Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 07:16:48 AM

Title: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 07:16:48 AM
According to IGN, this is the new name, though they didn't elaborate as of yet.

Edit:     Introducing... Wii.

     As in "we."

     While the code-name Revolution expressed our direction, Wii represents teh answer. Wii will break down that wall that seperates videogame players from everybody else. Wii will put people more in touch with their gams... and each other. But you're probably asking: What does the name mean?

     Wii sounds like "we," wehich emphasizes the console is for everyone. Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii.

     Wii has a distinctive "ii" spelling that symbolizes both the unique controllers and the image of people playing it. And Wii, as a name and a console, brings something revolutionary to the world of videogames that sets it apart from the crowd.

     So that's Wii. But now Nintendo needs you. Because it's really not about you or me. It's about Wii. And together, Wii will change everything.

I have to get used to this.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: BigJim on April 27, 2006, 07:25:48 AM
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 07:26:57 AM
This is why I said with the DS Nintendo lost it's right to change a consoles name on its own.  Now is there another W in front of that?

Nintendo WWII:  Greatest inovation in WW:II gaming ever.

Edit: And they just cut the sales by half before they got to the gate.  This name is terrible.  Wii (Wee) is not what you want associated with you console.   I don't know whether to start complaining now or what.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 07:28:26 AM
????????????????????????????????? they have to be messing with us
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 27, 2006, 07:28:31 AM
I dunno...I actually like it!  NINTENDO WE!
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 07:31:11 AM
A better, darker name would have been Nintendo Them, or They.  Lol.  Seriously, couldn't they call it Nintendo us?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: BigJim on April 27, 2006, 07:31:24 AM
I thought of World War 2 immediately on seeing it (before knowing how it was pronounced). Not a good first impression.

I would prefer even a standard "We" for the spelling over Wii. That's just weird.

Revolution was perfect. It said everything they hoped to accomplish.  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 07:34:55 AM
I kind of thought of WiFi for some reason.  I don't think I like it, but then again if it's marketed correctly, I'm sure it'll be fine.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 07:36:29 AM
Now that I though on it more I can't find one good thing about this name.

It doesn't roll of the tongue.

You can use it in thing like:

Is that some Wii on your carpet.
Wii because we were going to call it Wifi but had to keep it 3 letters
Oww... Nintendo Wii.

No real creative thought needed.

Theres not a manly way to say it.  In fact there is no other way to say it.
(Example, Gamecube you could just refer to it as Cube or GCN)

Terrible Terrible Name.  Nintendo Codenames are suppose to be terrible not console names.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Fro on April 27, 2006, 07:37:56 AM
The big problem I see is it sounds like "Wee" as in... "I'm going to go play with my wee" or "Man, that new Nintendo wee console sure is childish".

The logo looks really cool though and I do like the idea of the name being short enough to not be abbreviated  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 07:38:07 AM

Official. Nintendo Wii.

I thought Wifi as well, then I thought WWII, then I thought.. ok where's the real name? Now i'm just laughing my ass off. Nintendo just took the piss out of every single serious generic name ever.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Dasmos on April 27, 2006, 07:45:24 AM
I don't mind it. Of course I would still prefer Revolution over this or any other name.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 07:47:27 AM
Cool logo bad name.

I suddenly, with just a name change, had my excitement for the Rev drop immenselly.  If Nintendo can drop the ball on the name, again, then I really have no faith in the games that I am suppose to have faith are good.

Why Why Why?

Now there is this embarassing word in general to say in public the name of the console.

Just what Nintendo needs.  Another stigma.  "Mommy I want to play with the Wii?"  "Don't say those sorts of things"

Wii as in "Wii didn't think about other markets."

I went from ease of talking about the Rev to embarassment to talk abour the Wii.  Took less than 30 seconds.

The worst part of it all is I'm going to have to live with it and that the Logo is so cool.  Just the Name stinks.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: attackslug on April 27, 2006, 07:49:51 AM
All I can say is... ick.  They are really going all out on the iPod/Apple design and marketing style with this one. And the first thing that came to mind were juvenille pee(nis) jokes and whatnot.  The elementary school crowd is going to have a field day with this one.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 27, 2006, 07:51:07 AM

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 27, 2006, 07:55:02 AM
Does anyone over the age of 10 even use the word "wee" to describe urine?  Grow up...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: BigJim on April 27, 2006, 07:55:31 AM
Looks like it's pronounced "Why" and that sums up my feeling exactly. Ugh.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: soracloudtidus on April 27, 2006, 07:56:23 AM
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on April 27, 2006, 07:56:52 AM
I thought the purple Cube was bad.  Wii?

NCL here's some information regarding North American culture.

Wee means small.  Wee can be slang for penis or pee.  Wee sounds incredibly childish and immature.  THIS NAME IS F*CKING STUPID SO CHANGE IT YOU IDIOTS!

I actually think a name this stupid could affect sales.  Why don't they just call it Pu or Pook or Crahpp or Buubs while they're at it.  No one will be able to say "Nintendo Wii" without feeling like a total tool.  I think people would be embarassed to say they own a "Wii" or ask a store clerk if they can buy a "Wii" or say "hey let's go to my house and play with my Wii".  This is a complete marketing disaster.

This name is completely unsuitable for the American market and absolutely MUST be changed.  If they want to call it this in Japan, fine, but in America they should stick with Revolution.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 07:57:23 AM
Personally, I don't care what the name is, but "Wii" is pretty bad for sales knowing the millions of insecure people out there. The word looks good in text I think, but the prounciation is where it dies. What I love about it is the fact it's the least serious name of all time, it makes me laugh and smile.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 07:58:02 AM
I went through stages..

My first thought was that its easy to clown (by fanboys, critics, even good media outlets will make all sorts of cliched headlines with it)

but then I realized:

A) Idiot people will always make fun of Nintendo (they always have and that has never stopped me from buying and enjoying their products)

B) I hated the Gamecube's name when it came out (I and others got used to it after a while)

C) Though its completely off the wall, their reasoning is sound (no abbreviation, made for all languages, unique among videogame names..which equals my next point)

D) This will be incredibly easy to market

The slogans are obvious, even "bad" press will get the name out. It will be a conversation topic everywhere just because of its name which will spread it even moreso.

Bottom line this is quintessential Nintendo. They do what nobody would dare to try. Which is why I love them.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 27, 2006, 07:59:11 AM
"Does anyone over the age of 10 even use the word "wee" to describe urine? Grow up..."

"Wee can be slang for penis or pee. Wee sounds incredibly childish and immature."

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 27, 2006, 08:03:58 AM

Originally posted by: Bill Aurion
Does anyone over the age of 10 even use the word "wee" to describe urine?  Grow up...

I personally wouldnt care if it was called "the gayest console on earth", but this will affect them negatively, is a really stupid name, change it now before things go bad, you were doing everything so right Nintendo!.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 08:04:19 AM

Does anyone over the age of 10 even use the word "wee" to describe urine? Grow up...

Well isn't that exactly the point?  Nobody over ten does say 'wee', which is why I don't want my console named after a childish, immature slang term for urination.  Revolution is by far the better name.  By. Far.  How about just Nintendo?  Damn it I really hate Wii.  F*^^!
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on April 27, 2006, 08:06:22 AM

Well I personally don't use the word "wee" in my regular speech but I and everyone who can speak English knows what "wee" is.

Yes it is very immature to joke about such a name but people are insecure.  You can't just say "grow up" and make everything better.  Nintendo's whole k!ddy image is largely undeserved but it exists nonetheless and it affects Nintendo's success in North America.  A name like this SHOULDN'T matter but marketing shouldn't matter either and it does so this name does.

I think "Wii" also has a problem in that it's hard to tell how it's pronounced.  "Gamecube" at least was obvious.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 27, 2006, 08:07:44 AM
wii doesnt mean anything here in Colombia, in spanish, but trust me, it still sounds stupid.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: RiskyChris on April 27, 2006, 08:09:05 AM
I agree with Ian Sane today.  This name is ridiculous.  What the fekk do they expect me to do, walk into EB and say "Can I put money on a wii?"

Jesus christ.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 08:12:42 AM
AND there trying to get the Non gamer market.  In the end the true hardcore won't care what it's called.  But the 99% of other people in the world will.

I sent an e-mail to Nintendo stating my opinion. (I know one won't do much but many will)

I know what they were thing with "We" but they must understand "We" is never used alone but "Wee" is a standalone word and is the assumed meaning when "We" is said with no sentence.

I just went around my office asking if you would buy something name "Wii"  They laughed and were flabbergasted something be named like this.  They wouldn't buy it off the name alone.

It's ok if a name is just weird but all the bad connotations and easy jokes associated with this name is inexcusable.

They probably thought they were being clever.

Just change it to Wifi so you don't have to really change the Logo.

Wii is just not that great of a name no matter how you slice it.

My Challenge to you brave souls is to somehow convince me, someone who wants to like the name, to like the name.

Help me see the light.

The "we" stuff Nintendo gave us is just is not cutting it.

If no one can convince me then what do you think the masses will be like?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on April 27, 2006, 08:13:44 AM
I just realized something.  Xbox 360 is not the stupidest name for this generation.  Who would have thought that?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 08:13:53 AM
Nintendo continues to solidy the IDENTITY of their console.

This is beautiful

Some people might say:

" this will not they know what this means in English???"
"They MUST change it for the Northamericans' market"

when will you all realize Nintendo's focus is not USA?

They are global. The name of the new console reflects that. Anyone who speaks anothe language will understand.

And, also, this will affect sales. But it will affect sales "positively". Do you think Nintendo left out High-Definition capabilities, radically changed the input device, and gave this name on accident?

No. They are fully aware that these things WILL ALIENATE SOME PEOPLE. Its okay, those are the people that Nintendo WANTS to alienate. Do they want money from everyones wallet? Sure, but is that possible? No.

This is all marketing. They are defining their customers by defining the brand image. And, whether you like it personally or not, you must admit that the Wii has a brand that is very powerful.


It either one or the other (with a good brand).

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Caliban on April 27, 2006, 08:16:33 AM
I still think it's a joke on all of us, and I do really not mind the name.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 08:17:21 AM
eljefe:  But the majority of the world at least know rudimentary english and wee, weak, WW:II, and like are part of Rudimentary English whether we like it or not.

Edit: now and know.  It seems I'm in the part that doesn't speak rudimentary english...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 08:18:01 AM
Hahah. I love the name, it's so stupid and awkward and embarrassing to everyone else that it now has a special place in my heart.

Of course now the Wiimote is much more obviously phallic than before.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: SgtShiversBen on April 27, 2006, 08:19:09 AM Nintendo did shed their kitty image.  O,o
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 08:20:16 AM

Some people might say:

" this will not they know what this means in English???"
"They MUST change it for the Northamericans' market"

when will you all realize Nintendo's focus is not USA?

You are aware the US is the biggest market right?  Throw into the equation other English speaking countries, and you just about made a fool of yourself.  The bottom line is not what you or I think.  All of us here will buy Wii.  The problem is Nintendo trying to expand it's market.  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on April 27, 2006, 08:20:50 AM
"when will you all realize Nintendo's focus is not USA?

They are global. The name of the new console reflects that. Anyone who speaks anothe language will understand."

Global doesn't mean excluding English speaking countries.  Nintendo isn't global, they're Japanese.

The only people in North America who I think will tolerate such a name are hardcore gamers.  They'll buy a console regardless of the name if the games are good.  But that is the exact opposite of who Nintendo is trying to target.  They want this to be a very mainstream console, the most mainstream console ever made.  So it can't have a name that shallow American consumers will be turned off by.

I suggest they change the name to Wiim as in "whim".  That's a neutral word and they can take their logo and make it so that the last two letters are the 'w' and 'i' upsidedown.  Clever logo, international friendly name, doesn't turn off American consumers.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 08:21:39 AM
I didn't even think of that yet PaLaDiN.  Also I just realized you name is probably a play off of NiGHTs.  That is funny.  It's like Hello Kitty "Shoulder Messagers."
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 08:22:07 AM
I hate to post again, but...

Don't you see?


Wii is the real name, but they are being very strategic (with their timing).

What is the last news you've heard about PS3?


The Nintendo HypeMachine has officially hit the road. And everyone is on the bandwagon.

Every news company is reporting this...
Every videogame blog/forum/ and website is talking about...

And this is just the beginning. This will carry on until, during, and after E3.

My goodness, Nintendo are genii  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on April 27, 2006, 08:23:15 AM

Originally posted by: PaLaDiN
Of course now the Wiimote....
Rats.  You beat me to it.  I could learn to accept this name, but I'm hopeful that a large, sudden, and very negative backlash will convince them to change it.  As I recall, NOA stood up to NCL when they wanted to call the Dolphin "Starcube."  I have to wonder if they put up a fight this time.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 08:23:42 AM
It's only genius if the name is code for something else which will be revealed at E3.  Then we can say, 'they got us' and 'great PR move'.  Frankly, I hope that's what it is.  Even Nintendo can't think this sounds good.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: SgtShiversBen on April 27, 2006, 08:24:40 AM
but...couldn't they have picked a better name

PNes was more suitable
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 08:25:04 AM

Originally posted by: Caliban
I still think it's a joke on all of us, and I do really not mind the name.

Hahaha, that's what i'm leaning towards right now, as a possibility at least. Nintendo are giving people something to talk about for 2 weeks before E3. Actually, this was announced exactly 12 days before E3, to the same hour.

Originally posted by: PaLaDiN
Hahah. I love the name, it's so stupid and awkward and embarrassing to everyone else that it now has a special place in my heart.

That sums up my thoughts about it nicely.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Strell on April 27, 2006, 08:26:24 AM

GO.  GO NOW, F******.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Spak-Spang on April 27, 2006, 08:26:29 AM
Ok. Its a freaking means nothing.

Like Xbox 360 is a good name.  The 360 means nothing.

Like Playstation 3 is an imaginative name.

Nintendo Wii is creative.  It is a name that is more a symbol then a name.  The question isn't how you pronounce it.  The question is how you view the image.  Also I am curious if this means something more in Japanese or another language.  Perhaps we are just judging it with our American eyes and mind.

If you take the press announcement away from it.  And you stop thinking about how to pronounce it.  I really like the LOOK of the name.

Nintendo Wii


Nintendo wii

looks cool.  Its modern and abstract.  Its nontraditional, nonconformist cool.

I like the name.  I probably will more just refer to the system in conversation as "That's the new Nintendo."  But I am not going to hate a system because of a name.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Jdub03 on April 27, 2006, 08:27:29 AM
That name is complete TRASH. Why dont they change the name like they did with the famicon.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Athrun Zala on April 27, 2006, 08:29:57 AM
this is a joke, right?? RIGHT??

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 08:31:51 AM

Ok. Its a freaking means nothing.

Okay.  And you're completely clueless if you believe that.


like the name. I probably will more just refer to the system in conversation as "That's the new Nintendo." But I am not going to hate a system because of a name.

Then why not refer to it as the Wii if the name doesn't bother you in the slightest?  Yeah, exactly.

And nobody hates the system.  Just the name.  I'm fairly certain everyone on these boards will buy one.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 08:32:11 AM
yeah, yeah, yeah

I know USA is the biggest market. I live here.

Basically, I'm just kinda speaking on behalf of Nintendo. I have no idea if there plan will work (by them not focusing on the US/EURO markets)

I feel like they are talking to ME when they make decisions like this. I just hope, and they are banking on the fact that, there are enough crazy people out there like me who will support them.

As long as the Wii exists long enough for me to get the launch games (before its discontinued) I'll be OK.

I have to get this at launch, now.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 08:33:27 AM

As long as the Wii exists long enough for me to get the launch games (before its discontinued) I'll be OK.

I have to get this at launch, now.

I'm sure everyone will buy it regardless.  But the name is pretty bad, as much as I wish it weren't.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Caterkiller on April 27, 2006, 08:36:00 AM
Im with Spak in that I love the way it looks as a symbol. I think it looks really cool actualy. But at the same time Americans are going to have a field day with this because of how it is pronounced. Then again, I actualy think it can be marketed right. Something along the lines of "wii are coming for you" or something of that nature. It would seem eaiser to advertise the entire thing rather than just say its name, but thats where I think some back lash will kick in.

How in the heck will Reggie explain this to us, I mean really, what is he going to say about it? But you know what, if anyone can explain it right and make it cool, its him. Right?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 08:38:08 AM
Oh hey, I just realised DS Lite was a hint of a name like this. Light = Lite, We = Wii.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 08:38:46 AM

Originally posted by: Spak-Spang

Like Xbox 360 is a good name.  The 360 means nothing.

Like Playstation 3 is an imaginative name.

Nintendo Wii is creative.  It is a name that is more a symbol then a name.  The question isn't how you pronounce it.  The question is how you view the image.  Also I am curious if this means something more in Japanese or another language.  Perhaps we are just judging it with our American eyes and mind.

...LOOK of the name.

Nintendo Wii


Nintendo wii

looks cool.  Its modern and abstract.  Its nontraditional, nonconformist cool.

I like the name.  I probably will more just refer to the system in conversation as "That's the new Nintendo."  But I am not going to hate a system because of a name.

Exactly. I probably won't even use the name much (especially around small-minded people I usually game with). And, most non-gamer types will just call it "that thing where you have to wave your hands around" anyway.

The name is for hype and marketing purposes only. It does its job well.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on April 27, 2006, 08:39:11 AM
Well this is odd.  Turns out they can't even get because it's owned by Willamette Industries, Inc.  And is locked.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 08:39:20 AM
Nintendo isn't going for cool, they're going for irreverently silly. Because really, what are games about?

And it's working. Say what you will, but "Wii" will be used in a lot more animated conversations and reach a lot more people than "Revolution". If nothing else, you know countless people will say "I'm going to play with my Wii now" just for the hell of it.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Caliban on April 27, 2006, 08:42:08 AM
I'm having a blast with this anouncement, reading alot of opinions on it and I just giggle and evily smirk at the name Wii.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 08:43:35 AM

Originally posted by: PaLaDiN
Nintendo isn't going for cool, they're going for irreverently silly. Because really, what are games about?

And it's working.

Let me get this's working because Nintendo fanboys are talking about it non stop?  Gee, who would have thought?  The point is, it won't work to expend the market, such as stealing Sony market share and the like.

If it's a joke, I say it's a great success.  If it's real, it's just really really stupid.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 08:44:17 AM
Hopefully this means the Wii will be Region Fwii! Since they are promoting the global aspect of it.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on April 27, 2006, 08:44:30 AM
I just checked out the Penny Arcade forum.  They hate the name.  They have a Rev thread there that from the beginning has been overflowing with interest and postive opinions.  They love the Rev over there.  But they HATE the name Wii.  Everyone does.  You look at any game related forum online, even, and there is universal hatred.

