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Community Forums => NWR Mafia Games => Topic started by: Khushrenada on June 28, 2014, 12:57:31 AM

Title: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Khushrenada on June 28, 2014, 12:57:31 AM
The Misadventures of Shangri-La
Chapter 11 - All Good Things....

For Dr. Shrunk, it had been a rough 10 days. As a member of the Villager Task Force appointed by the mayor to find and hunt out the undesirable elements attempting to control Shangri-La, he had spent a lot of time undercover, fearing for his life and trying to find evidence any way he could that might lead him to the various criminal elements also lurking in disguise. He'd seen his other fellow task force members die in a fiery explosion. Yet, he still persevered and kept going. Finally, he'd had a break in the case.

Cautiously approaching the HHA Showcase, Dr. Shrunk, in his disguise of Lucky the dog, checked for any signs of being watched but the coast looked clear. He ran up the steps into the showcase then quickly went down one of the wings and hid behind a home. He held his breath and focused his hearing on any sounds or noises that would indicate he had been noticed or followed. But all was quiet. Calming himself back down, "Lucky" began carefully and quietly sneaking around the showcase looking for the person who had been seen coming and going a couple times from this area, Crazy Redd. According to the villager T-Bone, he was sure that he had seen Crazy Redd sneak in and out a couple of times over the past few days.

Suddenly, Lucky heard voices. He ducked behind another house and listened to see where they wee coming from. He could tell they were coming from another wing of the Showcase. He slowly made his way over to their source. As he got closer, he recognized one voice as Crazy Redd's. Slowly creeping up to the edge of another house, Lucky peeked around the corner and saw Crazy Redd talking with Grams! Bingo.

Grams was telling Redd that she had taken care of some matter and would now go and get the leverage they needed to force Khushrenada to do as they pleased. There was something odd about the way Crazy Redd looked. As Redd and Grams were ending their conversation, Lucky figured out what it was. The bottom half of Redd was in costume. Redd then put on the top of the costume to make himself look like Digby. That's why he had been so hard to spot and why he was sneaking into the Showcase. He was using it as his hideout. With this info, Lucky started to sneak back to warn the mayor.

On his way out, he ran into one of the robot models who started telling him where the home it was showing came from and where he could find it. Trying to get it to stop talking, Lucky gave up and decided to just run away before Redd or Grams came to investigate. He got to the main entrance when suddenly "Digby" walked in front of it.

"Oh. Are you looking to leave the HHA showcase?" asked Digby.

"Uh yeah. Time to go home," replied Lucky nervously, wondering if Redd knew he was on to him.

"Well, let me walk you to the exit," said Digby.

"Sure. Thanks," Lucky stated.

They walked the steps in silence. Lucky's heart was pounding. At the bottom, Digby turned to him once more. "Thanks for visiting. As a special promotion, we are giving all visitors to the HHA Showcase a sparkler today. Here's one for you," Digby cheerfully announced. He let the sparkler and it started shooting off sparks and flame. "And later today," Digby continued, "There is going to be a big celebration in the forest close to where T-Bone used to live. Why don't you tell the mayor all about it, cuz."

Lucky froze for a moment. Redd knew! Then Redd slapped the sparkler to Lucky's back. "How fast can you run?" he asked. Lucky's bandages began to catch fire as the sparkler was stuck to his back showering him in sparks. Lucky turned and fled while Redd just laughed as he watched him run off. Lucky struggled to start untying his bandages and save himself from his flammable prison but they were just too tangled and tight and his hands couldn't get a good grip as they were also wrapped up. He just kept running as fast as he could for City Hall in the hopes he could get there in time to warn Khushrenada and get help.


Bursting into City Hall, Isabelle gave a scream to the fearsome sight of Lucky engulfed in flames. "Help me!" he cried out. Isabelle grabbed a golden watering can and began to pour its contents all over Lucky to put the flames out. With the bandages and disguise mostly burned away, Khushrenada recognized the burn victim as Dr. Shrunk. "What happened?" he asked.

"Crazy Redd. He's disguised... as.. Digby," Dr. Shrunk wheezed. Isabelle jumped back, shocked at the news. Khushrenada leaned in to hear the rest of what Dr. Shrunk had to say. "Redd.... is planning..... something..... it's by..... T-Bone's house...... Hurry," Dr. Shrunk gasped out.

"Stay with us. Help is on the way," Isabelle cried out, trying to comfort Shrunk in his suffering.

