Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Aussiedude on July 18, 2006, 03:16:37 AM

Title: Wii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Aussiedude on July 18, 2006, 03:16:37 AM
Wifi page, Friend codes confirmed . Still at least its free.


Nintendo has your online safety in mind. Thanks to our unique Friend Code system, you can control whom you play with online. Playing online is a great way to connect and reconnect people you want to play games with!


Games page

Specs (DVD playback NOT mentioned)


Controls: Intuitive control for anyone using the physical motion of the main Wii Remote, which resembles a television remote control. Up to four Wii Remotes can be connected at once using wireless Bluetooth technology. The wireless signal can be detected within 10 meters of the console. Both the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers include a three-axis motion sensor. The Wii Remote also includes a speaker, rumble feature and expansion port, and can be used as a pointer within 5 meters of the screen. The Wii Remote has a power switch, plus pad, A, B, Minus, Home, 1 and 2 buttons. The Nunchuk controller includes an analog control stick and C and Z buttons.

The Look: Wii features a compact design that will make it a natural addition to any television setup. It can be displayed either vertically or horizontally.

Media: A single self-loading media bay will play single- or double-layered 12-centimeter optical discs for Wii, as well as 8-centimeter Nintendo GameCube discs.

Communication: Wii can communicate with the Internet even when the power is turned off. This WiiConnect24 service delivers a new surprise or game update, even if users do not play with Wii. Users can connect wirelessly using IEEE 802.11b/g, or with a USB 2.0 LAN adaptor. Wii also can communicate wirelessly with Nintendo DS.

Virtual Console: Wii will have downloadable access to 20 years of fan-favorite titles originally released for Nintendo 64, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and even the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The Virtual Console also will feature a "best of" selection from Sega Genesis titles and games from the TurboGrafx console (a system jointly developed by NEC and Hudson). It also will be home to new games conceived by indie developers whose creativity is larger than their budgets.

The Specs: Wii boasts 512 megabytes of internal flash memory, two USB 2.0 ports and built-in Wi-Fi capability. A bay for an SD memory card will let players expand the internal flash memory. Design was optimized with state-of-the-art processing technologies that minimize power consumption, keep the console compact and enable the "sleepless" WiiConnect24 mode.

CPU: PowerPC CPU (code-named "Broadway"). Made with a 90 nm SOI CMOS process, jointly developed with and manufactured by IBM.

Graphics Processing Unit: Being developed with ATI.

Other Features: Four ports for classic Nintendo GameCube controllers. Two slots for Nintendo GameCube Memory Cards. An AV Multi-output port for component, composite or S-video.

Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Ceric on July 18, 2006, 04:27:54 AM

An AV Multi-output port for component, composite or S-video.

Best part of the quote and the only sort of new information.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Spak-Spang on July 18, 2006, 04:50:44 AM
I know many people don't enjoy the friend system...but personally I think it is an important element to Nintendo's strategy.  And I think it is a great idea.  

I just hope Nintendo moves from friend codes for each game, and creates friend codes for profiles instead.  
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: 31 Flavas on July 18, 2006, 06:09:37 AM
I'd be surpised if they didn't move to a profile, but its not like they put ketchup on my hotdog if they don't.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Athrun Zala on July 18, 2006, 08:07:55 AM

Originally posted by: Ceric

An AV Multi-output port for component, composite or S-video.

Best part of the quote and the only sort of new information.
not really new, as they've said that (at least Nintendo's) games will run at 480p....

the news from that is that they dropped monitor support....
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: 31 Flavas on July 18, 2006, 08:10:15 AM
Monitor support? When was that ever announced?
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Athrun Zala on July 18, 2006, 08:17:15 AM
like in 2004, said by Iwata
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Requiem on July 18, 2006, 08:24:24 AM
Ya that's some bull-ish

I was really looking forward to using that feature.....
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Donutt007 on July 18, 2006, 08:40:17 AM
and of course that site's down already!!!

