily my website is picking up in sales so im not broke all the time.  
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: oohhboy on February 21, 2007, 08:43:10 PM
I feel too wasted... after action report tommrow. D-Day +1.
Title: RE:Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: EasyCure on February 22, 2007, 03:47:55 AM
job problem: i worked at the nintendo world store in manhattan playing wii for 8 hours a day... and no i dont
been out of work almost a month now i think... it sucks
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: oohhboy on February 22, 2007, 12:57:55 PM
Wow. the interview process was hardcore. It wasn't helped by the fact I didn't get enough sleep last night. I looked like a Gando with a Vegetas hair cut. Lucky, sister had a friend who work the celebs looks in the city and gave me the 5 star treatment. I now look human.

It's is summer over here, so I only change into a shirt and pants at the airport carpark so I wouldn't look like I walked out of a sauna. Blue shirt, gold tie, Bage pants, black shoes.

Arrive 30 minutes early, so they send us out to scope out their stores. 25 minutes later, in a training room with 10 other potential recuits. 2 people never turned up. They give up a run down of the company and what they are looking for. I feel like the guy from Crank. I am living only because of adrenalin.

We then start the first exercise. 3 questions. 1 What product would you be if you were a product and why. 2 How would you sell yourself. 3 What does customer service mean to you. I get an appulas for my presentation of my answers and hopefully started a new tradition of standing up to make a speech. the fact that people sit down to give some thing that is speech like was what suprised me.

Then group exercise. Got given a product and in seperate groups, analysise the product. We got chanel No 5. I think I came off too strong in my presentation as I over shadowed my team mates too much.

Then to the lions den. They start picking us off. Quickly and randomly dragged off to one of their stores and dumped us with a mear minute to look over the store. Boss man comes back in a customer. A New York 5 minuites later I nail him for 100 bucks. He tells I have nailed all the bases, but he said I could have twisted his arm a little. I replied, I rather not, but thanks.

One on One interview. A couple of free questions and then on to scripted questions. Worse question ever. What are your pay expectations.

Back to the sheep pen to fill out a folder full of paper work which includes a head check. i must have come off as a Shiczo or something. My answers were every where and general contradictionary. Some maths questions later, which for some reason the others needs calculators for...

Then we get told the big bomb shell. We will be short listed again for a second interview. The fight has only began.

Got paid for parking. Because I came in early I was 3 bucks short. In return I got a Redbull from a chcik with a stop sign outside the parking lot. By that time I had become asexual. Colapsed back at home.

Now I am thinking what the hell did I get myself into.
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: IceCold on February 22, 2007, 02:48:21 PM
Wow. That is intense.. how long did that take in total?
Title: RE:Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: ShyGuy on February 22, 2007, 03:18:17 PM
Friggin' VIsta. That's my job problem right there. Friggin Vista...
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: oohhboy on February 22, 2007, 03:32:56 PM
It was planned out for 2 hours. I worked out to about 2 and a half hours because of the extra paper work at the end. Jack Bauer couldn't have gotten much more information out of me.

We did have some drinks on hand. I only drank the water spiked with lemon. The other choices would have set me off like TNT.
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: MaleficentOgre on February 22, 2007, 03:48:54 PM
I just got a new job after being a store manager at gamestop for like, too long. cause that's not a job for a college student. my new job is as a dental technician. Problem is I have to learn stuff before I can do the job, so I'm in these classes that would put Ben Stein to sleep. Ira (the teacher) hates his life and takes it out on me and the three other trainees. still though, I'd rather be doing this 20 hours a day than spend another minute at gamestop.
also, is it wrong that I love the fact that since I left the store has been a disaster.
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: Bill Aurion on February 22, 2007, 03:51:33 PM
Nope, Gamestop can go suck an egg... =)
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: MaleficentOgre on February 22, 2007, 03:59:42 PM
I should've left when I went from minimum wage employee in my first year of college to store manager in like, 4 months. I got a promotion per month. and then I stayed there working around my school schedule mostly. I was the youngest guy on the staff being everyone's boss. that's stupid. three years later after all the BS rules and stupid policies and upper management losing their damn minds I just up and left. I had two ASMs, both with store manager experience, and neither of them were promoted. Instead they hired some punk who's been with the company for less than a month and he's the horror story you hear on the internet. He's that guy that ask you to reserve a game 40 times, sells used games as new, doesn't check any used games to see if they're all scratched up and sell it to you regardless, lie to you about what you're buying, sneak a reserve on your transaction you didn't pay for, and cheat the system to get subscriptions out of you kind of jackass. So my favorite asm quit and the other asm quit. my third key moved to a different store and all my game advisors found better jobs. and now the store can't do anything and always looks a mess.
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: oohhboy on February 22, 2007, 04:01:00 PM
What probelms were having over at Gamestop/EB? Clarify Disaster.

I left Uni because every one of my teachers were Iras. I did sleep during class.

