Nintendo World Report Forums

Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: Khushrenada on August 13, 2006, 07:48:43 PM

Title: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 13, 2006, 07:48:43 PM
The following was also posted in the Mafia sign-up thread. But I thought I might as well try and troll the board with my offer. I hear it's the "in" thing to do.

I guess I should have signed on earlier but I wasn't sure if I wanted to play right now because I'm going to be pretty busy the first couple days. But then I felt, what if I survive those days? Then I'd have a chance and would be kicking myself for not playing. Plus, I have a new system for playing.

Give away my vote.

Yes, that's right! In order to survive, I, Khushrenada, will give you my vote each and every day for the promise that you will not kill me.

What does this mean?

If you're a mafia member and you pm me with a pledge to not kill me, I will vote with you the whole game and never against you. You tell me who to vote for and I will do it! All I ask is that you let me live until I'm the last person you need to whack in order to win.

But what about those townies? Why betray my own people? Well, fear not. If a townie takes me up on my offer, then they have just formed the first step in a townie voting block. They can use me to start votes against people they feel suspicious about and join that vote later. Moreover, by using me, I serve as a bodygaurd to deflect mafia away from them by having the mafia's target me, thereby allowing them to live another day and hopefully win.

That's all fine and good but I have a special role that keeps from ever winning the game. Why should I care? Glad you asked my good friend for I have something to offer you. Since you sadly already have one foot in death's door, you'll want to wreak vengence on all those who put you in this position. But since you can't take every one with you, why not use me as a weapon to fire all sorts of baseless and innacurate suspicions all over the place, thereby ensuring everyone will be too muddled to know what to think or who to trust and lament how much better things were before you were dead. Plus, if you decide to really shoot me off on all sorts of tangents, people may get so fed up with my antics that they vote me out, thereby making me one less person for you to take on your way out.

But there must be rules. Rules!

Who will be the lucky winner of such an advantage if one is able to keep it past mid-game?

I will check my messages every ten minutes from this post. If I find a few people have PM with the message, "I request your services" (thereby not giving anything away). I will PM back the first person to send me a message and ask, "Do you accept my offer?" If they have changed their mind, I will move on to the next person.

But, if they do want my vote, they must PM me back stating so and inform me of what I can expect from them. i. e. mafia help, do as I say, you're going to be nuts!, etc. I will then make a post informing people "my services have been requested."

There is one word of caution though. If someone else, PM's me later with a better offer, I will switch loyalties. Howver, the person I was previously with will be informed who has made the new offer. If the offer is not better, then the person sending the new offer will be informed that their bid has failed. However, no information about the bid or bidder will be revealed, so no one else will know it ever happened.

So, with those pleasentries out of the way,

Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: 18 Days on August 13, 2006, 09:06:01 PM
Oh yeah this sounds like a good deal.
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 13, 2006, 09:26:40 PM
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. You need more punctuation. Frankly, I think it's a great deal. Someone gets two votes and I don't have to worry about how people percieve me because I'm not really playing. Someone else is playing me. Anyways, it's late and I'm going to go to sleep and have wierd dreams about F-Zero now. Thanks S-U-P-E-R!
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 13, 2006, 09:41:52 PM
The game is afoot, tomorrow!

This forum only allows to post 1 message every 1 minute(s). Please delay your request for the time specified, so that your request can be fullfilled.


I will bring this forum to its knees and singlehandedly end trolling! You have no idea of the power of the dark side! I mean trolling, the power of trolling!
Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Athrun Zala on August 13, 2006, 09:43:51 PM
ROFL, keep trying
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 13, 2006, 09:56:44 PM
Why do you think I'm engaging in a trolling war right now? Of which I'm winning I should add.
Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Athrun Zala on August 13, 2006, 09:58:29 PM
yeah, and then you woke up....
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 13, 2006, 10:16:43 PM
Just a lesson for you. It's not who has the most posts or who has the funniest posts. It's public perception. And if I'm perceived as winning, then I've won. You can argue it all you want but if people don't see it that way then you'll never win. People will look aver my posts and see my messages repeated many times and that boredom will drill itself into their skulls and make them think that I've been trolling lots. But with you, you send mixed messages. They read something here and something there but they don't connect it to you right away. Thus it you seem to still be posting reasonably, unlike me, who is going around and posting junk. Plus, by constantly proclaiming victoy, I'm seen as indeed being victorious. Or at least, the first thought on the matter is that I'm winning the trolling war. Which I am.

So, once more with feeling, I'm winning the trolling war.

