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Topics - UncleBob

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 42
Movies & TV / Joker 2 (mostly spoiler-free).
« on: October 23, 2024, 12:34:37 AM »
Okay, so I really liked the first Joker movie.  It wasn't "comic accurate" (whatever that even means anymore), but it was really well done and I really enjoyed it.  That said, I didn't "connect" with the Joker in this movie, I'm didn't see him as a hero or an icon.  It was just a fun movie.

After the terrible reception J2 received, I hadn't gone out of my way to see it.

I finally watched it though... means... tonight and... I liked it.

It wasn't amazing, but, aside from that one scene (which, if you've seen it or had it spoiled, you know), I think it was really well done.  I really enjoyed what Phoenix and Gaga brought to the table.  I didn't even mind the twist ending.

I don't want to say too much to spoil it, but... if you liked the original, give it a chance.

NWR Feedback / Can't get the forums to load now...
« on: September 21, 2024, 07:51:36 AM »
If I'm logged in, I can't get the forums to load unless I open the old-ass WAP2 version of the site.

I'd ask if anyone else is having this issue, but ifmyou are, you probably don't know about the WAP2 site.

Can't delete posts from this version.  Just lock, sticky, and edit them

General Chat / Faceball 2000 Part 3: Faceball 2024 in Milwaukee
« on: March 12, 2024, 04:26:21 PM »
Hello NWR friends!

I've posted a bit about this before, and I don't want to go into the weeds with too many details now, as there's a lot to take in *and*.... Stop Skeletons From Fighting is doing a Youtube Documentary on this entire project!  It will be amazing!

Anywhoo, why I'm posting now... it's officially official.

The first weekend in April, myself and some of the gang will be in Milwaukee for the Midwest Gaming Classic expo and we will have an exhibit set up for 16 player Faceball 2000 DX on 16 TVs via GameCubes and 16 Game Boy Players.

What is Faceball 2000 DX?  Well... long story short - the original Faceball 2000 doesn't support 16 players after-all.  It only supports 15 players!  What a rip-off, after all these years, eh?  Long story short, there's a bug in the code that prevents a 16-player game from loading.  Someone in my crew figured this out and patched it.  And then, added in a color patch that's been floating around that also takes advantage of the Game Boy Color's faster processor to speed up gameplay (but also, the original,  4-shades-of-gray version is patched as well, so that can be played too!).

It's amazing and fun and just insanity and if anyone wants to swing by and say hi, please do! :)

General Chat / Any Bone fans?
« on: October 20, 2023, 08:07:41 PM »
I swear we had a good conversation years ago about Jeff Smith's Bone comic.

Anywhoo, if you're a fan, imma gonna spam his newest kickstarter.

He's already shredded the goal, so I'm not desperately trying to recruit others ... :D


General-3 / Yup.
« on: October 26, 2022, 09:22:40 PM »

Nintendo Gaming / Many amiibo!
« on: April 15, 2021, 08:35:33 AM »
I'm working on rearranging my amiibo collection.  Getting everything into cases from, adding some shelves, trying to tidy it up a bit.  Figured I might share some pics.

Movies & TV / Banned Tiny Toons episode on Hulu now!
« on: December 21, 2020, 11:55:38 PM »
Season 2 Episode 3.

Buster, Plucky, and Hampton steal a beer, get drunk, steal a cop car, then die.

Kinda surprised they kept this one in. 🤣

NWR Feedback / Forum Password Reset Broken
« on: December 16, 2020, 01:54:57 PM »
I changed devices recently and tried logging into the forums to no avail.  I tried every password I could think of and couldn't log in.    So I tried to get an email to reset my password - no go.  I was completely unable to get an email sent to me.

Grabbed my old device and I'm accessing the site with it for now.


Nintendo Gaming / I own Super Mario Bros.
« on: November 13, 2020, 12:05:33 PM »
I own Super Mario Bros.

I own it on the NES.  On a dedicated cart, in a Duck Hunt compilation cart, and on a compilation cart with Duck Hunt and World Class Track Meet.  Hell, I probably have four or five of the SMB+Duck Hunt carts.

I own it on the Super Nintendo.  Both in Super Mario All-Stars and the +Super Mario World version.

I own it on the Game Boy Color.  Super Mario Bros. DX.  Twice, actually.  Can't play You vs. Boo without two!

I kinda own it on the GameCube.  I have it in Animal Crossing, although it had to be unlocked with a GameShark.

I own it on the Game Boy Advance, via the NES Classics release.

I own it on the Wii, having a copy of Super Mario All Stars.

I own it on the Wii U, both the Wii Virtual Console version and the Wii U Virtual Console version.

I own it on the 3DS, originally via the Ambassador Program.

I own it on the NES Mini.

I can play it on my Switch via the NES or SNES online option.

I also own an official physical arcade cabinet with the similar yet superior Super Mario Bros. Vs. (which I also own on the Switch via Arcade Archives).

I have no shortage of options for playing Super Mario Bros.