But I found someone that had screencaps

Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: nemo_83 on July 18, 2006, 11:35:22 AM
Let us imagine for a moment planetgamecube with friend codes...there wouldn't be any activity in the forums; how would anyone know anyone else's friend code to be able to read their messages on the forums?  Friend codes suck as an online model.  It's hard enough to make friends with strangers during a match when you're trying to kill each other; how exactly are you going to get up a large enough friends list on a multiplayer deathmatch game like Quake?  

The way I would set it up is I would offer a forum style of public meeting, clubs, and blogs like 1up.  They offer all of those services for free in addition to news, reviews, previews, videos, podcasts, web shows, and lots more.  Can't Nintendo at least get a universal friends list up for god's sakes?

Nintendo was once known for being at the forefront of multiplayer gaming; as far as online is concerned, they're still trying to design their engine while MS took off three years ago.  Furthermore, wifi is unreliable.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Neodymium on July 18, 2006, 12:13:11 PM
I'm very upset by friend codes, but what makes it more of a kick in the nuts if Nintendo's "COMMITMENT TO ONLINE SAFETY LOL." They could just admit they don't want to shell out for good online structure. Who even wants to play with someone who's so insanely insecure that they can't even have their voice heard? If Nintendo wanted to keep little kids from communicating, they could simply work in a parental control system like XBL. Admit it guys. You don't want to pay. I would be willing to pay a subscription fee for an amazing online service. In fact, I would pay top dollar to see "friend codes" and "online safety" put in the casket.

But that's not all. What's this "best of" crap for Genesis and Turbo? That's exactly what we DON'T need. We've all played through Bonk's Adventure a dozen times, okay Nintendo? We know every repeitive, boring level of "Awtewed Beast." We've been there, done that. Offer us untranslated Japanese games and homebrew stuff. Offer us games that recieved limited production. Not the same levels of Legendary Axe and Sonic 2 that we've been playing and playing for years.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Spak-Spang on July 18, 2006, 12:36:18 PM
Nemo:  Lets imagine that Planetgamecube was trying to create a online gaming system with voice chat that protected children from predators and also protected people from being bombarded from annoying and immature chatter.

How would they go about it?

Would they just make it free for all, until the user decides to take action verse a violator banning them?  If they did that, then the child would have to be exposed to vugarity or worse.  It would mean that the adult not wanting to deal with hearing a immature child use the F-word every time he is shot would have to constantly actively ban people (or ignore people) from his list.

Sounds frustrating to me.  And it is one reason I hate playing online games is the annoying players.

So Planetgamecube decides to provide a game environment with limitations, for open online games.  No voice chat, just games.  This provides a means for people to play the game and not be offended.

Then, the individual has the choice to add people to his personal exclusive list to gain other features.  

It is a great compromise.  The only downside to the Wifi Friends System right now is it works for individual games only.  I think this will be changed for the Wii system.

And it is pretty easy to find and add friends to your list...all you have to do is hit the messageboards devoted to Nintendo and find the codes.  I have never felt inconvienced by the system.

It protects everyone...including Nintendo.

Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Spak-Spang on July 18, 2006, 12:45:17 PM
Neodymium:  I explained why the friends code is needed at works well.  And the friends code has nothing to do with enabling voice chat or not.  Metroid Prime: Hunters has voice chat enabled.  Nintendo is not skimping out on technology because it is free.  They are trying to build a unique and safe online community period.

And why do you say we don't need the virtual console.  That is one of the greatest ideas of the Wii.  The fact is we haven't all played all these greatest games from the past systems.  There is a whole new generation of gamers that haven't touched a SNES, Genesis, and more...and the Wii is going to introduce those games to that generation.  As well, several gamers stopped playing AFTER those generations, because they did not enjoy the direction 3D gaming was heading.  It became complicated and less enjoyable to them.  They now have a system to play their favorite games all over again...and begin to try new games again.  This is very good.  Finally, for the collector the Wii is a blessing because again they can purchase their favorite games and play them all on one system hooked to their television instead of trying to manage 4-5 systems hooked to one television...and deal with backup memory failing and more.  

Nintendo is doing several things right when it comes to the Wii online structure, and I think people are not giving Nintendo credit because they expect them to drop the ball as they did with the Gamecube.  