So what does a dental Tech do?
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: MaleficentOgre on February 22, 2007, 05:07:15 PM
I maeks teeth. I make molds and thing. and also I make tips and parts of teeth for dentists. like, say you needed some teeth. your dentist would give us a holla and we'd cook you up some teeth and give it to your dentist and he'd give you your teeth so you could eat real foods again.

As sad as it seems, the thing that pushed me over the edge at gamestop was the fact that some games costs 26.99. A few months ago there was no such thing as a 26.99 game. if the game new costs 29.99 the used one would cost 24.99. Why on earth would anyone want a used game for $2 less than the brand new one? The price on a lot of used games are going up for absolutely no reason at all. Also they're putting pretty much all their focus on reservations and subscriptions and it kills customer service. And a lot of the policies we would have to follow are just plain dumb.
Title: RE:Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: oohhboy on February 26, 2007, 11:31:04 AM
Yay, looks like I made it to ithe next cut. All set up for tomorrow. Will post after action report once operation is completed.

Will this be a bridge too far?
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: Nile Boogie on February 26, 2007, 12:07:19 PM
I got a write up from my boss at the corporate site for having a messy office on the same day I learned he doesn't use underwaer. This statement is in fact true.
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: oohhboy on February 27, 2007, 06:40:26 PM
Well, that second interview was dissapointing. I was expecting them to grill me a lot harder during that 30 minutes. Just some slightly more detailed questions retreading the same stuff they went over the last time.

Well, the next 48 hours will be telling. This is it. Down to yes or no.

Nile: I thought at most places, your "office" where ever that maybe is considered your space for most part. How messy was it? And our boss, yeah he has problems.
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: IceCold on February 27, 2007, 07:01:23 PM
Good luck! Damn, it must be nerve-racking..
Title: RE: Job problems? Cry here.
Post by: oohhboy on February 27, 2007, 07:54:06 PM
Not really. I am more annoyed than anything else. I was hoping they were going to take me up to the wall with some really hard questions. If it wasn't for the fact they wanted to read my body langauge, they could have done it over the phone.

Thanks for the luck IceCold. That might cancel out my one negative in all this. The fact that I will be using this job to get into pilot school, which goes against one thing they were looking for. They are looking for a career minded person. If I played it right it should work out something more like a neutral.

Now this is a game. STFU GTA.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: decoyman on March 01, 2007, 07:17:15 PM
Easycure, what happened at the Nintendo store? Did they just need seasonal help or something?

Good luck oohhboy, I hope you've gotten good news by now

I'm currently in the throes of a job search. My wife and I moved out to California nearly two years ago so that she could go to school. Now she's graduating, and we're thinking about sticking around a couple more years for me to get some experience in the Bay Area. I'm applying at a publisher in San Francisco, so I've been rushing around like an idiot trying to get my portfolio done and a site built... Been at it for about two weeks now, and will be done by Tuesday (at least that's the plan). This project has kept me up till 2–3am nearly every night since I started it, having to get up at 7am every day for work at my current job. Needless to say, I'm beat. And what am I doing right now? I'm posting on a message board. Yeah, I'm dumb.

Anyways, wish me luck. I'll be keeping up on this thread to see how everyone else is doing
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: oohhboy on March 04, 2007, 12:37:49 PM
Well, they said I should expect a reply in 2 days, it is now the 5th day. Now I am worried. I can't tell whether I am being impaitent or over thinking again. I am very tempted to harrase them on this, but I feel that it would be rude of me to do so. But I also feel that following up on this is important.

On an parralle note. I have recieved an e-mail from another job I am applying for to tell me that the short-listing process has been delayed. ?!?! Something that should have been done weeks ago.

If nothing else from all this, is that, I should be more paitent.

Yeah you dumb decoyman Good luck and keep us posted.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: oohhboy on March 05, 2007, 03:58:06 PM

Damn it. Now what? Has it come to the point where I start lying about my future plans? What is making me unhireable? Am I over qualitfied? under? They done like it that the job won't be my life? ARRRGGHH. I am pissed. So much effort wasted. Why the hell am I even trying. The hell is going on?!?!
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: MaleficentOgre on March 11, 2007, 11:58:53 AM
yeah, for some reason a lot of places delude themselves into thinking you want to work there for the rest of your life. I lied to get the job I'm getting now. I told them I wasn't still taking classes or anything like that and they said that was a good thing.  
Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: segagamer12 on March 11, 2007, 12:12:22 PM
try being in my shoes. I live ina small town with only 5 casinos and a liguor store. Ive been fired from 3 casinos and unhirable from theother 2. And the guy at the ligour store doesnt like me. There are a couple other small businesses like the golf course and the rec center but golf course is only seasonal and its not open for a nother month, rec center I have to drive all the way to elko, 116 miles there and 116 miles back, just to take a test. With no job theres no gas money to drive so I'm stuck. At least my website makes enough to keep me from being broke all the time.  
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: decoyman on March 28, 2007, 04:52:18 PM
I need some help!

