Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: jasonditz on May 19, 2005, 11:13:39 AM

Title: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: jasonditz on May 19, 2005, 11:13:39 AM
One of the neat things about knowing next to nothing about a system is that you can do all kinds of speculation. We've done a lot of speculating about what it would take to sell the casual gamer a revolution already, but here's an equally interesting question.

What would Nintendo have to do to not sell you a revolution.

Here's some stuff I can think of.

Launch price: If the console launches at $250+ and the games are $59.99 each, I might be tempted to hold off

Controller price: Chances are none of my friends will buy a Revolution, because none of my friends ever buy consoles they just play them over here. So I'm stuck buying umpteen controllers. We know the controller is going to be revolutionary, wireless, and feature a rechargable battery. If they cost more than $50 a pop, that might effect my decision.

Launch Lineup: I'm looking forward to SSB3, but I don't know if it'd sell me a system by itself. We know there's a Metroid in the works, but I think I'm the only person on the planet who wasn't all that impressed with 3D metroid in the first place. I need something else, either at or near launch. Like the Cube had Rouge Leader.

Download Titles: Two keys here: price and availability. If Nintendo announces that these titles will be $10 each, and limited to 1st party titles, it will probably eliminate this as a selling point. Lower prices are better, but at a minimum, Square Enix and Koei absolutely MUST be on board.

Not that any of this is going to drive me into Microsoft or Sony's arms. I'm completely underwhelmed with the Xbox 360 (which doesn't appear to have my kind of games anyhow), and Sony's launch price is shaping up to be prohibitive for me. Likely if Nintendo messes up the Rev bad enough I'll just stick to buying what Cube games I don't have yet and DS titles.

Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Arbok on May 19, 2005, 11:26:31 AM
One thing: If Smash Bros is warped beyond belief, or cancelled. Otherwise, they have my money already.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Artimus on May 19, 2005, 11:46:57 AM
Nintendo On.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Ian Sane on May 19, 2005, 11:50:42 AM
There are two different questions here:

What would it take to not sell me a Revolution at launch?  What would it take to not sell me a Revolution EVER?

Those are very different.  Nintendo hasn't sold me a DS yet but I haven't decided I'm never buying one.

I won't buy a Rev at launch if it's too expensive though I don't think it will be.  I also won't buy one if the launch lineup doesn't have at least two games that really grab me.  SSB online is cool but I'm not buying a console for it.  In fact if it's all sequels I can probably say I won't buy it at launch for sure.  I'm getting pretty tired of the franchises and I need something new.  Though if a franchise game really grabs me by the balls then I could totally change my opinion on that.

It would take something much more drastic to get me to completely write off the Revolution.  The controller is the big issue.  You know all those ideas people have about one handed controllers and touch screen controllers and gyro focused controllers?  I hate those.  They look unusable for existing game designs and I don't like the new ideas they bring to the table.  I don't want to play Zelda where I have to swing the controller like a sword.  So if the controller is too weird I won't buy a Rev.  Another factor is Nintendo's focus.  They're talking about non-gamers a lot.  If stuff like Electroplankton and Nintendogs is their focus on the Rev I won't buy it.  Of course it depends on how much of their focus is on that stuff.  If it's enough that I can't really find any games that interest me then I won't buy a Rev.  I didn't stay loyal to Nintendo for all these years to be squeezed in favour of a new market.  And I won't buy a Rev if there's virtually (or literally) no third party support.  I won't reward a company for that kind of incompetance.

Though I could see myself writing the Rev off for these reasons and then years later grabbing one used (or one in clearance since odds are that's where these things would end up pretty fast in these situations) for the few games that interest me assuming they exist.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: KDR_11k on May 20, 2005, 04:12:23 AM
For that it needs to be released the way it is now, with a bog-standard controller.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Spak-Spang on May 20, 2005, 04:53:01 AM
I would say there are a few things that will limit me from buying the system.

Price.  I am on a budget, and if Revolution costs anything like the PS3 will then I can't buy it.  Also price of games as well.  I don't care how much better games are, if the price of games are higher than the current generation that will make me mad.  I can already only buy one or two games every couple of months.