Well, for the most part the Wifi connection for the DS is an amazing success and achievement, with very few hiccups and complaints.  Those complaints are most likely being addressed for the Wii launch.  After all, they have surveyed several Nintendo product owners asking for their personal opinions and advance on the manner.

Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Dirk Temporo on July 18, 2006, 01:04:00 PM

"May 11, 2006 IGN Wii: Will Wi-Fi Connection on Wii also use a Friends Code system?

Tezuka: Yes."

Also, friend codes are made of fail. I mean, without friend codes, we can kiss any sort of strategic shooter goodbye.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: 31 Flavas on July 18, 2006, 01:25:34 PM

Originally posted by: nemo_83
Let us imagine for a moment planetgamecube with friend codes...there wouldn't be any activity in the forums; how would anyone know anyone else's friend code to be able to read their messages on the forums?
Oh give it a rest. The Friends/Rivals system is fine. You get to play with random strangers as rivals, you just can't talk to each other or scream obsenities. Dear god, Nintendo is forcing you to just play the game... What a horrible thing for them to do.

If you want to talk make some friends. Plenty of websites have been set up to facilitate this.


how exactly are you going to get up a large enough friends list on a multiplayer deathmatch game like Quake?
You do know that Nintendo will find random strangers to fill up your game for you, right? You just turn on your game, select the mode you want to play and Nintendo will plop people in your game. No need for friend codes. You only need to trade friend codes if you want to play with a specific person or specific group of people.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Neodymium on July 18, 2006, 01:53:43 PM

Originally posted by: Spak-Spang
Neodymium:  I explained why the friends code is needed at works well.  And the friends code has nothing to do with enabling voice chat or not.  Metroid Prime: Hunters has voice chat enabled.  Nintendo is not skimping out on technology because it is free.  They are trying to build a unique and safe online community period.

Maybe I don't want a kid-friendly online community. Maybe I want to be able to make new friends who don't live in my neighborhood, and talk to them to boot. Maybe I want to be able to send messages and not have to deal with cumbersome, long codes for each new game I get. Maybe I want features and functionality instead of what some Christian Parents' organization deems "safe." I know how to protect my own safety online, and if little kids don't then maybe their parents should turn off communication for them.


And why do you say we don't need the virtual console.  That is one of the greatest ideas of the Wii.  The fact is we haven't all played all these greatest games from the past systems.  There is a whole new generation of gamers that haven't touched a SNES, Genesis, and more...and the Wii is going to introduce those games to that generation.

This is great for those few kids, once again. But I believe these people are few and far between. The fact is that what I want is new homebrew games. There are so many JRPGs that never made it out of Japan.. forgive me if I'm wrong in assuming English isn't your native language, but it is mine. It'd be a lot easier to charge a download fee for Wii VC and play some game that never reached North American shores than learn Japanese. Games not only for Genesis and Turbo, but also Saturn, Master System, CD-based systems and handhelds. Homebrew software designed to take advantage of the old hardware.


As well, several gamers stopped playing AFTER those generations, because they did not enjoy the direction 3D gaming was heading.  It became complicated and less enjoyable to them.  They now have a system to play their favorite games all over again...and begin to try new games again.  This is very good.

I'm an old-school elitist. Yes, I enjoy Gamecube and all that, but I assure you, more time is spent with old stuff (and DS!) than any modern things. In the last month I've played my TurboDuo for hours and hours and haven't touched my Xbox 360. And let me tell you, to me playing the same games I already have many, many times is no thrill. What is a thrill is playing new games on the old hardware. This is why a homebrew scene thrives on Vectrex, Jaguar, and many other consoles that the mainstream has little love for.


Finally, for the collector the Wii is a blessing because again they can purchase their favorite games and play them all on one system hooked to their television instead of trying to manage 4-5 systems hooked to one television...and deal with backup memory failing and more.  