I'm about to start a mega-job-search. I'm away from my home-state, and have decided that I'm going to "see the world" before I eventually end up back there some day. I'm currently near the Bay Area, so I'm going to look around here and in Silicon Valley. But then, it hit me. I'm set on not moving "home" just yet... but not a whole lot is keeping me anchored in the Bay Area. So, why not shoot for the stars, and... apply at Nintendo?

In fact, I've already applied there, as of a couple days ago. But the name of the game is networking, and referrals at almost any business get preferential treatment. This is where I need help. Does anyone who's reading this know anyone who works at NoA in Washington? An uncle's dog-walker's fiance. Your second cousin on your Mom's side. The guy down the street's step-sister. If so, would you put me in contact with them? I would be totally grateful if anyone could help me out here. This is basically my dream job, and this is my shot.

If you can give me a reference, PLEASE PM ME. I'm grateful for any help you guys can provide.  
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: ThePerm on March 28, 2007, 05:37:28 PM
i just quit my job at Wendy's, Fuck Wendy's
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: ShyGuy on March 28, 2007, 06:25:59 PM
I like Wendy's. I think I put it a # 2 in my national burger chain rankings.
Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: oohhboy on March 28, 2007, 07:17:55 PM

Originally posted by: ThePerm
i just quit my job at Wendy's, Fuck Wendy's

How long were you there? Any stories you care to share? I worked at a Burger King ages ago for a year. From that point on I have sworn to never, ever do a food based job ever again. Hence me still being still being unemployed. That being said, I am not adverse to delivering pizzas.

Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: Dasmos on March 28, 2007, 10:25:58 PM

Originally posted by: ShyGuy
I like Wendy's. I think I put it a # 2 in my national burger chain rankings.
What are you talking about? Wendy's is a ice-creamery!
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on March 29, 2007, 08:02:41 AM
lol.  I'm personally driving down to Huntsville, 3 hours from here, to spend the night and interview for 4 hours tomorrow.  Lots o' fun.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: decoyman on March 29, 2007, 08:26:10 AM
Whoa, good luck dude. What's the job?

P.S. - Wendy's does indeed rock. No trans fat either = yuminthetum
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: matt oz on March 29, 2007, 02:20:28 PM
Good luck with the Nintendo thing, decoyman.  That sounds awesome.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a summer job/internship I could get?

I'm halfway through a pseudo-computer science degree, so I'm not really qualified enough for web/programming stuff.  My school only puts students in internships when they're more experienced than I am.

I really don't want the traditional summer retail or food service job where I get bossed around by a high school dropout on a power trip.

I want something interesting, regardless of pay, that I can learn from.  Even if it's not a career internship thing.  Maybe there's something out there I haven't even thought of.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: odifiend on March 29, 2007, 05:20:02 PM
I'm actually in charge of selecting college students for a summer internship.  It is a sales and leadership program open to all majors and students who can work in the US.  I am a chemical engineer, so it was "non traditional" for me but I have a lot of fun with it and plan on doing the rest of my years in school.  You do have to work hard, but it is a paid internship so I never have to work during the school year because I have set myself up financially for my semesters, saving about 3000 dollars and 10,000 dollars respectively over the past two summers.
We may not decide to work together, but anyone who is eligible and interested is welcome to PM me for information on how to be selected.

- Justin McKenzie

(the only place in the forum where I will sign my name is the job thread)
Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: decoyman on March 30, 2007, 03:36:20 AM
Thanks Matt. Hey, as another option, I know of a pretty cool program called SCA: Student Conservation Association. It's kind of like Americorps, but based around the national parks. Check them out here.

I worked in Badlands Nat'l Park (SD) for a summer, and I still haven't recovered 5 years later (in a good way). It's volunteer work, but they provide everything for you – housing, transportation, food stipend, etc. They give you enough that I was able to even save some for the fall (though not near as much as Odi ).

I didn't sign up to work in my field... Instead, my official title was Interpretive Ranger, and I gave talks about the geography, wildlife, etc. of the area. Overall, it was great "real world" experience, and I felt good about what I was doing. Also, if you're lucky like I was, your supervisor will find ways to let you use the skills that you've studied in random projects around the park. For example, my supervisor paid me to design a book about the park's backcountry trails.

Check it out if you're interested – you can choose parks all across the country. I highly recommend it.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: couchmonkey on March 30, 2007, 10:46:41 AM
Now I feel way better about my job.  Thanks, suckers!

Srsly, good luck to all my unemployed Nintenbots, being jobless can be very sucky.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Nick DiMola on March 31, 2007, 02:05:52 AM
I finally overcame my dry spell yesterday. I graduated about 3 weeks ago and moved and was still jobless. I have been looking since October and out of the 200 or so companies I applied to about 3 of them got back to me. The one that has just hired me took me about 2 weeks to reel in but was well worth the effort. I am officially going to be working for NY State to rewrite all their old COBOL programs as Java Web Apps. I was working with my dad at his Deli/Restaurant/Pizzeria, doing 12 hour days 6 days a week, hence my limited attendance to the forums. But that's over in a few days when I start this new job (thank god).

