Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: AgentSeven on April 01, 2005, 02:42:06 AM

Title: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: AgentSeven on April 01, 2005, 02:42:06 AM
I'm sure you've all heard about Sony's court case, well that combined with MANY other factors, including throwing away LOTS of money towards the PSP, which has failed to sell, pretty much confirms what i've been saying all along! Sony are about to cave in and there will be no Playstation 3! Remember at Sony's E3 presentation last year? They clearly stated PS3's unveiling would be at the end of March, well March has already passed and LOL there's no PS3 announcement. My sources confirmed my thoughts about this when my friend from an unnamed developer told me the news that they were not to develop for Sony consoles anymore for some reason.

Now, Xbox 2. I've heard that the development kits have NOT even been sent out yet, and it's supposed to launch THIS YEAR according to M$, LMFAO!! That combined with the fact that they lost BILLIONS with the Xbox and they need to make money with this, will ensure it's a crappy low budget console, and that it will be incredibly overpriced, i'm heard numbers around $600 US.

My friends, Nintendo's time to shine is now! Let's celebrate as we are about to enter another golden age of gaming where Nintendo will be number one!
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: cloudstrife111 on April 01, 2005, 02:46:32 AM
so i shuldnot buy a psp??????? i wanted to get one for nfsu rivels
do u think games will all go to ds?????? i donot understand sales and companknees
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: ABSOLOUTE MASTER on April 01, 2005, 02:48:10 AM
No console? No controller? No clue? Yeah, Nintendo's gonna really shine.

If you know so much, what makes you think Nintendo's gonna come out on top this time round? Voodoo curses?
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: AgentSeven on April 01, 2005, 02:53:42 AM
cloud: If you want 11 dead pixels, a broken square button and unplayable "games" for the price of 5 GameCubes, then buy a PSP.

ABSOLOUTE MASTER: What are you talking about? Did you read my post? Nintendo will come out on top because of the reasons I listed, and how can they not? The Revolution's going to be something VERY special, trust me on that, PS3 won't even come out, and Xbox 2 will be a rushed minor Xbox upgrade, it's too easy.
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: cloudstrife111 on April 01, 2005, 02:57:29 AM
broken square???? does this mean ff7 advance children is not comming out for psp now?????????
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: AgentSeven on April 01, 2005, 02:59:52 AM
What? This is a serious matter, are you hired by Sony to make Nintendo fans look stupid by posting in this forum?

Square aren't supporting the PSP, but they have over 8 games in development for Nintendo DS, what does that tell you?
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: ABSOLOUTE MASTER on April 01, 2005, 03:02:15 AM
A win by default? Not likely. Isn't this how it was for the Gamecube - the 'inferior' PS2 and the unknown Xbox up against the system that was meant to win where the N64 failed? Look where the GC ended up after all that.

It appears Average Joes are forfeiting!

Convince me that the Revolution will be a hit, and not a crazy Japanese idea like the sex motels that Yamauchi owns.
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: AgentSeven on April 01, 2005, 03:05:46 AM
This has been Nintendo's strategy all along. The Nintendo GameCube gained Nintendo more developer support, and that's all they were really reaching for. Now almost every developer has incredible respect for Nintendo, and THEY know that the PS3 just isn't shaping up and the Xbox 2 is a rushed minor Xbox upgrade that's going to be hard to develop for. Revolution will have a low consumer friendly price and will be the only next generation system developers will be able to profit from.

Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: cloudstrife111 on April 01, 2005, 03:09:41 AM
hey you guys we shuld not be argwooing (sp??/) over this we shuld be eATING FOOD I LIKE FISH FINGERS
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: ABSOLOUTE MASTER on April 01, 2005, 03:10:11 AM
You're an idiot. Plain and simple. Your blind bias puts fanboys to shame. Let us all gather pitchforks and torches and destroy every source of knowledge on the earth, for you are quite clearly correct. Not just correct, but factually correct - the best kind.

We can call it a witch hunt and chant DOWN WITH SOCIETY at the same time.

Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: AgentSeven on April 01, 2005, 03:11:47 AM
Excuse me? Ladies and gentleman, ABSOLOUTE MASTER has been hired by either Sony or M$ to go on forums and make Nintendo look bad, it's just pathetic, you have no real arguments or responce so you just call me an idiot, right! How much do they pay you?
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: kennyb27 on April 01, 2005, 03:12:54 AM
Best April Fool's Joke EVA!!!!!!11!1!!!1!!!!
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: AgentSeven on April 01, 2005, 03:14:31 AM
Who's joking? Sony are going down, that is a FACT!
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: ABSOLOUTE MASTER on April 01, 2005, 03:15:42 AM
Sony and MS combined don't pay me enough, but mocking people like you makes up for it.
... I've said too much
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: AgentSeven on April 01, 2005, 03:17:38 AM
LMFAO!! See everyone? Remember that site that gave a bad review to a Nintendo game or that person who gave negative impressions of a Nintendo game on a forum like this? They work for Sony or M$!!!! Don't believe anything negative about Nintendo you hear!
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: BigJim on April 01, 2005, 03:42:55 AM
Since this thread will be locked or deleted anyway (incredibly misguided, and it's the wrong forum to bitch and moan about next-gen).

