« on: July 18, 2023, 07:24:27 AM »
Mine came in this past Saturday.
As you stated, the connection issue is terrible. But Go players should be used to this, as the app has had connection issues with the various iterations of "companion devices" since the first Go Plus was released.
I've owned the Go Plus, Pokéball Plus, a Go-tcha and now the PGP+ and it seems like there's always some kind of magic ritual to get them to work. And then there's various updates when Niantic just plain breaks them and they won't connect at all. And when they added Zoura to the game and told everyone who paid actual money for a device to get bent for a month while they tried to work their way through the spaghetti code that is PoGo and figure out how the game works. 🤣
What I have found is that it connects pretty smoothly (Samsung Tablet) to both PoGo and Sleep. For PoGo, once it's connected, sleep data transfers over with zero issue, but I have to go into the Connected Devices menu and toggle the autospin option off/on for it to start seeing stops. I do not use it to catch, so I'm not sure about that.
For Sleep, everything seems to work, *except*... either the alarm is too quiet to wake me up or it just doesn't work at all. And since I was awake at the time it was supposed to go off this morning and it did not, I'm inclined to say it doesn't work at all. It is a shame, as the "Smart Alarm" feature in the app worked great (the one night I used it). Hopefully, it's something that's fixed soon.