So I think they're probably going to change it.  I imagine a conversation like this.

Iwata: We're going to call the Revolution the Nitnendo Wii.
Reggie:  WHAT?  No, we can't call it that.  In English that word has negative associations.  We can't call it that.
Iwata:  You're wrong.  It's a brilliant name and everone will love it.
Reggie: *Grrrrr* Fine.  Here's what I suggest.  We'll reveal the name a few weeks before E3 to see how people react and then if they don't like it we'll have enough time to change it for E3.
Iwata:  Okay.  It doesn't matter anyway because everyone will love it.
Reggie: Uh, sure.

Reggie needs to kick the Wii's ass and take its name.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: RiskyChris on April 27, 2006, 08:47:04 AM
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 08:47:19 AM
If they promote this by making fun of it, it could be good, and it could change the world! Things like having urinal demo units would be brilliant, nobody can make fun of something as lighthearted as that, it's just funny.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Spak-Spang on April 27, 2006, 08:48:54 AM
Do people say Xbox 360 when they refer to the new system?  Usually they just say Xbox or maybe though pretty Rare 360.

Same with Playstation.  It is either I am playing Playstation (70%) or PS2.

In that aspect is why I just say Nintendo.  I sometimes say do you want to play Gamecube but usually I just say do you want to play Nintendo.

There are two other options.  Nintendo is throwing the name out there...or NOA may have perhaps another means of announcing it.

I like the name.  If I am going to be one of the few fine.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 08:49:39 AM

Originally posted by: The OmenLet me get this's working because Nintendo fanboys are talking about it non stop?  Gee, who would have thought?  The point is, it won't work to expend the market, such as stealing Sony market share and the like.

If it's a joke, I say it's a great success.  If it's real, it's just really really stupid.

That's the point. It is a joke. It's just a joke that happens to be real.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Caliban on April 27, 2006, 08:51:53 AM
It's funny that the console's only intent and purpose is to play games, yet people are soooooo annoyed with something so trivial.

Today I'm going to do a 5 hour shift at my part-time job and I know I will be smirking about the name the whole time.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 08:53:30 AM
It sounds silly by itself, maybe the idea is to get you to use the company name in front of it? Nintendo Wii... Nintendoughy?

I don't know if this is the end of the world... Playstation is kind of a sissy name itself...

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 08:54:00 AM
AHAHAHAHAHA does this mean PlanetGameCube will be renamed PlanetWii?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: trip1eX on April 27, 2006, 08:54:35 AM
I think it will grow on me.  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Caliban on April 27, 2006, 08:57:41 AM

Originally posted by: Mario
AHAHAHAHAHA does this mean PlanetGameCube will be renamed PlanetWii?

Oooo, that's a good remark. So instead of PGC we will have PWii(pwee).
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: SgtShiversBen on April 27, 2006, 08:58:24 AM
Could be worse...


OMGOSH!! will be's sister site!! FTW
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: LordSam on April 27, 2006, 09:02:23 AM
When I first seen the name, I thought of "Dub I". Then I seen it pronouced as "WE" and I refuse to call it a "WE". I'll be sticking to my original thought of "Dub I" (Dub as in Dubaya (W) and also Dub as in slang terms which means 2.

So I Dub thee "Dub I".  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: SgtShiversBen on April 27, 2006, 09:03:48 AM
Have you seen my wii-ner?

Sorry, I'm still in shock of it all.  Also, they probably could call it the Nintendo We cause then it'd probably get all this flack from that Women's Entertainment thing.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 09:04:14 AM

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
I just checked out the Penny Arcade forum.  They hate the name.  They have a Rev thread there that from the beginning has been overflowing with interest and postive opinions.  They love the Rev over there.  But they HATE the name Wii.  Everyone does.  You look at any game related forum online, even, and there is universal hatred.

To quote your earlier comment "The only people in North America who I think will tolerate such a name are hardcore gamers." The PA crowd is the hardcore crowd... they might piss and moan about it, but it's not going to keep them from buying it.

To be honest, I have absolutely no clue how the nongamer is going to feel about this name. It's a little silly and a little lame, but is that necessarily a bad thing from their perspective? Probably a lot of it depends on how you market it.

The only people I see this for sure effecting is the teenage Xtr3m3 kiddiez who, lets face it, weren't going to buy it no matter what you call it.

Just put a hot girl in the commercial and have her say "Wii should totally hook up", it'll be fine.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 09:06:34 AM
"Live in your world, Wii in ours"

"Wii, anyone?"

"It's good to Wii together"
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: MaryJane on April 27, 2006, 09:06:45 AM
The pronunciation of the name is absolutely ridiculous. How can anyone have conversation about this system?

No need to abbreviate? I always thought it was a good thing to have your system recognized by more than one name.

They have to change this name. I will buy it no matter what, but how the hell can I promote the system to my friends when everytime i say the name i'm just going to laugh.

Yes its funny. But its not good. its horrible.

I thought Gamecube was a stupid name, but the name fit the system, its a friggin cube, so its called a cube.

Wii does not fit what I will always call the Rev. What the F*CK is a Wii? yes it looks cool i say that but it sounds so stupid.

my god what is wrong with nintendo. they make a great input device, get the media on their side, release more info prior to E3 than ever before, and then do this. Iwata started taking some of Miyamoto's drugs I think.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: MaryJane on April 27, 2006, 09:08:49 AM

Originally posted by: LordSam
When I first seen the name, I thought of "Dub I". Then I seen it pronouced as "WE" and I refuse to call it a "WE". I'll be sticking to my original thought of "Dub I" (Dub as in Dubaya (W) and also Dub as in slang terms which means 2.

So I Dub thee "Dub I".

Actually dub means 20. rollin on dubs (driving on 20" rims). let's get a dub. (lets buy a gram of marijuana - $20) no better than Wii, and no worse either.  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 09:09:35 AM

Originally posted by: jasonditz

To be honest, I have absolutely no clue how the nongamer is going to feel about this name. It's a little silly and a little lame, but is that necessarily a bad thing from their perspective?

The way I see it, "a little silly and a little lame" is infinitely better than "yet another thing nerds take way too seriously." People who have never even thought about playing games before will find their humor and interest piqued by the name, and that can only be a good thing.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 09:11:21 AM
"How about Wii own you" or "Smoke Wii everyday" or "May the power of Wii compel you" or "This ain't no sipping Wii" or "Wii's Nutz" or "Wii didn't start the fire" or don't know.


That's the point. It is a joke. It's just a joke that happens to be real.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Caterkiller on April 27, 2006, 09:11:35 AM
LOL! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man Mario, thats funny! Usualy if I type "lol" on screen it means im not really laughing, its just an expression, but that was good, you should be proud.

And Jasonditz, your commercial ideas will have to be used in order for the morons to except it. If this will be the name and how its pronounced I bet wii will see alot of that.  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 09:12:17 AM
Mrs. Kaplan said

I think people have to look back and let it settle in," she said. "I'm sure people felt the same way when Google was named – or the iPod. Napster. Yahoo. There's a whole host of unusual names that have become a part of everyday conversation and I think they're viewed now as unique.


I'm seriously loving this

videogamers on the net think their PERSONAL HONOR is on the line because of the name of someone elses product.


that is too funny
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 09:12:58 AM

The way I see it, "a little silly and a little lame" is infinitely better than "yet another thing nerds take way too seriously." People who have never even thought about playing games before will find their humor and interest piqued by the name, and that can only be a good thing.

I strongly disagree.  They will be laughing at, not with, and it poses a problem.  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 09:16:16 AM

I'm seriously loving this

videogamers on the net think their PERSONAL HONOR is on the line because of the name of someone elses product.


that is too funny

It is possible to just hate a name, whether or not you have a personal stake in it.  I hate the name Blanch, and that sure as hell doesn't effect me.  I hate Wii too.  So what?  Just as there are defenders who feel compelled to defend something they have absolutely nothing to do with, there can be detractors.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 09:19:03 AM



I will buy it no matter what, but how the hell can I promote the system to my friends when everytime i say the name i'm just going to laugh.

Do you not see the solution here? Nintendo will be treating it as a silly, immature joke. The whole point is that when you promote the system to your friends, they're going to laugh too, and because it made them laugh, they're going to remember it, and because they remember it, they'll want to try it out if they ever get the chance.

To the non-gamer, this says, go ahead, try playing a game. It's just silly, harmless fun, and you can laugh about it afterwards.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ThePerm on April 27, 2006, 09:20:31 AM
that is the stupidest name ever
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: wandering on April 27, 2006, 09:21:25 AM
Holy crap. Wow.

Forgive me if if this has been said, but this sounds like a mistranslation on the part of NCL, along the lines of Donkey Kong. To them, it's short, it evokes the wi-fi connection, and it evokes 'we' as in 'us'.

But to us, it makes silly names like StarCube and Intel ViiV look good.

But I dunno. It certainly is a topic starter. Or ender. Maybe it will become the next google or tivo.

Or maybe they're going after the French market. Wii, wii.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: MaryJane on April 27, 2006, 09:23:38 AM
This is kind of cool

as much as i hate the name if they market it like this, and add a syllable it could work, i still say it should be pronouced like hawaii but instead of wa-ii pronounce it why-ii (the way most americans pronounce it anyway)
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 27, 2006, 09:23:56 AM
Do you people read my reactions? IT SOUNDS STUPID EVEN IN NOT-ENGLISH LANGUAGES.

So anyway, the new name for the "rev" is suppose to hint at something, the two "i" refer to the controller, but how? is this final confirmation that the rev will be packed with two controllers?

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ThePerm on April 27, 2006, 09:25:18 AM
did someone hack Nintendo's website?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 09:26:38 AM

did someone hack Nintendo's website?

Peter Moore
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 09:26:56 AM
I hope this is the Japanese name and they keep Revolution for the US.

No one will be able to take this console seriously. I don't think I'll be able to walk into Gamestop and say, "I'd like to reserve a wee." Or tell my friends, "Let's go back to my place and play some games on my wee."

Geigh, stupid, f*cked, retarded name. What the hell was wrong with "Revolution"?

I'm still hoping this is a goddamn nightmare or a joke and I'll either wake up or Nintendo will reveal that "Wii" is only the first syllable in the name of the console or something...

Man, why does Nintendo do this to themselves?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 09:27:10 AM
I wonder how long ago they picked this name. In the July 2005 episode of Nintendo Power, page 102...  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Zach on April 27, 2006, 09:27:32 AM
Im still gonna call it the rev, I dont think that this name is gonna stick (or at least I hope not).

Edit: how the heck is Reggie gonna kick @ss and take names at E3 with the Nintendo Wii?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ABlueflameA on April 27, 2006, 09:27:41 AM
The Good:  Its short, there are so many different marketing options/slogans available its ridiculous.  Look at all the ones that ya'll have made.  Its "modern" and "japanese-y" two things that are very big in the U.S right now, especially with gamers. The i's in Wii remind me of the iPod (and other mac devices) and you can't get any more trendy/popular than that.

The bad: In immature people (read: most guys) Wii denotes a phallus or urine depending on the context of the sentence.  This WILL make people laugh at Nintendo.  Can't you picture PS3/360 fanboys taunting us and telling us to go to our rooms and play with our wii's?  (or something to that affect)

Overall:  Definately a gutsy move on Nintendo's part.  The name is sure to get them all sorts of press coverage as well as 1,000's of discussions just like this one across the internet hoping that its a month-late April Fool's joke.  With the right marketing, amazing games, internet connectivity and ds networking (and the ability to poke fun at themselves) it really won't matter all that much.  To the nay-sayers who say that Nintendo's days are done, look at the DS.  Many people thought it was sparkling innovation-y, had worse graphics compared to the PS3/360 and more.   Now its outselling the PSP by as much as 6 to 1, has good marketing, good games, wifi (and OPERA!!).  Compare this to Wii vs. the rest.  Same story.  Worse graphics, "sparkling innovationy" and cheaper.

Nintendo is trying to repeat its DS success and is using the exact same plan and I think its going to work.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: wandering on April 27, 2006, 09:29:31 AM
fixing the name requires one simple change: changing the pronunciation from wee to why, like someone said they thought it was pronounced way back.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ThePerm on April 27, 2006, 09:30:43 AM
ok, now how come I get a server error when i goto regular
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Zach on April 27, 2006, 09:31:14 AM
except this is the one that nintendo is going to have to crawl out of the tiku tiku tiku!  image.  Calling it the Wii is the worst thing they could possible do.


Now its gonna sound like were all playing with nintendo's urine
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 09:35:36 AM
Another commercial: Nintendo contracts out the Simpsons to do an animated commercial

Groundskeeper Willie: Och! I cannae fit this PS3 in ma tiny shack!
Groundskeeper Willie: Wait... waever can this be?
Nintendo Wii appears out of thin air, maybe floating and with some harp music in the background
Groundskeeper Willie: Ahh! This is perfect... this Nintendo system is just wee enough to fit on the shelf!
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ThePerm on April 27, 2006, 09:36:33 AM
only if they did that i would except it jasonditz
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Spak-Spang on April 27, 2006, 09:38:25 AM

you could pronounce it differently and make it cool.



But "We" still works.  

I don't think it is I LOVE HALO 2.  I think it is a simple, pure name.  It is attractive to several different type of people, and isn't intimidating.

Xbox 360 is an intimidating name to nongamers.  Heck its confusing to even gamers.  They jumped Xbox 2 and went straight to 3...but needed a cooler name for it?  What?

PS3 is just a number.  It means nothing.  Playstation 3 means something, but it also has an image with it.

Nintendo Wii is elegant in so many ways.  It seems like a bold sophisticated and cultured name.  And that will appeal to adults, women, and such.  

Nintendo will appeal to the gamers, or SHOULD.  

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 09:40:50 AM
Aw, come on, nobody loves to wii more than kids! My little cousins are gonna wii all over the place when I get this baby fired up in my living room! That's a beautiful thing to share together.

BTW, the "tiku tiku tiku! " image sold 150 million Gameboys, and they've gone slowly downhill ever since they've tried to fight it.

"Nintendo Wii, jump in!"
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 09:43:27 AM
OK... more marketing ideas. Clever names for the colors

Start out with clear and yellow as the two pure colors of Wii...

Later add a red one called "beets"
and a green one called "asparagus"

Have a temporary promotional offer for a brown one called "kidney failure"
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: MaryJane on April 27, 2006, 09:44:07 AM
The Nintendo Way. That could work for me. still spelled Wii
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on April 27, 2006, 09:44:22 AM
"I'm sure people felt the same way when Google was named – or the iPod. Napster. Yahoo. There's a whole host of unusual names that have become a part of everyday conversation and I think they're viewed now as unique."

The difference is Google, iPod, Napster and Yahoo are not words with immature potty talk associated with them.  It's not just that it's an "unusual" name.  The problem is that is a name directly associated with a childish slang term for urine.

Some of you are spin doctoring and making excuses for it.  How did that help the Cube?  It didn't.  Whenever something borderline disasterous happened with the Cube making up an excuse didn't help things worth crap.  If I have to explain a name to prevent people from making fun of it then it's a crappy name.  With marketing you can't assume people will stop and listen and understand your long explanation on why the potty mouth name is actually brilliant.  If the name immediately triggers a negative response then it's a horrible name period.  Making people think of piss is a negative response.

It's like the Super Mario Sunshine commercial.  All the typical Nintendo apologists were all "it's a brilliant commerical because it makes fun of Nintendo's k!ddy image."  That didn't stop the general negative reaction to it and Nintendo quickly dropped it.  Oh and the Gamecube was overtaken by the Xbox later that year but I'm sure the fact that the supposed killer app had the worst commercial ever made for it was just a coincedence.  So it doesn't matter if this is a joke name and thus is brilliant.  The "joke" is too subtle and isn't even that funny.  No one is going to get it so it's a crappy joke and a crappy name.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: MaryJane on April 27, 2006, 09:47:30 AM
actually i thought yahoo was a pretty stupid name, but for what it is, it kind of works, i have an account with them and have it as my home page on one of my browsers. i'm still going to buy wii, maybe it will grow on me but i'd prefer a different name.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 09:48:36 AM
Wii wont grow on you, it'll run down your leg and you wont be able to do anything about it until it sticks.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 09:49:25 AM
Kid 1: Guys, Guys, wii just got a Wii
Kid 2: Cool... can wii all go see it?
Kid 1: Sure... Wii got the Family Bundle with extra controllers, so wii can all play.
Kid 3 (smart-allecky kid): Hey loser... what color is your wii?
Kid 1 (thinking it over for a second): It's yellow of course... why... what color is your wii?!
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 09:51:39 AM
"No one will be able to take this console seriously."

God forbid.

I must reiterate my hatred for humanity, particularly gamers.  Too busy being cool to have fun.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ABlueflameA on April 27, 2006, 09:51:56 AM
Yea for immaturity!
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 09:52:44 AM

If I have to explain a name to prevent people from making fun of it then it's a crappy name.

The point is that you don't have to explain the name because you want people to make fun of it.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: vudu on April 27, 2006, 09:53:42 AM
This is from like 90 posts ago, but whatever; I'm late, sue me.

Originally posted by: eljefe
I realized ... Though its completely off the wall, their reasoning is sound (no abbreviation, made for all languages, unique among videogame names)
I can think of another system that could boast those same features:  the Nokia NGage QD.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 09:56:00 AM
Can we make this thread a sticky?

Oh my god this is lame pun HEAVEN, i'm lovin it
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Athrun Zala on April 27, 2006, 09:58:59 AM
I agree with mantidor, Wii sounds stupid in every language :S
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 10:00:02 AM
Idea: what if the external of the Wii is clear plastic with some sort of color changing dye on the inside... maybe something where you could insert a dye pill and change the system's color at will.

Kid: Grampa Grampa, guess what? I got a pill and it turned my Wii orange
Grandfather (thoughtfully): Don't worry lad, I had that happen to me once when I had bacterial meningitis... it goes away in a few weeks.

{just dying to squeeze bacterial meningitis into a video game commercial}
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 10:01:00 AM
I noticed no one took up my challenge.  (Much earlier in the conversation)

Way I could live with.
Why I could also live with. (Actually thats what it has already mentally slipped to)
Wiim That's actually pretty good.
Wee I just can't.  It's a word I just can't say.  After 23 years of avoiding bad words I have lost my ability to actually say most.  I find that what happens is I leave a blank and most people fill it in on there own.  I just can't do it without feeling like I'm forcing myself to cut myself or some otherwise self-preserving instinct would prevent action against but I'm overriding it.  The only reason it even makes it to that level is because it is an immature word plus fouled mouth together it gets bumped up with the higher forms of profanity.

