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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: )Dark-LInk( on February 15, 2003, 06:34:01 PM

Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: )Dark-LInk( on February 15, 2003, 06:34:01 PM
ive ask if they could put SONIC in SSBM3 but some pl said SONIC is not NINTENDO property, BUT somewhere i heard that NINTENDO now totaly OWNS SONIC rights, so whos right?
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Sean on February 15, 2003, 06:38:08 PM
AbsoLUTEly impossible.  There's just no way.  Unless Nintendo bought out Sega, which they did not, they do not own Sonic, which is and will probably always be Sega's mascot.  Just the idea alone that Nintendo owns the rights, and this hasn't been all over the news, is preposterous.  No way bud.  Sega could still have some kind of Namco-puts-Link-in-Soul-Calibur-style deal, but other than that, it's a Sega product, yes-sir-ree.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: BlkPaladin on February 15, 2003, 06:38:38 PM
...... Sonic is owned by Sega. Nintendo has no rights to it.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Kuchakor on February 16, 2003, 04:11:22 AM
Uhh, )Dark-Link( could you stop it with the capitals, it gets annoying fast.

And only in our dreams does Sonic belong to Nintendo.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Gamebasher on February 16, 2003, 09:20:03 AM
Nintendo can´t own Sonic, as it is a SEGA franchise and vital to the very existence of that company. Period.

Advice: Don´t listen too much to rumours. Take them lightly and instead do back up research on your own.  
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Super_Brother on February 16, 2003, 09:30:29 AM
If Nintendo can give out their trusted franchises to third parties to revitalise them, how about Sega giving Nintendo the chance to make the next Sonic game? Or any of their other franchises? Just imagine Miyamoto directing it - it would be better than Sonic Team's efforts!
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Caterkiller on February 16, 2003, 03:07:48 PM
I'm with Super-Brother all the blasted way. With a Nintendo made Sonic, that game alone would get Sega back on it's feet... in a perfect world.  
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Uglydot on February 16, 2003, 03:16:37 PM
If Nintendo developed Sonic, it wouldn't be Sonic.  If Nintendo is going to take any series in a new direction, they should do it with their own first.  
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: rimnet on February 16, 2003, 07:02:12 PM
how about a game where you can play sonic or mario, and have two diff stories where they have a rivalry, one htinking they are better then each other. Then eventually team up to beat bowset and dr robotnik. haha yah rite.

well personally i think sonic is SUPER kiddy now, i dont really like sonic adventure at all, i really like the levels where u simply fly in one direction ie: thje snowboard level. They should make the whole game like that with a aphatter story. Mario can be played by everyone and its fun, its not kiddy. but sonic adventure is...
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: TheCouch123 on February 17, 2003, 08:46:26 AM
how would a NINTENDO made sonic game get SEGA back on their feet?
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Uglydot on February 17, 2003, 08:53:44 AM are joking...right?
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: ShockingAlberto on February 17, 2003, 08:57:52 AM

Originally posted by: rimnet
how about a game where you can play sonic or mario, and have two diff stories where they have a rivalry, one htinking they are better then each other. Then eventually team up to beat bowset and dr robotnik. haha yah rite.

well personally i think sonic is SUPER kiddy now, i dont really like sonic adventure at all, i really like the levels where u simply fly in one direction ie: thje snowboard level. They should make the whole game like that with a aphatter story. Mario can be played by everyone and its fun, its not kiddy. but sonic adventure is...

Wow, that was  I'm in awe.  I really am.

In any case, Nintendo has about as much ownership to Sonic as they do to Megaman: It's just convenient some of the games appeared on a Nintendo system.  

Also, I once heard a rumor that the Sonic Team actually owns the rights to Sonic.  Since they're capable of going freelance, I wonder how true that is.

-- ShockingAlberto
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Ian Sane on February 17, 2003, 09:11:35 AM
"Just imagine Miyamoto directing it - it would be better than Sonic Team's efforts!"

That's not hard.  Have you played Sonic Adventure 2?  Sonic Team can't even make a decent 3D camera.