Anyhow, good luck to the rest of you guys, hope you find jobs too, because I know how frustrating it is when you can't find one.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: oohhboy on March 31, 2007, 04:30:28 PM
Call me Fry! I now have a job delivering pizzas. First day is Wednsday. It is not much, but, damn it is good to get them wheels moving again.

Congrats Jack! Wow 200 apps. How did you manage that? I thought I was getting screwed over at 15 apps.

On an unfortunate note, my sister is now out of the job. It was a horrible job where she has to answer phones and con people to come in for an "Interview" so they can be made to sell crappy over priced vacume cleaners using unethical methods of persuadesion.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: odifiend on April 01, 2007, 08:39:13 AM
If it was a horrible and unethical job, is it not a good thing she is out of it?
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: oohhboy on April 01, 2007, 05:51:03 PM
Yeah it was bad, but my sister has weaker ethics than I have. Also she just switches into ATM mode. For her, at the end of the day money is money.

I on the other hand take far too much pride in whatever job I do. If I can't take pride in my job, I won't do it. I like improving the work place for me and my coworkers. I can't go in to ATM mode. I work better under stress. I want to do a good job. I need to enjoy my job.

That is why I quit my last job. I could no longer enjoy it. I had effectively lost my department and I hate selling dishes. For me they were pieces of rock I eat off and nothing more. The children clothing department had also moved to where I was and I have no fashion sense. If you think it looks good buy it.

I could have moved over to the eletronics department, but that would have produced it own problems. I was not looking for a career track there and trying to meet sales goals on part-time hours wouldn't have worked. If I went hourly only instead, the other guys would be a bit peved as that counter is already full of people and any big ticket sale I would have made would have killed the comission. Previously since I had my own area and they had theirs, I could just pass the sale to them, but at the same desk, passing the sale would look weird as other peoples daily sales would go up and mine would go down. My sales were already going down as my focus was on customer happyness, not on personal sales, which conflicted against the changing atitude of the company. I wanted to bring in long term happy customers and wanted more here and now. Also things were getting less and less flexible as to what I could do for my customers. It got to the point where I knew if it continued, I would soon be told to screw the customer over. Not doing that.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Nick DiMola on April 04, 2007, 04:13:59 PM
By the 200th I was writing those damn apps in blood. I was pretty much on monster, careerbuilder, local paper's website and the schools job listings website everyday of the week applying to literally any job I knew I could do. Thank god for uploadable resumes. I just brought it on once and just clicked apply now all over the place. The frustrating part is never hearing back from anyone and having to either email or call to find out what the deal is. Thank god its all over now though, I'm just going to stay put for a while and build up some experience.

Good luck oohhboy with the delivery job, I've been doing alot of that lately with my Dad (he owns a Pizza Shop/Deli/Take-out Italian Restaurant). You make some pretty decent money especially if there are a significant number of deliveries to take.  
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: oohhboy on April 20, 2007, 12:39:49 AM
Well after a could of weeks on the job, I think I have a good enough feeling for the job to report back on it.

It is far more enjoyable than i could have initailly thought. The constant challenge to get there is fun as hell. The Boss is a nice guy, the rest of the crew are great. The pay is better than my last job and the hours are conductive to my future plans. The tips can be great (free beer) and harder I work, more I get paid. It can be bad, like dogs, but I wok in a pretty good area, so crime and losse dogs aren't really an issue. Most people are decent enough to give warning and instructions. Another thing is that I am driving alittle bit too offensively. I have hit a new high today, but I know I have to dial it back or I am going to end up some where unpleasant. Two razor thin close calls in one will do that.
Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on April 20, 2007, 03:10:52 PM

Originally posted by: Mr. Jack
By the 200th I was writing those damn apps in blood. I was pretty much on monster, careerbuilder, local paper's website and the schools job listings website everyday of the week applying to literally any job I knew I could do. Thank god for uploadable resumes. I just brought it on once and just clicked apply now all over the place. The frustrating part is never hearing back from anyone and having to either email or call to find out what the deal is. Thank god its all over now though, I'm just going to stay put for a while and build up some experience.

Good luck oohhboy with the delivery job, I've been doing alot of that lately with my Dad (he owns a Pizza Shop/Deli/Take-out Italian Restaurant). You make some pretty decent money especially if there are a significant number of deliveries to take.

That sounds like my Job search.  I've got rejected for one job and still waiting to hear back from one that said it would contact me mid-April.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: decoyman on April 20, 2007, 06:24:13 PM
Good luck on that one, Ceric, and congrats to Mr. Jack and oohhboy... I'm not having much luck myself, considering the amount of work I'm putting into it and despite a promising start...

