Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: nemo_83 on November 15, 2004, 09:30:59 PM

Title: Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on November 15, 2004, 09:30:59 PM

The Revolution is in your hands.

The Revolution revolves around you.

The Revolution; it revolves around you.

Don't just evolve, revolve.

Evolution is slow.  Join the Revolution.

The Revolution is at hand.

Get N the Revolution.

What does your world revolve around?

Evolution is slow.  Revolution is fast.  

5 is the only number that you want to do.

Between 6 and 4 there is 5.

The 5th dimension.  The 5th power.  N5.

5 is not the lonliest number.

The 5th power.  The 5th dimension.  The 5th Nintendo console.  Evolution is slow.  Revolution is fast.  the Nintendo Revolution.  It revolves around you.

Revolution is 5 times faster than evolution.  N5.

The 5th dimension, the 5th power, the fifth Nintendo.  N5.

N 5,4,3,2,1 the Revolution has begun. N5.

iN 5, fouR, thRee, two, oNe.  the REVOLUTION has beguN.  N5.  

There is a fifth dimension...N5.

There is no power greater than the fifth...N^5

Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: PaLaDiN on November 15, 2004, 09:33:21 PM
I doubt the next Nintendo console will have "Revolution" or "5" anywhere in its title.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Caillan on November 15, 2004, 10:23:17 PM
I actually really liked some of the first ones. I liked "Evolution is slow. Join the Revolution." the best. I don't think they'll be using the whole '5' thing at all though.
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on November 15, 2004, 10:59:42 PM
I tried to think of all the cheap puns and clever metaphors I could in a short time for the word Revolution.  I liked the revolving pun.  

I'm afraid they are going to call it something like StarBall.  Why don't they just stick a rainbow vibrator on the top it, say its a handle, and call it ButBandit Ass Sybian 666?  That would sell real well to the conservatives in America.

Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: Draygaia on November 16, 2004, 05:04:39 AM
With Game Boy Evolution beside it that slogan seems pretty bad.

"Revoluton.  The Ultimate Evolution."
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Ian Sane on November 16, 2004, 06:26:36 AM
How about "It's the best" or the more accurate "this time we won't suck"?

I like "Join the Revolution" or something like "Isn't it time you joined the Revolution?"  That just sounds really cool and has a real rebel edge like buying a console is going to change the world or something.  Plus it gives the impression that others are already on board so it's been accepted.  "Isn't it time you joined the Revolution?" for example sounds like everyone who matters already has "joined" so thus you should too.

Of course to pull it off they need some cool games to show off in the ads and the system itself can't look like a f*cking Duplo block.

"I'm afraid they are going to call it something like StarBall."

If NCL wants to name it something dumb why don't they use a different name for the two markets like Famicon/NES?  There's no rule that they both have to have the same name or even the same casing.  That way there's no worry of losing one market by designing the console for another.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: KDR_11k on November 16, 2004, 08:21:40 AM
"According to the Encyclopedia Galactica, Sony's Marketing department is a bunch of raving lunatics that will be the first to be put to the wall when the Revolution comes" (Grey Ninja said something to that effect on Slashdot)
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: MaleficentOgre on November 16, 2004, 11:54:51 AM
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on November 16, 2004, 05:03:50 PM
I was thinking that if they used the Beatles for the ads then everyone would recognize the Revolution when they saw it in the store.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Caillan on November 16, 2004, 05:35:54 PM
Pulling a whole retro theme would be awsome. They could use the Beatles and the old Legend of Zelda for the NES add (80s kid: the graphics are mindblowing!) I just want the Beatles.
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: The Omen on November 20, 2004, 12:51:18 PM
They should just show some civil unrest with people pouring into the streets, apparently unhappy with their choices in gaming.  There should be an old console chained to their wrists.  They cut the chains and slam the consoles into the street.  They then can march in the street towards their goal.  As they pass, people come from out of their houses to join the Revolution.