I'm an avid collector and denizen of the collection scene. I've got every console you know and more. I can tell you plainly that I speak for myself and the vast majority of collectors when I say that I don't want to play games I can already get. I don't want to pay 6 bucks to download Sonic the Hedgehog when I can go get it at a flea market for a nickel. I want new content, translation, and issue of games with a small production run. Not only that, playing classics on Wii that I already own has anti-appeal; I want to play games on their original hardware if I can, and I am not alone.


Nintendo is doing several things right when it comes to the Wii online structure, and I think people are not giving Nintendo credit because they expect them to drop the ball as they did with the Gamecube.

Wii online can be salvaged, especially if the friend code is simple, universal, and easily remembered so it can be passed around between friends. I'm much more upset by the lack of muscle on VC.. I'm a Nintendo fanboy and always will be, make no mistake, but I think they could do us better. God knows they're doing a better job than Sony.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Spak-Spang on July 18, 2006, 02:12:28 PM
Nintendo can't just create an open system, when they are known as the LAST VESTAGE OF SAFE GAMING FOR ALL AGES!!!

You are asking Nintendo to give up that image which is one of their greatest strengths for you.  I think that is pretty selfish or self-centered.

You want to make friends outside your city and what not.  Go to the message boards, find as many friend codes are you want and just fill your system with them.  You know the people that desire to do this will be doing the same, and soon you will have a large enough friend collection that you can play with several 100 people online with all that service.

Do you have to do extra work for that ability.  Yes, but you can also play the random matches with less options, or you can just play with the local friends you have.

It is more important for Nintendo appealing to non-gamers, family friendly system, and traditional gamers to create a system like the friends code.  

You may not like, and a majority of traditional gamers may not like the system.  But, it is the best system out there to achieve the goals Nintendo must achieve.

And we don't know all the details yet, perhaps Nintendo is creating new ways to meet friends and exchange codes as we speak for the online service.

You are speaking definatively that Wii online is not a great experience because of flaws that you perceive that may or may not be there.

Finally, again about the download service, I was merely presenting 3 types of gamers that will be excited about the download service.  And you may not fit in those categories, you might.  But, this service will have huge support and will be one of the biggest selling points of the Wii.  Period.

Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: MaryJane on July 18, 2006, 02:19:03 PM
I don't mind the friend system since there are places like this to trade friend codes.

Way off-topic but have there been any Wii pics to show its size? Like I saw one of the sensor bar next to a pen, but I haven't seen anything for the console itself.  
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: The Omen on July 18, 2006, 02:54:13 PM
 If the friend codes are able to be worked around with proof of age, I would have no problem with them.  The fact that a 30 year old will have to use a friend code for each game is ludicrous.  If it's just one friend code, or a profile, then that's okay too.  But if Nintendo goes the DS way with the Wii, I just don't see how it makes any sense.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Nephilim on July 18, 2006, 02:57:46 PM
" Monitor support? When was that ever announced?"

Game Cube D-Terminal Video Cable
Is a offical cable released in Japan, why wouldnt the wii also have the support?  
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Ceric on July 18, 2006, 03:39:46 PM
If memory server the D-Terminal cable was the Japanese equivalence to the Component cable.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on July 18, 2006, 05:46:07 PM
Not the equivalent: the alternative.  Component and D-Terminal are co-existing standards in Japan.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: kirby_killer_dedede on July 18, 2006, 06:10:52 PM is a Rivals system any safer than the server system that most online games use?  This is bullshit.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Bloodworth on July 18, 2006, 08:23:29 PM
The rivals system pretty much is the same as traditional online play with one distinction: communication.  You can't talk to rivals, only friends.  So, that keeps some guy from getting a kid's address while playing a Nintendo game.  It may sound silly and overprotective, but when TV news has already proclaimed the evils of PictoChat, Nintendo has to do more to keep that element away from online.  And it's not really the kids that care, it's the 40+ crowd.  The older generations are far more worried about that kind of thing (my grandparents refuse to get an Internet connection), so Nintendo has to do more to assure them - this is even more of an issue in Japan.  Also, aside from stalking, people you don't know screaming on and on and cursing up a storm, simply make online play unpleasant and irritating.  Better to have those idiots turned off by default if you ask me.  