One rejection so far (Google, heh), and another company which I've put a lot of effort into and have applied for several jobs at, has given me nothing but silence. It sucks too, because I shipped off my one and only portfolio—a handmade book, which I thought would be fitting since it's a publisher—to them about a month ago (with self-addressed, stamped return envelope for easy return), and they haven't sent it back yet. It'll be a weekend-long project to make another one. Maybe their not having returned it yet is a good sign, but I don't know. Maybe it's just buried under a pile of papers on someone's desk. It's also sucky that they specifically state that they don't want to be contacted by phone, so I can't call. FRUS. TRAY. TING.

My last job hunt two years ago was quite the ordeal, and I'd rather do this highly focused attack than the 100+ applications I did last time (sniper rifle vs. shotgun)... but so far, it's not looking promising. Blast this highly-competitive job market!
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on April 20, 2007, 06:29:44 PM
Yeah, the worse part for me in particular is their is a complaint about the lack of people in my major, that the job market is strong and large, and that companies need people to feel positions but I can't find anything actually in my field.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on April 23, 2007, 04:25:06 AM
I've been in a stable job for several years now, but if there's one thing I learned from my job search, it's that personal connections matter more than you can ever imagine.  My two best prospects both came to me through people I had known for a long time.  At the first of the two, the interviewer pointed to a three inch stack of paper on his desk and told me they were the resumes that came in from their  web site postings.  The whole stack was going in the trash because they got enough qualified candidates from more traditional avenues.  I was placed ahead of hundreds or maybe thousands of other applicants just because my resume had been handed in by someone my potential boss knew and worked with.  Use any connections you have to go from "Anonymous Internet Applicant #1032" to "John says this guy is good."
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: decoyman on April 23, 2007, 05:55:27 AM
I'm applying in a new city (San Francisco) where I know virtually no one.


(Where are the Elite Beat Agents when you need them?)
Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on May 01, 2007, 05:08:25 AM

Originally posted by: decoyman
I'm applying in a new city (San Francisco) where I know virtually no one.


(Where are the Elite Beat Agents when you need them?)

There closed because of Hitler and you said it wrong...

Ok, I have decided that everyone who says that their/there/they're are not enough Computer Scientist and it is a growing job market I want all of them in a room so I can throttle each and every last one of them until I get high paying job for my trouble.  This even will be catered.  The table will be electrified though so they can only eat when I say.  I still consider this minor compared to all that I have gone through so far trying to get a lousy job.  I just want to program... If I wanted to do IT I would have been an MIS major or went to a technical school, no offense I just feel that is a better curriculum for IT style work.  Also if I wanted to be a salesman or a customer service rep I would have gone to Business or India.

Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: odifiend on May 01, 2007, 07:04:46 AM

Originally posted by: PartyBear
I've been in a stable job for several years now, but if there's one thing I learned from my job search, it's that personal connections matter more than you can ever imagine.  My two best prospects both came to me through people I had known for a long time.  At the first of the two, the interviewer pointed to a three inch stack of paper on his desk and told me they were the resumes that came in from their  web site postings.  The whole stack was going in the trash because they got enough qualified candidates from more traditional avenues.  I was placed ahead of hundreds or maybe thousands of other applicants just because my resume had been handed in by someone my potential boss knew and worked with.  Use any connections you have to go from "Anonymous Internet Applicant #1032" to "John says this guy is good."

For sure, personal connections rule.  3 years ago, I just finished high school and was looking for a job for pretty much the entire summer.  I (finally) let one of my friends know that I was looking for work and he brought me in to his job.  I was getting paid for training before I was even officially hired.  Nothing is sweeter.
As for careers, again, recruiters will always be more open to a recommendation from a current employee.  I have two really good friends that recruit chemical engineers and with discrimination and crap, they were saying they really are encouraged to do everything electronically, but they always ask me who is good from my school.  I'm twenty and I could sink or float another person's application at that company because they trust me that much.  It is not always best for the company but it is human nature and a lot easier on recruiters.  Monster I am sure is good but companies have to pay for the service and i think another fee when they hire a candidate through Monster.  If you have a specific company in mind or a posting sounds really good to you, you should post directly on their site if the option is available.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on May 20, 2007, 03:57:20 AM
It seems I have an interview in San Diego on Tuesday.  They are flying me up on Monday.  Which was sort of fast.  I had my second sort of interview on the phone Friday and after talking for an hour and twenty-four minutes he asked if I had any plans on Monday and I told him not that I couldn't rearrange and now I'm going to San Diego for a day of interviews and a tour of the city.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: oohhboy on May 20, 2007, 05:16:07 AM
Wow that is impressive. Seeing that they are taking the trouble of flying you up there and everything, is it safe to assume the conculsion to this is a good one?