                                To change the system, a Revolution must take place

And if the marketing people were very intelligent, they wouldn't use the Beatles song at all, they would use something like Rage Against the Machine.  Thats the spirit Nintendo needs in the campaign.  How about the end of the song 'Freedom' as Zack De Larocha screams freedom at the top of his lungs?  Now you're talking great , hardcore, aggressive advertising.  Something Nintendo will never do.  If only they could hire me, I'd save them.  
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 20, 2004, 04:24:38 PM
"And if the marketing people were very intelligent, they wouldn't use the Beatles song at all, they would use something like Rage Against the Machine. Thats the spirit Nintendo needs in the campaign. How about the end of the song 'Freedom' as Zack De Larocha screams freedom at the top of his lungs? Now you're talking great , hardcore, aggressive advertising. Something Nintendo will never do. If only they could hire me, I'd save them."

Except the Beatles song is better...
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: The Omen on November 20, 2004, 06:18:39 PM

Except the Beatles song is better...

Well, it's apples and oranges..but the bottom line is ..#1)You won't get clearence to use a Beatles song and #2) Nothing says Revolution to this gen. like Rage Against the Machine.  #3) The majority of the demographic Nintendo needs to attract won't even know that's a Beatles song unfortunately.  The end of the song FREEDOM would be incredible for Nintendo and the Revolution.  Not the whole song, but the last 30 seconds playing over the Nintendo and Revolution logos.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Ian Sane on November 20, 2004, 07:21:44 PM
"#1)You won't get clearence to use a Beatles song"

Doesn't Michael Jackson own the commerical rights to the Beatles' songs?  I believe he used Revolution for a Nike commercial or something in the 80s which really pissed off Paul McCartney.  I'm assuming that since he was willing to ruin his friendship with Paul over it that it's pretty doable to use a Beatles song provided you pony up the dough.

Though I do think that Rage Against the Machine would be a better choice.  It might be even harder to get one of their songs though.  Aren't they against that sort of thing (and a lot of other stuff)?

Maybe they could use the Sex Pistols.  Those guys have no problem with selling out.  The general problem with using legitimate "Revolution songs" is that their lack of commercialism gives them their legitimacy.
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on November 20, 2004, 09:27:39 PM
I was thinking that if the controler featured a fifth face button beneath the A button then one ad could be an image of the controler with a voice over saying, "Because, 5 is better."  

If they used the gyration technology to create a VR device, then Nintendo could use the revolving pun more since the sytem would essentially be like a halo around your head with mic support that would allow you to do things like speak as Samus to create sound waves that can be used to see with the echoe visor.  It wouldn't neccesarily have to have some big lcd screen, it would just be a mic and ear pieces with gyration built in to detect head movement.  It would probably be simpler to just use the idea of having a reflector sticker on your four head or on the "halo" that could be used with a built in camera in the console to detect head movement (no tilting technologies needed).  A wide screen visor for the "halo" would be expensive, but could wow more people than any power Sony's next system could muster.  

I like the idea of freedom as a punchline for ads, but I don't see Rage loaning their music out to any company.  The whole freedom idea would relate to how everything will be standardized wireless, and probably this time around the optional controller will be the one with the cord.    

I like the idea of the metaphor of being chained to old systems.  They could be dragging their old systems behind them tangled in cords and tons of controllers tailing the consoles.  Then the Revolution is introduced as a wireless home console.  

"Feel the Freedom of the Revolution"

"Feel the Revolution, Feel the Freedom"

"Feel Free, Feel the Revolution"

"The Revolution is Free"  (talking about the online plan too)

"You say you want a Revolution?"

"Evolution is slow, Revolution is free."

Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: KDR_11k on November 21, 2004, 06:32:27 AM
You know, it's kinda pointless to talk about slogans for a system that doesn't have a final name yet.
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: The Omen on November 21, 2004, 06:43:27 AM

Doesn't Michael Jackson own the commerical rights to the Beatles' songs? I believe he used Revolution for a Nike commercial or something in the 80s which really pissed off Paul McCartney. I'm assuming that since he was willing to ruin his friendship with Paul over it that it's pretty doable to use a Beatles song provided you pony up the dough.

Nike did use it, but I believe they were sued by Paul and had to stop.

Yes, RATM would be hard as well.  Although since they're broken up, I wonder if it would be possible. Sex Pistols are a okay idea.  But how about the Clash?  The Clash have a much more serious tone IMO. -Right off the bat, Death or Glory or Clampdown lyrically are pretty good.  Even I'm so bored of the U.S.A.  I can literally think of about a dozen songs with revolution type lyrics off the top of my head, and they all have different sounds, which is even better.  And you get that nostalgic feeling also.  And many of you know my Nintendo + Nostalgia= Marketing stance.  Perfect all around!