As for Virtual Console, don't get your panties in a bunch over the "best of" label.  The only reason Nintendo is saying that is to keep people from thinking that every one of those old games will be available (which is impossible).  There will likely be some more of the obscure games, and there will DEFINITELY be new titles from small developers for download.  Nintendo has stated over and over again that they want to even the playing field for small developers and the Virtual Console is a major part of that strategy.  The classic games are just a primer.

And finally - we know next to nothing.  Save your bellyaching for when Nintendo really blows the lid off the online structure.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: ThePerm on July 18, 2006, 10:02:03 PM
im still tripping over the telephone dial your friend code like a telephone(actually select the name from your list) and it calls a wii!
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Dirk Temporo on July 19, 2006, 11:41:53 AM
Also, if Wii games don't use a lobby system, Nintendo is going to get a lot of angry letters. If it's set up like MKDS, then I don't think I'll even bother with it.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Smash_Brother on July 19, 2006, 12:02:31 PM
Like I said, M-rated games should forgo friend codes.

Kids shouldn't be playing those games to start with so there should be no legal grounds to sue Nintendo if little Billy contacts a pedophile over an M-rated game's service.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Ceric on July 19, 2006, 12:22:16 PM
That is true.  But they'll have to be a case that sets that precedent(sp?) first.  Preferably at the Supreme Court and International levels.  Kids make people do weird things.  It's only recently that you can get Advil in a bottle that can be openned by arthiritis sufferers.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: couchmonkey on July 19, 2006, 12:22:42 PM
I'm fine with whatever Nintendo does online as long as it's fun and free.  Friends codes seem like a bit of a hassle (I've never played an online game on DS...or anywhere but PC for that matter) but I consider them vastly superior to paying for online.  Not that one is connected to the other, I'm just saying the other online models aren't perfect either.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Neodymium on July 19, 2006, 01:27:32 PM

Nintendo can't just create an open system, when they are known as the LAST VESTAGE OF SAFE GAMING FOR ALL AGES!!!

You are asking Nintendo to give up that image which is one of their greatest strengths for you. I think that is pretty selfish or self-centered.

It's only going to be a weakness. What do you think the impression for the end consumer is? On the other systems, you can communicate online. On Wii, you can't. It's ridiculous. OF COURSE Nintendo should be changing "for me". I'm the hard-core user, the one that not only knows what he wants but what the mainstream one does, and spends thousands upon thousands a year on Nintendo products. You're acting as if I'm some rouge goiong against the grain, trying to take Nintendo in an evil visionary direction. No, it's nopt "ME" who I'm asking them to change for, it's almost all their users. Who, other than you in this thread, is completely behind friend codes?


You want to make friends outside your city and what not. Go to the message boards, find as many friend codes are you want and just fill your system with them. You know the people that desire to do this will be doing the same, and soon you will have a large enough friend collection that you can play with several 100 people online with all that service.

What if I meet someone online that I have a greatgame with? I can add them to a silly "rivals" thing, but if I can't talk to them then "rivals" is just a friend list for retards.


It is more important for Nintendo appealing to non-gamers, family friendly system, and traditional gamers to create a system like the friends code.

You may not like, and a majority of traditional gamers may not like the system. But, it is the best system out there to achieve the goals Nintendo must achieve.

"Family-friendly." Let's put that into perspective. Family, I assume, is the mainstream consumer, because most of the hardcore Nintendo fanbase is well into their teens and twenties, which would mean little kids and middle aged adults are the ones who need "protection" here. This is true. Now then, what you STILL have yet to explain to me is why, for kids under 13, 16, or, 18; whatever, Nintendo doesn't just integrate parental control. Other than that it's the end user's option to activate or deactive communication. Those are the two biggest drawbacks: inability to add friends and inability to communicate. So have or options dictating those features!


Finally, again about the download service, I was merely presenting 3 types of gamers that will be excited about the download service. And you may not fit in those categories, you might. But, this service will have huge support and will be one of the biggest selling points of the Wii. Period.