So why the hell did I just buy *two* SMB Game and Watches?

General-3 / This Image of Edea Lee from Bravely Default is now an NFT
« on: November 05, 2020, 07:52:06 AM »
It is guaranteed on the NWR Buffchain. Whomever is listed as the owner in this post owns this NFT.

NFT: "Yare Yare" -Edea
Owner: UncleBob

Movies & TV / Movie Spoilers in an age of Social Media
« on: April 27, 2019, 08:39:49 PM »

So spoilers are a huge deal for many.  Aside from being locked in a theater for 2.5 days before the release of Endgame, I didn't really change any of my habits and had no issues, but I'm not a huge social media person.  Also, I've gotten to where I don't really watch trailers and such anymore if it's a movie I already know I want to see (Like, totally watched that Joker trailer though.  It's a movie I'm going to see eventually no matter what, but the trailer did interest me), so that helps.

I'm curious what the future holds for spoilers in the digital age.  There's virtually no way to *stop* the issue.  I think some kind of browser plug in could be neat, but then you'd have tracking and privacy concerns.

Personally, since we literally download movies to theaters days/hours before release, I'm thinking a Clue-esque movie/remake with about 50 slightly different versions filmed and silently downloaded differently to different theaters.  Then, when someone tries to spoil it, others who have seen it will be all "No, that's not right."  Could be a fun social experiment.

General-3 / vudu is online right now
« on: March 23, 2019, 02:20:36 PM »
I see you.

Nintendo Gaming / The Definitive Nintendo Title
« on: October 01, 2016, 09:38:04 PM »
So, every system (well, most every) has its 'system sellers' and your absolute favorite games, but for you, personally, what games really 'define' a particular Nintendo system for you?  It doesn't have to be your favorite, your first, or even a particularly good game - just the game that really speaks for the system it was originally on?

I'm going to pick two (for now).  Nintendo 64 - Mario Kart 64.  If you try to play this game now, it's horribly ugly and near unplayable (particularly in 3/4p modes 1/2p isn't *that* bad) - but the 3/4p modes where what sold this game (and, in my case, the system)  It was a quck pick-up-and-play game that up to four people could play with virtually no skills needed *and* really showed (in my opinion at the time) a huge difference between the previous iteration without completely changing the game itself.  When most people list off the 'must have' N64 titles, they go with the Zeldas, Mario 64, Goldeneye/Perfect Dark, Smash Bros., and if Mario Kart gets mentioned, it's usually in a list of various Mario spin-off titles (Tennis, Party...) that are worth getting if you get a good deal.  And with good reason - it just hasn't aged well.  But it's still what I consider a defining experience for the N64.

Then, Game Boy.  Now, everyone knows the indisputably best game of all time ever (Link's Awakening) came out on the Game Boy - and, of course, there's Tetris and Pokemon, two completely different types of games that changed the landscape of gaming for years to come (until they were merged into Pokemon Go) - but there's really one game that, strangly, defines what the Game Boy is for me, even though I still don't own it to this day (and thus was kinda the inspiration for this post) - Motocross Maniacs.  I wasn't even sure of the title and had to google "Game Boy Excitebike" to find it.   I played a metric crapton of this game... at Target, on the display unit, before I was lucky enough to get my own Game Boy.  Easy to play in spurts, fun, addicting, and the graphics hold up better than MK64...  Crazy challenges (as far as my under-10 year old self recalls) that kept me glued to the screen for the infinite hours my mother would spend walking the aisles.  Honestly, I don't know if this game is any good now - and I'm going to have to track down a copy on eBay (surely it can't be much) - and it's not one I hear a lot about... but it is about *the* game I think of when I think Game Boy (mostly because I've played Link's Awakening on six systems that aren't the Game Boy... like, there's not a doubt in my mind that it's a GB title... there's just sooo much packed into it that it doesn't seem like one. :)

What individual titles define a particular system for you?

General Chat / Need help from a fellow Japanese fan!
« on: July 11, 2016, 01:42:05 PM »
I *need* to order three things from Amazon Japan that they won't ship to the US because they hate me. I'll order the items shipped to your place, then pay you the cost (plus a little more for your trouble) to reship them to me.  Anyone?

General-3 / Patreon Exclusive Post
« on: April 20, 2016, 11:22:24 PM »
This post is only for Patreon sponsors.  Follow the update on the Patreon page for instructions on how to read it.

How promotion excellent curiosity yet attempted happiness. Gay prosperous impression had conviction. For every delay death ask style. Me mean able my by in they. Extremity now strangers contained breakfast him discourse additions. Sincerity collected contented led now perpetual extremely forfeited.

Of be talent me answer do relied. Mistress in on so laughing throwing endeavor occasion welcomed. Gravity sir brandon calling can. No years do widow house delay stand. Prospect six kindness use steepest new ask. High gone kind calm call as ever is. Introduced melancholy estimating motionless on up as do. Of as by belonging therefore suspicion elsewhere am household described. Domestic suitable bachelor for landlord fat.