My job is going well, sort of. My car that I have been fixing up in preperation of future stuff is almost complete. So I will no longer have to fight tooth and nail everytime I go to work. But on the flipside, Two of our drivers are in a process of losing their lisences or already have. Work on Sunday almost melted down as scores of drivers couldn't turn up for their shifts and one shop guy went down as well. I would have turned up to cover, but I didn't plan on going to work that day, so I oked someone else to take the car.

In any case, I am not too sure how this will affect me since I have been pretty upstanding so far and haven't done anything bad I couldn't fix to everybodies pleasure. I will know more on Wednesday when I get back to work. Egg shell walking time.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: WuTangTurtle on May 20, 2007, 08:34:29 AM
I'm in my last few weeks of college, and I just landed a job with a pretty big game company.  It's only a QA tester position, but I have my hopes.  I guess this will be my way of getting passed the "catch 22".

I forgot to mention before this I have been unemployed for like a year, last place i worked was a Sam Goody (store closed).
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on May 20, 2007, 08:46:55 AM
Good job having a job coming out.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on May 20, 2007, 01:31:52 PM
I think I'm gonna get fired on Monday, and I probably would have if I went in on Friday.
There was a lot of sh!t going down at work and someone turned on a fan..... I happen be daring and threw the sh!t into the fan. Alot of people got splattered on friday, but I didn't go in. Monday I shall see where it all landed.

Now I wish I had fixed my computer so that I could access my resume, and get out of my job ASAP.  
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: IceCold on May 20, 2007, 02:32:14 PM

There was a lot of sh!t going down at work and someone turned on a fan..... I happen be daring and threw the sh!t into the fan. Alot of people got splattered on friday, but I didn't go in. Monday I shall see where it all landed.

Give 'em the pickle!
Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: WuTangTurtle on May 20, 2007, 06:32:59 PM

Originally posted by: IceCold

Give 'em the pickle!

Must be a Canadian phrase...

Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on May 21, 2007, 04:45:58 AM

Originally posted by: WuTangTurtle

Originally posted by: IceCold

Give 'em the pickle!

Must be a Canadian phrase...
Give 'Em The Pickle

Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: WuTangTurtle on May 21, 2007, 06:25:10 AM
so u give them a nice little dance?
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on May 23, 2007, 05:57:36 AM
Ok, so I didn't get fired, but I did get a double slap on the wrist, but not for anything related to last thursday.... its kinda wierd.

But, does anyone have a resume template/program that I could use. I need to update my resume, but its stored in a box that I can't find in the garage (I just moved) and the digital remake is on my other computer (currently disassembled and waiting for a new motherboard).

p.s. I don't have MS Word, so I need one for a program other than that.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on May 23, 2007, 07:32:29 AM
Ok, I have a conundrum.  I just got back from my series of Interviews in San Diego.  It seems like a nice place and all that.  I got a call and they want to make me an offer and they are sending it to my e-mail.  If you do the maths with the salary calculators I like to make the average that people start at in my major.  Which would be $48,000 but, if you do the math and everything I need to get paid ~$77,269 to live the equivalent life as I would here in Nashville.  While my wage in San Diego would only increase to ~$54,000.  Which would mean in reality I would be accepting a job that would be the equivalent of accepting a job that would pay ~$33,544 .  Thats not mentioning the Boku of money it would cost to actually relocate from Nashville to San Diego.  That being said this is the only successful offer that I have on the table.  Everyone else is temporary contractors.  Though I don't know about essentially working for $16.77/HR professionally.  I mean I make more at my temporary part-time job.

Though the company itself looks like it might be interesting to work for.  I'm just not sure at the moment.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on May 23, 2007, 07:44:02 AM
Are factoring tax or something? How does your $54k turn into 33.5k in reality? Is that for inflations or cost of living increases or something?

As far as relocating, you should ask the company if they are willing to cover relocation cost, they were willing to fly you across the country to do an interview and tour afterall.

Now back to the resume setup - help - I was asking for..... anyone?
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: vudu on May 23, 2007, 07:49:54 AM
Cost of living index is much higher in San Diego than in Nashville.  I have a friend who works out in LA.  He makes big bucks, but when you factor in the insane cost of living there, the numbers aren't as impressive.

Ceric, you'd have a give us a lot more information for us to be able to give you any advice.  What was your major?  What are you interested in doing professionally?  Can you find a job in that field in Nashville?  Is there growth potential within the company?  Could you use it as a professional stepping-stone (i.e. work there for a couple years to get good experience and then move on)?  Do you really want to move to San Diego?  Do you want to leave Nashville?  Aren't you married?  If so, another dozen or so questions pertain to your wife and her career.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on May 23, 2007, 08:00:08 AM
Yeah, my next question was gonna be are you married? Cause if you're not, I hear the girl in SD are are worth the move, especially if you live near the beach.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on May 23, 2007, 09:35:37 AM
Yeah I'm married.  Computer Science.  I like to do programming.  I've been trying for the past 6 months with no luck, everyone wants at least 2 years of hardcore experience for entry level programming job but I could do customer service...  Their is a new product on the horizon for the company that definitely has potential to spur growth.  I wouldn't mind leaving Nashville.  San Diego seems like a nice place the biggest cons are that well, I have to fly home to visit, the insane cost of living, moving itself, and might have to fiddle with the cars.  Moving just 2 hours away turned out to be a feat and a half when we did it at the beginning of the year.