I'm saying that we need more than a dozen games on each console. Yes, we should have the classic games that most have played, but we should also have games that few users have gotten the chance to play. People like me and other denizens of the forum, for the zillionth time, that are a smaller numerical part of the Nintendo fanbase but are a large part of their income.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Ceric on July 19, 2006, 01:50:14 PM
Actually, unless Nintendo has backed out on this, they mentioned letting parents lack our certian rated games.  So you kid could play T with Violence but not with Sex and language.  Junk like that but it was a while back.  Just mentioning it.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Crimm on July 19, 2006, 02:05:20 PM
Often times I find that I really don't enjoy online play because of the "communication."
BF2 was the first game I played with voice chat; I no longer use VC servers.  Being called things like "homofag" really aren't my cup of tea.

However, some games will have to allow communication or they simply wont be playable.  If the Secret of Mana MMO rumor is true (hint: it isn't) friend codes would have to be not implemented.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: nemo_83 on July 19, 2006, 02:10:22 PM

Originally posted by: Spak-Spang
Nemo:  Lets imagine that Planetgamecube was trying to create a online gaming system with voice chat that protected children from predators and also protected people from being bombarded from annoying and immature chatter.

How would they go about it?

Would they just make it free for all, until the user decides to take action verse a violator banning them?  If they did that, then the child would have to be exposed to vugarity or worse.  It would mean that the adult not wanting to deal with hearing a immature child use the F-word every time he is shot would have to constantly actively ban people (or ignore people) from his list.

Sounds frustrating to me.  And it is one reason I hate playing online games is the annoying players.

So Planetgamecube decides to provide a game environment with limitations, for open online games.  No voice chat, just games.  This provides a means for people to play the game and not be offended.

Then, the individual has the choice to add people to his personal exclusive list to gain other features.  

It is a great compromise.  The only downside to the Wifi Friends System right now is it works for individual games only.  I think this will be changed for the Wii system.

And it is pretty easy to find and add friends to your list...all you have to do is hit the messageboards devoted to Nintendo and find the codes.  I have never felt inconvienced by the system.

It protects everyone...including Nintendo.

With a universal friends list (say you accumulate over time thirty) you can play only with the peeps on your friends list.  
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Spak-Spang on July 19, 2006, 02:22:54 PM
There will be some people that view Nintendo's online policies as a hassle.  Geez, I have to do this to get voice chat.  That is annoying...I can instantly have it with Xbox 360.

Sure, those people will exist, and they will view it as a negative.  I will not say weakness, because Nintendo WILL still have voice chat with Nintendo already exists.

However, there will be a great many people:  I am one a hardcore gamer, that doesn't like the annoyance of dealing with the "bonuses" along with online play.  Sure I can talk to people and plan stratigies, but I also have to deal the the F Bomb every few minutes and your mom jokes...or people whining about cheaters and such.  No thank you.

You will also get adults whom will venture to play online games, and will be thankful that the system is thoughtfully crafted to include a nice feature to use with friends, but disable it with strangers.  I can still play Hearts with strangers, but I don't have to deal with knowing my partner is actually a 13 year old boy looking a porn while he is playing.  

Finally, you have the parents, that have been watching gaming get more graphics and dirty every year, and have been watching television about the predators using MySpace to sexually assault children.  They look at online gaming as a risk, and Nintendo's Wii is online all the time if you have Wifi in your house.  That is pretty scary.  But wait...Nintendo has a friend system in place that helps protect and manage whom can really access and talk to your children.  Nintendo is the safest system for my child.  

I do understand some minor complaints if the system is handled exactly the same way as it is currently handled, but I think Nintendo is going to evolve the Friends System.  I am not being negative because I don't know all of Nintendo's plans, and I think it is foolish to start slamming them with incomplete data.  

You may think Nintendo should only cater to you, and similar gamers, but Nintendo must always look at the broader picture...specially when they are trying to broaden the gaming market.  

Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: EasyCure on July 19, 2006, 02:26:18 PM

Originally posted by: Bloodworth
The rivals system pretty much is the same as traditional online play with one distinction: communication.  You can't talk to rivals, only friends.  So, that keeps some guy from getting a kid's address while playing a Nintendo game.  It may sound silly and overprotective, but when TV news has already proclaimed the evils of PictoChat, Nintendo has to do more to keep that element away from online.  And it's not really the kids that care, it's the 40+ crowd.  The older generations are far more worried about that kind of thing (my grandparents refuse to get an Internet connection), so Nintendo has to do more to assure them - this is even more of an issue in Japan.  Also, aside from stalking, people you don't know screaming on and on and cursing up a storm, simply make online play unpleasant and irritating.  Better to have those idiots turned off by default if you ask me.  

As for Virtual Console, don't get your panties in a bunch over the "best of" label.  The only reason Nintendo is saying that is to keep people from thinking that every one of those old games will be available (which is impossible).  There will likely be some more of the obscure games, and there will DEFINITELY be new titles from small developers for download.  Nintendo has stated over and over again that they want to even the playing field for small developers and the Virtual Console is a major part of that strategy.  The classic games are just a primer.

And finally - we know next to nothing.  Save your bellyaching for when Nintendo really blows the lid off the online structure.

that part kinda reminds me of that movie The Break Up. if you havent seen it theres a scene where vince vaughn(sp) is playing some football game on his ps2 and trash talking to some 12  year old, and the kid keeps calling him a loser. it was a pretty funny scene, especially as a gamer

Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Ceric on July 19, 2006, 02:34:12 PM
I'm not very fond of communication in most games.  I hate it when you got a group in PSO that only wanted to talk.  If you want to talk get online or stay in the lobby.  I use a console to get online to play games.  Not talk to people.  (I do that here.)  That being said I chat in a game with anyone here because I know we still play.  I also hate people who can't be civil.  Especially they people that just can't beleive that someone could actually be good without cheats.  Not being able to talk and like with people would be lost, mind you, just a very small one.  Like Not getting a cherry on a sundae.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Neodymium on July 19, 2006, 03:55:18 PM
I'm saying that Nintendo should provide an option like MS does.

Allow the user to communicate with everyone (like I want to), communicate with friends (like parents want their kids to), and communicate with no one (like old people want to). In all seriousness, without communication there is little advantage to playing online over playing with bots after the "OMG REAL PPL" novelty runs out.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Crimm on July 19, 2006, 04:10:22 PM
I think all games with voice chat should require you to use a proprietary microphone.

Voice recognition software should recognize "OMG HAX" "homofag" "CHEATER" and other such stuff.  Three offences and 10,000 volts into your ear drum.

In reality, all games should allow players to vote to mute someone.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Cap on July 19, 2006, 04:10:39 PM
there is only one option for not having friend codes that i can see....and most people probably wont like the idea. i myself hate friend,

have two services like xbox live. make one free like xbox silver, and charge for another forcing payment to be made with a credit card. they would have to add something to the service to make it worthwhile(since online play should still be free for all), but include some virtual console games in the price, voice chat with whoever you choose, maybe some chat rooms and some other things that i'm not thinking of. if parents are giving out their credit cards to their kids without asking what its for, thats their fault.  

edit: i see this idea was already mentioned, but its still a good idea in my opinion.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Bloodworth on July 19, 2006, 07:44:28 PM
@_@  Did anyone even read my post?  The points I brought up were just completely ignored.


I'm the hard-core user, the one that not only knows what he wants but what the mainstream one does, and spends thousands upon thousands a year on Nintendo products.

That's presumptuous and arrogant.  How can you say you know what everyone else wants when there are several people that disagree with you right here?  

The friend codes are a bit of a hassle, yes, but they aren't a tragedy- and in the handful of games on DS, the system has changed rapidly.  There is no telling how friend codes will work on Wii, they could be entirely optional.  

Friend codes will probably be universal simply because it's more likely from a technical standpoint.  The DS doesn't have the amount of internal memory needed for lots of friend codes, so that's why you have to go through the process all over again for each game.  However, Wii games are on discs (no memory there) and the console has built-in memory.  It only makes sense that your friend code will be tied to just the console and not each individual game - especially if Nintendo has any non-game functions available.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: 31 Flavas on July 19, 2006, 08:19:20 PM

Originally posted by: Bloodworth
@_@  Did anyone even read my post?  The points I brought up were just completely ignored.
Yea... I was going to say... So bloodworth, if you ever wonder why Nintendo doesn't listen to its 'supposed' fans.... I'd say it's because these same fans don't listen to them! In otherwords it's exactly as Spak-Spang conjectured/stated, certain fans are being quite selfish and self-centered.