Download Content:  Right now this has already sold me a Revolution, but if they mess it up then I won't buy.

Controller:  I am pretty much willing to try anything, but I want a really good controller...if the controller is horrible I may not buy.

Last,  Competition:

If the Competition, right now Microsoft, because I stated PS3 will be too expensive, has the games I desire to play and at reasonable costs I may buy Xbox360.  But really, the likelihood of that is rare.  I like colorful, cheerful Nintendo games, I don't like too many realistic war games, and thug games.  
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: stevey on May 20, 2005, 06:56:09 AM
nothing that can really happen nintendo going for 200>rev. prices and controller not going to be wacky.

unless nintendo going to give a gun to mario lol.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: couchmonkey on May 20, 2005, 07:12:19 AM
It wouldn't be too hard for Nintendo to prevent me from buying one at launch.  A poor launch lineup like the DS, or a really high price point would be two major things to turn me off there.  Also, if the new features turn out to be boring, that could affect my decision too.  Looking at what MS and Sony are offering, I wouldn't buy either of their consoles at launch, what they have to offer just isn't interesting or different enough to pay launch-day prices for.

As for not buying one ever, Nintendo would have to screw up royally.   The controls would have to be really weird, the games totally uninteresting, and the third part support non-existant.  I think a more likely (but still pessimistic) scenario is that the controls are weird and they can't/won't develop many traditional games and it doesn't get much third party support: in that case I'd probably buy a Rev and one of the other consoles.

Edit: semantics.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: TMW on May 20, 2005, 09:24:16 AM
...I would only -not- buy one at launch if the price was too prohibitive.  

EVen if all else goes wrong..weird controller, lack of games...I'll at least have SSBMOnline and eventually, a Zelda game.  
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Dirk Temporo on May 21, 2005, 02:39:05 PM
Square Enix is very unlikely, due to Sony's stranglehold on them. And Koei? What the...? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only thing they did for NES and SNES was Romance of the Three Kingdoms, correct? And who's going to want that when you could just get a newer one for about five dollars more?
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: nickmitch on May 21, 2005, 06:51:41 PM
Winning a free one.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: nemo_83 on May 21, 2005, 09:48:55 PM
free online is going to sell this system along with the downloading, especially if you can play old games online and with the new controller.

if the controller is great i will buy it at launch.

most important though is that there needs to be at least two superb games that are screaming this is why we need to abandon the PS2, Xbox, and Cube.  and one of those key titles needs to be an original IP.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: jasonditz on May 21, 2005, 10:05:19 PM

Originally posted by: Dirk Temporo
Square Enix is very unlikely, due to Sony's stranglehold on them. And Koei? What the...? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only thing they did for NES and SNES was Romance of the Three Kingdoms, correct? And who's going to want that when you could just get a newer one for about five dollars more?

Since Square Enix is working on a title for the Rev anyhow, and seems quite enamoured with the idea of selling old titles, this would seem to be right up their alley. Sony' "stranglehold" on them seems dramatically overstated, since they've had nothing but good things to say about Nintendo lately.

KOEI did a lot more than the romance series. I was actually thinking Uncharted Waters 1 and 2, PTO and Nobunaga's ambition 2 for the SNES and Genghis Khan for the NES. But at the same time, I would say Romance 3 for the SNES was my favorite of the series... its a different feel from the later games, and IMO a lot more approachable.

Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on May 22, 2005, 02:10:04 PM
How does Sony have a strangle hold on Square-enix look at all the DS projects they have, FF:Crystal Chronicals 2 on Rev and a port of FF XI on the Xbox360 looks like square is giving every system some love.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: heinous_anus on May 23, 2005, 12:52:52 AM
Everyone's mentioned the price, I think that's a given, but not something I'm worried about (I just can't see the Rev. launching at a ridiculous price).  Also, a lackluster launch lineup is a temporary turnoff, but to answer Ian's latter question - gimmicks, man.  If they pull this "buy 4 GBAs to play our only Square game," count me out.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Myxtika1 Azn on May 23, 2005, 01:27:31 AM
You don't HAVE to buy 4 GBAs because just 1 controller will do.

