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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Kairon on April 07, 2006, 11:19:40 AM

Title: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Kairon on April 07, 2006, 11:19:40 AM

Game Informer showing their May issue cover

That gun in the background...makes it look like a modern day Samurai thingy.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 07, 2006, 11:21:28 AM
Umm, wow...

This excites me for many reasons.

1. This is the most enthusiasm I think I've ever seen GI have for a Nintendo product, ever.

2. The insanely badass image this cover exudes is exactly what Nintendo needs to revamp their image. I mean, holy sh!t...want a mature image? There it is...

I NEED to get this magazine...
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Ian Sane on April 07, 2006, 11:42:45 AM
I haven't felt this kind of excitement looking at a magazine cover since 2001 when that magazine debuted Rogue Leader.  Actually I think that was also Game Informer.

I'm not even that excited about the Rev (yet) but just the sheer thought of finally getting some info makes me giddy.
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: vudu on April 07, 2006, 11:44:02 AM
When's the issue come out?  A cover story must have at least some screenshots, right?
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Kairon on April 07, 2006, 11:46:40 AM
If you follow the link you can read that,


We answer these simple questions and many more in our eleven-page hands-on report. Look out for massive screenshots side by side with pictures of gamers actually demonstrating what you'll do with the Revolution remote.

In addition, we have an in-depth interview with Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Communications George Harrison, in which we poke and prod him about Nintendo’s upcoming console.

and also find that,


Game Informer subscribers should start to receive their May issues any day now, so keep your eyes peeled.

Also, Game Informer Unlimited goes live on April 20th, where you’ll be able to get even more info about Red Steel, and the complete transcript of our interview with George Harrison! Stay tuned!

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: MaryJane on April 07, 2006, 11:49:19 AM
Screen shots? Demonstrations of the motions required to play?

Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: KnowsNothing on April 07, 2006, 11:50:59 AM
Can't wait for the scans
Title: RE:Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Kairon on April 07, 2006, 11:51:54 AM
These scans will make most of us happy, and Ian stark raving mad!

EndangeredGamer Blog's 3 scans

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 07, 2006, 11:52:16 AM
You can find scans of the mag if you know where to look...


Edit: Hahaha, already beaten!
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: trip1eX on April 07, 2006, 12:02:04 PM
That is great news!!!!!  I can't wait till all of us (except Ian) are playing the REv!!!!!

Ian will be debating whether the 3rd party support will be over his 6.7 titles/yr cutoff or not.  And whether the controller will be effective tool in traditional gaming.  

Meanwhile we'll all be blasting baddies with the most advanced videogame controller on the planet.

Awesome news!!!!!  

"Plus, we have two other exclusive first looks from developers whose pedigree can’t be denied. One from Raven Software, and the other from Kaos Studios (a new studio whose core team is responsible for the award-winning Battlefield 1942 mod, Desert Combat)"

Did I read that right?  Kaos studios, makers of the DC mod for BF42, are onboard????    It doesn't really say whether say they are making a game for the REv.  It just says GI will have a first look at their game.
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 07, 2006, 12:02:09 PM
Dammit, a friend came to me with that same blog minutes earlier and I made another thread...
Title: RE:Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 07, 2006, 12:03:22 PM
Pshh, obviously prerendered concept graphics.
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Kairon on April 07, 2006, 12:19:30 PM
p911, a poster at the IGN forums, apparently has the mag, claims these are concept art.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Kairon on April 07, 2006, 12:56:43 PM
Confirmed real by an Ubisoft employee through IGN Insider... so I'll have to take it on faith.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Caliban on April 07, 2006, 01:11:14 PM
If GI is showings such things, why isn't IGN doing something similar too? Or is GI from the same corporate organization as IGN so it doesn't matter who shows it first?!
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Kairon on April 07, 2006, 01:20:20 PM
From, where the images of the mag are posted...


holy crap, my blog has gotten 10,000 hits since i posted those scans. anyways, i just finished reading the actual article in game informer, and it says that the sword and guns can be twisted in your hand, by twisting the rev's remote. so you can shoot gangster style and block with the sword. also, there is split screen and online multiplayer planned, just no details yet. you can also jump over and take cover behind objects by moving the rev's remote towards a upturned table or a wall, and reload by pulling the remote back. by the way, they are ingame screenshots. this game is looking [word forbidden for excessive frenchness] hot as hell.

So yes, we have twisting the gun and sword.

We have reloading by cocking the freehand back.

We have split screen and online multiplayer "planned," but with no other information.

We have objects you can "push" over to make cover for yourself.

And we have further confirmation that they are in-game screenshots.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Caliban on April 07, 2006, 01:23:26 PM

It's awesome how little gameplay details are putting me all giddy and sinister.
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Ian Sane on April 07, 2006, 01:25:59 PM
"We have reloading by cocking the freehand back."

I wonder how well that works.  What if I want to aim up so I move the remote up?  If you just practice with your hand pretending you're holding a gun you'll notice that as you move your elbow to aim up you also bring the gun back.  In that situation I think having something like B to shoot and A to reload would work better.  Otherwise as you're waving your gun around you might reload (and thus leave your vulnerable) when you don't want to.
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Kairon on April 07, 2006, 01:29:45 PM
Ian, the gun know's it's orientation in space, and therefore it knows if it's being lifted in an arc or being pulled back. I mean, come on, give the 3D spatial technology a little CREDIT!

...did I just call the freehand controller a gun?

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Kairon on April 07, 2006, 01:36:16 PM


MORE SCANSfca,sklfafmva

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: BiLdItUp1 on April 07, 2006, 01:42:18 PM
Yay! an actual game!

Thank G-d, I was going insane in that stupid specs thread.
This is intriguing to say the least. Graphics looked pretty pimpin'. Even if it is a light-gun style game, I haven't played one of those in years,
and it may well be more fun than a traditional FPS.
So this mag is on sale now? Screw the scans, I'll just buy it outright...
-eli b.
Title: RE: Ubisoft's Red Steel for Rev Confirmed? Darn You Game Informer! Now I Have to Buy You!
Post by: Pale on April 07, 2006, 01:42:53 PM
We already have a talkback thread and the longer "FIRST REV SCREENSHOTS" thread right in this forum..

Locking to try and keep things clean.