Nintendo World Report Forums

Community Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: LUEshi on September 02, 2004, 09:18:53 AM

Title: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: LUEshi on September 02, 2004, 09:18:53 AM
He rated Mario Sunshine higher than Halo.

End of discussion.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Gibdo Master on September 02, 2004, 10:40:40 AM
G4 sucks! Bring back regular TechTV you asshats!

Seriously, TechTV was one of my favorite channels, but I don't watch it anymore because of G4's crap. How many freakin' video game shows do you need? It's like the MTV of technology channels.  
Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: couchmonkey on September 02, 2004, 10:54:07 AM

Originally posted by: Gibdo Master
It's like the MTV of technology channels.

AWESOME.  Canada's own music video channel, Much Music, was once known for being superior to MTV because it played more music, but in the past couple of years it has gone totally MTV, with just way too many shows about music stars' houses and crap like that.  I hate it.  I saw some good videos on their last Friday, and I felt all nostalgiac for the old days when I could turn on Much and actually see music videos instead of some rapper telling me how pimped out his looks-like-it-was-decorated-by-an-old-lady house is.

*Ahem*.  Back onto the topic.  Just because Tommy Talarico liked Super Mario Sunshine more than Halo doesn't change the fact that he's biased against Nintendo.  First,  there's a pretty large group of people who think that Halo is overrated, myself included.  Maybe Tommy is one of us.  Second, TT has rated dozens of other Nintendo games poorly, usually simply because he doesn't like the "kiddie" look and feel of them.  the N64 Zelda games, Diddy Kong Racing, and even Jet Force Gemini have all been victims of his bias against anything cartoony or cute.

I don't HATE Tommy Talarico, I just think he lets his personal feelings get too much in the way of unbiased game reviewing.  Sometimes it's good for a laugh, but ultimately I get sick of watching him bash Nintendo.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: LUEshi on September 02, 2004, 11:26:55 AM
Him giving mario sunshine a 9.5 proves he isnt biased.
Any nintendo game he rates low has more flaws then "being kiddie"
Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on September 02, 2004, 12:07:16 PM

Originally posted by: LUEshi
Him giving mario sunshine a 9.5 proves he isnt biased.
Any nintendo game he rates low has more flaws then "being kiddie"

It doesn't prove anything
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: LUEshi on September 02, 2004, 12:25:10 PM
It proves that tommy doesnt rate all nintendo games low.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: KnowsNothing on September 02, 2004, 01:12:50 PM

It proves that tommy doesnt rate all nintendo games low.

Thank you for proving nothing.  I hate liver, but I can't rate the organ low since it is so important.

Think about it.  
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: King of Twitch on September 02, 2004, 01:43:18 PM
'Hey Nintendo fans! This is what you waited seven years for: to see a Yoshi doll in Metal Gear Solid!'
Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: joeamis on September 02, 2004, 05:23:55 PM

Originally posted by: couchmonkey

I don't HATE Tommy Talarico, I just think he lets his personal feelings get too much in the way of unbiased game reviewing.  Sometimes it's good for a laugh, but ultimately I get sick of watching him bash Nintendo.

Every reviewer of anything, let's their personal feelings get into what they rate quite a bit.  I won't even go into the whole deal of perception.  Atleast you get to watch tv shows about videogames, I've had that promise come like 7 times in the last 20 years and each time it didn't turn true.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: KDR_11k on September 02, 2004, 11:09:49 PM
(Joe, you don't need to put another quote start tag after the originally posted by line)

Maybe that's his quota game? "See, Nintendo fans, you can watch my show, I'm not really biased, I gave SMS a high score"!
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: couchmonkey on September 03, 2004, 09:17:36 AM
Of course personal feelings come into reviews, and that's fair.  However, there are degrees of personal opinion and I think a good reviewer will try to be a bit objective.

I personally don't care for Splinter Cell, and I'll take Simpsons Road Rage over it any day.  But if I were to write reviews of the two games, I'd acknowledge that Splinter Cell is better designed and much more polished and probably more fun for most gamers, so it deserves a better score than Road Rage.

