Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Bradleyko on March 08, 2003, 10:50:26 AM

Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: Bradleyko on March 08, 2003, 10:50:26 AM
Why hasnt this become a reality yet? this would be the biggest seller. If they make this game and if they make it right it will eb the best selling video game on the planet. my opinion on hwo it shoudl be made is it should be purley online walking around running around seeing other people dueling trading. when u duel u control the pokemon and it isnt turn based. U can customize your trainers look buy new clothes and so on. The oppurtunites for this game is endless if onyl they made it..........
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: Taco on March 08, 2003, 11:08:33 AM
There is a thread about this a few pages back.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: BlkPaladin on March 08, 2003, 02:08:31 PM
It would be a best seller if it was just an RPG. No it hasn't became a reality yet. We may hear something about what Genious Society is doing at E3 or later this year.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: mouse_clicker on March 08, 2003, 02:30:39 PM
"Genious Society"

Don't you mean Genious *Sonority*? They're the guys handling Pokemon, now, I believe.

And while we may know barely anythig of a Pokemon game for the Cube, it IS in development, we at elast know that. I don't think Nintendo will dissapoint.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: jmoe316 on March 08, 2003, 05:24:54 PM
it's definately a Stadium, IGN has said it. if ya want proof, i can get ya the article, all i know is thats its Insider though.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: jmoe316 on March 08, 2003, 05:28:53 PM
Bottom of page in Dream Games: Nintendo All-Star Party:

"Since HAL has done a lot of legwork on creating animated polygon models for pretty much every major Nintendo character when they created Super Smash Bros. Melee (not to mention the mass of Pokemon created for the upcoming GC Stadium game), Hudson could easily utilize already existing models and textures for the main cast."
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: BlkPaladin on March 08, 2003, 05:30:31 PM
We know that little game that is coming is either a Pokemon Stadium or an expansion of the Pokemon games. But there hasn't been enough time for them to make a decent game so I think its only a technical exercise turned to a game.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: mouse_clicker on March 08, 2003, 07:12:16 PM
If it was a stadium game, that woul explain the need or heavy reccomendation to hook the game up to either Ruby or Sapphire. Seriously, though, Nintendo can do better than a 3RD stadium game- I agree completely that we need a full 3D, preferrably online, Pokemon RPG.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: The_Gannondork on March 08, 2003, 07:31:12 PM
Seriously though, Nintendo will be stupid not to make a fully rpg online etc...I mean the Japanese have some sorta fetish for pokemon games, Nintendo would seriously sell like, a million Gamecubes in Japan alone. I mean, like i bet 70% of the Gameboy Advance owners in Japan bought it for JUST pokemon games.

expect it to happen, maybe not this year, maybe not the next. But it WILL.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: BlkPaladin on March 09, 2003, 07:03:43 PM
Especially since they have Genious Sonority which is staffed by programmers who have basically only made console RPGs and are some of the best, under the management of the Pokemon Company.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: Termin8Anakin on March 10, 2003, 12:56:07 AM
Why do you people like to make new threads when the exact same thread was already started?

I'll go get it.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: Nephilim on March 10, 2003, 05:51:01 AM
again i see people with pointless arguements
FFXI Just shows you, that a user base doesnt mean a game is gonna sell like hot cakes
which was a 3d online rpg, trying to live of the success of FF.

The new game will proberly be a Stadium game, like stated by ign. using the new digimon looking pokemon in pointless and non-realistic battles like the 64 version
If it had a feature, so that you didnt need a Pokemon transfer would be good, Like a built in Pokemon red/blue rom, which u could play. would be cool
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: T-Tiger on March 18, 2003, 03:11:09 PM
I bet that ANY pokemon game for the GC would boost Nintendo's Sales. We really need it...but in the meantime...i'll settle for Wind Waker...
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: Ian Sane on March 19, 2003, 08:34:26 AM
I have wanted a 3D Pokemon RPG since Pokemon Red/Blue came out.  Originally I thought that's what Stadium was going to be but instead it ended up being nothing more than a glorified minigame.  Of course every stupid Pokemon fan in the world went out and bought that game despite the fact that everyone with a brain knew it was a total screwjob franchise cash-in.  Essentially the Pokemon fanbase screwed themselves out of a real 3D Pokemon game by putting up with Nintendo's crap and buying that "game".