Bringing unlocked me an striking ye perceive. Mr by wound hours oh happy. Me in resolution pianoforte continuing we. Most my no spot felt by no. He he in forfeited furniture sweetness he arranging. Me tedious so to behaved written account ferrars moments. Too objection for elsewhere her preferred allowance her. Marianne shutters mr steepest to me. Up mr ignorant produced distance although is sociable blessing. Ham whom call all lain like.

Husbands ask repeated resolved but laughter debating. She end cordial visitor noisier fat subject general picture. Or if offering confined entrance no. Nay rapturous him see something residence. Highly talked do so vulgar. Her use behaved spirits and natural attempt say feeling. Exquisite mr incommode immediate he something ourselves it of. Law conduct yet chiefly beloved examine village proceed.

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null null null null

Nintendo Gaming / Smash is expensive.
« on: March 19, 2016, 05:26:25 PM »
Mario amiibo$12.99
Luigi amiibo$12.99
Peach amiibo$12.99
Bowser amiibo$12.99
Yoshi amiibo$12.99
Rosalina amiibo$12.99
Bowser Jr. amiibo$12.99
Wario amiibo$12.99
Donkey Kong amiibo$12.99
Diddy Kong amiibo$12.99
Little Mac amiibo$12.99
Link amiibo$12.99
Zelda amiibo$12.99
Shiek amiibo$12.99
Ganondorf amiibo$12.99
Toon Link amiibo$12.99
Samus amiibo$12.99
Zero Suit Samus amiibo$12.99
Pit amiibo$12.99
Palutina amiibo$12.99
Marth amiibo$12.99
Ike amiibo$12.99
Robin amiibo$12.99
Kirby amiibo$12.99
King DeDeDe amiibo$12.99
Meta Knight amiibo$12.99
Fox amiibo$12.99
Falco amiibo$12.99
Pikachu amiibo$12.99
Charizard amiibo$12.99
Lucario amiibo$12.99
Jigglypuff amiibo$12.99
Greninga amiibo$12.99
Ness amiibo$12.99
Captain Falcon amiibo$12.99
Villager amiibo$12.99
Omilar amiibo$12.99
Wii Fit Trainer amiibo$12.99
Retro amiibo 3-Pack$34.99
Shulk amiibo$12.99
Dr. Mario amiibo$12.99
Dark Pit amiibo$12.99
Lucina amiibo$12.99
Pac-Man amiibo$12.99
Megaman amiibo$12.99
Sonic amiibo$12.99
Mewtwo amiibo$12.99
Lucas amiibo$12.99
Mii Fighter amiibo 3-Pack$34.99
Lucas amiibo$12.99
Roy amiibo$12.99
Ryu amiibo$12.99
R.O.B. (Famicom Colors) amiibo$12.99
Corrin amiibo$12.99
Cloud amiibo$12.99
Bayonetta amiibo$12.99
Smash U Bundle$74.99
Smash 3DS$39.99
Wave 1 DLC$14.19
Wave 2 DLC$29.16
Wave 3 DLC$15.18
Wave 4 DLC$13.53
Wave 5 DLC$9.29
Wave 6 DLC$19.88
Grand Total$987.65

General Chat / What's going on on Youtube?
« on: February 10, 2016, 08:55:03 PM »
Can someone explain to me, in words and not a 30 minute crappy video, WTF is going on on Youtube right now?

General-3 / Is Wii U Nintendo's current home console ever?
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:11:59 AM »
Yes, yes it is.

General Chat / Go give away your monies.
« on: December 03, 2015, 10:02:19 PM »
Jennifer Paige is best known for her hit 90's pop song "Crush".  She's released several albums since - including one with one of my favorite songs ever on it - Mercy.

Anywhoo, she's working on a solo album, free from the strings of any of the big record labels.  So go throw some money her way. :D

Use this link and I get credit for your joining the Kickstarter and I can get prizes:

Use this link and I don't get credit, but you can still join the Kickstarter and support the project.

Obviously, I'd *prefer* you use my referral link, but I'd just be happy if you donated.  Even a dollar gets me credit though, so if you want to be nice, please do. :D

Nintendo Gaming / Super Mario Maker
« on: July 12, 2015, 06:48:52 PM »
All of these Super Mario Maker videos have had me replaying Mario games.  Since E3, I've played through SMB1, SMB2j, Super Mario Bros. vs., Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario Land, and Super Mario Land 2 (the lack of Super Mario World on my 3DS makes me sad). - and it really makes me want a portable version of Super Mario Maker.  Maybe with the ability to make Super Mario Land 2-styled levels (with the return of the bunny ears!).  I know Nintendo really wants to sell Wii U systems, but I'd get so much more playtime in with a 3DS version... who's with me?

Nintendo Gaming / "I Am Error"
« on: May 07, 2015, 07:14:16 PM »

Sounds like a great read - just ordered me a copy

Use coupon code MITP50 when checking out for 50% off. :D

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