I've actually seen Tommy Tallarico give a game a score of 1/10 (or something in that range) just because he thought the guy he co-reviews with liked it too much. That's childish.  However, it's also funny to watch, so if you want to see someone really opinionated talk about games, Tommy is your man. I just find that I disagree with his opinions so much that I get mad every time I watch Electronic Playground, so I choose not to watch it much anymore.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: LUEshi on September 03, 2004, 05:24:22 PM

you have just been pwned
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: ib2kool4u912 on September 03, 2004, 05:43:25 PM
I've worn a Blue Clues sticker on my shirt for like a day, and i personally dont like that show. That pic means nothing.

Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: LUEshi on September 03, 2004, 06:32:53 PM
Well tommy tallarico has worn a nintendo shirt and he personal likes nintendo.  That pic means everything.


So he didnt think tales of sumfonia or SSBM were amazing who gives a crap?
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Deguello on September 03, 2004, 06:40:56 PM
And then he gets on F-Zero's bean for not having licensed music.

But I'm sure he would re-consider that stance if it was his company doing the music.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: LUEshi on September 03, 2004, 06:58:44 PM
You are right he would reconsider cause he would put licensed music in it!

BY th way didnt sega make F-zero?
Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: kashmirstroker on September 03, 2004, 07:00:04 PM
why are nintendo fanboys so obssesed with nintendo
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Deguello on September 03, 2004, 07:38:25 PM
" You are right he would reconsider cause he would put licensed music in it!

BY th way didnt sega make F-zero?"

I doubt he would, since most of the stuff he works on already has some kind of familiar msuic to it.  why work to make new music when you can just remix Pacman again, eh Tommy?

And No, Nintendo made F-Zero, in 1991.  Amusement Vision's Toshiro Nagoshi impressed Nintendo so much with their version of it that Nintendo and NDCube abandoned their version which is now Tube Slider.  At least that's what I think happened.

Also, I think Licensed music is the devil.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Bill Aurion on September 03, 2004, 08:10:54 PM
Ahahaha, F-zero with licensed music...HAHAHAHAHA!
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Ian Sane on September 03, 2004, 09:42:55 PM
"And then he gets on F-Zero's bean for not having licensed music."

Why does this guy have a show?  Seriously if I ran a game show and heard one of my reviewers say something so f*cking stupid I would can their useless ass.  Imagine if Roger Ebert slammed a movie because the soundtrack was just a score and had no songs.  People would just sh!t all over him for saying something so stupid.  It's not just Tommy.  This sort of crap is everywhere in videogame reviews.  It's a hardcore hobby reported on by a casual media.  It's like if the judges on American Idol were the only people who reviewed music.  Super hardcore elitists review everything else.  Why do we have philistines reviewing games?

"Amusement Vision's Toshiro Nagoshi impressed Nintendo so much with their version of it that Nintendo and NDCube abandoned their version which is now Tube Slider."

If that's true I'm glad AM took over.  I haven't played it but Tube Slider got very average reviews so we likely ended up getting a much better F-Zero out of the deal.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: KDR_11k on September 03, 2004, 09:49:59 PM
LUEshi: Godwin's second law: He who says "You got served" loses the debate.
You're grasping for straws. Maybe it's his PR manager telling him to be a bit more pro Nintendo because the viewers are running away? Either way, if he uses reasoning like "It's to childish" for reviewing a game he's obviously an idiot who shouldn't attempt to give out scores. It's like taking the oppinions of random GameFAQs trolls to determine whether a game is good or not. Reviewers are supposed to keep their personal preference out of the reviews they write. Whether they succeed or not is another thing, but the more personal preference in the review the worse the reviewer.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: LUEshi on September 04, 2004, 07:32:59 AM

Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: LUEshi on September 04, 2004, 07:34:32 AM
I guess everyone loses the debate since ib2kool4u912 and me said you got served.  (he said it first by the way but who cares?)
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: ib2kool4u912 on September 04, 2004, 08:30:11 AM
He couldn't even name 3 games on Gamecube, and thats supposed to prove he likes Nintendo?  
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: LUEshi on September 04, 2004, 08:47:48 AM
He couldn't name three games he hated on the gamecube, and thats suppost to mean he likes nintendo?

Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: KDR_11k on September 04, 2004, 09:09:58 AM
What does that video prove except that he likes to do damage control? His job is not to tell us whether HE likes it, but whether the game is GOOD. If he has certain points he doesn't like about games (like, for example, random encounters) he should pass on games that include these points because his judgment is impaired in such a situation. That's why there are usually multiple reviewers in any group and often the guy who likes the game or the genre the most has to review it, putting a strategy gamer on Serious Sam will of course not yield usable results.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Deguello on September 04, 2004, 11:10:29 AM
"If that's true I'm glad AM took over. I haven't played it but Tube Slider got very average reviews so we likely ended up getting a much better F-Zero out of the deal. "

Here's the way I think it went down.

Nintendo+NDCube: Dum dee dum F-Zeeero...

Sega (Nagoshi):  Hey guys!  OMG Is that F-Zero?!  Hey we were thinking... How about you let us make F-Zero?

Nintendo: I dunno...

NDCube: Yeah I'm not sure.

Sega: Wait guys lemme show you.

*shows clip*

Nintendo:  Wow.

NDcube: Really...

Nintendo: Ok you guys can do it, and take some of these guys with you. *points at some ND Cube guys*

NDCube: Wll, alright, but what do you want us to do with this *points at unfinished F-Zero code*

Nintendo: Ehh...  Toss it.

NDCube: Alright.

*tosses* *NEC is walking down on the street, catches it*

Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: joeamis on September 04, 2004, 01:36:23 PM
I dunno about that conspiracy theory, Nintendo went in and did the Triforce Arcade Board with Sega And Namco to get them to develop the titles for the Cube, etc etc.  Any why are people using the term "you got served", didn't that become popular from a horrible teeny bopper volleyball movie?  
Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: manunited4eva22 on September 04, 2004, 03:49:03 PM
LUEshi, so since you have left the G4 forums, why did you decide to grace us here?  

For anyone who wants to know more about him:;u=00002838
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: ruby_onix on September 04, 2004, 04:16:10 PM
The History of LUE

IMO, this entire website is required reading before even considering trying to speak with someone calling themselves "LUEshi".  
Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on September 04, 2004, 05:09:58 PM
Lol even if Tommy wears a Nintendo shirt it doesnt change how bias he is on nintendo games and most nintendo games on his misses is cutesy game, even Vic on some episodes says that Tommy should appreciate games on what they are.  And yes I think hes too bias do I care he has a studio named after himself, NO!   He mostly rags on how cutesy games are and if theres no voice overs which require reading and if theres MIDI in some games. Hell I bet if Nintendo brought some games to his studios, the studios would most likely screw up the sound.  
Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: ib2kool4u912 on September 04, 2004, 07:05:52 PM

Originally posted by: joeamis
I dunno about that conspiracy theory, Nintendo went in and did the Triforce Arcade Board with Sega And Namco to get them to develop the titles for the Cube, etc etc.  Any why are people using the term "you got served", didn't that become popular from a horrible teeny bopper volleyball movie?
Close, it was a horrible movie about break dancing
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: DrZoidberg on September 05, 2004, 06:30:13 AM


I don't know this Tommy fellow, In australia we only get a video game program called Game Freaks. Except it's cancelled now, also It was a half an hour long advert for Pentium 4 chips (featuring Hyperthreading technology) and AFL 2004 by acclaim or someone or other.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: ThePerm on September 05, 2004, 10:51:17 AM
eh, well tommy has his own opinions. He likes certain games and not others. He can get on peoples nerves because sometimes he goes on crazy tirades over some insignificant detail which will hinder his enjoyment of a game. And there are tons of xbox fanboys....ack! In fact there are so many crazy attacks on boards outside of this one its not even worth it for me to post on other boards because theres nothing but flames by xbox or ps2 fanboys. But yeah he has a tendency to avoid things rather then embrace them. It must be hard to be Tommy Talarico. There has to be something he enjoys. My guess is he is extra harsh just because he thinks games could be much better, he also doesnt like cute things.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Infernal Monkey on September 05, 2004, 05:54:22 PM
Hay Zoidy, Tommy did the EWJ 2 music. ;__;