Anyway I don't like all this talk about a fully online title.  We've never even gotten an offline single player 3D Pokemon RPG.  Why screw ourselves out of that by asking for an online only title?  Besides the Pokemon fanbase is mostly bratty kids.  I don't know about you but I NEVER want to play any games with them.  What I'd prefer is a 3D Pokemon RPG where you travel the world, collect Pokemon, get badges, etc with an online Pokemon League mode that allows for online trading and battles.  That way we get a great single player mode (which any Pokemon fan has wanted for years) and all the benefits of any online title.  Besides battles and trading what do you need online capabilities for anyway?  Afterall an online only requirement instantly limits the games popularity.  The Pokemon fanbase is mostly made up off kids who realistically can't pay for a fully online title (and I assure you there would be a monthly fee for such a thing).

It'll never happen though because Nintendo will never feel they'll need to release such a title.  Instead they'll just release another crappy Pokemon Stadium game (knowing them they might release two versions, Ruby and Saffire, just to REALLY screw everyone over) and idiot kids will go out and buy it just like they bought the other two Stadiums and Pokemon Yellow and every other ripoff game that no other fanbase would tolerate in a million years.  By the time they stop buying the crap the Pokemon franchise won't be profitable anymore and therefore a GOOD 3D Pokemon game won't even sell.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: Gamefreak on March 19, 2003, 01:20:10 PM
Miyamoto said the upcoming Pokemon game is stadium in a recent interview. I forgot what site...
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: flipinflipout on March 19, 2003, 02:01:36 PM
Ummm I'll have to contradict you on that one sir. First off why would Ninteno have a  team named Genious Sonority, in which the leader took a big role in the development in Dragon Quest 7, make the new Pokémon game thats "supposedly" going to be a Stadiu game?

I know Nintendo doesn't have everyones opinions saying there smart, but they know what to do with raw talent, and in this case, they will prolly use this raw talent to develop a 3-D Pokémon RPG, because they do know that it could, and would be a  great game.
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: PIAC on March 19, 2003, 03:18:54 PM
i agree with what ian sane says totally, love the series, but dislike yellow/stadium (i did play it as a means to save batteries )

best way todo it would have optional gba link up where by any pokemon you catch/train and badges/items etc found in the GCN version you could save to your Ruby/Saphire character, so you could be at home play your character in a full 3d world, then take your character with you on your gba and continue with it elsewhere.

would be a magical combination and i dare say not to difficult to achieve, i mean if they can have an enormous central area in The Wind Waker surely they could make the pokemon world on GCN big enough to never get sick of seeing one area (unless that area happens to contain a hard to catch pokemon you spend days trying to catch ^_^)
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: Caterkiller on March 19, 2003, 04:51:25 PM
Even though this new game has been called a Stadium game, I did(and still do) believe Miyamoto when he said they would try to take Pokemon into a new direction. I don't think we will be dissapointed.  
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: GoldShadow1 on March 19, 2003, 07:55:44 PM
"Besides the Pokemon fanbase is mostly bratty kids. I don't know about you but I NEVER want to play any games with them"

I've always wanted an online Pokemon RPG, and I can't believe it, but I've never thought of this.  Many of the Pokemon fanbase is so young, it'd be a pain to play with them online.  It could utterly ruin an otherwise great concept.  Hrm.  Maybe single-player IS better.  I just hope it abandons the dated turn-based system for a real-time, 3D battle system (where Pokemon respond to you according to A.I., and do not obey you like robots).
Title: Pokemon 3d online rpg?
Post by: PIAC on March 19, 2003, 10:24:10 PM
well, some of the pokemon fanbase (the original r/b players) would have grown up a bit now (for example, me) so perhaps it would be entirely filled with bratty little kids (why does the idea of reducing little kids to tears with my ph33rsome snorlax's attacks seem so apealing? )
having said this i would still prefer an offline version