As for me and the Rev, it will be the first next-gen system I will be getting, regardless of whether the launch titles are lackluster because I know that the heavy hitters will be coming.  I might get it on launch day, depending on the price.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: stevey on May 24, 2005, 05:52:24 AM
"most important though is that there needs to be at least two superb games that are screaming this is why we need to abandon the PS2, Xbox, and Cube. and one of those key titles needs to be an original IP. "

ssb online and super mario 128/sunshine2 (one come out on the rev and the other on the cube but they haven't desided yet)
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Ian Sane on May 24, 2005, 07:48:33 AM
"ssb online and super mario 128/sunshine2"

Why would either game convince someone to adandon the Cube?  There's already a perfectly compitent SSB and Mario game on the Cube.  These may end up being better but it would still largely be an extension to an experience a Cube owner has already had.  These games should still be made but there's no need to switch from the Cube to the Rev for sequels to Cube games.  There needs to be something new as well.  You come for the new stuff and stay for the sequels.  I bought a Cube because of Pikmin because there was nothing like that game on any other console ever.  Mario, Zelda and all the rest were bonuses but I had comparible (superior in same cases) games on the N64 so I didn't have to buy a Cube to get those experiences.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: jasonditz on May 24, 2005, 10:18:28 AM
If you're a big SSB fan, the addition of online is probably enough to warrant the purchase by itself, even if the rest of the game is largely unchanged.  
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Gremio on May 25, 2005, 02:59:27 PM
At this point the only things that could unconvince me from getting a Revolution is high price (above $250) or some weird mutant controller. I'm open to a new user interface, just as long as if it doesn't include something really weird like long detachable arms or something.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be fine with the launch games. Two launch games are usually what I buy for any system's launch. Smash Brothers is a definite buy for me, and I'm pretty sure Mr. Miyamoto's new project is going to be something different that's meant to appeal to the non-gamers out there so that's a definite buy for me.

Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: UncleBob on April 29, 2006, 05:43:55 PM
I just wanted to bump this back up to see if anyone had any new answers...
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: mantidor on April 29, 2006, 05:47:18 PM
Metroid Prime 3 ends up a multiplayer-focused game.

Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 29, 2006, 05:54:50 PM
Mantidor, you shut your mouth.

Some things you shouldn't even joke about, man. Not funny.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Crimm on April 29, 2006, 06:00:08 PM
If the majority of E3 games are either "twist arm here!" or half-arsed ports I will be deeply disappointed.

If it seems that the games had significant thought put into them I'm sold.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: UncleBob on April 29, 2006, 06:00:25 PM

Originally posted by: mantidor
Metroid Prime 3 ends up an on-line only multiplayer game.


Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: IceCold on April 29, 2006, 06:13:11 PM
I don't think anyone here will boycott the Revolution just because of its name - they're just concerned about the impact of the name on others.  
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Avinash_Tyagi on April 29, 2006, 06:20:56 PM
Basically nintendo would have to announce that they are turning mario into a gun toting, girl beating pimp.

Link would have to become basically a copy of Tingle

DK and Samus would have to make out on screen

then, and only then would I avoid the Wii
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 29, 2006, 06:43:48 PM

Originally posted by: UncleBob
Please kill me.

Very well.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: mantidor on April 29, 2006, 06:48:44 PM

Originally posted by: PaLaDiN
Mantidor, you shut your mouth.

Some things you shouldn't even joke about, man. Not funny.

I wouldnt be surprised sadly. Clearly the new name of the console has one big message for us from Nintendo "we dont care if you, our all-time fans, like it or not, because you are not our focus anymore", and also, multiplayer games are more popular than the brilliant Metroid classic gameplay, not to mention that the focus of the console is clearly a multiplayer experience.