You know, it's kinda pointless to talk about slogans for a system that doesn't have a final name yet.

Not really in my case.  These Ideas work for whatever the system is called.  Its about a revolution, though it doesn't have to be named 'Revolution'.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Ian Sane on November 21, 2004, 04:09:13 PM
" I was thinking that if the controler featured a fifth face button beneath the A button then one ad could be an image of the controler with a voice over saying, 'Because, 5 is better.'"

I don't get what the appeal of that is.  The amount of buttons on the controller isn't the sort of thing most mainstream types are interested in.  And if you're suggesting the Cube button layout with another button underneath that's probably going to turn people off more than anything.  The Revolution absolutely must NOT have anything even resembling the Cube controller button layout.  You might as well put a sign on the system saying "don't buy me if you like fighting games".

"But how about the Clash? The Clash have a much more serious tone IMO. -Right off the bat, Death or Glory or Clampdown lyrically are pretty good."

The Clash would be pretty good.  London Calling was in Die Another Day and if they were willing to let that crapfest feature a Clash song on the soundtrack surely they would allow it for a Nintendo commercial.
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on November 22, 2004, 07:45:26 PM
In my opinion the layout of the buttons for the Cube's face buttons is the right choice, and Nintendo should stick by their decision. Sure it is sort of like them reinventing the wheel since they did make the diamond pattern a standard, but I feel that a large center button surrounded by three or four arched buttons is just better for more games than having a four or six button layout. It just happens that the fifth button idea for the Cube layout simulates the way in a diamond pattern your thumb will rest on the A button and the Y button because your thumb is longer than it is wide. With the Cube Nintendo pushed us to use the B and A buttons together in games like MP, but the B button wasn't arch shaped and it was to the left of the A button. A fourth arch shaped button bellow the A button would allow for easier combination uses like jump and fire at the same time. Plus having five face buttons could never hurt a fighter. Another thing I believe is that the Dpad is dead and there should be two sets of face buttons, one on each side. Sure the face buttons could simulate a dpad's functions, but I think that any game can use a joystick. The other option of having an arch of six equal sized face buttons (more like N64 than Xbox) with your thumb resting on the center buttons is the only option that could be better than five buttons. I just feel that five buttons is more streamlined, easier to use. In the case of the mainstreme gamers not liking the way it looks, they need to wake up and realize who made the dpad, the analog stick, rumble, shoulder buttons, triggers, start/ select buttons, diamond pattern face buttons, and now touch screen standard ways of controlling video games. The problem with the way the Cube face buttons look is that the A button is green and the B button is red. The buttons should be neutral colors on at least the American controllers. The c stick being a yellow nipple didn't help the system escape any homosexual jokes either.  And all of the buttons surounding the A button should be the same basic shape, though a fith arch shaped button below the A button would have to be flat unlike the raised x, y, and b buttons. I'm hoping Nintendo delivers in their promise of a Revolution. Five face buttons won't deliver it, but what it does is define the controller as something new. It is like how when you have a new car you look at the wheels maybe, even though there are thousands of dollars worth of hourse power underneath the hood. It is like saying, "Wow look at how trivial this one piece is, but damn, just look at how badass it is alone." That says a lot about how important the really important parts are compared to other products when the little details alone triumph over the competition's entire offering. I've noticed a lot of flight sticks in stores with face button layouts like the Cube's. Does anyone know if this is where Nintendo got their idea or if the flight stick manufacturers have stolen the idea from Nintendo?
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 23, 2004, 06:33:27 AM
The Revolution absolutely must NOT have anything even resembling the Cube controller button layout. You might as well put a sign on the system saying "don't buy me if you like fighting games".

Holy crap, man...THAT IS PERFECT!
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Ian Sane on November 23, 2004, 06:35:19 AM
"Another thing I believe is that the Dpad is dead and there should be two sets of face buttons, one on each side. Sure the face buttons could simulate a dpad's functions, but I think that any game can use a joystick."

Well someone obviously has never played a 2D fighting game before.

"they need to wake up and realize who made the dpad, the analog stick, rumble, shoulder buttons, triggers, start/ select buttons, diamond pattern face buttons, and now touch screen standard ways of controlling video games."