Oh I'll bet the Nintendo site is down due to the slam for the video and the slam to complain.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 10:02:49 AM

Originally posted by: Ian Sane The difference is Google, iPod, Napster and Yahoo are not words with immature potty talk associated with them.  It's not just that it's an "unusual" name.  The problem is that is a name directly associated with a childish slang term for urine.

Some of you are spin doctoring and making excuses for it.  How did that help the Cube?  It didn't.  Whenever something borderline disasterous happened with the Cube making up an excuse didn't help things worth crap.  If I have to explain a name to prevent people from making fun of it then it's a crappy name.  With marketing you can't assume people will stop and listen and understand your long explanation on why the potty mouth name is actually brilliant.  If the name immediately triggers a negative response then it's a horrible name period.  Making people think of piss is a negative response.

It's like the Super Mario Sunshine commercial.  All the typical Nintendo apologists were all "it's a brilliant commerical because it makes fun of Nintendo's k!ddy image."  That didn't stop the general negative reaction to it and Nintendo quickly dropped it.  Oh and the Gamecube was overtaken by the Xbox later that year but I'm sure the fact that the supposed killer app had the worst commercial ever made for it was just a coincedence.  So it doesn't matter if this is a joke name and thus is brilliant.  The "joke" is too subtle and isn't even that funny.  No one is going to get it so it's a crappy joke and a crappy name.

I've never agreed with Ian more.

Nintendo was so, SO close to being able to recapture segments of the market which had long since abandoned them for being too childish. Red Steel was a colossal step in the right direction, but now THIS?

People who were on the fence would have taken a chance with a "Rev". They're NOT going to take a chance with a "wee". "Let's play some wee games!" "I can't way to go home and play with my wee!"

Reggie will sound like a laughing joke when he tries to make this sound serious...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 10:03:37 AM
"I can think of another system that could boast those same features: the Nokia NGage QD."

What kind of reasoning is this?  It can be abbreviated, it sounds just as generic as any other console that's ever existed, and it's not made for all languages.
If you're going to mock Nintendo's decisions, come on, you can at least do better than that.  What a pitiful attempt.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on April 27, 2006, 10:04:02 AM
"The point is that you don't have to explain the name because you want people to make fun of it."

And this is going to get people to buy a Rev how?  How, in image concious America, is having a name people are making fun of going to attract sales?

"Huh huh.  That videogame console is named after pee.  I MUST BUY IT."  The Rev is supposed to sell because it innovates and it breaks down barriers that have scared people away from gaming.  It's not supposed to sell because it has such a goofy stupid name.  I think you're giving Nintendo WAY too much credit here.  It's called Wii because Iwata and/or Miyamoto like the name and the two of them are completely oblivious to anything outside of Japan.  It ain't a joke.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 10:04:50 AM
Reggie: For the past two years, I have been kicking your ass. But starting today, Wii will be kicking your ass.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 10:04:50 AM

Originally posted by: Ceric
I noticed no one took up my challenge.  (Much earlier in the conversation)

Way I could live with.

I like Way.

That's the Nintendo Way.

I can live with that.

But wee?

"Mom, Timmy's gonna bring his wee and over and we're gonna hook our wees together and play all night long!"
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: KnowsNothing on April 27, 2006, 10:05:22 AM
As you can see in the talkback thread I went from hating it to loving it in three posts.  Wii is awesome.

That is, IF Nintendo does the right thing with it.  I think it'd be hilarious to see a serious Wii poster directly outside the door to the bathrooms, for instance.  You'd walk by and be like "ahaha I wonder if they did that on purpose?"  And then you walk into the bathroom and see a Metroid urinal-puck.

After that experience you'll be thinking about Wii all day.  You'll tell your friends about Wii.  It's brilliant.  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 10:06:14 AM
Oh, the more that I think about the more that I think the slogan should be..

"Wii:  Looks soo good, sounds soo bad"

The name Wii is very visually apealling and orally appalling.  I mean even Wifi Intergrated Instrument sounds a little better.  Bad thing oral is the main use of a name.

Edit:  Just what everyone wants.  People peeing on a beloved Icon.  But then here in the States the flag is getting disrespected as much too so, why let Nintendo slide.  But thats a long story this forums not built for. *waves hands*
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: GregLee on April 27, 2006, 10:07:20 AM
It's an insult to us.  I'm not going to use this new name.  It's still "Revolution".
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: joedick on April 27, 2006, 10:07:36 AM
Wow. It's only been a few hours and I'm already sick of wee jokes.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 10:11:34 AM
Nintendo would like to remind you that, young and old, everybody Wiis

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 10:11:42 AM
And this topic has more posts then almost every other topic in this whole part of the forum.  If we Crack 350 we'll make the record. (At least as far back as I can go in the history though I though last years E3 thread had more.)
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 10:12:05 AM
"The Rev is supposed to sell because it innovates and it breaks down barriers that have scared people away from gaming. It's not supposed to sell because it has such a goofy stupid name"

Well, don't you think the current overseriousness and arrogant elitism of videogames might be one of the barriers that have scared people away from gaming?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: vudu on April 27, 2006, 10:13:55 AM
I wondering if they're try to relate this to Roman numerals at all.  M is 1000.  Turn it upside down and you have a W.  V is 5.  Put two of them next to eachother and you have a W.  I think we all know that I is 1.

Who needs a PS3 or an Xbox 360 when I have a Nintendo 1002?!?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 10:15:55 AM
Am I the only one here old enough to remember the "with a name like Smuckers, it has to be good" commercials?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 10:16:00 AM
I like to say that anybody who thinks that Iwata is smoking Miyomato's stuff is wrong.

Miyomato's stuff is normally good, real good.

Edit:  Yeah but "Smuckers" is a play on Smacking your lips.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 10:18:44 AM
A name like this gets people talking, even if it's negative. So all these people who go "lets look at that Wii... I bet it's going to be so lame" come away with "wow... it can do all that?"
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Fro on April 27, 2006, 10:19:45 AM

Originally posted by: vudu
I wondering if they're try to relate this to Roman numerals at all.  M is 1000.  Turn it upside down and you have a W.  V is 5.  Put two of them next to eachother and you have a W.  I think we all know that I is 1.

Who needs a PS3 or an Xbox 360 when I have a Nintendo 1002?!?

You could probably count systems in a way so that VVII is the 12th Nintendo video game machine released in Japan.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 10:22:21 AM
paladin is the only one any making sense here..

even I haven't made any sense, because I'm still taking it seriously

I would pay to see Nintendo HQ
they must be rolling (reading all this)  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Caliban on April 27, 2006, 10:22:28 AM

Originally posted by: jasonditz
Idea: what if the external of the Wii is clear plastic with some sort of color changing dye on the inside... maybe something where you could insert a dye pill and change the system's color at will.

Kid: Grampa Grampa, guess what? I got a pill and it turned my Wii orange
Grandfather (thoughtfully): Don't worry lad, I had that happen to me once when I had bacterial meningitis... it goes away in a few weeks.

{just dying to squeeze bacterial meningitis into a video game commercial}


On another note, this is the way I see it, Nintendo is all about fun and in so they start giving us fun from the console's name.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 10:23:24 AM
Nintendo doesn't need to making unneccessary hurdles.

Also this looks like something the Baptists would fight against.  They ruin my life on a normal basis with there complaining and ruining of fun things.  For once I like to harness there power for my own purpose.  (No offense if your Baptist.  The people I like the institution as a whole meddles to much in my life as a non-baptist to like( I'm Lutheran and getting married by a Baptist pastor go figure, IYWTK).)
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: vudu on April 27, 2006, 10:25:36 AM

Originally posted by: Fro
You could probably count systems in a way so that VVII is the 12th Nintendo video game machine released in Japan.
Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, Super Famicom, Game Boy Light, Game Boy Color, Virtual Boy, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, Game Boy Advance SP, DS, Game Boy Micro, DS Lite, Wii.

Nope, there were a lot more than 11 previous systems.  I think there might have been a few revisions of the Famicom, too.  

Maybe if you count all the hardware revisions and don't count any of the portables ....
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 10:29:54 AM

paladin isn't the only one

caliban and jasonditz "get it" too

also words of wisdom from Rollin of Infendo fame:


...It's a fun name to make fun of. The reason most are reacting the way they are is because they care so damn much about what the Sony and MS fans think. Shut your fanboy brain down and realize that the experience is what matters and the name isn't stupid....Just because the system isn't black and the name isn't the N5 you don't think it's cool. Stop worrying about what Xbots and Sony fans think of you. They're not gonna play the Rev for you. You are. If it kills you this much, don't buy the thing. Obviously that's what you really cared about all along.

..I really don't see much of an issue with anyone calling it Wii and giggling. It'll be a joke, nothing more. They'll still buy it. Let the other consoles' fans ridicule. They can make fun all they want, but they won't be able to have fun unless they embrace the Wii and buy one. Every moment they spend making fun of Wii will be time spent not having fun with their own consoles.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Athrun Zala on April 27, 2006, 10:30:15 AM

Originally posted by: vudu

Originally posted by: Fro
You could probably count systems in a way so that VVII is the 12th Nintendo video game machine released in Japan.
Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, Super Famicom, GameBoy Color, Virtual Boy, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, Game Boy Advance SP, DS, Game Boy Micro, DS Lite wii.

Nope, there were a lot more than 11 previous consoles.  I think there might have been a few revisions of the Famicom, too.

I would change the SP and put G&W instead.....otherwise, wii would have to count every revision (Famicom AV, DSLite, ect)
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: couchmonkey on April 27, 2006, 10:40:06 AM
One thing is for sure: Nintendo is having no problem getting the new name out to the masses.  I thought switching the name from Revolution this late in the game might be difficult.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 10:40:10 AM
I didn't realize how funny that announcements sounds.

"..its all about Wii(wee)."

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: SgtShiversBen on April 27, 2006, 10:48:00 AM
oh shi-....i've actually started liking the name too...

I was on 1up and saw the news post about "Madden NFL Headed to Wii" and it made me think about Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei.  I like the name now! Nuuu
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 10:52:56 AM
It's a very visually appealing name as I said.

Seeing it is liking it.
Hear it is hating it.
Saying it is laughing about it.

1 out of 3 really is just not that good.  Unless we go around calling it

"The Console Whose Name Shall Not be Spoken"
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 10:57:29 AM
Sorry, that counts as 2 out of 3 unless you hate laughing.

Your loss, I guess.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: vudu on April 27, 2006, 10:57:30 AM
Oh Noes!!  TalkBalk ate the Wii thread!
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: capamerica on April 27, 2006, 10:58:55 AM
Wii = 23, 9, 9
23 + 9 + 9 = 41
4 + 1 = 5

Nintendo Wii = Nintendo's 5th Console!

I know I'm grasping at straws here, I just can't accept that Nintendo would do something as stupid as naming their console the 'Wii'
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Sir_Stabbalot on April 27, 2006, 11:00:14 AM
I hope nintendo listens to its fans on this one.

Iwata, Reggie, any of you, if you can hear this, for the love of God change the name back to Revolution if you want ANY mainstream acceptance.

Everything else about the Rev was great, but this...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ThePerm on April 27, 2006, 11:01:22 AM
remember how WWF changed their name to WWE, and it completely tanked in popularity?

Get the F out!
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Athrun Zala on April 27, 2006, 11:02:32 AM

Originally posted by: vudu
Oh Noes!!  TalkBalk ate the Wii thread!

i was going to ask what happened to that thread.....

so, what happened? oO
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 11:02:49 AM
I don't like laughing in a serious discussion or when I'm trying to convince my Wife that I need to buy one of these and games or when I'm trying to convince someone to try something.

Also Perrin Kaplan says they were going to explain the process that they used to come up with this name.

They explained the reason but I see no explanation of the process.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 11:06:42 AM

Originally posted by: eljefe

...It's a fun name to make fun of. The reason most are reacting the way they are is because they care so damn much about what the Sony and MS fans think. Shut your fanboy brain down and realize that the experience is what matters and the name isn't stupid....Just because the system isn't black and the name isn't the N5 you don't think it's cool. Stop worrying about what Xbots and Sony fans think of you. They're not gonna play the Rev for you. You are. If it kills you this much, don't buy the thing. Obviously that's what you really cared about all along.

..I really don't see much of an issue with anyone calling it Wii and giggling. It'll be a joke, nothing more. They'll still buy it. Let the other consoles' fans ridicule. They can make fun all they want, but they won't be able to have fun unless they embrace the Wii and buy one. Every moment they spend making fun of Wii will be time spent not having fun with their own consoles.

The problem with this logic is that he assumes that people will still buy it who aren't Nintendo fans. If only Nintendo fans buy it, it'll likely do worse than the GC.

If the Wii sells poorly, it won't get developer support down the line and it'll be the GC all over again.

The name Revolution was excellent. The name promised what the console would do: revolutionize gaming. "Wii" is a sh*tty, worthless name which has no meaning to anyone aside from being a baby-talk synonym for urine or male genitalia.

Nintendo is going to have a hard enough time pushing the concept. They don't need to saddle it with the ga yest name ever to add to the load it has to carry.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 11:09:44 AM
Smash_Brother, your posts are losing their reasonable edge.  Just sounds like whining now.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: capamerica on April 27, 2006, 11:15:24 AM
Here is a question that is going to start bugging me;
What the hell were the other choices for names?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Louieturkey on April 27, 2006, 11:16:40 AM
It's the NEW, the Nintendo Entertainment Wii.  It's NEW, it's hip, it's tiku tiku tiku! , it's ipoddish.  

No, Wiiiiiiiiiiiii
No, round your mouth but smaller, then put your teeth together and smile and say it.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 11:18:00 AM

Nintendo is trying to repeat its DS success and is using the exact same plan and I think its going to work.

But it's called the DS, not the pee pee.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: capamerica on April 27, 2006, 11:19:42 AM
Is it just me or does 'Wii' sound like the name of tampons or some other Woman's product?

::Looks into the future::
Nintendo and Hudson are teaming up to bring you Wii with Wings...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Louieturkey on April 27, 2006, 11:21:45 AM
"Kid 1 (thinking it over for a second): It's yellow of course... why... what color is your wii?!"

Hahah, if this name sticks, I really hope they have a yellow color.  That would just top the cake.

We can abbreviate it still.  It can be called the N-Dub.  A lot less offensive and cool sounding as well.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on April 27, 2006, 11:22:26 AM
"Here is a question that is going to start bugging me;
What the hell were the other choices for names?"

Well Nintendo Go was rumoured.  I remember bitching about that name at the time.  How young and foolish I was in those days.

Nintendo if you still want to call it Go then by all means do so.  It's okay.  I don't hate it anymore.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 11:25:38 AM
Yeah, one of my co-worker came in and asked what I was up to so I had to tell him about the name and I just couldn't.  I had to spell it out.  I couldn't bring myself to say it.  His comment "But it was the Revolution.  Come on."  I feel ashamed that I can't say something that is so related to my hobby.

Edit: Tense.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: wandering on April 27, 2006, 11:27:34 AM
You know, I've thought about it, taken some hallucinogenics. And Wii is the best console name Nintendo has ever come up with.

What is cool? Beatles hair cuts. The Fonz. ipod. That starfish form SpongeBob. Cool is different. Cool isn't lame half-assed standard issue marketing speak (Revolution).

Laugh at the name all you want, the cool kids will know the Wii Machine is where it's at.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 11:30:23 AM
As long as they don't tell me that they new names for the Revmotes are Wangs.  In honor of someone.  Then I just couldn't play it.  It be to akward to discribe.  I have to find a new anti-social hobby.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 27, 2006, 11:30:59 AM
So let me clarify, all the urine/penis jokes just fly over my head, because Wii doesnt mean anything for me in spanish, except that its the sound pigs do when they are squizzed, oh and trust me, thats universal. I only see it mildly accepted in Japan.

The sound itself is not appealing, it doesnt invite ANYONE to try it, its confusing and doesnt say ANYTHING about the console, except for english speaking persons, which happen to asociate it more with lame genital jokes than a pronoun, and if you have to explain why its called the way its called to people who dont like it you are already making a crappy marketing ploy.

"we put a lot of thought in the name" yeah sure Kaplan, you conviced us all :rolleyes:

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Toruresu on April 27, 2006, 11:32:23 AM

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"Here is a question that is going to start bugging me;
What the hell were the other choices for names?"

Well Nintendo Go was rumoured.  I remember bitching about that name at the time.  How young and foolish I was in those days.

Nintendo if you still want to call it Go then by all means do so.  It's okay.  I don't hate it anymore.


Seriously tho, I can't imagine the meeting. Wii? Maybe its supposed to sound like 'why' instead of 'wee'.

"Let's play some Wii---ja..."
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 11:38:03 AM
You know, I'm starting to think if it were named the Nintendo Poop, defenders would still love it.  

Obviouisly, we all need to let it sink in, but the first reaction to Revolution was resoundingly positive, and this is the exact opposite.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 11:40:40 AM

"we put a lot of thought in the name" yeah sure Kaplan, you conviced us all :rolleyes:

Oh ho ho, good joke.  You're in marketing, right?  You're a marketing genius, I bet.
It's not as if they didn't put thought into this.  They thought about it and thought about it and someone thought Wii might be a good idea, and someone else agreed, and they might very well be right.

Edit: Omen, don't be an idiot, because I know you're capable of better.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: wandering on April 27, 2006, 11:42:49 AM

Obviouisly, we all need to let it sink in, but the first reaction to Revolution was resoundingly positive, and this is the exact opposite.

Right, exactly. Whenever an initial reaction to a Nintendo product is resoundingly positive, it tends not to do very well. The first reaction to the SW2000 cube demo reel was 'OMG PS2 KILLER!!' The first reaction to most of Nintendo's good ideas, from Donkey Kong to the rev controller, is generally 'WTF?'
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 11:46:32 AM
Maybe this was a condition of a contract from below.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 27, 2006, 11:51:24 AM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation

"we put a lot of thought in the name" yeah sure Kaplan, you conviced us all :rolleyes:

Oh ho ho, good joke.  You're in marketing, right?  You're a marketing genius, I bet.
It's not as if they didn't put thought into this.  They thought about it and thought about it and someone thought Wii might be a good idea, and someone else agreed, and they might very well be right.

