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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Perfect Cell on February 17, 2003, 03:55:26 PM

Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Perfect Cell on February 17, 2003, 03:55:26 PM
Finally Nintendo has Zelda commercials on TV, WWE Raw no less! Pretty good, it also mentions the Zelda OOT offer. Good for Nintendo!
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Sean on February 17, 2003, 04:13:01 PM
Finally, you say?  Seems to me that over a month in advance of the game is pretty darn early!  Haha...what ticks me off is how, by and large, you won't see a gaming commercial outside of wrestling or MTV.  I exaggerate, sure, but that seems to be where most people see them.  I understand why, believe me, so you don't have to fill me in.  I just hate MTV and I can't bear to watch wrestling (no offense wrasslin' fans), so I see them fairly rarely.

Is it just me or would showing Nintendo commercials during Dateline and ER be a great idea.  At first I was kidding, but now that I've typed that, I think that showing commercials like that to the demographic that, by and large, watches those sorts of shows (a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE audience) would actually be beneficial.  Okay, probably not.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: rodtod on February 17, 2003, 05:11:29 PM
yeah, it's odd. Nintendo puts more effort into online and printed advertising than it does in televised advertising. think about it, most people use a television to play videogames. advertise on the tv and chances are you have a potential consumer.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Caterkiller on February 17, 2003, 05:28:29 PM
I saw a Wind Waker comercial but im not sure it was the same one, I seen it a couple of times on G4. It was one of thoughs EB comercials.  
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Sir Daniel Fortesque on February 17, 2003, 05:51:57 PM
People at the N-philes forum are complaing 'cause the commercial sucks horribly. I'll wait till I see it but for the descriptions I read in there it doesn't look like is very good. It probably sucks as much as Metroid Prime's commercial.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Perfect Cell on February 17, 2003, 06:11:50 PM
I wouldnt say it sucks, a girl talks about Link and says how hes supposed to save her. We see some clips from the WW game and then the announcer mentions the OOT Master Quest bonus. Its not bad, especially when you compare it to the horrible Eternal Darkness commercials. Just saw it again on Cartoon Network btw.  
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Stex on February 17, 2003, 06:18:30 PM
Who cares if it sucks?  Any publicity is good publicity.  As long as people know that it is coming out, it helps.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Grimlock on February 17, 2003, 06:48:39 PM

Is it just me or would showing Nintendo commercials during Dateline and ER be a great idea.  At first I was kidding, but now that I've typed that, I think that showing commercials like that to the demographic that, by and large, watches those sorts of shows (a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE audience) would actually be beneficial.  Okay, probably not.

Sean, I completely agree here.  The only reason I don't think Nintendo is doing things such as this is because they're still being conservative with their advertising budget.  I'd also be willing to bet just one ad during ER (or Friends, Survivor, etc.) costs a good chunk of change, as they are among the highest-rated shows on network TV.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: ThePerm on February 17, 2003, 07:11:56 PM
remember the e3 2002 traler...remember ocarina of tiems comercial...essentially they wer ethe same. Same song. All gameplay sequeences...what made these so awesome? They just were.  This new comercialis just more lame artistic crap. Seriously they need to make a comercial that screams "BUY THIS EPIC! YOU MUST HAVE IT! YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DONT GET IT~! GET IT NOW! IF YOU DONT YOU WILL SUVK! THIS GAME WILL ROCK! YOU NEED IT!"
Ocarina of time did this, the trailer for 2002 did it...this comercial just says zelda is comign out...get it if you big deal. Its a decent comercial, better then soem of the opther crap NOA has spit out but it doesnt say HYPE.

From what iv notcied about good game comercials is..good comercials are excessively lame and a silly funny or they show the game and play good music.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Dark Staedtler on February 17, 2003, 07:44:24 PM
I cought the last two seconds .

Is it the same commercial as is on the website? Similar?
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Calibretto on February 17, 2003, 08:18:41 PM

Originally posted by: Sir Daniel Fortesque
People at the N-philes forum are complaing 'cause the commercial sucks horribly. I'll wait till I see it but for the descriptions I read in there it doesn't look like is very good. It probably sucks as much as Metroid Prime's commercial.