My wife says she is willing to move but she would have to come after me and the job market around San Diego is suppose to be good.  On flipside this would definitely help my chances on getting that Staff job here at NWR.  The weather is also nice so I'm just not sure.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: decoyman on May 24, 2007, 11:28:57 AM
Wow, congrats on the offer, Ceric! Of all the choices to have to make, the "accept the job offer or not" decision is one of the nicer ones.  (I'm in a not-so-nice one: do I move back to Nebraska at the end of June even if I don't have a job yet? sigh...)

I think it's a great idea to – at least once in your life – live for an extended period (a few years at least) in a place that's very different from where you're from. Broaden your horizons, you know? I'm just finishing a two-year stay in California myself, and even though it made seeing my family difficult, I would do it all over again if I had the choice. Even if you'd eventually like to get back to Nashville, you can think of it as an adventure.  
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on May 25, 2007, 05:10:44 AM
Welp, I came to a decision.  After thinking about it long and hard I just can't find enough good reasons to say yes.  It's just to much.  They would only pay $2000 in relocation (which just covers the truck and gas nothing else; they talked about open communication and  the like but my whole time there I don't remember anyone looking up from their computers they were like drones; tossed around tons of weird cult like buzzwords; I didn't interview/meet with the person who would be supervising me; San Diego would have a lot to offer if I was single but I'm not; I didn't meet anyone who wasn't a recruiter, HR manager, or Upper Management; The whole interviewing process was planned but the plan wasn't followed or implemented well and I know for a fact we weren't the first group of interviewees;  They offer lunch and Dinner as benefits and while we were there they fed us lunch but we didn't eat with any of the people who worked there and for us that had to stay till 9:00 at night they didn't just have us snag some food.  We were left on our own.  Which was a little weird because a few extra people isn't going to make that big of a difference;I don't know, even generally, what team I be working on.  It wasn't in the offer just the supervisor;  I would be making less disposable income then taking a job about anywhere else with the equivalent salary, adjusted for the towns pay rate;I have to keep living in a small space; Everytime I asked about what a typical day is they have it worked out so you pretty much have to work 8-6, or 45 hrs a week, and to compound on that since your eating there you probably work 45 minutes more then that a day.  Since your paid on a Salary this is in effect giving the company 5 free hours;  Weren't flexible on needing time off for things like most salary jobs, ex. I have a dentist appointment so I work 3 more hours the day before to make up for the time I'll be at the dentist, when I asked;  I personally don't believe they are going the right direction with their core product;  They say that the employees have a lot of say in the product and the like.  Though demoing it I didn't see any indication of such;  Didn't meet anyone that I thought I could do more then tolerate; Have $25,000 bonus after 7 months to be paid in $3,600 increments from the 7 to 14 months.  Thats just a little weird and makes me wonder if they really have hard time keeping people that long; Didn't meet anyone that wasn't a founder(CEO, Lead HR) or co-founder(Head Overall Engineer) that had been there longer then a Year.  They have been profittable for over 3 years now; No Parking;Wife had to find a new job.

As you can see the list is quite long.  While the Pros list was: Helped my chances of getting NWR Staff Writer Job;Nice Weather;Job in my field doing programming; Good experience.

It just wasn't enough.  I couldn't convince myself that was enough.  Which really stinks because it means back to the job search and praying that I find something somewhat local.

Welp to make things more complexed they called today to see if I had looked over the offer.  They asked what I thought and I told them that the relocation was woefully low for coming from Tennesse, we discussed some of the different problems I had with their current philosophies, discussed my issue with not being able to have a house, also not being able to talk with someone who is in a similar position as me and my supervisor.

He's going to talk with his manager see about upping relocation and allowing me to talk with someone with a similar position and my supervisor.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on June 01, 2007, 09:04:27 AM
Welp I got to talk with people and we did some hassling but I'm accepting the job so I'll be moving to San Diego by July 16, my first day.  Irony struck when I finally decided to take this job even though it be a big relo, long hour, and hardwork two people called saying that they had positions that they would like to interview me for locally.  Go figure.  I just wonder where they were the last 6 months I've been actively pursuing a job.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: King of Twitch on June 01, 2007, 03:49:54 PM
Welcome to CA; please leave your brain at the door, you won't be needing it.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on June 02, 2007, 02:49:24 AM
I'll need it for work.  Though I don't physically know anyone there.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on June 05, 2007, 07:26:47 AM
So I've decided to get a new job. My friend want me to join the union and work construction with him. I would be getting paid roughly the same starting out, but I would quickly escalate in pay as time goes on, much quicker than where I am working now. Now I don't have anything against working construction, but I honestly feel like I may be smart to work a life of physical labor, and would much prefer a job with a desk and a computer with an internet connection. However I really need to make more money, and its time to step up or forever be miserable and broke.