Theres no need to be a marketing genius to know the name sucks, its, above all, hell confusing, if you cant get it quickly then the name sucks, period! I cant believe some of you are defending the name.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: MaryJane on April 27, 2006, 11:52:09 AM
This sucks the more I run the name in my head the more used to it I become.
I want to hate it, but after seeing the trailer, which was cool, its hard to hate it. The Nintendo Wii? maybe it'll be o.k after all, we'll probably see a later release just to give people time to adjust.  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 11:53:00 AM

Originally posted by: mantidor Theres no need to be a marketing genius to know the name sucks, its, above all, hell confusing, if you cant get it quickly then the name sucks, period! I cant believe some of you are defending the name.


People should be writing Nintendo to urge them to change it, not sitting back and accepting it.

What's it going to be like to go into Gamestop to see if they have any new "wee" games in, or to reserve the Nintendo "wee"?

I shouldn't have to be speaking baby talk to make a goddamn video game purchase.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: vudu on April 27, 2006, 11:53:14 AM
Has anyone been brave enough to check out what the folks at GameFAQS are saying?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 12:00:12 PM
"Theres no need to be a marketing genius to know the name sucks"

But maybe you do need to be a marketing genius to realize it's brilliant.  That make sense?

"People should be writing Nintendo to urge them to change it, not sitting back and accepting it."

Even if we like it?  You're becoming more and more juvenile, Smash_Brother.  Disliking the name is reasonable, it does sound kind of silly, but now you're just acting stupid.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: wandering on April 27, 2006, 12:01:49 PM

What's it going to be like to go into Gamestop to see if they have any new "wee" games in, or to reserve the Nintendo "wee"?

what's it like to say 'I dunno about that, let me google it'?


Has anyone been brave enough to check out what the folks at GameFAQS are saying?

Oh, they hate it. Multiple pages of threads with titles like 'want to play with my wii wii'

Interesting joystiq poll, though: 17% positive 27% can get used to it 24% negative 32% prefer Revolution. ...okay, that's pretty bad as well.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on April 27, 2006, 12:06:27 PM

But maybe you do need to be a marketing genius to realize it's brilliant. That make sense?

Oh, now I get it.  By nongamers, they mean marketing geniuses only.  If that's their target market, then the name really is brilliant.  Good thing they're not targetting anyone else, or it would seem like a poor choice.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 12:06:27 PM
mantidor, it seems Nintendo has failed in at least one area that they were attempting to acheive: international name appeal.

But what should it have been called? Did you have a favourite before todays announcement?

anyway, this is not meant as an insult, nintendo has made my day with this announcement. As long as I'm happy with it, nobody else really matters.

The best part is all the entertaining reactions by people on the web
like this:


Originally posted by: wandering
You know, I've thought about it, taken some hallucinogenics. And Wii is the best console name Nintendo has ever come up with.

What is cool? Beatles hair cuts. The Fonz. ipod. That starfish form SpongeBob. Cool is different. Cool isn't lame half-assed standard issue marketing speak (Revolution).

Laugh at the name all you want, the cool kids will know the Wii Machine is where it's at.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: iMoron on April 27, 2006, 12:06:59 PM
Bill Aurion... I think your avatar is as bad or worce than the Wii... so I advise you change it or explain it because I am seen something I think should not be displayed in this forum...

Nise pic ... wrong forum!

Wiiiiii... we mesed the name... "nintendo" weener... wiii...

I will meditate on the name... for a wile...

I HATE IT! ...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Rancid Planet on April 27, 2006, 12:08:19 PM least the new name isn't "Super Happy Ubergay Purple Funtime Handholding Magicbox"...oh who am I kidding?

That would be a WAY better name...

(goes to find Iwata to slap some sense into him)
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: KnowsNothing on April 27, 2006, 12:08:32 PM
The forums haven't been this negative since they announced the controller =S
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: zakkiel on April 27, 2006, 12:11:48 PM
Please. The forums have never been this negative. It sucks. All there is to it.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: pudu on April 27, 2006, 12:16:25 PM
Wii is the first console that's name contains one syllable.

The name said together sounds like Ninten Dowey or Nintendo "E", just like games that have the obvious Nintendo touch are "Nintendoy".

Nintendo Wii shortened names?

I'm having a lot of trouble with this name.  I honestly wish they would have stuck with Revolution but if this is what we are stuck with lets work with it.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Rancid Planet on April 27, 2006, 12:20:22 PM
Why not call it Nintendo Tinkle?

Or maybe Nintendo Breast Pump?

Or maybe Nintendo Doodookahkah?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: pudu on April 27, 2006, 12:23:29 PM

The "ii" spelling is intended to represent "both the unique controllers and the image of people gathering to play." It may also be worth noting that "ii" means "good" in Japanese.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 12:23:40 PM

The forums haven't been this negative since they announced the controller =S

Come on, that was a 'wtf' reaction, not overwhelming hatred.  Go read it.

With my extreme dislike of the name, I do realize writing Nintendo is taint amount to writing to Bill Gates-wtf do they care?  So it's either deal with it and hope it's a nice way of getting publicity until the real name at E3, or just deal with it, period.


Edit: Omen, don't be an idiot, because I know you're capable of better.

I guess you're referring to the pee pee comment?  It's called hyperbole, and it was in reaction to a very dumb comparison.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Requiem on April 27, 2006, 12:25:34 PM

Honestly, there is no way around it. I've been sitting here reading every post hoping that something.....anything would click and let me enjoy the name, but alas I was only more dissapointed.

The name is terrible. It'll always be Revolution to me.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ABlueflameA on April 27, 2006, 12:26:35 PM
One overlooked factor ( i think, i was kinda scanning and skipping through the thread)

How much more humiliating will it be for the PS3/360 to get beaten by a console named Wii?

"Senior Sony Exec: I can't believe it, we got beaten by wii????"
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 12:27:54 PM

Originally posted by: zakkiel
Please. The forums have never been this negative.

That's got me thinking they might be on the right track.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 12:28:05 PM
"I guess you're referring to the pee pee comment? It's called hyperbole, and it was in reaction to a very dumb comparison. "

No, the pee pee thing is actually kinda merited.  The similarities are undeniable, I just think people will stop thinking of it as wee in almost  no time, and it'll be we.  Wii.  I was referring to the Poop thing, because poop isn't a pronoun indicating togetherness.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on April 27, 2006, 12:32:17 PM
It's a strange feeling.  I got over my total fanboy phase a long, long time ago, but chose to never give up all of my irrational love of Nintendo.  I liked the feeling of slipping back into fanboy mode occasionally.  TGS was great fun for me.  I did it a bit recently when Red Steel was unveiled.  I'm looking forward to doing it during E3, too.

However, when not in fanboy mode, I could examine all sides of an issue and develop my own opinion.  Usually I end up just thinking, "That would have been nice, but this is okay.  It's really no big deal."  Take the recently leaked specs, for example.  It would be nice if they were better, but they're okay.  The controller has me intrigued enough already.  High defintion would be nice, but I don't have an HDTV or plans to buy one anytime soon.  I might have bought one if Nintendo supported it, so I guess they really saved me money.  How nice.

Now, for the first time ever, I find myself actually disliking something Nintendo has done.  Hate is too strong a term, but most of Nintendo's actions I've either liked, loved, or felt indifferent about.  What's especially odd is how polarizing this case is.  I feel myself being dragged further into the negative camp by all the happy-go-lucky unqualified (see definition 2) praise and acceptance.

As an aside, the only thing more foolish than liking something because other people don't like it is liking something because other people do like it.  

Since emotions are starting to run high in here, I'll point out that the above comment is not targeted at anyone in particular, and is meant to serve as a reminder to all of us (including myself as demonstrated above) to not split up into two opposing camps.  That has already begun to happen, and I would like things to stay respectful.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 12:38:01 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation Even if we like it?  You're becoming more and more juvenile, Smash_Brother.  Disliking the name is reasonable, it does sound kind of silly, but now you're just acting stupid.

If you like it, fine, but I don't want to have to be laughed at in Gamestop when I have to say, "What do you have for the wee?"

And this is a LEGITIMATE concern. I am going to HAVE to walk into Gamestop or Walmart and ask if they have a game for a console with a name synonymous with urine and I DON'T want to have to do that.

No amount of spin-doctoring is going to change the fact that the average human will interpret what I'm saying as anything but foul and childish language.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 12:39:36 PM
"As an aside, the only thing more foolish than liking something because other people don't like it is liking something because other people do like it."

What's that got to do with anything?  Are you saying I'm second stupidest and you're first stupidest?  That comment is completely irrelevant.

I'm uncertain about the name.  Lots of people dislike it, and y'know, maybe that ain't good.  Just maybe.  But I enjoy the name, I don't think everything has to be as serious as children starving in Africa.  If nothing else, it's original.  It's not Nintendo 4, or Xtreme Shape, or Funwad Gizmo.  And I respect Nintendo for being unique.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on April 27, 2006, 12:41:56 PM
Just a reminder to make sure everyone is giving their opinion due consideration instead of jumping on a bandwagon.  I would have addressed it to someone in particular if I meant it that way.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 12:45:04 PM

If you like it, fine, but I don't want to have to be laughed at in Gamestop when I have to say, "What do you have for the wee?"

It's not as if it's a secret code they won't know.  Get over this ridiculous insecurity and realize that if any of them ever laugh, it'll stop being funny after the first five purchases, and may never be.  They'll look at you as straight-faced as if you said PS3, they're not going to snort and laugh and point at you like children.

That's alright then, PartyBear, I just didn't get what you were saying.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: KnowsNothing on April 27, 2006, 12:48:26 PM
Don't know about you, but I don't bust into gamestop and yell out "WHAT GAMES DO YOU HAVE FOR THE GAMECUBE?"  I walk to the Cube section and look at the shelf.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Spak-Spang on April 27, 2006, 12:50:11 PM
So when you are talking with your friends.  Do you immediately think of urine when you say "Hey what do we want to do?"

Do your friends comment back.  "I dunno why you want to DO PEE, but we don't."

Seriously, by the time this thing is in the stores employees and gamers all over the world will be used to and comfortable with the name.

Wee does not have to mean Pee.  Specially when it isn't even called WEE, but Wii.

Everyone is latching on to this really utterly STUPID comparision to a children's slang word, that is hardly used in Elementary schools.

The name may not be as hip as you like, but you people are exaggerating the names effects.  And its childish...and not to sound like a broken record its STUPID.

Read everything Nintendo has put out about the name.  Start thinking intellectually and outside the box.  The name has huge promise.  And Nintendo is going to change all cultural reference to Wii and it will be known as a word to describe a Nintendo System.  Period.  

There are other things to discuss and other elements of the new system to get excited about.  

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 12:54:20 PM
"And Nintendo is going to change all cultural reference to Wii and it will be known as a word to describe a Nintendo System. Period."

Thank God I'm not the only one defending the name now
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Michael8983 on April 27, 2006, 12:59:26 PM
I'm sorry but I think wee stops being slang for urine once you reach middle school.
It's not like they named it the the Nintendo Pi**. That I would object to.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Requiem on April 27, 2006, 01:00:40 PM
It's a terrible name, even without any negative canotations.

However, I see where you guys are coming from . But do you see where we (everyone except SB) are coming rom?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 01:04:43 PM
I do understand where you're coming from.  But I think they can work with it, and most importantly, it differentiates them from the competition.

Y'know, if nothing else amount from this, it will have at least given us a day of true internet hilarity.

I'm pretty much with Michael8983 on this one.  In fact, I said pee.  Don't know what you sissies said in grade school :P
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 01:06:40 PM
When I call gamestop or a video rental place, I am going to have to check on a game and when they ask what console, I will have to say, "the wee".

Nintendo already has enough hurdles to overcome this gen. A stupid name which needs to be explained in order to not be ridiculed does NOT need to be added to that list.

Revolution was a perfect name: everyone knows what it means, everyone knows what it entails. It's a powerful statement and this is the first console in 20 years which is actually able to live up to the name.

Naming it after some god-awful neo-marketing buzz pun is a horrible, horrible idea.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 01:10:05 PM
Wee is the only word that sounds exactly like Wii that standalone.  Come on.  As I said if We wasn't a pronoun and could stand alone it would be a lot different but its not. Wee and Wii sound the same and are both nouns the comparison has to be made.  Anyway proper English I think that would be Why because of two vowels by each other.

Edit:  I'll figure out someway around it.  Always do.  So hopefully it won't be  big deal just a little added stress.  But it does look good at least.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Requiem on April 27, 2006, 01:10:37 PM

You bring up an excellent point that I have taken into account.

It differentiates them from the competition.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Spak-Spang on April 27, 2006, 01:14:54 PM
I see where everyone is coming from.  But its a gut reaction.  Its a first reaction towards something without little context and understanding to the decisions and name in general.

Basically several people feel Nintendo has sucker punched them.  Taking what you believed as a relatively cool name, that you have been hyping and supporting for over a year, and replacing it with an odd name that is hard to grasp and understand.  As Nintendo admitted in its interview at first it sounds wierd.

But we aren't going to be living in the land of first thoughts and images when the system is released.  We will be dealing with a market that has been saturated with the Wii image, and a market that has embraced it.

As I said before, I believe it is a very ellegant name once you get used to it.  I believe it actually does roll off the tongue and is easy to say...once you get over yourselfs about it.

If you are having a hard time with the name.  Go to  see the new name in the context of the system.  They have already changed the site name and it looks great.  Even spotting the name along the links doesn't look odd.

The only thing anyone is complaining about is pronouncing the word, and that image as stated before will fade in the future.




Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on April 27, 2006, 01:16:10 PM
For the record, I don't dislike the name because it sounds like pee.  The first thing I thought of was "wee little man," actually.  I've tried talking about it, and it just feels wrong.  The juvenile humor can't be staved off regardless (although this name is practically inviting it).  It isn't immediately obvious how to pronounce the name.  I read some of the comments on Slashdot, and half of them thought it was pronounced "why" at first.  That's actually a pretty big flaw in the idea that it can be pronounced in any language, since in English at least the letter i is not pronounced "ee" most of the time.  

Nintendo packed the name with symbolism, but it isn't immediately clear what that symbolism is.  The ad campaign shouldn't have to waste time explaining the name.  It should explain why you should want the product.  It is simply a bad name all around.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Requiem on April 27, 2006, 01:20:20 PM
I like that slogan alot.

The more I swirl around the word in my head, the more I become used to it. In fact, one day (definitely not now or soon), I can see myself appreciating how abstract and intuitive the name really is.

Just not right now....
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on April 27, 2006, 01:31:01 PM
"Do you immediately think of urine when you say 'Hey what do we want to do?'"

Context.  Nintendo says "not about you or me – it’s about we."  That isn't English.  You don't say "We're going to the movies.  Come join we."

Ignoring the pee reference I still hate the name.  It just sounds stupid.  Let's say they called it the Jii instead.  I would still hate it.  It sounds like Japanese Engrish like BIG MOUTH LOUD.  If you don't know, BIG MOUTH LOUD is a Japanese wrestling league but no English speaking person would know that from the name because "BIG MOUTH LOUD" makes no f*cking sense.  "Wii" doesn't make any f*cking sense.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Zach on April 27, 2006, 01:40:20 PM

Originally posted by: Spak-Spang
Start thinking intellectually and outside the box.  The name has huge promise.  And Nintendo is going to change all cultural reference to Wii and it will be known as a word to describe a Nintendo System.  Period.  

There are other things to discuss and other elements of the new system to get excited about.

Yeah, remember, nintendo is going into this with the tiku tiku tiku!  image still attached to them, and they are last place (in the west anyway where this name is going to be a problem.)  Ninty has a lot to overcome, the last thing they need is to have to "change all cultural reference to Wii" just to get people to look past the name.  The revolution was a much better name and it does not require changing the cultural reference to a word to get it across

And unfortunately, everything else about the rev (still calling it that for now) has been talked about to death already.  Just look through the forums, and you will see the same arguments, over, and over, and over.  This name has come when their is nothing else new with the rev to talk about, or get excited about, so everyones attention is on it.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 01:43:16 PM
On the flip side of the coin, I would love to be a videogame store employee on Wii's launch day. The stories alone...

Smash_Brother, you're thinking of this the wrong way. You could point at the system and ask them, "how do you pronounce that?" and then they'd be on the receiving end and then you could laugh together about it.

The point is that if it makes you uncomfortable you can turn it into something funny. If it doesn't make you uncomfortable, nothing's changed. I'm personally thinking of it as some sort of Chinese name right now.

This situation is exactly like Virgin Megastores were to me and my friends. We laughed about it but... entered them anyway, and now it's just another name.  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Zach on April 27, 2006, 01:52:21 PM
Im trying not to think about the name as whether i like it or not, try to look at the big picture, Nintendo fans are in the minority, and making the name Wii is just going to make a hurdle for nintendo that they dont need.  I will buy one no matter what its called, because I am a fan of nintendo, but this name has serious potential to hurt sales.  Less sales means we repeat what happened to the cube, possibly even worse.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 02:08:53 PM

Context. Nintendo says "not about you or me – it’s about we." That isn't English. You don't say "We're going to the movies. Come join we."

Because ad campaigns have always relied very heavily on correct grammatical context, even if the campaign could be more clever by breaking the rules.  As if that's ever held a company back.  C'mon, now you're scraping the scum excuses off the floor.  "I don't like the way it sounds" is fine.  This is just extra BS you threw in for who knows what reason.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: nemo_83 on April 27, 2006, 02:12:09 PM
is it me or does Japan like jokes about bodily fluids?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 02:15:09 PM
Is it you or does wee not mean anything like that in the Japanese language?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ThePerm on April 27, 2006, 02:26:43 PM
I am he as you are he as you are me and wii are all together.

if they had that as the slogan, i'd be 9000% on the name
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Shecky on April 27, 2006, 02:32:50 PM

Originally posted by: jasonditz
I wonder how long ago they picked this name. In the July 2005 episode of Nintendo Power, page 102...

What's on that page??
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Shecky on April 27, 2006, 02:38:19 PM

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother

Originally posted by: mantidor Theres no need to be a marketing genius to know the name sucks, its, above all, hell confusing, if you cant get it quickly then the name sucks, period! I cant believe some of you are defending the name.


People should be writing Nintendo to urge them to change it, not sitting back and accepting it.

What's it going to be like to go into Gamestop to see if they have any new "wee" games in, or to reserve the Nintendo "wee"?

I shouldn't have to be speaking baby talk to make a goddamn video game purchase.


Look, I don't care if 10% like it... you fail if a name gets a _negative_ reaction by a majority of individuals.  I'm not saying that a majority need to like the name.  Google probably didn't get universal acceptance, but it didn't get major negative reaction either.