The CELL was displayed in March. That's what was promised. That's what was delivered.

Xbox2 dev kits have been available since last year. They are Apple PowerMacs with a custom NT kernel.

Nintendo is not going to shine due to the alleged falls of the competition. They'd shine because their product would be solid. Even if there were no competition, crap still sinks.

No, I'm not calling Rev crap. But I will say you sound clueless. If this is an April 1st thing, it's still lame.
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: AgentSeven on April 01, 2005, 03:48:25 AM
They made it quite clear they would be showing a glimpse of the PS3 console to the public, and they didn't. Wait and see, this is going to be a VERY interesting E3.
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 01, 2005, 03:51:30 AM
I want AgentSeven's babies...
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: Grey Ninja on April 01, 2005, 03:54:33 AM
While it's true Sony is in a lot of hot water at the moment, they're nowhere near doomed. Sure, I'd love to fall into the spell our old friend AgentSeven is under, but it's just going too far. I would love to see Nintendo pull ahead in the next generation, standing tall like they did in the late 80's. Unwrapping that NES at Christmas was the greatest thing ever. Nothing else came close to it, nothing else mattered. It was all I needed, it made me happy in the darkest of times. Like the Christmas after.... God I hate Christmas..

I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I've had a bit to drink tonight.
And no, this isn't my return to Planet GameCube. I just thought I'd pop in to see what's going on today and as per usual... not much worth coming back to.
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: BigJim on April 01, 2005, 03:55:04 AM
Considering in reality there is even less Rev development being done than PS3 development, one that is legitimately concerned about PS3 must find all hope lost for the Revolution.

Secondly, we know even less about the Rev than we do PS3. So what if they missed a showcase promise? The only difference is they made an announcement to show it and Nintendo didn't. We'll see them all at E3 just the same. Big deal.
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 01, 2005, 04:01:24 AM
Another reason Sony is losing it, along with Microsoft is this whole notion that online play is the future! I mean, we haven't actually seen any profit coming out of this new way of playing now have we?
Which is why i'm not so sure about the Nintendo Revolution, and even the DS at this point. How are Nintendo making money if playing online on the DS is free?

Infact, i'd be really happy when i open up my christmas present and find a NES, at least we'd know Nintendo is bound to make a buck
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: AgentSeven on April 01, 2005, 04:05:10 AM

This clearly says the PS3 will be unveiled before the end of Sony's fiscal year, which is March. They showed this at the E3 2004 press conference. What happened?

Oh, I see you edited your post, found out you were wrong huh? Honest mistake, don't doubt me in the future.
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: BigJim on April 01, 2005, 04:06:26 AM
Nope, in fact I countered all the more in the edit.
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: Don'tHate742 on April 01, 2005, 05:00:27 AM
Grey Ninja! Where you at man?! Return damn it! We need some wisdom on these boards!

Same with you mouse_clicker!

Anyways, this is the stupidest thread ever.......
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: PIAC on April 01, 2005, 05:14:21 AM
YOU'RE the stupidest thread ever.

I'd like to let you know that TG and I are happily married.
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on April 01, 2005, 05:26:23 AM
I know where Xbox ended up in Japan (it wasn't at UltraMan's WAKU WAKU Noodle House, i tell ya).
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: MysticGohan24 on April 01, 2005, 05:45:36 AM
Heh, Incredible. Grey comes to pay a visit and then there's Mouse_Clicker, heh Long time no see. Come on guys let's have more posts/replies from you two.
It's been ages, and we all we're formal IGN board members

Hey Agentseven, you are familair. Weren't you too also from IGN? Back in the "hey day"? heh I seem to recall a similair name.

Anyway, it does makes sense. Considering that Sony has been delaying showing off the ps3, and the lawsuits going on putting them in a tight spot,
especially with the controller issue which looks to affect ps3, and there's no word if it'll be backwards compaditable. Atleast none I've heard.

Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: Ages on April 01, 2005, 05:53:11 AM

ehhh that I've gotten that out of the way, it is extremely unlikely that there wont be a PS3 due to Sony missing a showing date.  In fact, they  released a press statement saying that they werent going to show it.  You have to realize, Sony is the market leader, they feel that they're in control (and for the most part, they're right) and they're not in any hurry to release the PS3.  They've been working with Nvidia for a while now on a graphics card.  There's no way Sony will abandon the only division of theirs that makes any money.

Secondly, how the heck could Microsoft release the Xbox 2 this year if there are no dev kits out yet?  It would be nearly impossible for any games to be available.  Microsoft expected to lose tons on the Xbox.  They expect to make money on the Xbox 2, so they've built the system to be more budget friendly.  Doing this will definetely not cause the system to cost $600.  Please, think before you speak, it'll be much appricated.
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 01, 2005, 06:21:24 AM
Psssst, not all is as it seems on THIS internet...
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 01, 2005, 08:13:49 AM
FREE KEVIN and Mouse Clicker and Grey Ninja and Agent Seven and Cloudstrife ALL RETURN AT ONCE.  It is a miracle.
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: Don'tHate742 on April 01, 2005, 09:03:33 AM
It is.....It is....

Why this thread?!
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 01, 2005, 09:18:20 AM
Because it was meant to be...
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: ThePerm on April 01, 2005, 09:30:19 AM
cus we all talk on msn lol..i havnt been on msn too much...funny..i dissapear for six months and no one says anthing...i return and no one cares but fair enough i do it every year so its nothing new...e3 time means forum time. Why, today i was mowing the lawn having fantasies of e³
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: MysticGohan24 on April 01, 2005, 10:03:08 AM
lol, awwww Perm I'm here for you man.  Man can't wait for Zelda. It'll be awesome, and there's egm's exclusive with Zelda on the front cove, or likely in this case Link.

Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: AMac2002 on April 01, 2005, 10:18:46 AM

Originally posted by: AgentSeven
I'm sure you've all heard about Sony's court case, well that combined with MANY other factors, including throwing away LOTS of money towards the PSP, which has failed to sell, pretty much confirms what i've been saying all along! Sony are about to cave in and there will be no Playstation 3! Remember at Sony's E3 presentation last year? They clearly stated PS3's unveiling would be at the end of March, well March has already passed and LOL there's no PS3 announcement. My sources confirmed my thoughts about this when my friend from an unnamed developer told me the news that they were not to develop for Sony consoles anymore for some reason.

Now, Xbox 2. I've heard that the development kits have NOT even been sent out yet, and it's supposed to launch THIS YEAR according to M$, LMFAO!! That combined with the fact that they lost BILLIONS with the Xbox and they need to make money with this, will ensure it's a crappy low budget console, and that it will be incredibly overpriced, i'm heard numbers around $600 US.


And for those two reasons alone you have summed up the whole "console war" and who will win. Wow... talk about blind faith, that is pathetic...

I wish I was as narrow minded as you...

Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: MysticGohan24 on April 01, 2005, 11:14:53 AM
You could be I trust Agenseven, I knew him from waaay back. Heh, but we'll see if he's right. But Judging from the looks of thing's sony will be facing some hard times. The game divison is the only thing making them money, but they are severely indebt. And the rise of cost of developing game, may have developers think twice about PS3 let alone Xenon/Xbox2/360.
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: dack25 on April 01, 2005, 01:14:52 PM
Have there even been any officail sales numbers on the PSP? I agree though Sony needs to watch out.
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: KDR_11k on April 01, 2005, 06:22:17 PM
This April's Fools is even more obvious because at least half of those fake posters had their accounts banned. Never mind it's as funny as Penny Arcade.
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: nemo_83 on April 01, 2005, 11:30:59 PM
If Sony PS3 has gone too far down the wrong path then that means all who are involved with it already will be pulled into the abyss with its failure.  Sony is messing up too much lately.  

What if Nintendo Revolution has gone too far down the wrong path too?  Touchscreens anyone?

I know MS NextBox for sure has gone down the wrong path.  Look at these pictures of a brand new NextBox game just recently revealed.  The lighting is not impressive and the shimmer effects look like they are being used as a crutch to me.  

The real shocker at E3 for me would be if all three consoles were about the same power wise (IBM ownz all) and that all of the controllers on all of the systems featured the same new machanic.  A track ball.  

Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: The Omen on April 02, 2005, 09:30:30 AM
Xbox 2 dev kits are out.  I've seen them.
Title: RE:LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: IceCold on April 02, 2005, 11:22:59 AM
There are no damn touchscreens on Rev controllers..
Title: RE: LMAO, Sony losing it!
Post by: Bloodworth on April 02, 2005, 02:21:55 PM
ok the fun's been had, I'll close this thing down now.