I've got 2 and 1/2 scenarios that I could go through right now, and want all of your opinions.

Scenario 1:
I could finish updating my resume, get crossed trained in the various departments around me while hoping that I don't still get fired in the meantime. Put my resume out in the wild and hope a good one bites. I would ofcourse have to wait it out, with no guarantees of anything positive coming out of it, and I still think of myself as being on the chopping block, even if they have no immediate plans of letting me go.

Scenario 2:
I take the construction job with my friend, I get up early in the morning(which I sometimes do already), and my day is over at 2pm. A year down the line I get atleast a $5 raise and the same happens every year for the following 3 years. I take an apprenticeship class one sunday a month for the next 4 years, and then I really start making  lots of money.

Scenario 2.5: On top of the construction job, I keep my current job(right now I start at 1pm) for a while and scale it back to part time(4pm - 10pm). I would only do this until I either can't handle both jobs, or I decide that the construction job is gonna work out and I'm making enough money with only one job.

The thing with scenario's 1 & 2.5 is that I really wanna screw my boss over and leave him with an all new crew so that he has to train everyone all over again, and realise how good he had it with us working there for as long as we have. One person quit about 2 months ago, and then the Sh!t hit the fan because of the supervisor of another department. Because of that another person quit(last day this friday), and me and my shift leader(we have been planning a simultaneous defection for quite sometime) decided the time is right to make it happen. He is waiting on confirmation from 1 of 2 different jobs and he will be out the door ASAP. All I have to do is say yes to scenario 2/2.5 and I start within the next 30 days.

Does it sound like a good plan(2, 2.5), or should I just wait it out(1)?
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on June 05, 2007, 07:54:59 AM
I keep honing your resume. For temporary work 2 and 2.5 sound ok.  I've heard mix about construction as a longterm career though.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on June 05, 2007, 08:07:22 AM
If I do just 2, it will allow me to go back to school and work on some things I've been meaning to to around to, like getting a real estate, notary and appraisals license. I would honestly rather work at a bank or something, and do something that involves financials, like a loan officer. I think I work good under an incentive program, like commission, its very motivating to know that you control how much you can make.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: Ceric on June 06, 2007, 08:42:34 AM
I, personally, do terrible under those.  They don't motivate me and I'm not the type of person people just agree with.   Though from what you say 2 could get you to your dream.
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on July 28, 2007, 10:26:25 AM
Not that anybody really cares, but I quit my job. And in its place...

I got the job that I've been looking for, in the building I've been wanting to work in since it was built over 3 years ago, with the scheduled hours that I've been trying to get for the last 2 years.

So far so great. I'm 3 for 3 right now.
Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: bustin98 on July 28, 2007, 03:21:52 PM
That's great, BlacknMild. Congrats!

Meanwhile, my little business is looking to hire, but for someone who is in my area. So far, its really difficult to find someone who excels at web design, HTML, and php and be willing to work for a small company that doesn't pay an equivelant pay scale. Not to say the future doesn't look bright, but things take time, right?
Title: RE:The Job Thread
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on July 28, 2007, 04:14:52 PM

Originally posted by: bustin98
That's great, BlacknMild. Congrats!

Meanwhile, my little business is looking to hire, but for someone who is in my area. So far, its really difficult to find someone who excels at web design, HTML, and php and be willing to work for a small company that doesn't pay an equivelant pay scale. Not to say the future doesn't look bright, but things take time, right?

Thanx, for the congrats.

But since your company isn't going by standard pay scales for the work being done, are you giving out stock options?
That way they know they are getting payed less now, but the harder they work, and the more successful the business becomes, the more secure their financial future will be (it also kinda ties them to the company, loyalty is key )
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: IceCold on July 28, 2007, 04:17:44 PM
Whoa, that's amazing BnM! Is the pay equivalent or better?
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: that Baby guy on July 28, 2007, 04:18:53 PM
BnM's got it right.  That, or hire some college kids.  They'd end up being a pain, probably.

Congrats BnM.  SHINE GET!
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on July 28, 2007, 05:08:27 PM
I take a very slight dip in base salary, but with commission I could actually double or triple(maybe quadruple?) my income so a slight hit now for much better possible payoff later sounds good to me.

p.s. The new job is as a Loan Officer and it located 2 blocks away from my old job. I just finished a 3-day crash course training session on friday and will be thrown into the sharks tank on monday afternoon. So wish me luck.

p.s.s Once I get up and running(give me a month or three ), if any of you are located in California and need a loan to buy or refinance a home, just send me a PM, maybe we can work something out
Title: RE: The Job Thread
Post by: that Baby guy on July 28, 2007, 05:12:19 PM
I'm in Florida.  Close enough, right?