Any amount of screening of this name by NOA would have revealed this....
maybe this is the screening?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 27, 2006, 02:45:11 PM
"you fail if a name gets a _negative_ reaction by a majority of individuals."

Just like 360, right?  Oh wai...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 02:48:00 PM
No they already said that it was decided by a comittee and had been passed in front of a ton of people.  Oh but all those people had played the Rev.  And when anyone ask they tell you that you'll have to play the Rev to understand.  Or the make comparisons to Google or Virgin air.  Which for 1) Google isn't a word.  They meant it to be a word but they mistyped it.  2) Virgin isn't considered a bad word.  Still had a stigma though.  That's what your going to get.  Lame but at least they brainwashed everyone inside well.  Though I've haven't heard anything about Regies reaction.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Shecky on April 27, 2006, 02:49:48 PM

Originally posted by: Bill Aurion
"you fail if a name gets a _negative_ reaction by a majority of individuals."

Just like 360, right?  Oh wai...

Bull, the 360 reaction was not negative.  It's a freaking number.  It's very neutral.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: BigJim on April 27, 2006, 02:56:20 PM
I'm gonna love watching Reggie, with all the "street cred" he's acquired, sell this one as remotely cool. Props to him for at least keeping a straight face when he does it.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 02:58:43 PM
He could just reuse his first E3 speech.

"I'm about kicking ass and taking names, and Wii... are about making games."

The emphasis was already in the right place, if I remember correctly.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on April 27, 2006, 03:02:16 PM
"I'm gonna love watching Reggie, with all the 'street cred' he's acquired, sell this one as remotely cool. Props to him for at least keeping a straight face when he does it."

Reggie said with a straight face that some crappy Spider-Man game was the best DS launch game.  He also tried to sell the Gameboy Micro.  In my mind he lost his "street cred" well before this.

I like Reggie but he's a total shill.  He's just a cool shill.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 03:13:32 PM
He's a marketing man, what's he supposed to do?
"Hey look at this lame gameboy mini, don't buy it you guys"?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 27, 2006, 03:14:22 PM

Originally posted by: Shecky

Originally posted by: Bill Aurion
"you fail if a name gets a _negative_ reaction by a majority of individuals."

Just like 360, right?  Oh wai...

Bull, the 360 reaction was not negative.  It's a freaking number.  It's very neutral.

Obviously you never left PGC to look around, especially at GAF...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on April 27, 2006, 03:45:55 PM
Leave PGC....
But it's scary out there...

(I hear there are these people who refer to themselves as "Normal")
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 04:43:18 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
Smash_Brother, your posts are losing their reasonable edge.  Just sounds like whining now.

How so? It's a VERY new concept in gaming from a company which finished 3rd last generation. Revolution was a name which is well known and everyone can relate to it, understand it and pronounce it. Wii just sounds like some exec was trying to hard to think up a name and I know it'll be a turn-off to the American gamer.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 04:49:04 PM
"Wii just sounds like some exec was trying to hard to think up a name and I know it'll be a turn-off to the American gamer."

Okay you've said that a bunch of times now but have yet to provide any evidence. Like you said, we're all Nintendo fanboys here, what you "know" means jack.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 04:51:05 PM
That's what it sounds like to me.

"Wii" will be as one? It sounds like they took the marketing bit WAAY too far into a place where the average consumer will have no idea what they're trying to get at.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 27, 2006, 04:53:59 PM
You think Nintendo hasn't tested it on average consumers? No offense, but I'll take the word of their marketing experts over what you think it sounds like to you.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Shecky on April 27, 2006, 05:01:15 PM
Smash is right, it's almost like the marketing department got to pick the name...

Like if they named the Gamecube the "Nintendo Yoo" (Pronounced 'you') for the "Who are you" campaign.

A bad name is a barrier to entry, period.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 05:04:17 PM
Is Wii going to be singular or plural?

Wii is Nintendo's newest video game system?

Wii are Nintendo's newest video game system?

Wii are Nintendo. Resistance is futile.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Shecky on April 27, 2006, 05:11:48 PM
Yeah Paladin, marketing experts always get it right... whatever.  There are many cases of them screwing up big.

Chevrolet's NOVA
Digital Hip-e

Names don't save a bad product.
They can also tarnish a good one.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 05:13:44 PM
"Yeah Paladin, marketing experts always get it right... whatever. There are many cases of them screwing up big."

Two examples.  Who's point are you trying to prove?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Galford on April 27, 2006, 05:26:18 PM

The Rev will always be "Rev".  I will not go wii-wii all over it's sacred code name...

Ok, so that was a lame joke.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 05:28:50 PM
Hahahaha, the topic exploded, I love the name even more now! Wii seperates the men from the boys.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Shecky on April 27, 2006, 05:35:44 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
"Yeah Paladin, marketing experts always get it right... whatever. There are many cases of them screwing up big."

Two examples.  Who's point are you trying to prove?

Come on now...  There are whole books on the subject...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 05:41:13 PM
There are also hundreds of marketing campaigns, many unconventional, that have succeeded.  What's your point?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: KnowsNothing on April 27, 2006, 05:42:26 PM

It's probably definitley fake, but it does look pretty cool.  Perhaps a little too altered as to be readable as "Wii" but not a terrible logo.  Either way, it does help in accepting the name.

But for what they're trying to do something a little more simple would work.  I mean, there's no way to top the Cube's logo anyway.  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 27, 2006, 06:02:26 PM
the official is the one we know already, it even has the TM and all, the logo itself is cool (the official that is), I like the composition that the "i" makes, it just gets ruined once I pronounce it.

Im actually hating it even more the more I try to digest it... damn... I want to like it or to dont give a damn about it, but I cant, it sounds terrible.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on April 27, 2006, 06:17:18 PM
More than anything else, Wii will attract attention. And by that simple fact alone, Wii will get a foot in the door of many non-gamer households.

The more I think about it, the more I don't care about the name really. It's cute, it's punny, it's meaningful, it's upper-class low-brow, it's everything.

What it isn't is boring. Wii ain't that.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Shecky on April 27, 2006, 06:22:24 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
There are also hundreds of marketing campaigns, many unconventional, that have succeeded.  What's your point?

That marketing doesn't always get it right, did you read my post?  No.  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 06:23:56 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
There are also hundreds of marketing campaigns, many unconventional, that have succeeded.  What's your point?

This isn't a marketing campaign. It's a console name, and it sounds like they let marketing pick the name instead of the creators.

It's a bad pun. A BAD PUN. Nintendo said they wanted to attract the people who were scared away from gaming, yet the name "Wii" sounds so completely bizarre that I'm sure that market segment will still be scared away by it.

It's like they're trying to dress it up to not be a gaming console at all and I definitely don't agree with that approach. The DS succeeded because it was still a handheld console, just one which featured new concepts.

This sounds like it's trying to not be a console at all.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Athrun Zala on April 27, 2006, 06:24:13 PM
weird thing is, if the name had just one i, it wouldn't have bothered me as much.......

(maybe it's because having more than one i reminds me of "Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" (kind of happy squeal ))  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 06:28:37 PM

It's like they're trying to dress it up to not be a gaming console at all and I definitely don't agree with that approach.

How the flying crap did you come to that conclusion? This says gaming more than any other name, fun and simple. It's not a freaking generic box.

Please Nintendo, announce TP to be toon-shaded at E3.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 06:33:39 PM

Originally posted by: Kairon
More than anything else, Wii will attract attention. And by that simple fact alone, Wii will get a foot in the door of many non-gamer households.

The more I think about it, the more I don't care about the name really. It's cute, it's punny, it's meaningful, it's upper-class low-brow, it's everything.

What it isn't is boring. Wii ain't that.

~Carmine M. Red
true, sensible, articulate

wii has personality
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 06:47:05 PM
"That marketing doesn't always get it right, did you read my post? No."

Yes.  I was making the opposite point, that for every bad example you point out I can point out at least one good one.  Your post isn't saying anything significant.

"This isn't a marketing campaign. It's a console name, and it sounds like they let marketing pick the name instead of the creators."

The Wii is its own marketing campaign.  It has to be both at once, Nintendo's success relies on the fact that people know what the console does.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: obscureownership on April 27, 2006, 06:50:10 PM

Originally posted by: Shecky

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
There are also hundreds of marketing campaigns, many unconventional, that have succeeded.  What's your point?

That marketing doesn't always get it right, did you read my post?  No.

It's hilarious how you can say these things without looking at Nintendo's previous history of name making. A history of name making that is full of abstractions no one really fully understands. Let's take a look, shall we?

Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom - What the hell is a Nintendo and what the hell is a Famicom?
Super Nintendo / Super Famicom - Super? This name screams corn.
Gameboy - Alright, we have a better idea of what the thing does, but, Gameboy? Common! HOW CHILDISH ZOMG.
Nintendo 64 - 64? Uhhh, the first thing you want to avoid in names is strange abstractions, by the logic of people that hate the Wii name.
GameCube - Now we a name that gives us a good idea of what it does and what it is. Good thing the name of this particular product lead to it's great sucess, right?
Gameboy Advance - Childish advancement.
Nintendo DS - Terrible name, sounds like what they would name a printer or something.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 27, 2006, 06:53:01 PM
"wii has personality"

how? drop the jokes, then drop the "we" reference because people outside english speaking countries wont get it. whats left that has personality? its pretty empty, it doesnt mean anything, maybe a sound, thats all I can come up with.

You people were born hearing the word "we" and "wee" plenty, it makes sense to you in some way, be it good or bad, but it doesnt make sense to me at all, its not appealing or interesting, its like naming something "ee" or "oo".

I need that explanation that they supposedly will give at E3, because its killing me to know why they came up with such an empty name, and how the obvious jokes that they knew were coming will be outweighted by the real reason.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: wandering on April 27, 2006, 06:53:36 PM

This area is for discussion and speculation about Nintendo's next-generation console, named Wii.

I don't know if this bodes well for the name, but I couldn't help laughing when I read this.

Anyway. Alot of people are saying that, because everyone liked revolution, and no one likes wii, Nintendo should change the name back to Revolution. So let me be the first to say wii is a better name than revolution.

I like the name 'Revolution'. But it isn't a very good name marketing-wise. It's too long. It's too generic. But worst of all, it describes what the system is intended to do in the marketplace instead of what, you know, it actually does.

...That last point may not seem like a big deal, but, imagine marketing the name. You'd have to use advertisments like 'a revolution in gaming'. This sucks because it wastes time that should be going towards explaing the system. But more importantly, saying the system will 'revolutionize' the game industry is comparitive, and non-gamers, the people who Nintendo wants to court, could care less about how the system compares to what the game industry has done previously. The wii machine will be completley new to them, and the name should reflect that.

People (Ian) are saying the name sucks because it makes no sense. Of course it doesn't make sense! It's describing something new and alien: an entertainment machine that you control through hand movements. It's a new word for a new concept. Imagine how well Tivo would have done if they had decide to name it 'VCR Advance' or something. Sometimes, you can't prop yourself up with a prexisting brand name or concept.

People are saying the name sucks because the name can mean pee, small, or yes, if you are in kindergarten, are Scottish, or are French, respectively. Fine. Maybe Nintendo made a mistake when they came....oh wait, sorry, did I say Nintendo came? Whoops!


Originally posted by: eljefe

The best part is all the entertaining reactions by people on the web
like this:

Laughing with me not at me I hope  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 06:55:46 PM
People who have been spouting off crap about Nintendo becoming mature and generic have been hit right in the face with a nice bag of reality.

As Reggie would say "We're not that company."
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 06:57:12 PM

Originally posted by: Mario How the flying crap did you come to that conclusion? This says gaming more than any other name, fun and simple. It's not a freaking generic box.

I think the GAMEcube did a much better job. Like I said, "wii" reads like some off-brand German sound system or car. How do you figure "wii" sounds like a gaming console at all?


Originally posted by: Hostile Creation The Wii is its own marketing campaign.  It has to be both at once, Nintendo's success relies on the fact that people know what the console does.

How exactly do you derive "motion sensing wireless controller" from "wee"?

At least "Revolution" immediately presents the potential buyer with an image of what the console aims to accomplish.  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 27, 2006, 07:01:11 PM
wandering: it doesnt sound alien, "cuthlu" sounds alien, "weerbash" sounds alien yeah I just made it up, this just "sounds".

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: JonLeung on April 27, 2006, 07:02:20 PM
I'm glad wandering has something refreshing to say about Wii.

I never said I loved the name, but it was getting wearying to hear all the negativity.

I was thinking about how game systems imply gaming or playing (Game Boy/PlayStation) or sound like cars (Jaguar/Saturn).  Yawn.  "Wii" isn't a name I'd come up with, but as you can see, it's stirred up a lot of attention already.  Negative attention is still attention, and if Nintendo has an awesome showing at E3 as is expected, you'll all want a Wii this year regardless of the name.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: wandering on April 27, 2006, 07:03:22 PM

How exactly do you derive "motion sensing wireless controller" from "wee"?

New name for new concept! I just went over this.


At least "Revolution" immediately presents the potential buyer with an image of what the console aims to accomplish.

No it doesn't! 'Revolution' has nothing to do with motion sensing. It evokes other things and therefore distracts from what the Wii actually does.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: obscureownership on April 27, 2006, 07:05:55 PM

Originally posted by: wandering

How exactly do you derive "motion sensing wireless controller" from "wee"?

New name for new concept! I just went over this.


At least "Revolution" immediately presents the potential buyer with an image of what the console aims to accomplish.

No it doesn't! 'Revolution' has nothing to do with motion sensing. It evokes other things and therefore distracts from what the Wii actually does.

I'll have to agree with you on that one, the concept of a Revolution may only be popular in the United States, where we have romanticized ideologies on the word.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Caliban on April 27, 2006, 07:11:18 PM
Sheesh, so many posts to read!

Ok, one thing I've noticed is that most of you are still labeling Wii as a name, it is not a name, it is just like PS3 or XBox360, it is there only for show, unless you like to stare at the logo more than you play and try to act cool.

Some of you have mentioned how awkward you feel in using Wii when telling someone what the new Nintendo system is called, I didn't have that problem, I said "it's Wii", "we?" he said, "no Wii as in a W and 2 i's, the i's represent the controllers and players at the same time" I said.

One more note, I see PS3 or Xbox360 as a very flat and unimaginative representation of their systems. Wii trys to show more than what it appears and that from me is given some due Kudos!
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: pudu on April 27, 2006, 07:12:49 PM
I’ve asked for opinions from my family members and most don’t seem to care much. A common reaction was, “that’s strange”. After a lot of pondering I think the awkwardness in the name is mainly due to the fact that it goes against the Enlish language. It simply isn’t natural to take a pronoun such as “we” (or he, she, they, etc.) and use it as a noun. I think it will be very difficult to train my brain that the very common word “we” can now be considered both a noun and a pronoun. It just doesn’t compute in my brain and feels…well it just feels wrong to say it.

To make sure I look at both sides, if Nintendo does somehow succeed and people beging to accept “Wii” as being both a noun and pronoun then people will then basically be saying Nintendo’s new console’s name constantly each day. You don’t see people walking around saying PS3 this PS3 that without even knowing it  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 07:15:15 PM

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
yet the name "Wii" sounds so completely bizarre that I'm sure that market segment will still be scared away by it.

Who's scared by a bizarre name? Seriously, I think this is more a stumbling block for the l33t kiddies than it is for the middle aged housewife or the elderly couple. This probably isn't liable to sound any more bizarre to them than any of the other names.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 07:19:12 PM

Originally posted by: wandering New name for new concept! I just went over this.

No it doesn't! 'Revolution' has nothing to do with motion sensing. It evokes other things and therefore distracts from what the Wii actually does.

Thing is, I don't see "wii" doing any better of a job than Rev. Rev has ambition about it, wii is just some made up word some overpaid advertising executive likely grunted out.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 27, 2006, 07:19:56 PM
I told a couple non-gamers, they didn't have any sort of negative reaction, except for the general idea of talking about games, being non-gamers and all. None of them mentioned urine... if we're going to sell that line, we need to put posters on toilets, Revmote shaped urinal cakes, and make yellow the launch color.  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 07:22:27 PM

Originally posted by: pudu
I’ve asked for opinions from my family members and most don’t seem to care much. A common reaction was, “that’s strange”. After a lot of pondering I think the awkwardness in the name is mainly due to the fact that it goes against the Enlish language. It simply isn’t natural to take a pronoun such as “we” (or he, she, they, etc.) and use it as a noun. I think it will be very difficult to train my brain that the very common word “we” can now be considered both a noun and a pronoun. It just doesn’t compute in my brain and feels…well it just feels wrong to say it.

To make sure I look at both sides, if Nintendo does somehow succeed and people beging to accept “Wii” as being both a noun and pronoun then people will then basically be saying Nintendo’s new console’s name constantly each day. You don’t see people walking around saying PS3 this PS3 that without even knowing it

See, that's another issue entirely.

The word "wee" already has a foundation in the english language. It'd be one thing if they invented a completely new word with a completely new pronunciation, but it's like they've tried to replace an existing word with the name of their console.

Even the iPod wasn't THAT ambitious...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on April 27, 2006, 07:23:52 PM
Interestingly, Matt of IGN fame hasn't really gone negative on it. Go figure.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 27, 2006, 07:33:52 PM
He had, he doesnt like it, but everyone with a brain knows that the name doesnt matter... the problem is, tha the common people, as a group, as the "mob", are brainless.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on April 27, 2006, 07:36:26 PM
No wii aren't.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Dasmos on April 27, 2006, 07:45:12 PM
The name's different, it's unusual, but apart from my initial reactions, I like it.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Shecky on April 27, 2006, 07:46:08 PM
The whole "we" is a pronoun is the whole gripe in my book.  

In the end though, this is going to be abriviated and altered.  Most people probably won't even pronounce it "we" at all.

Gamecube is GCN right,

Maybe WiiN?  "win"

heh, that's what I'm going to start calling it.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 27, 2006, 07:48:47 PM
You could always call it NW
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: pudu on April 27, 2006, 07:49:21 PM

Originally posted by: Kairon
No wii aren't.

~Carmine M. Red

Not to pick on your Kairon, but this is something else that has been bugging me.  A lot of people are using it in place of the word "we" and that is just adding to my frustration about how hard it is for me to use the word as a pronoun and not a noun since everyone is using it as a noun...sorry about all this technical English talk but take a gander at my post a few up.  Sorry again Kairon, not meaning to pick on you and I might be one of the only one's bothered by this...
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 07:55:17 PM

Originally posted by: wandering

This area is for discussion and speculation about Nintendo's next-generation console, named Wii.