Yes Nintendo made all those things standard.  Therefore it makes no sense for them to go with something else when they have already invented the perfect controller layout.

I'm just saying that I have played numerous games that had their controls ruined by the Cube controller layout and NO GAMES that really benefited from it.  I'm not so dumb that I require a center button to figure out what I'm doing and considering the PS2 is the number one console in world I doubt very many other people are either.

I will agree that it would benefit Nintendo to make their controller buttons more neutral colours.  I don't why they can't realize that having bright colours everywhere and making their products look like toys doesn't fly in America.  Interesting enough the only Nintendo consoles to have bright colourful buttons in North America are the N64 and Gamecube, their two "failures".
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: KDR_11k on November 23, 2004, 08:38:05 AM
Eh? I play all my fighting games with the stick (even on the PS2 and the PC). It works much better than the dpad (though the keyboard is a tad better). And so far I've played at least four games that would benefit from having three buttons in one row instead of the diamond layout.
I'd say put two buttons left and right of the Y button and you hve a 3+3 layout that doesn't have the problems most 3+3 gamepads have (you don't accidentally slip off your buttons).
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: Ages on November 23, 2004, 08:55:53 AM

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
I will agree that it would benefit Nintendo to make their controller buttons more neutral colours.  I don't why they can't realize that having bright colours everywhere and making their products look like toys doesn't fly in America.  Interesting enough the only Nintendo consoles to have bright colourful buttons in North America are the N64 and Gamecube, their two "failures".

While this is true, it begs to question why the Xbox, can get away with having colorful buttoms.  But then again, this is most likely due to MS throwing so much money away making the world believe that no matter what they do, they're cool.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Ian Sane on November 23, 2004, 09:16:06 AM
"While this is true, it begs to question why the Xbox, can get away with having colorful buttoms."

It's the way they're presented.  The Xbox buttons have a slight transparent look and they're neonish colours.  The Gamecube has solid basic colours like green, red, and yellow on a purple background (well not always but that's the "main" colour).  Look at car colours.  New cars usually don't have basic colours.  They're always slightly off.  For some reason people view the basic colours as childish and off colours like neon green or maroon as cool.

"I'd say put two buttons left and right of the Y button and you hve a 3+3 layout that doesn't have the problems most 3+3 gamepads have (you don't accidentally slip off your buttons)."

No complains from me there.  I think having six face buttons is the ideal way to go.  I didn't like how the C buttons were smaller but in general I found the N64 button layout to be perfect for virtually all games.  If Nintendo wanted to they could keep the A button bigger with the other buttons surrounding it.  I can deal with that.  I just want them to arrange them in a logical fashion.  Keeping the Cube layout but with an extra button on each side of the Y button would be a good compromise since it allows for easy Cube backwards compatibility, lets Nintendo use their own wacky design and lets everyone else use a more traditional layout.
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on November 27, 2004, 04:17:11 PM
If they used a Cube type layout with two extra buttons outside and between the b/y and x/y buttons (like bricks layered on top of each other) and a small arch shaped button beneath a thumb shaped A button then there would be seven face buttons.  Not quite the thing Nintendo normally does, but it would be quite a piece of conversation.  If there were seven face buttons on each side of the controller then obviously there would be fourteen face buttons total.  Add in the triggers and shoulder pads and you have eighteen assignable functions.  This would be the average hardcore gamer's dream controller.  I still think the most likely button layout will be four face buttons in an improved Cube layout.  Nintendo wants to make a statement with the number four, it was the number they chose for the diamond pattern.  It is also the number of functions on a dpad.  The Cube layout would allow the face buttons to do what the dpad does no matter how many face buttons there are.  Plus the dpad just keeps getting smaller, maybe they're really phasing it out.  I would rather have a cube layout of digital buttons of any number (hell why not eight) than suffer through another micro dpad that does nothing but give commands to AI characters on the Revolution.  The reason I want to get rid of the dpad is because there are many left handed and handicaped gamers out there who would benefit having face buttons on both sides.  Of course people who have a handicap may find the more face buttons there are the better.  More face buttons benefits them most since they may not be able to play games that keep their buttons on the shoulders of the controllers.  I would like Nintendo to be the first controller and console maker to step up and say, they aren't going continue the descrimination that the entire industry endorses.  With the DS they were obviously thinking about left handed gamers as well as right handed gamers.  The reason they didn't do two screens side by side that could be used together to make one wide screen was because they wanted us to be able to use either hand and not worry about covering up the left screen if we happen to be left handed.  This may be the same direction they will take with the Revolution controller.  

