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Gaming Forums => General Gaming => Topic started by: animecyberrat on January 23, 2006, 06:04:31 PM

Title: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: animecyberrat on January 23, 2006, 06:04:31 PM
I was watching G4 the other day and I totaly had forgotten about the Coleco Vision and Oddessy 2, wow Ihave been spending a lto of time lately with my Atari 2600 VCS and now I am wanting a Coleco Vision again. I will have to check out ebay or something.\

Ok sorry that was wierd so I chose to edit my post.

Does anybody remeber seeing Trubo Graphicx 16? Ever played one?

Anyone played Coleco Vision before?

Also who has or wants to have a Neo Geo system? Anyone.
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Epitaph on January 23, 2006, 07:49:12 PM
Dont remember turbo graphics 16x much but it was around. Heres a good one, anyone remembers the jaguar? It was supposed to be the first 64bit system and have advanced graphics. It had 5 cores over 3 processors. Sound familiar. The system was hard to program for and lost alot of support for that reason. It also fell short on all its promises of capabilities and inevitably died against competition.  
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: King of Twitch on January 23, 2006, 08:00:16 PM
I used to have some Atari and maybe a Coleco and some other system. I think it had a keyboard and the cartridges would plug-in on the side? For the former, I had stuff like Keystone Capers, Taz, Qbert, Computer Chess, Asteroids, the glitchy Pac-Man, Joust, Donkey Kong, Moon Patrol which needs to be made in 3-D, Centipede, as well as a broken Indiana Jones; for the latter I had Bust Out, Skateboardin', Clowns and Balloons, and this crazy game called Goats and Cliffs or something like that. I have no idea if anyone has ever played those last 4, but I played those a lot in my childhood.
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: wandering on January 23, 2006, 09:41:31 PM
Anyone remember the spectrum? I don't, but I discovered Jet Set Willy in emulator form a while ago and, I have to say, it's one of the best 2d platformers ever.

Oh, and the 2600 was my first love. I still own mine and about 50 games for it....more than I have for any other single system. Pitfall, Star Command, Night Rider, tank!, River Raid....ah, so many good games.
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Renny on January 23, 2006, 10:00:36 PM
My friend had a TurboDuo. Really liked that system. Somewhat on that topic, everyone with a Freeloader/Action Replay or region-modded GameCube or a PS2 with the requisite modification should own Bonk's Adventure. Great conversion of a classic platformer.
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Arbok on January 23, 2006, 10:21:01 PM
The thing that amazed me about the Turbo Duo was that its controller was basically a rip off of the NES one... but the system was released during the 16 bit era, making fighting games (like the exclusive Godzilla one) pretty akward for it among other things.
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: animecyberrat on January 24, 2006, 05:01:09 AM
In regrads to Jaguar staements, simple NOT TRUE. Teh reason why it failed was because Atari made the idiotic mistake of including a Motorla M68000 16 bit prossescor, teh exact SAME chip n Sega Genesis, programers got lazy and were proting SEGA GENESIS games over in ahurry and it made the system look bad, it had 16 bit games with no enhancments. Over all its 3D power was actualy inferior to the 32X and it only had a 32bit system bus so it wasnt even true 64 bit. But its first year tehy marketed the hellout of that thing and tehy had some good suport going in but lazy devs kinda killed it off.  
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Rhoq on January 24, 2006, 05:14:34 AM
Before I had a NES, I had a ColecoVision. Man, I used to love that system. It came with Donkey Kong. My favorite game was Moon Patrol
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Epitaph on January 24, 2006, 06:25:30 AM

Originally posted by: animecyberrat
In regrads to Jaguar staements, simple NOT TRUE. Teh reason why it failed was because Atari made the idiotic mistake of including a Motorla M68000 16 bit prossescor, teh exact SAME chip n Sega Genesis, programers got lazy and were proting SEGA GENESIS games over in ahurry and it made the system look bad, it had 16 bit games with no enhancments. Over all its 3D power was actualy inferior to the 32X and it only had a 32bit system bus so it wasnt even true 64 bit. But its first year tehy marketed the hellout of that thing and tehy had some good suport going in but lazy devs kinda killed it off.

