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Community Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: 09n on February 18, 2005, 10:15:42 AM

Title: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: 09n on February 18, 2005, 10:15:42 AM
I have spent all my life being annoyoyed with the universe (or various other deities). My life is all most hell does anyone have a simmiler problem?  
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: kirby_killer_dedede on February 18, 2005, 10:23:30 AM
The only problem you seem to have is English.
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: Hostile Creation on February 18, 2005, 10:35:06 AM
Usually my life is tip-top awesome, but last night I'm pretty much sure God was against me finishing my research paper.

The fact that I had to finish a research paper that caught everyone in the class offguard (as well as an assignment for another class) would have been enough, but several factors added to my misery.  I shall list them in chronological order:
1. I discover that my roommate's computer, the one where I transfer the document to word and print it, was screwing up.  That provided several problems on its own.  I don't have word on my computer because I had to reformat the computer after installing it and I haven't installed it since then.
2. This isn't anyone's fault, but my bibliography and conclusive paragraph gave me absolute hell.
3. The other assignment: I was supposed to listen to an NPR segment online.  I spent hours trying to find it, but the transcripts cost money and the streaming absolutely would not work on my computer.  I eventually decided to listen to another program.
4. While typing the second assignment my computer decided to shut itself down.  I lost a little over a paragraph of what I hadn't saved yet.

Several other minor problems peppered the night, but those were the most severe.  In the morning my roommate's computer was functional, so I printed the papers out and got them in fine.  Since then I've been at peace with the universe again.  All you've gotta do is persevere.
Title: RE:Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: 09n on February 18, 2005, 10:40:01 AM
You see what I meen  cant even speell properly.
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: Bill Aurion on February 18, 2005, 10:40:40 AM
I find that Lady Luck left me long, long ago, but I don't go around complaining about it on the internet......Oh wai...DAMMIT!
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: Mario on February 18, 2005, 12:54:21 PM
I've never met the universe.
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: evil intentions on February 18, 2005, 01:39:52 PM
The universe has blessed me with gold and women.  Well...maybe not.  But I have games to keep me entertained.
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: Caillan on February 18, 2005, 02:01:11 PM
When I was three a friend of the family rigged a competition so I won a model train set.
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: matt oz on February 18, 2005, 02:04:44 PM
Life has been somewhat cyclical for me.  Good for a short time, followed by mediocrity, then crappy, then slightly better than crappy, then good again, but for a short time.

Right now is one of those good short times, except for the fact that my bank account is drying up due to my recent eBay splurges.  But then I'm happy when I get stuff in the mail, because who doesn't love getting stuff in the mail?
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: PaLaDiN on February 18, 2005, 03:02:43 PM
Not at all. The universe loves me. Everything always works out.
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: nickmitch on February 19, 2005, 04:32:02 PM
The universe and i have a mutal relationship.
I don't mess with it, it won't create tests of the emergency broadcast system in the middle of season finalies.
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: Rancid Planet on February 19, 2005, 11:06:10 PM
The universe is overrated if you ask me. Now the MULTIverse, now that's something worth talking about in all five dimensions.
Title: RE:Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: King of Twitch on February 22, 2005, 12:04:57 PM
The universe hates my neighbors' driveway, here in 'sunny' southern CA

Title: RE:Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on February 22, 2005, 10:41:01 PM
I was having a bad day, I mean I was about to cut my wrists and post pictures on my internet journal, but then I put on Spider-Man pajama pants, found something I was missing, and also noted that I get paid tomorrow, the day Gran Turismo 4 is available here. Sometimes, you need to count your blessings and take a new perspective.
Title: RE:Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: 09n on February 23, 2005, 07:51:14 AM
Super I like your way of thinking. It all can be looked at in a new light. But I still prefer to "always look on the dark side of life do do doo doo doooo."
Title: RE:Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: couchmonkey on February 23, 2005, 09:17:50 AM
The Universe is always against me.  For instance, jus the other day my girlfriend left me because she said I'm "paranoid" and "pessimistic" and I "think the universe is against you".   See, that freaking Universe is always out to get me!!

But don't worry, Weird Al knows our pain.
Title: RE:Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: Mr. Segali on February 24, 2005, 02:51:42 PM
I don't know about the universe, but the thugs who live in nearby low-rent apartments certainly don't care for me in particular. The other night, some punk kids shattered the rear driver side window of my car to steal my Metal Gear Solid 3, PS2 controller, and memory card. I suppose that's what I get for leaving them in my back seat...

I loved that game.... and that window  
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: Hostile Creation on February 24, 2005, 07:16:51 PM
My friend had his Gamecube and a bunch of stuff stolen out of his car, too.  What's the world coming to?
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: nickmitch on February 25, 2005, 01:00:15 PM
I got glasses and they make me look sexy.
Title: RE:Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: The Omen on February 25, 2005, 04:44:46 PM
I have not had one damn break in my life, and still, I can't blame the universe....God, Lack thereof, Satan, Hell, lack thereof, Wormholes, the greys, the reptillians,...yes, I can blame these things ...but the universe?  Nah, I usually can pin point that it's this cesspool of a world we live in, and that's it.  I'm fairly certain there is a shadow earth that lives in harmony and everythings perfect, but oh well, what can you do besides shine your AK 47>?
Title: RE: Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: PaLaDiN on February 25, 2005, 05:00:46 PM
Yes, the universe hates everybody in this thread, with our computers and internet connections.
Title: RE:Does the universe hate you too?
Post by: SgtShiversBen on February 26, 2005, 04:50:15 AM
I think the universe is starting to hate me.  I'm afraid of what it is going to do within the next couple of months...