Also, Metroid is already a recognized name asociated with first person shooters...ok, its really not that popular but at least is better for them to rape Metroid and start creating their Halo-killer or multiplayer game with the franchise than creating a new franchise from scratch because is better for their market and profits (which already happened with hunters).

Finally, I get this feeling that the japanese branch, the most important, isnt very fond of Metroid in the first place, they don't like it for some reason, everytime Iwata or Miyamoto talk about the game the dont feel as excited as when the talk about Mario, Zelda or Kirby, for them is like "that western game", even if it was created by japanese people.

What Im really trying to say is, that at this point, honestly, all bets are off...  
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: IceCold on April 29, 2006, 07:20:02 PM
Well, it was created by Gunpei Yokoi, after all..
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Avinash_Tyagi on April 29, 2006, 07:24:59 PM

everytime Iwata or Miyamoto talk about the game the dont feel as excited as when the talk about Mario, Zelda or Kirby, for them is like "that western game", even if it was created by japanese people.

Maybe, but Miyamato made certain that Retro did a superb job on prime, so its obvious they take it at least somewhat seriously.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: RiskyChris on April 29, 2006, 07:25:21 PM
Oh, Christ.  Nintendo hasn't abandoned its fans.  How can you derive such biggotry from a simple naming decision?

They've said time and time again that while they wish to broaden the market, they simultaneously will appease its core fanbase.

Color you jaded!
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: trip1eX on April 29, 2006, 07:26:38 PM
If Ian doesn't recommend it come launch time I won't buy one.  
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Kairon on April 29, 2006, 08:29:11 PM
Gee Mantidor. The name told me that Nintendo was everything I thought they were, and more. As a fan, what more could I ask for?

That's why there will be a Wii in my room come fall.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 29, 2006, 08:43:50 PM

Originally posted by: PaLaDiN
Mantidor, you shut your mouth.

Some things you shouldn't even joke about, man. Not funny.

What do you think "wii" implies? That you'll be enjoying primarily single player experiences?

Don't be surprised if EVERY game focuses on online play.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Stewpot on April 29, 2006, 08:46:15 PM

Originally posted by: Dirk Temporo
Square Enix is very unlikely, due to Sony's stranglehold on them. And Koei? What the...? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only thing they did for NES and SNES was Romance of the Three Kingdoms, correct? And who's going to want that when you could just get a newer one for about five dollars more?

Inindo for the Snes
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Artimus on April 29, 2006, 08:50:40 PM
The Japanese are mainly indifferent to Metroid in general, so I suppose that could carry over to Nintendo execs. But then again, Miyamoto was the one cracking the whip on Prime, so he must have some fondness for it.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 29, 2006, 08:57:57 PM

Originally posted by: Artimus  Miyamoto was the one cracking the whip on Prime, so he must have some fondness for it.

Or just cracking the whip in general.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 29, 2006, 09:00:26 PM
"Don't be surprised if EVERY game focuses on online play."

Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: mantidor on April 29, 2006, 09:15:04 PM
"They've said time and time again that while they wish to broaden the market, they simultaneously will appease its core fanbase."

So? Just because they said so doesnt mean its true, its a PR statement and I have come to consider all their PR statements bullsh!t since the announcement of TP rev features. Their priority is to make money, not to please us, and blindly believing their statements is just pure fanboyism. Also, the whole "broaden market" rethoric shouldnt matter for us AT ALL, because they are focusing that expansion on the non-gamer, and that means more non-gamer games, less games for us the old fans. Thats specially true for Metroid, which is the most "anti non-gamer" game that comes from Nintendo.

For reference we should see the DS, because as Iwata said it gives you a glimpse of what to expect with revolution, and it happens that the whole "disruptive" "blue ocean" crap that we shouldnt care at all began with the DS. Number of Metroid games for the system: just one, guess what? a multiplayer focused game.

Metroid Dread, the supposedly metroid 2d scrolling game for the DS was: first, never officially announced by Nintendo; second, rumored cancelled; third, said to be in development, but the game wasnt ready to be shown at any of the past E3s according to ign. This is simple proof the game isnt recieving a lot of attention from Nintendo. We already have a lot of info in the new super mario bros and zelda games for the ds compared to the info on this, hopefully, real metroid game.