If you read up on it alot of developers found it simply a head ache to develop for so thats probably the main reason why they didnt bother trying to make games in 3d. For some reason this sounds alot like the ps3, many developers are complaining thats its very hard to develop for and arnt bothering to tap into its power.  
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: ThePerm on January 24, 2006, 10:00:39 AM
LOL i  used to play  the  heck out of cybermorph, avp  was awesome...but it  was a tile  wasnt  true  3d.
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Galford on January 24, 2006, 04:29:36 PM
The Jaguar on paper was more powerful on then the PSX in certain aspects.  The PSX was infinetly easier to program.  The Jaguar, however, had about 0 percent Japanese support.  The 3DO had more Japanese support then the Jag...
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: jasonditz on January 25, 2006, 07:26:55 AM

Originally posted by: animecyberrat
In regrads to Jaguar staements, simple NOT TRUE. Teh reason why it failed was because Atari made the idiotic mistake of including a Motorla M68000 16 bit prossescor, teh exact SAME chip n Sega Genesis, programers got lazy and were proting SEGA GENESIS games over in ahurry and it made the system look bad, it had 16 bit games with no enhancments. Over all its 3D power was actualy inferior to the 32X and it only had a 32bit system bus so it wasnt even true 64 bit. But its first year tehy marketed the hellout of that thing and tehy had some good suport going in but lazy devs kinda killed it off.

Well said. The Jaguar was screamingly powerful for its time, if one took the time to actually make use of it's complex architecture. It's probably the ultimate example of a system with untapped potential.
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Zach on January 25, 2006, 02:45:03 PM
My dad still has his old coleco vision, sometimes we still get it out and have some fun with it.  heck, my dad still has his old pong machine, its not the original pong, it has colors (a grand total of 2 colors) and several different versions of the game.  Its old, but when we hook it up, pong is still incredibly addictive.
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: archioverload on January 25, 2006, 05:01:35 PM
Kind of related, in terms of computer gaming: The TI 994/A had some sweet games: Parsec, Chisholm Trail, Munch Man (requisite Pacman ripoff)...good times, good times.
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Dasmos on January 25, 2006, 05:41:27 PM
I think archioverload you probably have the best avatar ever. I will keep on tuckin'.  
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: wandering on January 25, 2006, 10:34:27 PM

Kind of related, in terms of computer gaming: The TI 994/A had some sweet games: Parsec, Chisholm Trail, Munch Man (requisite Pacman ripoff)...good times, good times.

Oh, hey, yeah, I have one of those, I think.

It had the best version of Space Invaders ever, if I recall.
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: archioverload on January 26, 2006, 01:45:24 PM
Rock on, Dasmos, and keep on trucking too.
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Talon on January 26, 2006, 04:32:23 PM
Hey does anyone remember the XBox360??

I dont know if this system was a myth or real.  They were extremely rare and overhyped to levels of insanity!!

Oh and for any aussies that were even thinking of picking one up here is a little news tid bit for you


THE supply problems that have plagued the launch of the Xbox 360 overseas will also hit Australia, with Microsoft delaying the console's release by three weeks.   Microsoft announced last year that the Xbox 360, which is already available overseas, would make its Australian debut March 2. The date has now been pushed back to March 23.

Chris Jenkins

Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Galford on January 26, 2006, 05:48:08 PM

I saw one of those once in a thrift shop.  I should have picked it up.
Oh well...

Does any here have the Commadore 64 based console or the Speccy based console that was released in the early ninties?
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: animecyberrat on January 27, 2006, 05:39:47 PM
I used to have a Commadore 64 and upgraded to Commadore 128 latter on. I learned hwo to programin BASIC on that thing and used to make really cool video games. too bad I was limited in RAM and was only a teenager cuz I didnt get much out of it.  
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: invisibot on January 28, 2006, 08:59:06 PM
The TI 99/4A was awesome.  I've been programming since I learned to write as a result of having access to that system.  

