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NWR Interactive => Podcast Discussion => Topic started by: TheYoungerPlumber on February 21, 2003, 07:28:54 PM

Title: Radio Trivia Results for February 21st
Post by: TheYoungerPlumber on February 21, 2003, 07:28:54 PM
Despite Jing_Ke’s 4-point win, it was a tough round for most in tonight’s game, hosted by Jonnyboy117.  Much to Jonny’s amazement, the night started off with two stumpers in a row!  The final scoreboard was slim pickings by Radio Trivia standards, especially considering some of the games chosen.

Game 1: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Fighting Edition (SNES)

(No points awarded)

TYP says: Many were close, but you need to be specific, people!

Q: Who be da secrat character yo?
A: <Jing_Ke> Ivan Ooze

Game 2: Castle Excellent (NES)

(No points awarded)

Q: This game was published by Ascii.  That company’s software branch now has a new name, under which it published what oddball racing game in which you could drive an N64 controller?
A: <dilbert627> aeroguage

Game 3: Final Fantasy IV (II in the US) (SNES)

Points to: ulanshad, FoxWing, BIGmog, Jing_Ke, MSTAnon, dilbert627, Uaio, Rip, carlos

Q: At the end of the game, who in your party is left-handed?
A: <ulanshad> Edge, Kain

Song 1: Phish - "Mexican Cousin"
Song 2: DJ Clue - "Super Mario Bros."

Game 4: Mario Tennis (N64)

Points to: TknHappyNess, Jing_Ke, cell84, Tavir, dilbert627, carlos, Elzie_Ann

Q: Excluding current systems and those before the NES, what is the only Nintendo system that did not get a (Mario) Tennis game from Nintendo in the U.S.?
A: <GorillazFan87> snes

Game 5: Battle of Olympus (NES)

Points to: Jing_Ke, carlos

Q: In Greek mythology, who is the mother of Hercules?
A: <GorillazFan87> alcmene

-----Final Results-----

Jing_Ke: 4

dilbert627: 3

carlos: 3

ulanshad: 2

GorillazFan87: 2

FoxWing: 1

BIGmog: 1

MSTAnon: 1

Uaio: 1

Rip: 1

TKnHappyNess: 1

cell84: 1

Tavir: 1

Elzie_Ann: 1
Title: Radio Trivia Results for 2/21/2003
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 22, 2003, 06:17:59 AM
Yeah, that tennis bonus question is wrong.  Oops.  I didn't know Super Tennis was published by Nintendo.

So anyway, despite the small crowd last night (which was entirely my fault for not announcing the game earlier), I was rather shocked to see only eight people get Final Fantasy IV.  There aren't many games in my collection easier than that one.  Sure, I picked a couple of songs from late in the game, but one of them plays multiple times from the beginning to end.  No excuse, people.
Title: Radio Trivia Results for 2/21/2003
Post by: TheYoungerPlumber on February 22, 2003, 02:58:39 PM
No, Jonny, it is correct.  Super Tennis was not a Mario Tennis game.
Title: Radio Trivia Results for 2/21/2003
Post by: BIGmog on February 23, 2003, 06:08:31 AM
Well if it had to be a Mario Tennis game, then Game Boy didn't have one either.