I don't know if this bodes well for the name, but I couldn't help laughing when I read this.

Anyway. Alot of people are saying that, because everyone liked revolution, and no one likes wii, Nintendo should change the name back to Revolution. So let me be the first to say wii is a better name than revolution.

I like the name 'Revolution'. But it isn't a very good name marketing-wise. It's too long. It's too generic. But worst of all, it describes what the system is intended to do in the marketplace instead of what, you know, it actually does.

...That last point may not seem like a big deal, but, imagine marketing the name. You'd have to use advertisments like 'a revolution in gaming'. This sucks because it wastes time that should be going towards explaing the system. But more importantly, saying the system will 'revolutionize' the game industry is comparitive, and non-gamers, the people who Nintendo wants to court, could care less about how the system compares to what the game industry has done previously. The wii machine will be completley new to them, and the name should reflect that.

People (Ian) are saying the name sucks because it makes no sense. Of course it doesn't make sense! It's describing something new and alien: an entertainment machine that you control through hand movements. It's a new word for a new concept. Imagine how well Tivo would have done if they had decide to name it 'VCR Advance' or something. Sometimes, you can't prop yourself up with a prexisting brand name or concept.

People are saying the name sucks because the name can mean pee, small, or yes, if you are in kindergarten, are Scottish, or are French, respectively. Fine. Maybe Nintendo made a mistake when they came....oh wait, sorry, did I say Nintendo came? Whoops!


Originally posted by: eljefe

The best part is all the entertaining reactions by people on the web
like this:

Laughing with me not at me I hope

the whole lot of it.

and mantidor, regarding wii having personality:

I could come up with alot pseudo-psychological mumbo jumbo to describe my reason for saying that, but I don't think that would carry much weight.

Essentially, the Wii reminds me of me.

I am a poet
I am a musician / visual artist
I am crazy

Everyone has a wacky, quirky side to them. Most people only show glimpses of their locura. Those moments (with family usually, or close friends) are some of the happiest of our day/ week/ or life.

I've been trying to embrace my craziness as much as possible lately. I'm only 20 years old, but I'm dalready isgusted by how many people cage up their true personalities. Hiding their crazy side doesn't make them happier.

In marketing, brand = personality. So a company name or product name immediately communicates human attributes (attractive  or repulsive).

I've owned an NES, an SNES, an N64, a Dreamcast, and a GC. Basically I was attracted to the personality I noticed in each product (not just the name, everything about them).

I'm always looking for ways to support Nintendo (even tho I'm 'poor' by American standards). So unless they stopped oozing their wacky "all-about-fun" attitude I would put down the money for their product.

During the life span of the GC alot of things happened to me that sidetracked me from videogames. It was weird because when I tried to get back into videogames it didn't move me. Forced by a tighter and tighter budget to examine all of purchases more carefully, I decided to only buy videogames with LOTS of personality.

I was sad to realize that there was nothing left to buy when I really scrutinized things. I then decided to concentrate all of my free time and funds on other hobbies, particularly music. I noticed that I COULD live without videogames (something I never thought possible).

That is why I don't own a DS. Even IT didn't live up to incredibly lofty standards (of wild innovation at a reasonable price).

That is why until they unveiled the controller I wasn't going to get the Wii.

I can see that the decisions Nintendo has made are A DELIBERATE STATEMENT. There is SOMEONE behind the decisions. That someone is CRAZY & CONFIDENT.

I respect that in the personality of the people around me, the musicians I listen to, the products I buy.

That's what I mean.

(dangit! I DID get all philosophical!)

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Shecky on April 27, 2006, 07:55:17 PM

Originally posted by: Mario
You could always call it NW

An ordinal direction?  Nah

WiiN is much better

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on April 27, 2006, 07:57:35 PM
Sorry for bugging you pudu, but it's just so fun! ... You seriously don't find it fun?

This is just like that Brain Age exercise where they give you a word that's a color, but instead of reading it you need to say the color of the text. It's different and unconventional and challenging and provoking... and I just spelled "colour" the american way. NOOOOO! I'm losing my Canadian-ness!

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 08:02:31 PM
I've said it aloud, several times.
Now all of you, I'm not sure if your testicles have descended or not, but I've got a pretty deep voice and it sounds reasonably cool when I say it.  Also, a sexy French woman saying it would be just as acceptable.  Even hot.
Just thought I should point out my rugged masculinity.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 08:03:25 PM
just to show you, mantidor

have you ever heard of "serie b magazine"

its one of the best magazines about music                   ever

and it made in spain


I am


That's the kind of randonimity I can pull out on a whim.
I usually hold back on this forum tho. Sorry. Back to semi-normal.

*that felt good*
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on April 27, 2006, 08:07:18 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
I've said it aloud, several times.
Now all of you, I'm not sure if your testicles have descended or not, but I've got a pretty deep voice and it sounds reasonably cool when I say it.  Also, a sexy French woman saying it would be just as acceptable.  Even hot.
Just thought I should point out my rugged masculinity.

I couldn't transition from manly man you to feminine french femme quickly enough and the two images erroneously combined in my visualization... you have scarred me for life, you know that?

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: IceCold on April 27, 2006, 08:18:06 PM

I suggest they change the name to Wiim as in "whim". That's a neutral word and they can take their logo and make it so that the last two letters are the 'w' and 'i' upsidedown. Clever logo, international friendly name, doesn't turn off American consumers.
Like West Edmonton Mall (wem)..


I agree with mantidor, Wii sounds stupid in every language :S
Except French, of course..


Originally posted by: joedick
Wow. It's only been a few hours and I'm already sick of wee jokes.
Seriously? With your username?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Galford on April 27, 2006, 08:18:56 PM
I'm kinda expecting the Internet to crash under the weight of all the urine/p3ni$ jokes I've been reading the last couple of hours.

When I heard that Rev had been renamed to Wii, the first thing that popped into my head was an old man taking a leak on the side of a road and getting hit by an old pickup truck.

Weird huh....
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: IceCold on April 27, 2006, 08:19:30 PM

Originally posted by: ThePerm
remember how WWF changed their name to WWE, and it completely tanked in popularity?

Get the F out!
I was just going to comment on that - brilliant!

EDIT: And zakkiel's right, the forums have never been this negative. When the controller was revealed there were very few posters (DrGakman comes to mind) that really, really hated it. The rest either didn't know what to think or they loved the possibilities that the controller had. And the trailer that Nintendo made really helped the undecided ones understand the concept.

The only other time I can think of when the majority was negative was for something like when they announced that the USB dongle would only be available online, and that's nothing compared to this.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Athrun Zala on April 27, 2006, 08:29:30 PM

Originally posted by: IceCold

I agree with mantidor, Wii sounds stupid in every language :S
Except French, of course..

my limited frencho knowledge tells me that the pronunciation of "Wii" and "Oui" isn't exactly the same, right?

but in any case, good point, we can call it the "Nintendo Yes" now
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: pudu on April 27, 2006, 08:40:00 PM

Originally posted by: Kairon
Sorry for bugging you pudu, but it's just so fun! ... You seriously don't find it fun?

This is just like that Brain Age exercise where they give you a word that's a color, but instead of reading it you need to say the color of the text. It's different and unconventional and challenging and provoking... and I just spelled "colour" the american way. NOOOOO! I'm losing my Canadian-ness!

~Carmine M. Red

I guess I thought it was a little funny at first but its worn thin for me and it just keeps reminding me how they basically called a system "we"...hopefully given time I'll be able to accept this a little better.  I hate how it bugs me so much tbh.  If it keeps bugging me for a long while and I have to see the new name all over the place I might go crazy.  Anyway, feel free to keep having fun Kairon and anyone else, I'm not trying to be a party pooper or anything.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 08:41:39 PM

Originally posted by: mantidor
He had, he doesnt like it, but everyone with a brain knows that the name doesnt matter... the problem is, tha the common people, as a group, as the "mob", are brainless.

I just don't see the necessity for a gamble. I'm sure the console would have sold fine as the Rev. Wii, I'm not so convinced.

Like every made up word, if they blow millions on marketing (time to put those DS profits to USE) then they can get the name into everyone's head and get it recognized, but it could easily backfire and not generate the hype they're aiming for.

If Nintendo ramps up and markets this more than Sony and MS are marketing their consoles, then I could see it succeeding.

Anything less than a multi-million dollar campaign, though, and I doubt Wii will become the household name Nintendo needs it to be.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Dasmos on April 27, 2006, 08:48:48 PM
Come on, why is there such drama? It's just a name.

You're not going to kill yourself over a bad name, are you?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 08:57:27 PM

Originally posted by: Dasmos
Come on, why is there such drama? It's just a name.

You're not going to kill yourself over a bad name, are you?

I went from "WTF Nintendo?!?!" to "Well, they'd better advertise the HELL out of it if they want it to succeed."

I want it to succeed. I'm genetically programmed not to dislike the actions of the little guy (aka Nintendo), but they had BETTER get the lead out and throw so many ads on American TV that everyone and their mother will know what Wii is.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Zach on April 27, 2006, 09:00:26 PM
Now that I have been thinking about it, I am starting to get accustomed to it,  It is very unique and interesting.  I still dont like it, im just used to it, and The revolution was a MUCH BETTER name.

The problem isnt what I think about it, think about the major negative reaction we are getting on a NINTENDO FORUM!!!  If the reaction is typical among people who are already nintendo fans, think about the people who nintendo doesnt have?

As a whole a lot of people are brainless and immature, and others simply go along with the crowd.  This needs to be able to sell to people who say:



B) Well guy A isnt getting it, so maybe its not a good idea.

This name is a very difficult problem that nintendo has made for itself, and they have to realize what some people are going to think about it in the west, it will at first be a negative reaction when the casuals hear about it, so Nintendo will have dug themselves into a hole before they even launch.  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 27, 2006, 09:02:19 PM

Originally posted by: Zach This name is a very difficult problem that nintendo has made for itself, and they have to realize what some people are going to think about it in the west, it will at first be a negative reaction when the casuals hear about it, so Nintendo will have dug themselves into a hole before they even launch.

That's what I'm concerned about.

Everyone here can say, "I love it!" but we aren't the segment Nintendo needs to convince and when it came to market, I think the name Rev would have served them better in that department.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ThePerm on April 27, 2006, 09:03:23 PM
instead of saying lets go play wii, or play the wii


lets go play some wii

spoken in the same way as "lets go smoke some wiid"(i dont smoke)
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Michael8983 on April 27, 2006, 09:05:26 PM
Wii is really growing on me.

As fond as we may have been of Revolution, it's pretentious and a turn-off to all but hardcore Nintendo fans who are going to buy the console regardless. It's not a name that's going to win over non-gamers. It just sounds like the typical, macho, arrogant game console name. The shortened "Rev" just would have been more so. It's not something that would be easily recognized or pronounced in different regions with different cultures and languages. It's not something unique enough that Nintendo can call it it's own.
Wii is everything that it's not. It's simple. It's a logo and a console name all in one. It will be easily recognized and pronounced anywhere in the world. More than anything, it's completely unique. There have been revolutions, but this is the first "wii".  
Perhaps most importantly, it's attention grabbing and will allow for some very cool advertising. The "wii" movie on the Nintendo's site is awesome and its safe to assume the ads will be similar in style. The playful "i"'s could very well become the console's mascots. This is a name that was obviously chosen mostly for advertising purposes which leads me to believe Nintendo is planning a massive, MASSIVE campaign for this thing. Beyond anything we've seen from it before. It might be hard to believe Nintendo would do it but Nintendo has done a lot of unbelievable things as of late.

The Nintendo Revolution would have been perceived as just another Nintendo console. Something most would have dismissed right off.
The "wii" is something weird and different. Something that people who don't like or are indifferent to Nintendo may give a second look. It's funny how Nintendo even downplayed itself in the "wii" movie. The normally red and bold Nintendo logo is now grey and the "wii" gets all the attention. This isn't the next Nintendo, this is "wii".

We need also keep in mind we don't know the supposed final secret of the "wii" which could give a new level of meaning to the strange name.  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: slacker on April 27, 2006, 09:30:36 PM
I can't say the damn system's name without smiling and laughing. It sounds funny. I read some of the posts here, and I'm just cracking up. The name is horrible. If they have to explain its multiple meaning, then its a horrible name. They should have named it Nintendo Me.  Anyways, I'll make my own personal policy to call it  the Nintendo gaming system. I don't want to spontaneously laugh after saying the console's name or even reading about it.  I'll hand it to Nintendo, it got us talking and using the name in many ways. Still, I don't like the name, I think its horrible. I like the system however, but the name is horrible. In case I haven't emphasize it enough, I think the name is horrible.  It sounds ugly. The XBOX is starting to sound better in comparison.  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 09:33:30 PM
They don't have to explain the meaning, it will become ICONIC.  Does anyone know the explanation for Nike?  I know it, but most people don't.  What about ipod, or Macintosh for that matter?  Why are these products named what they are?  No one cares, no one's asking why.   The explanation is just convenient for those who want to hear it.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 27, 2006, 09:38:12 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
They don't have to explain the meaning, it will become ICONIC.  Does anyone know the explanation for Nike?  I know it, but most people don't.  What about ipod, or Macintosh for that matter?  Why are these products named what they are?  No one cares, no one's asking why.   The explanation is just convenient for those who want to hear it.


I agree with the ferst part of slackers' post

I haven't smiled and laughed while reading stuff on the net in years

and I'm not even laughing at the weak piss jokes

just folks reactions and thought process

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Dasmos on April 27, 2006, 09:44:34 PM

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother

Originally posted by: Dasmos
Come on, why is there such drama? It's just a name.

You're not going to kill yourself over a bad name, are you?

I went from "WTF Nintendo?!?!" to "Well, they'd better advertise the HELL out of it if they want it to succeed."

I want it to succeed. I'm genetically programmed not to dislike the actions of the little guy (aka Nintendo), but they had BETTER get the lead out and throw so many ads on American TV that everyone and their mother will know what Wii is.
I think the name will intrigue people, that when they hear it they want to know what it is, what it will do. I believe because of its "odd" name, it will market very well. I think there will need to be a decent marketing scheme, to show what the system can do. To get Wii, out there. People will get over the name easily, and those who don't will miss out.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: pudu on April 27, 2006, 10:33:45 PM
I hope they start out with some crazy marketing a few months before launch where they introduce everyone to Wii yet show no console or games or nothing.  What I"m talking about is show little things here and there in short commercials and other advertisements to build the brand name and get people wondering what the heck Wii is all about before they actually start showing us games, etc.  I hope that came out where you guys will understand what I'm talking about.  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Michael8983 on April 27, 2006, 10:46:10 PM
Pudu: That's exactly what Nintendo needs to do. Get everyone talking about "wii" before they're even sure what it is. Nintendo better have those cute little i's jumping around on the big screen before major movie releases, on tv, in internet ads, etc...
Put wii slogans in gaming and electronics stores all over the country. Imagine walking past an FYE and seeing a bold poster out front that simply reads "wii willl arrive" followed by a release date. That's the kind of off-beat marketting that has proven highly effective with American consumers in the past.

People will first be curious about the product (people, not gamers), more interested in it once they learn more about it, and be suckered into wanting it before they realize it's the next Nintendo game console which they would normally immediately dismiss it.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 10:57:17 PM

They don't have to explain the meaning, it will become ICONIC. Does anyone know the explanation for Nike? I know it, but most people don't. What about ipod, or Macintosh for that matter? Why are these products named what they are? No one cares, no one's asking why. The explanation is just convenient for those who want to hear it.

Hostile, you keep pointing out other 'odd' names that have gone on to be households, but you have yet to show or mention one apt example of a word being used for a product when it already has a negative connotation attached to it.  Lets say it's Hatfield, don't you think people will think of ham first?  What if it's Breyers?  Ice Cream.  What if it's brown eye?  A big fat as*hole, and that's the problem.  Name association, not the name itself.  Jesus!  


People will first be curious about the product (people, not gamers), more interested in it once they learn more about it, and be suckered into wanting it before they realize it's the next Nintendo game console which they would normally immediately dismiss it.

Could just as easily accomplish this with a name that doesn't make you think of...well...anything else.  Gee, what an idea.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Michael8983 on April 27, 2006, 11:11:00 PM
"but you have yet to show or mention one apt example of a word being used for a product when it already has a negative connotation attached to it"

But wii isn't a word. It's pronounced like "we" which is a word but doesn't have a negative connotation. In fact if anything it has a positive connotation. It could be mistaken for "wee" which could arguably have a negative connotation but Nintendo is making it very clear it's intended to be thought of as "we" with that single "e". It will make it clear to the public through the advertising campaign.  The press release is full of "we" puns and it's obvious this is just the beginning.  There's a reason for that.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: IceCold on April 27, 2006, 11:17:22 PM
MJRx9000, can you please change the top of your avatar from "PGC HD Discussion" to "PGC Wii Discussion"?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 27, 2006, 11:20:34 PM

But wii isn't a word. It's pronounced like "we" which is a word but doesn't have a negative connotation. In fact if anything it has a positive connotation. It could be mistaken for "wee" which could arguably have a negative connotation but Nintendo is making it very clear it's intended to be thought of as "we" with that single "e". It will make it clear to the public through the advertising campaign. The press release is full of "we" puns and it's obvious this is just the beginning. There's a reason for that.

A name like Ipod, Tivo, Nike, Adidas or Google have basically no comparisons to make...that's all I'm saying.  I'm getting tired of people saying it's the same idea.  It's not.  No matter what Nintendo expects, they have opened themselves up for ridicule, something the number three out of three console maker should want to avoid.  Sure, you say grow up, but that's being downright dismissive.  Names matter.  Perception matters.  Stupid ass jokes about said name DO MATTER.  My concern is Nintendo, not whether or not my balls are intact.  As a fan of Nintendo, I think it's ridiculous to go out on such a moronic limb when you have very little in terms of support.  Can they win the support?  Of course.  But it shouldn't be at the expense, or hurdle, of wii.  It should be as simple as possible, and sadly, as simple as the 'word' 'wii' is, its pronunciation is a huge problem.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 27, 2006, 11:28:17 PM
"Hostile, you keep pointing out other 'odd' names that have gone on to be households, but you have yet to show or mention one apt example of a word being used for a product when it already has a negative connotation attached to it. Lets say it's Hatfield, don't you think people will think of ham first? What if it's Breyers? Ice Cream. What if it's brown eye? A big fat as*hole, and that's the problem. Name association, not the name itself. Jesus!"