Plus, if you're looking for a summary of my vote idea, you can find it in the mafia sign-up thread.
Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: 18 Days on August 13, 2006, 11:33:46 PM
Nah seriously I think it's a good deal because my mates in the Mob need all the help we can get.
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 14, 2006, 09:04:27 AM
Just a note. "My services have been requested."
Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Athrun Zala on August 14, 2006, 09:18:04 AM
actually, it just make it seem like you are a troll/spammer, while I'm just fighting the troll back.....

you were talking about perception?
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 14, 2006, 09:23:21 AM
I've yet to see any one say "thanks for fighting me" to you.  I guess they figure what's the point? I've won.
Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Athrun Zala on August 14, 2006, 09:25:46 AM
heh, the point is that there isn't any...

thus you PHAIL
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: wandering on August 14, 2006, 02:09:56 PM

Why do you think I'm engaging in a trolling war right now? Of which I'm winning I should add.


Khushrenada - 0 sparkling innovation accounts.

Wandering - 5000 sparkling innovation accounts.

Who was winning the trolling war again?
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: NuclearSpeed on August 14, 2006, 05:08:40 PM

Originally posted by: Khushrenada
I've yet to see any one say "thanks for fighting me" to you.  I guess they figure what's the point? I've won.

Thanks for fighting the good fight Arthurn. The trolls shall not win.
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 14, 2006, 07:21:18 PM
This was in another thread.


Troll -- A Troll is similar to Flamebait, but slightly more refined. This is a prank comment intended to provoke indignant (or just confused) responses. A Troll might mix up vital facts or otherwise distort reality, to make other readers react with helpful "corrections." Trolling is the online equivalent of intentionally dialing wrong numbers just to waste other people's time.

I've said this:


I've yet to see any one say "thanks for fighting me" to you. I guess they figure what's the point? I've won.

And now there's this:


Thanks for fighting the good fight Arthurn. The trolls shall not win.

Well, I guess that proves me wrong. But wait a minute. Maybe I'm just distorting reality. Saying I'm winning the trolling war when I'm not. That is why peple are now providing such wonderful helpful comments. Like the fact that I don't have a bunch of Dupe accounts. Or even a thread on how to win the trolling war by not playing. Let's not forget that Athrun has argued that I'm not winning the trolling war. Looks like I'm mixing up my facts. Let's not forget all the other people who have now joined in the effort to prove me wrong. Looks like I'm just wasting a bunch of people's time. This is something even Wandering couldn't do with all his dupe accounts. Looks like he fails.

And what's this? Vudu has voted against me in mafia to shut me up. Looks like I just met the final criteria. Provoking indignant responses.

Let's not forget confused. Athrun never got my circle gets the square reference.

So, in conclusion, I'd just like to thank you all for playing. You all thought you were proving me wrong and beating me. Calling me a spammer and declareing me a boring non-troll. But in the end, I suckered you all and have now revealed myself as the greatest troll these boards have ever seen! So, you are left with a choice.

Either I'm wrong and I'm not winning the trolling war, thereby distorting reality and showing myself to indeed be a truly great troll and wasting everybody's time, which means I really am winning the trolling war.

Or I'm right, and I'm winning the trolling war thereby showing myself to indeed be a truly great troll and wasting everybody's time.
Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Athrun Zala on August 14, 2006, 07:41:10 PM
your circular logic is boring



Originally posted by: Athrun Zala elsewhere (actually, in the milk and honey thread)

Originally posted by: Khushrenada
Part of it came from The Simpsons. I guess you don't watch it. Oh, and I'm winning the trolling war.
tha fact that The Simpsons I watch are in SPANISH might have something to do with it.....
Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: wandering on August 14, 2006, 08:00:13 PM
By getting people to reply to your inane posts, you've already 'won.' Congratulations. But, remember this! No matter what you do or say, on these forums, you will never be as loved as Bill Aurion.
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 14, 2006, 08:17:41 PM
You're right Wandering. Thanks to you, I've seen the error of my ways. All this time, I've been wrapped up in my own glory and on the destruction of fun of others like taking away trolling for everyone and boring them with spam and just generally wasting their time. Well, I'm going to turn over a new leaf, you hear?! No more war. From now on, only peace and love! I'm going to focus all my attention on creating such sweet and sugary love on these forums, even Ian Sane's dark cynical heart will melt into a giant puddle of PGC Forum joy.

Yes!! It must be my goal!! MY PURPOSE!!!MY NEW CALLING IN LIFE!

And by doing so, I will slowly and methodically take all of Bill's love away from him and reduce him to a washed-up has-been teddy bear that people have outgrown and no longer love because he's missing his two button eyes and has lost the stuffing in an arm and has all those food stains on him making him a biological hazard of food poisoning, NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THE DOG HAS CHEWED HIM UP PRETTY GOOD TO THE POINT WHERE YOU COULDN'T EVEN GIVE AWAY THE TEDDY BEAR IF YOU PAID SOMEONE MONEY TO DO SO!!!!!!

(Breathe, Khushrenada, breathe)

Oh, that's better. Now where was I? Oh yes. Peace and love to all. Everyone wins the trolling war. Which according to S-U-P-E-R means everyone loses the trolling war. Thanks a lot, Ty.

Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: wandering on August 14, 2006, 09:33:37 PM
So, wait, you were trying to stop trolling? Your motivations - so subtle and complex. This changes my entire outlook on trolls altogether. I never realized they were so.....human.
Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: NuclearSpeed on August 14, 2006, 09:39:13 PM
the confusion has hurt my head, I think I'll just go water wandering's chia pet troll's head
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: IceCold on August 15, 2006, 12:28:47 AM

Originally posted by: wandering
So, wait, you were trying to stop trolling? Your motivations - so subtle and complex. This changes my entire outlook on trolls altogether. I never realized they were so.....human.
Too Human...

Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: stevey on August 15, 2006, 03:07:03 PM
khush is lieing about give away votes, Duffman offer him Duffman mafia member and and give him a SIX PACK of DUFF BEER! and yet he do not kill typ...

vote khush  
Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: WindyMan on August 15, 2006, 06:24:30 PM
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 15, 2006, 07:10:25 PM
I'm glad Stevey could join this thread to spread his lies. In case anyone is wondering, 18 Days was the one and only person who contacted me yesterday. She never used my services but today she left this message for me. "IM sorry, I decided I couldn't keep my promise because I'd kill you if I told you who to vote for (me) " Stand up gal that 18 Days. Real class.

Not like Duffman. Stevey has created lies even though he's dead an no longer playing. Maybe his message should be deleted. Also the only time Stevey contacted me was today. He asked me to particapte in a vendetta against TYP. I sent him the following:

"Wait a sec. You want me to kill TYP for your vendetta even though I was going to be part of that vendetta? You did say vendetta for all doctors even though I had nothing to do with screwing up the last game."

He responded with this:

"your vedetta for kill my mafia 2 times in a row, and I siad typ cause I didn't think you go with killing your self..."

Look Stevey, I'm sorry your revenge dreams have gone unfullfilled but you'll have to wait for the next game. Please stop trying to influence this game. I had to restrain myself last game. It's hard but it's appreciated and fair.
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 15, 2006, 08:56:52 PM
Well, I just thought I'd have some fun with my mafia companion piece (this thread) and just reflect on some of the going ons of the game. Why don't the living ever have a thread where they can talk. No, they always have to vote while the dead chat it up. Well, I'm changing that!

I have to say that there is some excellant role-playing going on. I love the Groundskeeper Willie impression that Decoyman does and the Sideshow Bob that Couchmonkey does. Your posts always sound so authentic and as I read them, my mind automatically uses the character's voice for the words. Great job guys. Someone needs to praise your hard work.

Alright. I'll include Stevey too. Truth is, when I read Stevey's post, I always had Duffman saying your words as well. Good job!
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Zach on August 16, 2006, 05:46:07 AM

Originally posted by: Khushrenada
Well, I just thought I'd have some fun with my mafia companion piece (this thread) and just reflect on some of the going ons of the game. Why don't the living ever have a thread where they can talk. No, they always have to vote while the dead chat it up. Well, I'm changing that!

No worries, now you can talk in the dead thread too

Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Athrun Zala on August 16, 2006, 08:17:39 AM

Originally posted by: Zach

Originally posted by: Khushrenada
Well, I just thought I'd have some fun with my mafia companion piece (this thread) and just reflect on some of the going ons of the game. Why don't the living ever have a thread where they can talk. No, they always have to vote while the dead chat it up. Well, I'm changing that!

No worries, now you can talk in the dead thread too

Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Khushrenada on August 16, 2006, 09:33:14 AM
Yeah, I can't wait to find out who killed me.
Title: RE:MAFIA Prologue
Post by: decoyman on August 16, 2006, 07:56:18 PM

Originally posted by: Khushrenada
I have to say that there is some excellant role-playing going on. I love the Groundskeeper Willie impression that Decoyman does and the Sideshow Bob that Couchmonkey does. Your posts always sound so authentic and as I read them, my mind automatically uses the character's voice for the words. Great job guys. Someone needs to praise your hard work.

Alright. I'll include Stevey too. Truth is, when I read Stevey's post, I always had Duffman saying your words as well. Good job!

Haha, thanks, Khush. It's hard keeping it sounding good though without resorting to lots of "Laddy"s and "Ach"s and all. I'm really digging Couchmonkey's and Stevey's as well. It would've been cool if everyone had chosen a character, or if Zach had just chosen ones for the people who didn't choose for themselves. It would've made interacting in the role plays a lot easier. As it is, everyone who's not a character is just a "generic member of the riotous mob," so I can't really address anyone.

One thing I really liked about Pale's game was the work he did with the avatars. I especially got a kick out of 18 Days' avatar as it changed through the days (losing its leaves, smile turning to a frown turning to a GIANT smile, etc.). I found myself laughing out loud on more than one occasion just because of the avatars.  
Title: RE: MAFIA Prologue
Post by: Zach on August 16, 2006, 08:37:41 PM
Unfortunately I am not as artistic as pale.  I would also like to thank the people who really get into these games by roleplaying.  It makes everything all that much more fun.