Now that's probably not stated in the kindest way possible, but i've got more important things to do then take the time to pander to them since they certainly aren't returning the favor you typed out.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: wandering on July 19, 2006, 08:40:56 PM
I agree with Bloodworth 100% on this one.


Originally posted by: Neodymium
Maybe I don't want a kid-friendly online community. Maybe I want to be able to make new friends who don't live in my neighborhood, and talk to them to boot.

Maybe Nintendo doesn't have an obligation to help you make friends. And maybe they do have an obligation to keep kids safe and keep parents' minds at ease.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Smash_Brother on July 19, 2006, 09:12:48 PM

Originally posted by: Neodymium Allow the user to communicate with everyone (like I want to), communicate with friends (like parents want their kids to), and communicate with no one (like old people want to). In all seriousness, without communication there is little advantage to playing online over playing with bots after the "OMG REAL PPL" novelty runs out.

To be honest, I'm torn.

On one hand, I can see why a lot of people want to play without friend codes. On the other, I can see why Nintendo is worried about pedophiles stalking children.

Basically, Nintendo doesn't trust the parenting skills of the world and I can't blame them. Thus, going without the friend codes would be suicide for many games, exposing them to many potential lawsuits.

On the flip side, Nintendo could score a big hit with older gamers if they allowed voice chat out of the box.

So I think a compromise should be made: allow gamers to go online and register a CC# for an "unlock" code which opens communication to the rest of the world on that Wii. No credit card? You have to use friend codes.

The card would never actually be charged, just verified as proof of age. Then, accessing the communication function would require a login and password which the user set up when they verified the CC, ensuring that no little brothers or whatnot could get free communication without the consent of an older person (who then takes the blame).

Presto: proof of age or a parent's consent to let their kid online (like they likely do with AIM chat anyway).

Without some form of communication, it basically makes playing humans the same as playing mildly smarter bots (sometimes). I don't think Nintendo should fall back to friend codes just yet when there are other, smarter options available.

Besides, ever been to Gamefaqs boards? They have huge lists of friend codes there which everyone adds to their system. Creepy Chad, the pedophile, could just as easily add his code to the list and he'll be voice chatting with children in no time.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: IceCold on July 19, 2006, 10:32:06 PM

Originally posted by: kirby_killer_dedede is a Rivals system any safer than the server system that most online games use?  This is bullshit.
Wow, look who's back..

Also, Bloodworth and Spak are absolutely right. In Metroid Prime: Hunters, the system is just fine for playing with strangers/rivals; the only thing you need friend codes for is voice chatting. Which is the way it should be. It probably would be better if there was a universal friend code for every game, but apart from that, Nintendo is headed in the right direction.
Title: RE:No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Nephilim on July 19, 2006, 11:56:39 PM
Well online gamers these days expect voice chat and abilty to choose who you play

People stop making excuses, parents dont care what kids do on live and not all voice chat is like live
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Ceric on July 20, 2006, 04:15:06 AM
But Lawyers and Journalist do.
Title: RE: No MWii pages up, friend code(s?) confirmed
Post by: Spak-Spang on July 20, 2006, 05:46:49 AM
Nintendo is already lumped and blamed for creating less than Kid friendly systems, because of the actions of Sony and Microsoft.

To journalists the two game companies are still Nintendo and Sony...when it comes to discussing poltical or legal issues.

It is also so easy to sue over anything in this country and actually win.  Nintendo knew it was marketing its system for kids to play, and the online service is on all the how was I suppose to protect my kid.  It's Nintendo's product.

The only problem with the Metroid Prime: Hunters design was that it was hard to set up special rules unless you had friends.  This problem is annoying...but it has nothing to do with the friends system...just a design decision by the development team.