Their new slogin should be, "We promise we will only release one game with all of the Mario Parties, Karts, Congas, Pinballs, Smash Brothers, Golfs, Tennises, Baseballs, Footballs, Soccers, Basketballs, and any other sports like Kickball, Hockey, Dodgeball, and Roller skating we want to slap Mario and company on packed in as a new franchise from now on so our lineup can't be defined as milked."  

Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Koopa Troopa on November 27, 2004, 04:39:55 PM
Damn it, Nemo. It's "Slogan," slogin isn't even a word. Every time I see it I wonder what an "S" Login is.
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on November 27, 2004, 06:04:19 PM
grammar is for people who aren't lazy
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: kirby_killer_dedede on November 27, 2004, 07:01:55 PM
We have pr0n games!  Buy them!  Or the Seattle Mariners will beat you with their bats.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Ian Sane on November 27, 2004, 08:06:42 PM
"The reason I want to get rid of the dpad is because there are many left handed and handicaped gamers out there who would benefit having face buttons on both sides. Of course people who have a handicap may find the more face buttons there are the better. More face buttons benefits them most since they may not be able to play games that keep their buttons on the shoulders of the controllers. I would like Nintendo to be the first controller and console maker to step up and say, they aren't going continue the descrimination that the entire industry endorses."

That's a nice thought in theory.  But even though it sounds kind of selfish I would rather not compromise the controller design.  I think it would be better to keep the d-pad and design the controller assuming people will be right handed or comfortable with the traditional design and then sell reversed left-handed controllers online for those that want it.  That way no one is stuck trying to use face buttons for directional input.
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on November 28, 2004, 12:05:23 AM
It would be cheaper to just have one standard controller produced.  The only type of alternative controller I might be interested in is one with a ten foot cord (if wireless is standard).  I don't care for batteries.

Imagine an ad in a mag with a white background and a white controller with black and grey buttons and black text that says, "Touching is good.  Feel the Revolution." There would be no cords so the point that it is wireless is gotten across.  

here are some more slogAns

"touch the revolution, feel the freedom"

"touching is free, you want to feel free don't you?  so feel free, touch the revolution"

"the revolution is free, you want to feel free don't you?  so touch it, go ahead, feels nice to be free doesn't it."

"you want to feel free?  feel the revolution"

"touch the revolution, feel free"

"touch the freedom, feel the revolution"

"do you feel it?  the revolution is free.  touch the freedom.  feel the revolution."

"freedom is revolution"

"touch it, feel it, freedom is revolution"

"feel free, touch the revolution"

"feel the freedom, touch the revolution"

"feel the revolution"

"feel the revolution, feel the freedom"

"feel the revolution, touch the freedom"

"freedom is free, feel it, the revolution is in your hands"
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: KDR_11k on November 29, 2004, 08:44:24 AM
Lefties don't need a special controller. They adapt to being able to use any hand for directional control, like everybody else.
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: GeneralTraag on December 01, 2004, 02:28:06 PM
Nemo, those are some good slogans you have thought of. Here are a few of my ideas for slogans.

"Nintendo plus Revolution equals the Nintendolution."

"Gamers of the world unite, the Revolution is here."

"Are you ready for the Revolution?"

Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: KDR_11k on December 02, 2004, 05:19:00 AM
"Nintendo plus Revolution equals the Nintendolution."

"Nintendo offers the Final Solution to all your gaming problems!"
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: odifiend on December 02, 2004, 07:30:18 AM
Some of these are pretty good, but a slogan has to be short and sweet - otherwise they will be ignored.
I think "the Revolution is here" in that whisper Nintendo likes to do would be a great slogan.  Until we can confirm the system's name, the best slogan can't be made.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: thepoga on December 09, 2004, 04:04:29 PM
"touch the revolution, feel the freedom"

"touching is free, you want to feel free don't you? so feel free, touch the revolution"

"the revolution is free, you want to feel free don't you? so touch it, go ahead, feels nice to be free doesn't it."