Now lets look at the "Wii", the information we have from its first party games is absolute zero, but we know that the console is heavily focused on multiplayer,  the flash announcing the new name even had hints of multiplayer first person shooting...

oh trust me I would love nothing more than to be wrong and Ill gladly eat my words when I plug the console to my Tv and play another awesome non-multiplayer-focused Metroid Prime game, but my concerns are certainly not unfounded.

Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 29, 2006, 09:17:31 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
"Don't be surprised if EVERY game focuses on online play."


Come on "what"?

You don't think that some solid online plans aren't likely in place to go along with the whole "we" togetherness mentality?

Paladin likely has a lot of games which he didn't want to see have online play with online play coming out for the Rev.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: RiskyChris on April 29, 2006, 09:28:37 PM

Originally posted by: mantidor
"They've said time and time again that while they wish to broaden the market, they simultaneously will appease its core fanbase."

So? Just because they said so doesnt mean its true, its a PR statement and I have come to consider all their PR statements bullsh!t since the announcement of TP rev features. Their priority is to make money, not to please us, and blindly believing their statements is just pure fanboyism. Also, the whole "broaden market" rethoric shouldnt matter for us AT ALL, because they are focusing that expansion on the non-gamer, and that means more non-gamer games, less games for us the old fans. Thats specially true for Metroid, which is the most "anti non-gamer" game that comes from Nintendo.

For reference we should see the DS, because as Iwata said it gives you a glimpse of what to expect with revolution, and it happens that the whole "disruptive" "blue ocean" crap that we shouldnt care at all began with the DS. Number of Metroid games for the system: just one, guess what? a multiplayer focused game.

Metroid Dread, the supposedly metroid 2d scrolling game for the DS was: first, never officially announced by Nintendo; second, rumored cancelled; third, said to be in development, but the game wasnt ready to be shown at any of the past E3s according to ign. This is simple proof the game isnt recieving a lot of attention from Nintendo. We already have a lot of info in the new super mario bros and zelda games for the ds compared to the info on this, hopefully, real metroid game.

Now lets look at the "Wii", the information we have from its first party games is absolute zero, but we know that the console is heavily focused on multiplayer,  the flash announcing the new name even had hints of multiplayer first person shooting...

oh trust me I would love nothing more than to be wrong and Ill gladly eat my words when I plug the console to my Tv and play another awesome non-multiplayer-focused Metroid Prime game, but my concerns are certainly not unfounded.

I guess TP, new-gen Mario, MP3, SSBR(Wii?), and the Miyamoto IP aren't enough to satisfy us core gamers at launch.  Or NSMB and Zelda: PH should be completely ignored.

Or maybe because there's a distinct possibility that MP3 may not live up to the Metroid name is enough to consider fans abandoned.  Keep your doomsday talk to yourself.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 29, 2006, 09:35:33 PM
"You don't think that some solid online plans aren't likely in place to go along with the whole "we" togetherness mentality?"

I think there will be solid online plans, and I think there will be a lot of emphasis on multiplayer experimentation, but I think it's a bit ridiculous to think that single player modes and singe player games will cease to exist.
Even in the flash animation, it features one i in the beginning.  Red Steel, by all appearances, is very much a single player oriented game.  There will be multiplayer, but not only that.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Crimm on April 29, 2006, 09:42:09 PM
It would be stupid to make every game online multiplayer centric.

I mean, the first game shown was a multiplayer enabled enabled enabled game, but what was shown was the SINGLE PLAYER portion.  I think we can just port over Nintendo's love for mutliplayer games to an online arena.  I don't think they'll bend their franchises too much.  They know where their bread and butter is, their past.  
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Smash_Brother on April 29, 2006, 09:50:11 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
I think there will be solid online plans, and I think there will be a lot of emphasis on multiplayer experimentation, but I think it's a bit ridiculous to think that single player modes and singe player games will cease to exist.
Even in the flash animation, it features one i in the beginning.  Red Steel, by all appearances, is very much a single player oriented game.  There will be multiplayer, but not only that.