I loved Parsec, a great defender ripoff that solidified my love of Shmups.  My mom ruled at Munch man, and I swore in front of my parents for the first time while playing that game.  Your man went invisible in the later levels, so you had to have a strategy memorized.

I've owned two of those systems.  One I completely took apart just to see how it worked.  

Does any one else remember saving their code on to a tape deck?  There was a fairly good sized comunity of people that exchanged code using tapes back in the day as well.  

I really wanted an Amiga back then but we got a 286 machine with a 42Mb hard drive and I was in heaven.  We thought we got a steal, come on who could use that much storage space?  Ah so funny to remember those days.  
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: animecyberrat on January 29, 2006, 09:22:55 AM
I used to write programs and save them onto tapes on my COmmadore 64. As time went buy I upgraded to a Disk Drive and revorded music onto all those cassettes until I discovered CD burners.

Damn its hard to beleive that Technology has changed THAT much in just MY lifetime. Now I am feeling 'old'
maybe I was wrong for staring this thread....
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: KDR_11k on January 29, 2006, 07:52:57 PM
You had tapes? We had a nice lil' 1541/II. With a serial-to-parallel adapter you can copy the disk contents to your PC and run 'em emulated. Big advantage since you can place a savestate right after the game is loaded and set it to 1000% speed while loading.
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Hypnotic on January 30, 2006, 03:05:33 PM
i think the earliest game system i had was the NES
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: bustin98 on January 30, 2006, 04:31:58 PM
My earliest system was the Atari 2600, but with computers my dad brought home a Commadore +4. Barely a computer, just a tower of sorts, a keyboard, and the tv as a monitor. I tried some simple programming that was included in the manual, but I wasn't nerdy enough back then to understand what the heck I was doing (different story now ). For me computers weren't about gaming at all. It was all my Nintendo. But I think was more interested in reading my DC Comics (yeah, Marvel sucks!) and playing with my Transformers than playing games.  Oh , and watching Dr Who on PBS. Those were the days...
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Shecky on January 30, 2006, 05:41:04 PM
Atari 800XL
Amiga 1000

Both had great games for it that I'd love to be able to run today.

Ah yes the Amiga....
We had "Mouse Trap" for the Amiga, and I'm not talking the Mouse Trap that was on the 2600.  This was a good platform game.

"Barbarian Palace," the fighting game with the 'Today you die!' intro to each battle and green lizard to pull the bodies of the playing field.

Crazy Cars, Marble Madness!, Silent Service, Chessmaster 2000 ("oops you got me"), Star Wars (the original! , GridIron, Dark Castle, Aargh!! (great game), Black Cauldron, Jet (Flight Sim), Future Tank, ...

My question, is there a way of extracting the data on those diskettes so that I could archive them.  Amiga is probably easier than the Atari.  Atari used 5.25 disks and I doubt I still have a working drive that can read those (Amiga was 3.5 in disks).  I thought I could use 'dd' but I remember it failing last I tried.  Maybe the disks have just gone bad...
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: IceCold on January 30, 2006, 06:03:18 PM
Anyone played Chip's Challenge? I remember playing it as a kid - I think it was on the PC and 2600..
Title: RE:any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: animecyberrat on January 30, 2006, 06:40:31 PM
I also used to have one of those Atari computers it was mostly for games too I played Missile Command and this really cool deep space game that had you travleing in Hyperspace a lot. It was cool. I forgot what it was called though.  
Title: RE: any body rememebr these systems?
Post by: Shin Gallon on February 02, 2006, 10:10:22 PM
One of my friends has a Neo Geo cartridge system...playing Samurai Spirits and Metal Slug 3 on that thing is amazing, emulation just...isn't the same : )
We used to have a C64 when I was a kid, about the same time I got my NES (1987). I had the Usagi Yojimbo and Transformers games for it...they kinda sucked, but I played them to death anyway. Aaah, memories...