"well personally i think sonic is SUPER kiddy now"

I've noticed that too.  In the Genesis days he was considered cool and was targeted more towards teens than children.  Now Sonic is aimed squarely at children.  He's got a more cute and cuddle appearence now.  It's not just Sonic.  I've noticed this with Mega Man and number of other "cartoony" mascot characters.  At some point a lot of these companies desided that their cartoon games were for kids and their realistic games were for adults.  Nintendo (which ironically is given the "kiddy" label) has actually kept Mario for the most part targeted towards everyone (if we ignore that sh!tty Mario Sunshine commercial).
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Caterkiller on February 17, 2003, 10:21:16 AM
It was a joke TheCouch123, thats why I said "in a perfect world"
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Mario on July 06, 2003, 10:21:05 PM
Well it appears as though the rumours of Sonic being in Mario Kart are false, so i doubt he would be in SSB3. And also, Sonic is multiplatform now, so i dont think Nintendo would want Sonic in any of their games if he is on other consoles.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: ThePerm on July 06, 2003, 11:20:58 PM
a change in direction for games is good be cool to see a sega made mario and a nintendo made sonic. I think miyamoto-san and naka-san probably both have came up with super cool ideas that the other hasnt thought of and would make super games...but the world isnt perfect.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Nephilim on July 07, 2003, 01:25:40 AM
sonic is more mature now then either....not more childish
Lets go back 10years....sonic bubble bath,pjs and everykind of children clothes, 5 diff kinds of sonic comics, a cartoon were all he talked about were chilly dogs, goal of games were to save little animals, has a fat little body.
now: Has slick body with long legs, his story has nothing to do with saving baby animals, his cartoon has guns and cool cars and stuff, he has a mature storyline ect.

You THINK sonic is more kiddish now because you have matured geez
anyway sonic isnt excusive, There coming out with a sonic game for N-gage which looks like a poorly done port of sonic 1
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Mario on July 07, 2003, 01:49:21 AM
Actually Sonic Heroes is also multiplatform, it will appear on PS2, XBOX and GC.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: DRJ on July 07, 2003, 06:23:15 AM
What would the point be to have sonic in MK. He could just get out and run past all the other karts like they were standing still.

I am waiting for an exclusive Sonic game for the GCN build from the ground up. Not a port, not a multi-platform game designed to run on ps2. A full fledged GCN game. Will it happen? I dunno, but if it does I will be one of the first people in line to get it.

Also why hasnt Nintendo or M$ or Sony bought up sega yet?
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on July 07, 2003, 10:04:59 AM
It would be cool if a Nintendo dev teamed helped Sonic team make a better camera and help smooth out the graphics a bit to sweeten the deal Nintendo can publish it. But it wouldnt probably happen but it would be cool.
Title: RE: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: AgentSeven on July 07, 2003, 11:02:22 AM
Here's some interesting dirt, think of them as rumors if you have any trouble believing this.

Yuji Naka hates sony, if the other Sega games had done well, Sonic Heroes would have been only for GameCube.
My friend Isao asked Naka how he liked making a multi console game at this years E3.  Naka just rolled his eyes, implying that it was not an enjoyable task.

Yuji Naka has always been a big fan of Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo.  I'm sure we have all seen the pictures of Yuji Naka sneaking around during the GameCube's launch party in Japan.

So you never know.  Sonic could very well end up in the next SSB, personally, I would love to see this.  Then I could give my opponents a good Sonic ass kicking!
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Infernal Monkey on July 07, 2003, 01:30:50 PM

Originally posted by: rimnet
how about a game where you can play sonic or mario, and have two diff stories where they have a rivalry, one htinking they are better then each other. Then eventually team up to beat bowset and dr robotnik. haha yah rite.

How about no?
I can see the cheesy intoduction now. Mario is on a plane, coming back from Delfino (sp?) island, UH-OH, PLANE CRASHES. Right in front of Sonic! GASP!

"Hey fat man! I don't know who you are, but those badniks are up to no good again! Let's get 'em!"

"It's a me, Mario!"

"Great! C'mon, lets go destroy Eggman and Bowser!"