I don't mean to say that single player won't be there: there will ALWAYS be games which exist better as single player experiences. I'm just saying that any game which CAN have online multiplayer likely will and that Pal shouldn't be surprised if it sometimes gets more love than the single player (ala MPH).
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: mantidor on April 29, 2006, 09:52:07 PM
"Or maybe because there's a distinct possibility that MP3 may not live up to the Metroid name is enough to consider fans abandoned."

Of course, Metroid fans will be abandoned, duh! Mario and Zelda games are nice and all, but Im talking about Metroid and its fans. is enough reason to skip a console? for some of us is, Id do it as form of protest, silly? indeed, I still will do it.

Also Miyamoto's new IP will be aimed at non-gamers partially or completly, thats almost a sure thing.

I will grant Nintendo that we have the chance to like the "non gamers" games, but they certainly wont be terribly worried if we dont.

" Keep your doomsday talk to yourself."

I wont, :P I think that at least I got Paladin to think twice about the real implications of the name "Wii", being the most loud anti-online person Ive ever seen.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: PaLaDiN on April 29, 2006, 10:29:21 PM
I still believe Retro isn't stupid enough to turn MP3 into an online-focused shooter. I have faith in Retro, they haven't messed up the past two Metroids.

MPH wasn't made by Retro, so I'm discounting it as an unhappy fluke.

"Wii" still stands for traditional multiplayer as far as I'm concerned, probably with multiple Wiis since it's wireless.

And Zelda, Mario and Donkey Kong just don't fit online, so there's no threat of that happening.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Kairon on April 29, 2006, 10:49:19 PM
This is what's so awesome about being a Miyamoto fan, and a fan of videogames in general as an exciting new medium. I have no predetermined wants, no predetermined needs. All I want is to be challenged and inspired and surprised.

For Nintendo to not sell me a Revolution, they'd need to do what Blizzard did to get me to quit WoW: convince me that they will no longer be the people who will show me something new.

~Carmine M. Red  
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: mantidor on April 30, 2006, 12:00:23 AM
" I still believe Retro isn't stupid enough to turn MP3 into an online-focused shooter. I have faith in Retro, they haven't messed up the past two Metroids."

It probably doesnt depend on them, Miyamoto came into MP development and "turn upside the table" as we all know, the same can happen now, if Nintendo wants the game to be their multiplayer shooter Retro wont be able to stop it.

Theres also no guarantee about Mario and Zelda being untouched in the multiplayer department, maybe thats the future of gaming, like 3D was back in its day, we are unfortunately in the minority that just dont like it, so we will feel what the really small minority who cant stand 3D felt those years ago.

Remember, is not about you or me, is about Wii, in this case it seems, is about them, anti online enthusiast like us are left behind.

Just giving you a hard time , lets pray for a minblowing Metroid Prime game for the new console!

Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Plugabugz on April 30, 2006, 03:56:02 AM
A 3+ month delay for no appropriate reason, with nothing to add a bonus for my patience would really put me off getting one.

That and being in the UK to act as an excuse to charge more for the console (and hardware/softwatre extras, whether they are on the "worldwiide" virtual console or not) than any other country.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: Ceric on April 30, 2006, 04:37:18 AM
Just if no one caught the irony of talking about not liking online online.  

Personally I think that Metroid after Prime 3 should take a page from its book and go back into retirement.  After Prime 3 sleep this gen or until there is an overriding demand for it.  I do not see any good coming from this especially since the Metroid series premise is really more anti-multiplayer then even Mario.  Though the Metriod Universe is very Multiplayer friendly.  I probably branch out a different series in the universe if I wanted to do real multiplayer.

There was a different thread like this because I know I've responded before and I can't find it.  Oh well.