How about Siemens?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ruby_onix on April 27, 2006, 11:45:38 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
How about Siemens?

German name. The company was founded by Werner von Siemens.

It doesn't matter that some companies have succeded despite having unfortunate names. It's just not something you should try.

You complain about the complaining, saying that the current name will become "good enough". But would you be complaining about a name everyone liked? Let's use "Revolution" as a really easy example.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: King of Twitch on April 27, 2006, 11:53:01 PM
I sorta remember Yahoo being associated with an outdoors-y or backwoods-y type of person once upon a time.. says it's synonymous with boor, "A person with rude, clumsy manners and little refinement" but it's so humongously popular now, that connotation is in the distant past. If people start defying the Press Release Decree of 2006 and pronounce it as WHY, it keeps the spirit of the rebellious Revolution alive and maybe the connotation will disappear.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Michael8983 on April 27, 2006, 11:54:51 PM
"No matter what Nintendo expects, they have opened themselves up for ridicule, something the number three out of
three console maker should want to avoid."

People who want to ridicule Nintendo will always find something to ridicule. If it wasn't the name it would be something else. You know that. If it were called the Revolution, we'd be seeing posts about "the failed revolution" soon as the first sales chart came out showing it being beat by one or both of the opposing consoles. If anything Revolution just would have opened the door to more ridicule because it's so arrogant and sets the bar so high for success.  Anything short of completely over-throwing Sony would make the Revolution seem like a failure and fair game for ridicule.

I get the feeling there's a lot more paranoia from Nintendo fans worried about the name being ridiculed than there is actual ridiculing going on anyway.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 28, 2006, 12:27:20 AM
"The company was founded by Werner von Siemens."

Still sounds like semen.
Although that did make me realize that this should totally be called, plain and simple, The Yamauchi.
The name alone is a killer app.

Would I mind the name Revolution?  No.  But Wii has had the advantage of causing buzz for the name alone, which Revolution couldn't have done.  Be honest with yourself, in the global marketplace the name Revolution will sound utterly generic.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 28, 2006, 12:45:11 AM
"I get the feeling there's a lot more paranoia from Nintendo fans worried about the name being ridiculed than there is actual ridiculing going on anyway."

Yeah, I've shown the name to a bunch of friends and all of them basically said, "hmmm" or "okay". Sort of disappointing, I wanted to revel in some immaturity.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on April 28, 2006, 06:22:31 AM
Regarding Siemens:  First of all, it's a surname.  Second, nobody says "semens" when talking about semen, so it's not a complete homonym.  Third, if they ever did have to cross that hurdle, they did it over 100 years before I was born.  The company is older than my great-grandfather would be if he were alive today.

Google is a better comparison, but I still think it fails.  Google is a homonym of googol, which means 10^100.  The name connotes bigness, which suggests success.  Also, as a mathematical term, it's suited to the very nerdy and scientific business of search engines.

Wii, on the other hand, is a homonym of we, which is the first person plural pronoun.  It is clumsy to use it as a noun in speech.  I cringe every time I have to say "Wii is" because it feels like "we is."  We is not comfortable sounding like a dumb hick.  We's accent does that already even without bad grammar.  

What really flabbergasts me though is that Nintendo is fully aware of the problems with the name, but went ahead with it anyway.  A good name doesn't have to mean anything, really, but Nintendo stuffed this one with so much meaning that it doesn't make sense without its accompanying speech.  I don't want them to change it back to Revolution.  I never expected that to be the final name.  I really wish they would come up with something better, though.

I don't like the logo, either.  It's bland and generic.  Like the name itself, it doesn't stand on its own without an explanation.  The ad campaign shouldn't have to waste time explaining what the name and logo mean.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on April 28, 2006, 06:26:08 AM
Virgin is a better example than Siemens.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 28, 2006, 06:40:43 AM
Since I like to repeat myself ad nauseum Ill say it again, its not really that it means "pee" in certain parts of the world (which is terrible anyway), its that for the rest of the world is not a word, even if made up, its a sound, like "jaa" or "ree" or "koooo" etc, etc, etc. and thus is empty, now if it was named "kii" it would be a sound but one tolerable, "wii" is a really unpleasant sound, its like an animal screaming.

Im trying to call it the rev, but I keep seeing this hideous name and it doesnt let me, I feel like calling it the Nintendo Win instead because is easier to add a single letter than scrap three and replace them for three different ones.

I can see the add: Metroid Prime 3 for the Win!

Yeah I like it

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: couchmonkey on April 28, 2006, 06:51:29 AM
Well, I've had a night of forum-free thought.  I really love the name now.  It's fun to say.  It's very memorable, and it completely breaks away from the game naming mold.  Xbox, Playstation, even Revolution are all SUPER X-TREME names that are nearly interchangeable, in fact my ex used to call the GameCube "Xbox" all the time (to my frustration).  There will be no name confusion between Wii and its competitors, no matter how little you know about them.  The name is going to lose some macho gamers, but it may be more appealing for people who aren't part of the gamer culture already, which is exactly the market Nintendo is aiming for.  My sister would feel the same way about buying an Xbox as many of the haters feel about buying a Wii.

In spite of this, Nintendo will need to market this name big-time.  As some others have said, Wii ads revolving around the animated i's playing games with each other would be a good idea.  Played early and often.  A lot of people complain Nintendo has put "too much" into this name.  The thing is, the concept doesn't need to be fully explained every time.  The fact that it can be fully explained means that the company already has the basis to make ads that will explain the Wii concept and make the word Wii look and sound fun.  Viewers don't need to know the whole meaning behind the name, they just need to know that it represents fun.  Of course, the question is can Nintendo pull that off?  It will be a huge challenge, no doubt.

As for comparisons to urine, those will go away if Nintendo successfully does the job of engraining "Wii = games" into your consciousness.  It's spelled differently, and it can have other connotations.  "WHEEEEE!"  I'm willing to bet that two years from now most of the people hell-bent on calling it Revolution will be saying Wii along with the rest of us.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Caliban on April 28, 2006, 07:35:39 AM
When you guys/gals start talking about games again I'm in, right now I'm out, last post.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on April 28, 2006, 07:47:59 AM

Xbox, Playstation, even Revolution are all SUPER X-TREME names that are nearly interchangeable, in fact my ex used to call the GameCube "Xbox" all the time (to my frustration).

See, I don't think Revolution is extreme.  I think the idea of a revolution IS.  And that's what Nintendo supposedly wanted people to know, they were going to revolutionize gaming.  Doesn't bother me at all.


What about Siemens?

Yes, I would have a problem with the Nintendo Semens.  

However, as people have said, it's a last name, which can't really be helped.  Now, if the store was called semen or Siemen, then we would have a more apt comparison.  But obviously, nobody in their right mind would name a business semen.  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 28, 2006, 07:59:02 AM
This little Mario went wii wii wii all the way home.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on April 28, 2006, 08:17:18 AM
Wii not trademarked? Wii get punk'd?

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: zakkiel on April 28, 2006, 08:38:11 AM
I would like to believe the conspiracy theory, but it would be so totally against Nintendo's character that I jsut don't buy it.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 28, 2006, 08:45:30 AM
Watch the trailer again, Wii is trademarked. There's a little TM near it at the end.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on April 28, 2006, 09:06:57 AM
The site I linked to claims that there are no REGISTERED trademarks for Wii by anyone in either Japan or the USA.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Athrun Zala on April 28, 2006, 09:32:06 AM

Originally posted by: PaLaDiN
Watch the trailer again, Wii is trademarked. There's a little TM near it at the end.

it seems farfetched to me, but it IS possible, after all, why haven't they changed to yet?

also, on the main page it still says Revolution instead of Wii......

now that I think of it, it seems quite possible, mm............
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: KnowsNothing on April 28, 2006, 09:32:12 AM
Hey guys, in nerd class at school these goons were talking about next gen and pretty much everything they said was wrong, which means they're pretty mainstream (they were all self-addmitted PS2 fanboys) when they saw in the internet that the Rev was now called the Wii.  One guy liked it, one was indifferent, and the other disliked it.  Nobody lauhged, and nobody made a pee joke.

So uhh, yeah!
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 28, 2006, 10:03:33 AM
"The site I linked to claims that there are no REGISTERED trademarks for Wii by anyone in either Japan or the USA."

Is that even legal, to claim something is trademarked when it really isn't?

"after all, why haven't they changed to yet?"

Because is what people have been used to for the past... year or so? They're probably still building the proper site.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: jasonditz on April 28, 2006, 10:23:01 AM
I don't think it's any more illegal than a pro wrestler claiming he has a patent on a submission hold.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: thejeek on April 28, 2006, 11:05:00 AM

Is that even legal, to claim something is trademarked when it really isn't?

Yes - there is a difference between 'TM' (trade mark) and the circled (R) (registered trade mark) - I think you can claim something is your trademark using 'TM' without registering it, but registration makes it easier to defend legally down the line if someone else starts to use it
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Dirk Temporo on April 28, 2006, 12:40:57 PM
They have to focus test this stuff. Who told them this was a good idea?
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: wandering on April 28, 2006, 07:54:27 PM

"Hostile, you keep pointing out other 'odd' names that have gone on to be households, but you have yet to show or mention one apt example of a word being used for a product when it already has a negative connotation attached to it. Lets say it's Hatfield, don't you think people will think of ham first? What if it's Breyers? Ice Cream. What if it's brown eye? A big fat as*hole, and that's the problem. Name association, not the name itself. Jesus!"

Winnie the Pooh. Badcock Furniture. Dick Armey (okay, that one's not by choice, but still.) Personally, I think Nintendo could've called it anything and people probably would've found negative conotations.


I'll have to agree with you on that one, the concept of a Revolution may only be popular in the United States, where we have romanticized ideologies on the word.

Hmm - I actually wasn't thinking that, but you're absolutley right.


Hey guys, in nerd class at school these goons were talking about next gen and pretty much everything they said was wrong, which means they're pretty mainstream (they were all self-addmitted PS2 fanboys) when they saw in the internet that the Rev was now called the Wii. One guy liked it, one was indifferent, and the other disliked it. Nobody lauhged, and nobody made a pee joke.

So uhh, yeah!

oh, this is very, very nice. I've been waiting to hear what non-hardcore teenagers thought of the name. That the reaction is not 'OMG WTF that's the most laughably horrible name ever' means that nothing is objectively wrong with it...and, most likely, all of the hoopla on the net has more to do with the fact that people were really attached to 'revolution' than anything.


Anyway (sorry this post is turning into a novel). I've slept on the name and...I still think it's good. But, I've come to the conclusion that the reasoning behind it is bad. I know that's kind of the opposite of where a lot of people are at, but whatever. "Let's use the word 'we' but replace the 'e' with 2 i's! Because they'll represent togetherness and the revmotes! And also because ipods are cool!" Dumb. Why do I like the name? Because I like silly names. It's fun to say and spell, and it looks good visually.

...Maybe a good thing to compare it to is Yoda. Yoda is cool made up name, right? But imagine if, in an alternate universe where Star Wars doesn't exist, Yoda is the name of a softdrink. "Let's use the word 'soda' but replace the 's' with a y! To represent 'You'! And also because yo-yos are cool!" In this universe, the name Yoda, while still deliciously weird, would be slightly less cool.

In any case. It seems like people are slowly coming around to the name. Which is nice. Also, I got some semi-compliments from people for my cheery, overlong defense of the mighty wii yesterday. Also nice, thanks.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 28, 2006, 08:16:23 PM
what? revolution has UNIVERSAL connotation, and is a very strong and bold word around the world, its not only that you US people are romantic about it, every country who teaches history has passed a very strong meaning to what revolution means to its people, from French revolution to Industrial revolution, the word is really huge in the general mindset.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 28, 2006, 08:40:02 PM
If you live in the Western hemisphere, sure.
But it's not always a positive conotation, either.  I'm not saying it's a bad name, I think it's fine.  But it's not flawless.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 28, 2006, 08:50:21 PM

Originally posted by: mantidor
what? revolution has UNIVERSAL connotation, and is a very strong and bold word around the world, its not only that you US people are romantic about it, every country who teaches history has passed a very strong meaning to what revolution means to its people, from French revolution to Industrial revolution, the word is really huge in the general mindset.
...Which is precisely why it was not a great name for marketing.

people would always associate it with REAL-PEOPLE revolutions

not the GAME-PLAYING revolution

The Wii is itself. Only time will tell if in the minds of the public

Wii will = Videogames

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 28, 2006, 08:51:40 PM
I think that China and asia in general, whether the connotation is good or bad, is still a very strong word. And strong words are good for marketing.

No name is flawless after all, but being strong helps nevertheless.

edit: I just saw the boss' post .

The asociation with people is irrelevant from a marketing stand point, people dont really go into a rational explanation or asociation of a name when they first see it, is the gut reaction that matter the most, the asociation with people will come later, and most probably never will,  for the average person. Maybe the gut reaction of a name like revolution wont do well with grandmas, but is not because is asociated with people, but because is strong and agressive. Thats a probable reason why Nintendo dropped the name.

For "wii", the gut reaction I think is "weird" or "unusual", the jokes, comparisons, etc, will come later or just never come. If anything I think it will atract people who are curious, lets hope the overwhelming media-centric world we live in hasnt desensitized everyone's curiosity, because thats key to the rev's success the way I see it.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: wandering on April 28, 2006, 08:53:27 PM
wii is a strong word also....  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on April 28, 2006, 08:54:06 PM

Originally posted by: mantidor
No name is flawless after all, but being strong helps nevertheless.

Truest words I've heard all week

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on April 28, 2006, 09:26:25 PM

Originally posted by: wandering
wii is a strong word also....

I dont see how the word is strong, its pretty empty or a joke. yeah it shocked us, but that is because we were expecting something else, the non-gamer grandma isn't expecting anything at all, so when she sees the name in a big billboard or other advertisment she'll just go "wha..?". As I said, we are pretty much desensetized by overexposure to media, and in that scenario being strong really helps, the grandma has a big chance to dissmiss it as another thing thats just not for her among all those iPods, ebays and other weird sounding names so frequently used.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on May 01, 2006, 07:47:36 AM
I'd like to dedicate this next little number to all those out there, don't be shy now I know you're out there, who are afraid of how successful a brand can be with toiletry connotations.


Deep in the Hundred Acre Woods,
Where Christopher Robin plays,
There's an enchanted neighborhood,
Of Christophers childhood days.

A donkey names Eeyore is his friend,
And Kanga and little Roo,
Theres Rabbit and Pigglet,
Then theres Owl,
But most of Winnie The Pooh!

Winnie The Pooh!
Winnie The Pooh!
Tubby little tub all stuffed with fluff,
He's Winnie The Pooh!
Winnie The Pooh!
Lilly willy silly ol' bear!

Winnie The Pooh!
Winnie The Pooh!
Tubby little tub all stuffed with fluff,
Hes Winnie The Pooh!
Winnie The Pooh!
Lilly willy silly ol bear!

Courtesy of

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on May 01, 2006, 07:54:07 AM
Umm, Winnie the Pooh is a children's cartoon character.

Nintendo needs to shake the image that it's hardware and software are designed for children, not personify it.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on May 01, 2006, 08:31:03 AM

Umm, Winnie the Pooh is a children's cartoon character.

Exactly!  Thanks, Kairon, for confirming our worst fears....the Wii will be looked upon as a childrens product!  Great! lol

If this does turn out to be a marketing ploy, then by god, they're genius!  I would forever praise Nintendo if they pulled this off.  However, I have no faith in their marketing whatsoever right now, so I kind of doubt it.  Bring on E3!
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ceric on May 01, 2006, 08:36:33 AM
Winnie the Pooh has had Generations to live down its Stigma.  In fact it might have something to do with the origin of the world.  I'm sure once thw Wii gets as old as Winnie the Pooh it will just be a note in eclectic history.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on May 01, 2006, 08:45:39 AM

Originally posted by: Ceric
Winnie the Pooh has had Generations to live down its Stigma.  In fact it might have something to do with the origin of the world.  I'm sure once thw Wii gets as old as Winnie the Pooh it will just be a note in eclectic history.

That's the other thing: even the iPod didn't take off until 2-3 years after its creation and several revisions to make it better.

Nintendo has basically strapped themselves with the most difficult task ever concocted in marketing history: take a non-revisable console with a flaccid, laughable name and sell it to people who have never bought a console it in the past and likely don't want one.

Even Apple, with their billion dollar ad campaigns and "hip and trendy" marketing couldn't get the iPod to that status in fewer than 2 years, and now Nintendo basically needs to do it in 1 year (assuming that most will have already made their console decisions by then).

Unless Nintendo has hired the biggest marketing firm in the world, then I can't see this ending well...
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on May 01, 2006, 09:02:54 AM
Wow, you guys really are determined to view this in negative terms aren't you?

I mean, here's a kid's character, sold to 6-year olds and 11-year olds, sure to be the brunt of scatological references, and he was a smash hit not just as ye olde literature but as a saturday morning cartoon for chrissake.

If little children can easily look past "Pooh" bear's alternate meanings at the very moment of inception, why are you incapable of it? If "Pooh" bear is beloved by all, kids, adults, college buddies with fond memories, how exactly is that a bad thing?

You guys seem allergic to anything that doesn't strike you as fitting into the modern notion of "hip" and "cool" and "accepted." Wii is challenging current notions about who plays games and why remember?

And then you go on to say that Nintendo will need to market it. Well, duh. Nintendo would need to market it no matter what it's called. But the negatives due to the word's scatalogical references should quickly grow moot, the "immaturity" you fear didn't materialize for Pooh, and now we're back to a simple question: Is this successful branding?

On that score, Wii is certainly going to gain attention.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on May 01, 2006, 09:16:27 AM

Originally posted by: Kairon
If little children can easily look past "Pooh" bear's alternate meanings at the very moment of inception, why are you incapable of it? If "Pooh" bear is beloved by all, kids, adults, college buddies with fond memories, how exactly is that a bad thing?

We just explained it: Pooh has had 20+ years for people to get over the name and become accepted, and guess what? Pooh is STILL a children's character.

Nintendo doesn't have that kind of time and they could stand to curry some favor with the older gaming market, considering that they're the ones who are buying the most games.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Mario on May 01, 2006, 09:24:56 AM
Aren't children supposed to be more inclined to make wee and poo jokes than adults? Yet... the kids love Winnie the Pooh.