The Metriod Prime comercial sucked? I thought it was pretty good.  It was not the best effects, but for a comercial, it was the closest I'd seen to a friggn Metriod movie.  It looked pretty cool.  It may have been short on the screen shots, but I liked it.  And I kinda like the new Zelda commercial too.  But my favorite of the Zelda comercials was the old Majora's Mask commercial.  The moon crashing on all thosh cities, and everyone panicing.  I like commercials with a theatrical sense to them and more style to them.  But I must be the minority.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Mario on February 17, 2003, 09:33:30 PM
FLUCKARN HELL! That commercial made the game look like ASS! WTF is wrong with Nintendo. If they had shown the E3 trailer with updated gameplay footage and that kickass music it would have been one of the most popular games of all time, that E3 trailer was AWESOME! And now they give us this CRAP! Im only complaing about the CRAPPY, ASS LIKE, gameplay shots they showed. The music and the girl in the robe was done very well. But i mean, they must have picked the WORST shots of the game and put them in the ad to be "teh innovative" or some sh!t like that. If i saw that commercial, not knowing what i know, i would definately think it was a crap game, not neccessarily kiddy, but CRAP. All my friends are saying Nintendo have ruined Zelda!!!?!?!?!?! WTF, its all because of CRAPPY, LAME, STUPID, LAZY, LAME, CRAPPY advertising by Nintendo (America). The Japanese ads are a hundred times better than that poor excuse for a commercial. And i agree with the guy above me about the Majoras Mask commercial, that totally owned.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Jollus on February 17, 2003, 11:42:52 PM
The commercial does suck.
It sucked when I saw it in the theater and it sucks now.
The visual style totally clashes with the gameplay footage.  The live action parts are dark and dirty and depressing, but then they have gameplay footage that is bright and colorful.  I am not saying colorful is bad, but the two styles just clash with eachother.  The only good part of the comercial is the last few seconds when they talk about the Bonus Disk.

Here is the big problem I see with NOA's adverts.  They are getting more and more money for advertising.  I know that sounds wierd.  More money is good in most cases.  But, what NOA is doing with they money they get is the problem.  The gameplay footage of Zelda will sell itself.  They didn't need all the stupid live action part.  They should have made a clip of cool game footage, slapped some text and voice over talking about some of the cool stuff (like GBA connection).  Mention the Bonus Disk.  A rather cheap comercial to make.  Then you use all that advertising money to ADVERTISE!  Buy some air time on some high rated shows.  Maybe the superbowl.  After the game is out add some of the great reviews it has gotten on to the commercial (because you know it is going to get great reviews).

edit: I have seen the spot on G4 (the sorta-lame videogame channel, also the only place I have seen Skys of Arcadia commercials), Cartoon Network, and during Stargate SG-1 on the sci-fi channel.  
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Nintendo on February 18, 2003, 01:06:52 AM
To the geniuses who said Nintendo should air their commercials during TV series like Friends:

"In America over 33 million people look at the series Friends. The costs of a 30 second commercial in or around that show costs 455.700 dollar!"

PS: Commercial's a commercial, so complaint if you want, but people will still see and think about the commercial and that's what matters.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: The Caucasian Cubist on February 18, 2003, 09:36:20 AM

Originally posted by: Caterkiller
It was one of thoughs EB comercials.

Wow. I could understand misspelling "their" as "there" or something common like that... But wow. i don't think I've ever seen "those" spelled as "thoughs".  Ha ha

Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: rodtod on February 18, 2003, 01:37:33 PM
ThePerm, Nintendo doesn't need to advertise Zelda WW at all! it's part of one of the most popular videogame franchises ever! also, there are plenty of websites covering it, and the media is already crazy about it. Nintendo would only be losing money if they even bothered making a decent ad, since it would have little to no impact on the sales of this already eagerly-anticipated game.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Stimutacs Addict on February 18, 2003, 02:12:19 PM
Nintendo can't get arrogant and just expect Zelda to sell... thecubedcanuck made this point a couple weeks back.. they need to advertise this thing better than the Ocarina of Time commercial (which i thought worked well in delivering the intensity of the game)

get some good promos goin, nintendo!
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: ThePerm on February 18, 2003, 04:49:02 PM
well if they dont need to advertise the game to make it a hit, then whuy not advertise it and make it a bigger hit.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: VariantX on February 18, 2003, 05:16:07 PM
Its a damn shame that the only advertisments for gamecube exclusive games come directly from nintendo's first party. Whats worse..... its too little, not too late, but damn sure not enough.  You would think to try to compete with ms with their commercials.  I mean the ratio is literally 15:1 for xbox to gc tvcm's. Im going to smash someones skull in if i see tha damn blinx commercial one... more..... time.
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Laser60 on February 19, 2003, 12:15:16 PM
Dude, the Ocarina of Time commercial was slick!  I loved the ending, when it said something like "willist thou save the princess, or willith thou suck?"
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Berny on February 19, 2003, 01:47:33 PM
Yeah, Nintendo can no longer rely on the Zelda franchise name alone to make the game a success. Too much of the video game industry is based on the casual buyer. If Nintendo had a better advertising campaign, WW would probably be one of the best selling games of the year. It's already doing well, but Nintendo shouldn't settle for second rate. I mean, Lord of the Rings did better than METROID last month.... sad....
Title: Finally! Zelda Commercial
Post by: Cerberus on February 19, 2003, 04:10:45 PM
I haven't seen the commercial as yet so I'll start searching the web for a download of it. But the EB/G4 preview thing was cool.