All these sound like ads for the DS. : )
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Hostile Creation on December 09, 2004, 07:25:52 PM
I still like my idea for an N5 commercial.  BUT NO.

Some of those are good.  I like "Between 6 and 4, there is a 5" because it makes absolutely no sense.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: Ian Sane on December 10, 2004, 06:28:22 AM
"Nintendo offers the Final Solution to all your gaming problems!"

Isn't "final solution" what the Nazis called the Holocaust?  That's not exactly the sort of publicity you want to have.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: KDR_11k on December 10, 2004, 11:16:29 PM
Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious . I just thought "Nintendolution" sounded too much like "Solution"...
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on January 17, 2005, 12:27:42 AM
Paradigm shift, quotable in a comical, inside joke way.  I like it.  You don't hear people say some off the wall stuff like that but once or twice a year.  I feel we may be seeing paradigm puns and allusions until at least E3 in conversations.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: PaLaDiN on January 17, 2005, 04:00:03 AM
Paradigm puns? What can you pun paradigm with?
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on January 17, 2005, 07:57:18 PM
one could make an allusion to the coment by saying someone or something has suffered a paradigm shift
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: KDR_11k on January 18, 2005, 07:29:14 AM
"He's been shifted into imaginary space!" "Damn! Sister, bring me the 400er quaternions!"
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: nemo_83 on January 18, 2005, 06:42:41 PM
Imagine a black and white commercial with footage from the fifties of people doing the twist or some other revolving dance to modern music.  Then have a slogan or voice over about the Revolution.

The rummored slogan is now Touching is good, feeling is better.  I'm a prophet or have suffered intellectual theft.  There is a saying, "You have not made it until you have been stolen from."  

Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: The Omen on January 19, 2005, 08:47:31 PM
Could use Public Enemy songs as well.

The Revolution will be televised.

I still like the commercial I spoke about a while back...with the Rage song.  I'll just make it myself.  Nintendo should just have contests for the best commercials fans submit, and then use them.
Title: RE:Revolution slogins
Post by: ThePerm on January 26, 2005, 07:31:34 AM
Beatles eh?

Jai Guru Deva ohm
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: KDR_11k on January 26, 2005, 08:03:16 AM
"The Revolution comes. Will you join it or the wall?"
"We are the Revolution. Resistance is futile. You will be amazed."
"It is time for gamers to stand up to their corporate overlords and demand what they have always been denied: Innovation!"
"Take the world back from EA! Join the Revolution now!" (now that would be nasty and not bode well for their relationship...)
"It is a revolution of the mind. Feel the freedom. Nintendo."
"The world revolves around you. Feel it."
"Counterrevolutionaries will not be tolerated! EA Games." (sorry, had to do that)
"You were playing with power, now use it!"
"Don't try to bend the spoon for that is impossible. You must bend the Revolution around the spoon!"
"Being trapped in a virtual world really sucks. Break free. Revolution."
"Don't be like your friends, be yourself."

Yeah, might be a few dupes in there but I didn't want to search through the whole thread.
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: KnowsNothing on January 26, 2005, 02:51:14 PM
I haven't been following this at all, but I heard the Beatles mentioned and stuff.  Woah, ummm

I think Nintendo should stick with the "Revolution" idea, even if the final name is completely different.  If they're confident enough that it is truly going to be a revolution, then I think they could use some taglines and put some "commercials" up on the internet (you know, like if you go to you sometimes get lenghty animated ads before the homepage, or if you go to ign they're.....well, you can't miss 'em).

It could start off with like the Beatles playing, and then they show some popular retro game to catch the viewer's attention (mayhaps in a faded style like in the old "Hiding under your table will save your life in a nuclear attack" videos), and then they could switch to some newer, umm, (hardcore?) music and some shots of the Revolution in action (mayhaps the remake of the retro game shown in the begining) and some slogan like "Join the Revolution."

The only (well, the biggest >_>) probelm I see here is that it could potentially turn off alot of older gamers who don't want the beloved classics to undergo a "revolution."  Oh, and my ad idea sucks.  I just like the use of lots of internet ads and some Revolution tags :hurrah:
Title: RE: Revolution slogins
Post by: KDR_11k on January 27, 2005, 08:23:28 AM
Perhaps rename it to Revolver?