... and some of you are worried about ADULTS making "wee" jokes and not liking the Wii? This is making less sense as each day passes.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on May 01, 2006, 09:27:23 AM
Do you mean to tell me that Pooh was a controversial figure for 20 years while Disney was pushing him, and miraculously he got famous after all that leg work? Ridiculous, Disney woulda tossed him like a Piglett on a blustery day.

And the fact that Winnie the Pooh is still a children's character is irrelevant, and possibly even false. Disney never even tried to market him as anything else, which is why you automatically assume it's impossible. Yet I stumbled upon my late '20s cousin reading The Tao of Pooh, using Pooh Bear as an introduction to Taoism. There's also a The Te of Piglet I recently discovered. I hardly think that this New York BestSeller Book was marketted to kids, do you?

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on May 01, 2006, 09:40:30 AM
Pooh is children stuff, and I mean 3-6 year olds, thats a terrible comparison.


hahaha, are you seriously saying that Winnie the Pooh can be succesfully marketed at older people? that because it didnt happen doesnt mean its inpossible? and the examples you give are also non-sense. that material is hardly mainstream for any adult. Besides, its not just 20 years, try 80, the creator made Winnie in 1926.

I can see theres a chance for "Wii" to be marketed, but comparing it to Winnie the Pooh is a VERY flawed comparison, saying that the name can make the product mainstream for adults because its popular with children makes no sense at all.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on May 01, 2006, 09:47:49 AM
*ahem* The adult market for Pooh branding has never been tested, aside from the books I mentioned above which were introductions to Taoist philosophy, New York Times Bestsellers, and DEFINITELY not kid's stuff. In the one instance of Pooh merchandising beyond Disney's permanent focus, Pooh has been a smashing success.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on May 01, 2006, 10:04:15 AM
again, Pooh is 80 years old, it was mainstream already, if they decided to make a taoist book using the pooh bear is because the bear is already famous enough, and inspires nostalgia and friendly-ness (lol invented word). Nintendo cant use the kind of success of an odd taoist book, it needs the kind of smashing success that the Da Vinci code has.

Lets say they make "the tao of Wii", which has no previous references, do you think it will sell as well as the tao of pooh has? dont make laugh.

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on May 01, 2006, 10:04:38 AM
I'd like to mention that my Dad always misspells "poo" (as in dung) as "pooh" because of Winnie.

Ignoring the piss issue I think Wii just sounds really childish, much like pooh.  Winnie the Pooh is for kids.  Nintendo is thought of as such but shouldn't be.

The only adults I've met who are even remotely interested in Winnie the Pooh are women.  No male over the age of 10 wants anything to do with him.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on May 01, 2006, 10:13:18 AM
pooh is fresh

I'm over ten and I dug the HEFFALUMP movie

Granted, I went with my neice.  
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: eljefe on May 01, 2006, 10:17:53 AM
more importantly

I haven't thought of a "pooh = dung" joke in years. properly complete the joke you have to double it up: Pooh--> poo-poo / Wii --> wee-wee


See how childish that is..?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on May 01, 2006, 10:31:51 AM

Originally posted by: mantidor
again, Pooh is 80 years old, it was mainstream already, if they decided to make a taoist book using the pooh bear is because the bear is already famous enough, and inspires nostalgia and friendly-ness (lol invented word). Nintendo cant use the kind of success of an odd taoist book, it needs the kind of smashing success that the Da Vinci code has.

Lets say they make "the tao of Wii", which has no previous references, do you think it will sell as well as the tao of pooh has? dont make laugh.

Ugh, Davinci Code. I hated that book, lol.

The example of Pooh is to show how secondary connotations of the word are ultimately irrelevant. Everyday little kids are getting introduced to "Pooh Bear" for the first time ever, probably after they've already learned what goes down the toilet, and yet the Pooh brand remains strong amongst it's new inductees who don't benefit from 80+ years of branding.

Also, Pooh demonstrates what Yahoo and Google do not: that adults are receptive to scatological names outside of scatological context and made relevant to their own lives.

The only thing tiku tiku tiku!  about a name or a franchise is it's utility. The moment someone, gamer, casual-gamer, or non-gamer, sees how Wii is relevant to them, how it plays and how it changes how they perceive games, then other considerations lessen in importance.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: NWR_pap64 on May 01, 2006, 10:50:03 AM
Hey! Don't be dissing Winnie the Pooh! He is a freaking bad ass in Kingdom Hearts 2! Destroys half of the 100 acre wood and everything!

One thing I must mention. You guys are saying that Nintendo needs to shake it's tiku tiku tiku!  image. I agree with that. But do you know which is Nintendo's must popular franchise EVER?



...That's right, Pokemon.

Pokemon was a game that looked like it appealed to young children (and it did). But it became a MASSIVE pop culture phenomenon. And the main reason that the franchise became a hit was because of how great the games were. True, not all of them were fantastic games, but the main RPG games hooked a lot of gamers, not just children, thanks to it's simple but deep mechanics and mass appeal.

Pokemon then went on to star in movies, cartoons, CDs, live stage shows, Thanksgiving day parade balloons and floats and THEME PARKS. Can you mention any other Nintendo franchise that has gained this much status? Sure, the hype has died down, but the games are STILL selling like pancakes, even when the games are simply expansions of the better games. And this is coming from a franchise that is considered to be tiku tiku tiku!  at first glance.

IMO, this is what Nintendo needs to do. They need to create that next franchise that grabs people and doesn't let them go. Same thing with the Wii. It needs to create SOMETHING that will make sure people pay attention and ACT.

Another example of a "tiku tiku tiku! " game that went beyond it's image, Kingdom Hearts.

Kingdom Hearts was an idea that everyone hated in the beginning. I mean, an RPG, done by SQUARE of all people, featuring a lot of cute characters, including freaking Winnie the Pooh and co existing with, GASP, FINAL FANTASY VII CHARACTERS?????


But wait, once people gave it a try, it became a roaring success. I mean, the game was FAR from perfect. It really was. But the magic of the game captured a lot of people in.

Both Square and Disney made sure this game was MORE than just a tiku tiku tiku!  licensed game. It told people that it was an epic that will capture your imagination and keep you hooked till the very end. Nintendo, once again, needs to do that. That even if their games have a cute exterior to them but are unforgetabble gaming experiences. We all know Nintendo can easily do that, but they need to SAY IT.

...I wonder how a massive RPG starring Nintendo's characters would work out...
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on May 01, 2006, 10:52:37 AM
But Pokemon is not aimed at the "non-gamer", is in fact, a game that turns off the people who dont play games, and not just the kid stuff but the gameplay dynamics, and that goes against Nintendo's direction.

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on May 01, 2006, 11:04:40 AM

Aren't children supposed to be more inclined to make wee and poo jokes than adults? Yet... the kids love Winnie the Pooh.

*sigh* Your responses make less sense with each passing day.  Kids making pee and wee jokes think that's fun and funny, so of course they have no problem liking winnie the pooh.  Your lame analogy makes no sense whatsoever.

Nobody is worried about pooh and wee wee jokes anyway.  We're worried about a ridicuolous name hurting Nintendo in terms of marketing.  Take the goddamn wee=urine garbage out of the equation for a moment-Wii by itself is just a hard name to market because 1) nobody knows how to pronounce it and 2) once they can pronounce it, they then have to have it explained to them what it means.  How in the f'n world any of you think that's good marketing is beyond me.  And to sh*t on people who have legitimate concerns is just asinine.  I respect your opinion to a point, but when you answer in a snarky manner, or a condescending manner such as Bill, what kind of response do you expect in return?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kairon on May 01, 2006, 11:18:34 AM
Hey, don't diss Pokemon. My UNCLE, who's a PC Gamer and was recently addicted to Sega's arcade game Derby Challenge (or something like that) played Pokemon non-stop when it came out. He even bought Pokemon yellow and the GameBoy color when it came out.

The only thing that trapped Pokemon as a kid's franchise is that it wasn't sold as much else through merchandising and animation. Otherwise, if the series had kep innovating and remaining ambiguous, I bet my uncle would STILL be playing Pokemon.

And the fact is that Pokemon actually contained a hint of the non-gamer in it. The trading and collecting aspect? That's something that evoked social connectivity and that got lots of people playing, from PC gamers to young schoolchildren to girls (who themselves were just recovering from the tamagotchi craze). In a way, Pokemon's collecting and trading aspects live on in the non-game Animal Crossing.

And Omen, Wii may be undefined but that's why they chose it. They deliberately don't want a literal name. You are meant to play with it.

It immediately evokes curiousity, and to figure out what it is you need to investigate it.
Play with it high-brow if you like, play with it low-brow if you like, but just play with it. Be curious and explore it.

Remember how they said their problem will be getting people to actually get people to try the console because of the new control input? This is their answer: They're going to ask people to play with it.

~Carmine M. Red  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: NWR_pap64 on May 01, 2006, 11:20:29 AM

Originally posted by: mantidor
But Pokemon is not aimed at the "non-gamer", is in fact, a game that turns off the people who dont play games, and not just the kid stuff but the gameplay dynamics, and that goes against Nintendo's direction.

Yeah I know what you are saying. But what I mean is that just as Pokemon captured the gamer market greatly, they need a game that easily captures the non gamers/casual gamers.

Something like the Brain training games. Those are HUGE in Japan! Even dethroning games like Final Fantasy XII!

They need to find games that attract people like this and ADVERTISE THE HELL OUT OF IT!
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Caterkiller on May 01, 2006, 11:29:44 AM
Thinking of Winnie the Pooh, I would think, would make some of you find Wii more acceptable. And you know Winnie the Pooh isn't marketed just towards young children, it is very big with teenage girls. I work in a theme park, playing different characters, running around taking pictures all day. And because of the Hot Topic on our lot we get alot of ladies with Pooh, Tigger, and Tinker Bell shirts with all kinds of little smart or sassy comments on them. Teenage and adult people(mostly women) love those characters, and don't just see them as something just for children.

And almost everytime someone comes up to me for a picture with a Winnie the Pooh shirt, I always go "you know you have poo on your shirt?" and then we have a good laugh. But we never stop to think about why his name is Pooh or anything, no one cares, even if he has had years upon years to get settled into society. My 50 year old mother can't remember a time when they were ever put off by Winnie the Pooh's name.

Oh and I see Wii as a strong word, when I see it I want to know what it is. Thats just me though, im pretty open minded.  
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: heinous_anus on May 01, 2006, 12:18:03 PM
I'm not so sure that Pooh is an awesome example.  The Wii is going to be marketed towards "everyone," well, "everyone else" also.  Pooh, as are all or most Disney cartoons, is specifically marketed towards children.  This does not mean adults cannot appreciate Disney, but it's apples to oranges. If you are aiming to regain market share with everyone else, why pick an ambiguous name that at best evokes the thought of a child's plaything?  Also, did "pooh" carry the same scatological connotations in the 1920s as it does today?

I'm amazed that so little response has been put forth to Omen's primary 2 points, so I'll regurgitate them. 1) Pronouncement among people who have not heard nor read of the console is not automatic ("is it 'whyy?' 'weee?') 2) Once pronouncement is achieved, they have to be told what it is.

Kairon, do you have laryngitis of the hands or something?  You keep "aheming" in front of all your posts.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on May 01, 2006, 12:25:33 PM

I'm amazed that so little response has been put forth to Omen's primary 2 points,

Nobody likes me :-(
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on May 01, 2006, 12:40:15 PM

Originally posted by: The Omen Nobody likes me :-(

I hear you loud and clear, and you cited two of my biggest concerns.

The answer is advertising, advertising and MORE advertising. Like I said, 1 of every 10 ads in the 2 months before the Wii's launch should be an ad for the Wii, period.

This is Nintendo's last chance to shine in the console market and they actually have something which will sell this time. If they don't provide the advertising necessary to get the word out, it'll be their own stinginess when it comes to the advertising budget which killed them.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Artimus on May 01, 2006, 12:55:04 PM

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
Like I said, 1 of every 10 ads in the 2 months before the Wii's launch should be an ad for the Wii, period.

Uhhhh...there's this thing called "money" that you have to pay for ad time with. 1 of every 10 ads for 2 straight months would cost probably a billion dollars. And that'd just be for ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX in Prime Time. Smash_Brother, meet reality.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: NWR_pap64 on May 01, 2006, 01:05:00 PM

Originally posted by: Artimus

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
Like I said, 1 of every 10 ads in the 2 months before the Wii's launch should be an ad for the Wii, period.

Uhhhh...there's this thing called "money" that you have to pay for ad time with. 1 of every 10 ads for 2 straight months would cost probably a billion dollars. And that'd just be for ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX in Prime Time. Smash_Brother, meet reality.

Stop being such a meanie...

I think what S_B meant is that Nintendo should put more effort into the advertising than usual. IE, don't create the best ads and have then air every once in a while.

For example...People listen up!

Raise your hand if you have seen commercials for Brain Age, Super Princess Peach, Tetris DS and Metroid Prime hunters more than once in a lot of channels...

Sure, they come up, but they don't come up often enough.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on May 01, 2006, 01:11:01 PM

Originally posted by: Artimus Uhhhh...there's this thing called "money" that you have to pay for ad time with. 1 of every 10 ads for 2 straight months would cost probably a billion dollars. And that'd just be for ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX in Prime Time. Smash_Brother, meet reality.

Artiums, meet the DS. It brought in $800 million last year alone.

Aside from that, if properly and ADEQUATELY marketed, they can turn the Wii into the next iPod, and that'll net them billions upon billions.

I'm exaggerating in the amount of ads I mentioned, yes, but not by a lot.

This is Nintendo's last chance at the home console market. In the words of Bon Jovi, "It's now or never."
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: The Omen on May 01, 2006, 01:17:49 PM

Uhhhh...there's this thing called "money" that you have to pay for ad time with. 1 of every 10 ads for 2 straight months would cost probably a billion dollars. And that'd just be for ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX in Prime Time. Smash_Brother, meet reality.

I thought Nintendo is doing great because they were the only console maker to bring in loads of cash?  How about using 1% of it to secure a bigger cut later?
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Athrun Zala on May 01, 2006, 01:24:27 PM

Originally posted by: pap64
Raise your hand if you have seen commercials for Brain Age, Super Princess Peach, Tetris DS and Metroid Prime hunters more than once in a lot of channels...

Sure, they come up, but they don't come up often enough.

well, I've seen them on TV here, so that's saying a lot actually
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: IceCold on May 01, 2006, 01:53:42 PM

and inspires nostalgia and friendly-ness (lol invented word).

Deja Vu
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Ian Sane on May 01, 2006, 02:02:57 PM
"Uhhhh...there's this thing called "money" that you have to pay for ad time with."

Maybe Nintendo should have thought of that before they picked a name that requires incredibly marketing to be taken seriously.

But then I question how to market the Rev period.  Nintendo insists that we have to experience the controller for ourselves to really "get" it.  It's hard to convey that sort of thing with advertising and they can't rely on people who don't give a crap to take the time to try out an in-store demo.  Hell I even wonder how they plan on having in-store demos for a wireless controller that requires movement.  Most controllers are tied down to prevent people from stealing them.  This console was a marketing challenge even before it was given a horrible name.

I'll admit the name probably won't matter IF they can get people to try the thing out.  I don't know how they realistically plan on doing that.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: stevey on May 01, 2006, 02:09:14 PM

Originally posted by: pap64

Originally posted by: Artimus

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
Like I said, 1 of every 10 ads in the 2 months before the Wii's launch should be an ad for the Wii, period.

Uhhhh...there's this thing called "money" that you have to pay for ad time with. 1 of every 10 ads for 2 straight months would cost probably a billion dollars. And that'd just be for ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX in Prime Time. Smash_Brother, meet reality.

Stop being such a meanie...

I think what S_B meant is that Nintendo should put more effort into the advertising than usual. IE, don't create the best ads and have then air every once in a while.

For example...People listen up!

Raise your hand if you have seen commercials for Brain Age, Super Princess Peach, Tetris DS and Metroid Prime hunters more than once in a lot of channels...

Sure, they come up, but they don't come up often enough.

*Raise's hand* I have, but I've only seen SPP only 3 time near it's release and Brain Age is only on 2 channels though and I watch way too much tv. and SB, I HATE KH2 for have to see it's horrible ad three time in one commercial break! I never want that to happen again with nintendo ad.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on May 01, 2006, 02:57:38 PM

Originally posted by: stevey and SB, I HATE KH2 for have to see it's horrible ad three time in one commercial break! I never want that to happen again with nintendo ad.

KH2 doesn't need to advertise that much, though: it's a sequel. It already has a fanbase and it isn't selling a radically new and different concept in gaming.

The Rev needs to spread the word like a new religion. They should use the scientology technique and push the console on celebrities so others will mimic them.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on May 01, 2006, 03:30:47 PM

Originally posted by: IceCold

and inspires nostalgia and friendly-ness (lol invented word).

Deja Vu

stop mocking my lack of english vocabulary

Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Smash_Brother on May 01, 2006, 07:08:51 PM

Originally posted by: mantidor stop mocking my lack of english vocabulary

Until you said so, I would have never guessed that you had english as a 2nd language.

Props for that.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: NWR_pap64 on May 01, 2006, 08:34:42 PM

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother

Originally posted by: stevey and SB, I HATE KH2 for have to see it's horrible ad three time in one commercial break! I never want that to happen again with nintendo ad.

KH2 doesn't need to advertise that much, though: it's a sequel. It already has a fanbase and it isn't selling a radically new and different concept in gaming.

The Rev needs to spread the word like a new religion. They should use the scientology technique and push the console on celebrities so others will mimic them.

Even then, Disney and Square promoted the hell out of the game and wanted to let people know that the sequel is out.

This is what Nintendo should do, promote the Wii and it's games almost non stop. I know money has a lot to do with it but what we mean is that Nintendo should put a lot more effort into this console.

They seem to be working at it, though. With all the recent game announcements, it seems Nintendo has done a great job selling the Wii idea to the developers.

So it sold the idea to a great deal of the gaming media and the developers. Now Nintendo needs to aim badly at the consumer. If they can recreate the same charm they used to sell the Wii idea to the media and developers when they advertise the Wii, Nintendo is settled for life.
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: Shorty McNostril on May 01, 2006, 09:32:50 PM
I would be willing to bet that i will never see one add about the Wii.  

Nintendo Australia seems to have a thing about no advertising. The last nintendo ad i saw was pokemon stadium 1 and that was years ago.
Title: RE:Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ThePerm on September 22, 2007, 03:23:36 PM
the irony wii is the number #1 system!
Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: mantidor on September 22, 2007, 03:38:20 PM
is this the "revive the old thread" month?

Title: RE: Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
Post by: ThePerm on September 22, 2007, 03:47:44 PM
its irony month