*Sonic speeds off, Mario starts jogging*

Title: RE: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Lecter on July 07, 2003, 06:48:01 PM
Cmon you cant have Sonic and Mario in the same game...thats absurd.  
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: HolyPaladin on July 07, 2003, 07:00:13 PM
Every time I see a completely idiotic post suggesting something as obsurd as the addition of characters owned by a completely independent company in no way connected to the one making the game in question always gets me worked up wanting to smack somebody silly.  The notion of having a Sega mascot appearing in a game made by Nintendo, especially when that game is, for all intents and purposes, made up of nothing but pure 100% Nintendo-only characters is every bit as ridiculous as the suggestion that Ford should make a Camaro or that Nissan should make a Diablo (The car, not the game.).  How about Burger King selling Big Macs (By name and not simply recreating it under a different title.) and McDonalds gift certificates?  Better yet, let's throw Captain Falcon and his Blue Falcon into the next Grand Turismo game!  
Title: RE: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: AgentSeven on July 07, 2003, 08:24:24 PM
I'm sorry to say this but things have changed in the world.  Who would have ever thought that we would see Sonic games on a Nintendo system?  But these things happen and new alliances have been formed.

I would be willing to bet money that we see some sort of Nintendo/Sega crossover in the near future.  They both share the same philosophy on gaming and Yuji Naka loves Nintendo.  Truthfully, I think there's a good chance we will see Sonic in the next SSB.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: dafunkk12 on July 07, 2003, 08:46:29 PM

Originally posted by: DRJ
What would the point be to have sonic in MK. He could just get out and run past all the other karts like they were standing still.
Hey, now that you mention it, you know where Sonic could fit in?  The Sega-developed F-Zero game.  Blah, blah, blah fast hovercrafts...  Yeah, but I'm sure you'd be cracking up if in the ending credits a spiny blue blur blazes and bounds beyond your Blue Falcon (too much? ).
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Infernal Monkey on July 08, 2003, 02:45:25 PM

Originally posted by: HolyPaladin
Better yet, let's throw Captain Falcon and his Blue Falcon into the next Grand Turismo game!

Personally, I would love to see that.

START! *Crashes into tight corner at 1000 km/h*

Title: RE: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: FinalC on July 14, 2003, 05:09:44 PM
Sonic Team owns Sonic and Sonic Team works for Sega.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: GC2003 on July 16, 2003, 07:38:57 AM
I think your definetly right sonic deserves to be on ssbm3 cuz it says on ign that it is going to be vs sega all stars. Plus sonic is awesome even tho they need to come out wit more new sonic games for gamecube.But sonic heroes is coming out
Title: RE: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Tekkena on July 16, 2003, 05:16:12 PM
 I'm kind of alittle pisst off that gamecube gets two old sonic ports and even though they sold very well, us cubers can't even get a New sonic game thats exclusive.
Ah well, sega seems to be making some bad decesions latley with them putting all New games exclusive for the xbox when it dousn't even sell that well on that system.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Michael8983 on July 17, 2003, 01:08:10 AM
The people who are acting like Sonic appearing in Smash Bros is impossible need to wake up and take a look around.
Sega is making Fzero, Namco is making Starfox, Capcom is making Zelda, and a Nintendo developer is making Metal Gear Solid.
The impossible has become commonplace on the Gamecube and Sonic appearing in a Smash Bros sequel is a very real possibility. He might even bring Megaman and Pacman with him.
Because, at this point, it doesn't seem to matter who owns what.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Fish on July 17, 2003, 01:12:11 AM
Look man, SSB is game where ONLY Nintendo Chars fight, no way Sonic will appear in it.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Michael8983 on July 17, 2003, 01:19:55 AM
"Look man, SSB is game where ONLY Nintendo Chars fight, no way Sonic will appear in it."

That is such flawed logic. Especially when it comes to Nintendo games which have been known to drastically change from sequel to sequel. The first two Smash Bros game may have just had Nintendo characters but who knows what we'll see in the next sequel.
Miyamoto actually made a comment a while ago about Sonic possibly being a racer in Mario Kart. If he was open to that idea, he'd certainly be open to the idea of Sonic in Smash Bros which makes a lot more sense than him being in Mario Kart.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Fish on July 17, 2003, 01:21:54 AM
Whatever, but your gonna be disappointed if you wait to see Sonic in next SSB. Thats all i have to say. See ya.
Title: Nintendo and sonic
Post by: Michael8983 on July 17, 2003, 01:29:24 AM
"Whatever, but your gonna be disappointed if you wait to see Sonic in next SSB."

Not long ago, people who were waiting for a Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid game on the Gamecube were told the same thing.
The argument isn't about wanting Sonic in the game anyway. It's about the possibility of him being in the game. It may be very unlikely but, all things considered, it IS possible.