My List:
Loss of Gamecube Backward compatibility
A full focus on Multiplayer sucking the life out of Single Player (I just don't have friends who come over and hang, and I don't gel well online like some)
Having to first register the console online before it works

Things that if they all happened with one of the above would be the Straw that Broke the Camels Back:
Only coming with 1 Controller no Nunchuku
Progressive Scan cable not supported (Once you've gone to those cables you won't want to go back.  It's night and day, night and day.)
Subscription based Service only for VC
Getting the other controller I need for my Finesse costing me as much as game
NOA Announcing the My Nintendo will only give you worthless digital content and they will never reform it to be like Japan's
The console saying Wii from an internal speaker everytime you turn it on
The Controller range being less then at minimum 10 ft.

Things that might override One of the above:
Purple Wii so it doesn't mess with my collection like the DS
DS Lite Wii bundle thats actually discounted
Excitebike with purchase
When bought I'm entitled to 1Wii game of my choice
Instantly working with my wireless setup with no work
Can be also used as a wireless extender
Cast of Millions Version of Wii (Instead of a straight color it is covered with Nintendo characters like from Smash Brothers)
Backward compatibility with GCN also means I can use a DS instead of a GBA in Fourswords/Pacman VS/FF:CC.  (Then I almost have enough systems for everyone)
Camelot RPG at launch that puts Golden Sun to shame (and therefore puts the whole FF series to shame as well)
Waffles and Baking a Potato in a minute is true :-D
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: wandering on April 30, 2006, 04:56:27 AM

Originally posted by: mantidor
Clearly the new name of the console has one big message for us from Nintendo "we dont care if you, our all-time fans, like it or not, because you are not our focus anymore"

It's called tough love. Show some respect for your century-old elder and don't go complaining that they don't love you everytime they force you to eat your greens.

Anyway. Metroid Prime 3 losing it's focus? From what Retro interviews I've read I don't think that's the case.
Title: RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: mantidor on April 30, 2006, 06:19:56 AM

Originally posted by: wandering

Originally posted by: mantidor
Clearly the new name of the console has one big message for us from Nintendo "we dont care if you, our all-time fans, like it or not, because you are not our focus anymore"

It's called tough love. Show some respect for your century-old elder and don't go complaining that they don't love you everytime they force you to eat your greens.

Anyway. Metroid Prime 3 losing it's focus? From what Retro interviews I've read I don't think that's the case.

hahaha, Nitendo is not my elder or parent, what you say is PURE fanboyism, they are a damn company, if they start focusing in something I dont like I will NOT buy their products, jesus... sorry but thats a pretty crappy argument.

It really hit me yesterday, Ive been so focused on the stupid name that I was forgetting what it really means, a multiplayer focused console. And Im not very fond of multiplayer in the first place. Ill wait and see of course, as I was going to do before, but I'm less confident about what the console will offer to me, which is the important thing.

Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: wandering on April 30, 2006, 06:30:29 AM

hahaha, Nitendo is not my elder or parent, what you say is PURE fanboyism, they are a damn company, if they start focusing in something I dont like I will NOT buy their products, jesus... sorry but thats a pretty crappy argument.

I was half joking....but, seriously, Nintenedo has never completely pandered to their fanbase and never will. If they did, all of their games would suck, Wind Waker would never have been made, etc, etc. The's a NAME. You may not like it, but I can't see how you can conclude from that they no longer care about their long time fans.


It really hit me yesterday, Ive been so focused on the stupid name that I was forgetting what it really means, a multiplayer focused console.

It's not a multiplayer focused console, it's an everybody focused console.
Title: RE: What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
Post by: mantidor on April 30, 2006, 07:21:35 AM
I was also not downright  serious, I know they wont completly forget their fanbase, but Im in the odd minority that doesnt like multiplayer games that much, the chances of forgetting me or not putting focus on my tastes are higher.

"It's not a multiplayer focused console, it's an everybody focused console."

I hardly go that from the trailer, it didnt show child "i"s playing and feminine "i" playing and eldery "i" playing, it showed little "i" playing together.

To be honest the fact that I might get Majora's Mask without framerate drops might be enough reason for me to get the console down the road, but the lack of information on first party titles for the rev right now is just killing me.