Anyway, what's this about him putting crap on GX because it didn't have licensed music? F-ZERO GX HAS THE BEST ORIGINAL MUSIC EVER. The end.  
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Bill Aurion on September 05, 2004, 06:02:25 PM
Hate to put myself in a corner, but I didn't think EWJ's music was all that great...Of course, the gameplay made up for it...
Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Myxtika1 Azn on September 05, 2004, 06:31:09 PM

Originally posted by: ThePerm
eh, well tommy has his own opinions..... But yeah he has a tendency to avoid things rather then embrace them. It must be hard to be Tommy Talarico. There has to be something he enjoys. My guess is he is extra harsh just because he thinks games could be much better, he also doesnt like cute things.

He must have one fugly-ass girlfriend then. muwhahahahaha....  

All kidding aside, isn't he the person who can't reach the big O unless he sacrifices a dog or something?

Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Syl on September 05, 2004, 10:11:18 PM

Originally posted by: ruby_onix
The History of LUE

IMO, this entire website is required reading before even considering trying to speak with someone calling themselves "LUEshi".

That was surprisingly interesting.

Makes me wonder how a "history of the PGC Forums" would be.  Oh, wait, thats simple.

It began!
- some boring stuff happened-

Golden Age:
Syl_Aran, SuperPokExpert and TheBigN  days with Rickgod raining surpreme judgement.

End of golden age.
-more boring stuff happened-  
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Pale on September 06, 2004, 04:14:42 AM

Someone change his title!
Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on September 06, 2004, 09:12:16 AM
If he's Tommy then Tommy uses aol (lol)
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Deguello on September 06, 2004, 05:43:39 PM
"Anyway, what's this about him putting crap on GX because it didn't have licensed music? F-ZERO GX HAS THE BEST ORIGINAL MUSIC EVER. The end."

He stated that Nintendo should have made the game more like Wipeout.  Because, you know, Wipeout came out before F-Zero, rite?  Am I rite?

And I believe he also said the obligatory "OMG NO WEAPONS" complaint.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: ThePerm on September 06, 2004, 07:11:56 PM
cool, i like talking to industry people. There was once a day when i thought about abandoning my ninty roots just so i could get in the biz through ms's garage dev really anyone involved with gaming is cool to me.
Title: RE: Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: Perfect Cell on September 23, 2004, 06:09:44 PM
Tommy Tallarico is a hypocritical ass. Thats pretty much it. As i understand it, he got fired from Retro, thats mostly what i think causes his Nintendo Hate.

Hes fine bashing anything Cel Chaded, Cartoony, non online on the Gamecube but praises similar games on PS2/X-Box. His whole reasoning is, judging from his comments on the Tech TV boards, is I make Money. I drive a Ferrari, so Im right your not...  Big Deal. Hes an idiot. Good for him.

Plus Adam and Morgan are way better anyways. X-Play>Judgement Day  
Title: RE:Whats up with all these people saying Tommy Tallarico hates Nintendo?
Post by: The Omen on September 24, 2004, 07:19:50 AM
If anyone here is around 26-30 yrs old, then they can confirm my reasoning.  If you recall, Tallirico was working with Sega, or on a game exclusive to the Genesis back in 90/91.  He was talking sh!t then about Nintendo, and frankly, he has never stopped.  He disguises it under "I'm not a blind Nintendo fanboy, so that's why fanboys hate me"  If you look at his scores on big time Nintendo games over the years, they are perennially lower than everywhere else.  Not to mention, I believe he was fired off a Nintendo project as well.  He has an absolute bias towards Nintendo.  He may not hate them, but he sure don't like them.