"No..... Just...... end me," Shrunk struggled to say. Isabelle looked over at Khushrenada with tears in her eyes. Khushrenada shrugged his shoulders then took out his golden shovel and, with a hard whack on Shrunk's head, he put Shrunk out of his misery. Isabelle and Khushrenada looked at the burned man. "I guess we should take a moment to honor his sacrifice," Khushrenada said. Isabelle nodded her head in agreement. Khushrenada thought about how to do so. "Do you think the Shrunk Shuffle would be best?" he asked. "What?" Isabelle said dumbfounded at what she had just heard. "You know, the Shrunk Shuffle?" he replied. He then started doing the dance moves. Isabelle just stared in wide-eyed shock as Khushrenada kept dancing by Shrunk's dead body unable to believe the total insensitivity of the Mayor. "Aren't you going to join in?" he asked as he shook his right leg in the air again.

Isabelle silently turned and walked out of City Hall. She walked over to Shampoodle's and entered it. Still tied up in the storage closet, Shampoodle had managed to rock her chair over so that she was laying on the floor. From this position, she was puffing away at all the hair on the floor trying to get it to blow off the floor and out the store. Seeing Isabelle enter, Shampoodle spoke up. "Fabulous! Do you think you can help me, dearie?" Silently, Isabelle just walked up to one of the counters. She then plugged in a razor and shaved off all the fur on her body, letting it all fall to the floor, and then she promptly turned and left the shop. Shampoodle watched in shock and then filled up with even more rage from Isabelle further defiling of her precious floor. Leaving Shampoodle, Isabelle then got on the first train to come through and rode it to get to an insane asylum and checked herself in.

Back in Shangri-La, Khushrenada shouted out through his megaphone to Crazy Redd.


He then headed off into the woods towards T-Bone's place. Taking out his golden axe, Khushrenada made his way confidently yet carefully along the trail to his destination. He stopped when he saw someone else standing by a tree. Calling out to the figure through his megaphone brought no reply. Slowly approaching forward some more, Khushrenada began to see that the person was tied to the tree and that it was T-Bone. Getting closer, he saw that T-Bone had a watering can shoved in his mouth. Crazy Redd must have tied him to the tree and then choked/drowned him by pouring all that water down his throat. Khushrenada shook his head at the fallen villager and the savage cruelty being displayed and then carried on his way.


He got to T-Bone's house but it was locked and empty. There was no one around. Going to the back of the house, he saw an arrow spray painted on with the instruction to follow it to get to Crazy Redd. He went off in the direction of the arrow. After some time, he came upon a tent with Crazy Redd's logo on it. Finally. This was it. Him and Redd. He went up and entered the tent.


In it, surrounded by works of art both real and fake (though mostly fake) stood Crazy Redd. "Oooohhh brother," Redd said, smiling and greeting Khushrenada, "How long has it been since I last saw you?" He laughed. "Come in and take a look around. Make yourself comfortable. I tell ya, I have a deal for you so good I'm almost green with envy that I can't take it myself."

Khushreanda looked at Redd and calmly said:


"Uh-oh. You're interested in violence too, are you? Well, I should warn you that we aren't alone," Redd said mischievously, "Grams. Why don't you bring out our guest?"

From behind some statues, Hopper walked out holding Punchy's tied up paws in one flipper and his other flipper around her neck. Khushrenada glanced over at them and then went back to watching Redd.

"I see Grams is still in costume as Hopper. Are you surprised, Mayor? She's been tired of having to live on that bug-infested island and forced to peddle cheap wicker furniture. Like me, she wants a better arrangement and has been most instrumental in helping me see to it that we get that better arrangement. Now, Punchy there, you may also be surprised to find out, is Old Phineas in disguise. He wanted to give us good boys and girls some medals for all our hard work at making bells. The poor old fool had no idea who he was dealing with and walked right into a trap we set for him. Phineas is the most respected and sought after villager in town. If he were to die, the villagers would surely rise up and ban you from this town, if not kill you. But because I like ya, I'm going to make you a deal you'd have to be CRAZY like me to pass up. If you sign this contract I have here giving me and Grams an uncontested monopoly on the Shangri-La real estate market as well as shop merchant rights, I'll let Phineas live and even give you a little bit of the earnings in a show of good faith and the expectation you'll protect us in case any other force should try and oppose us or muscle in on our territory. Well, what do you say?" Redd explained.

Khushrenada stared glumly at Redd.

"It appears he be overwhelmed by all our exotic merchandise," chuckled Hopper.

"Perhaps so," said Redd smilingly, "To further sweeten the deal, I could probably have Phineas here give you an Esteemed Villager badge. Wouldn't that be an honor?"

"Alright, Redd," Khushrenada spoke up, "That's enough. Here's my offer." Suddenly, Khushrenada turned and threw his golden axe at Punchy where it impacted into her skull, killing her. Hopper and Redd jumped back from where they were standing but before they could react further, Khushrenada already had his golden slingshot out and pointed at Redd.



"The truth is, Redd," Khushrenada stated, "You've already lost. I know why you and Tom Nook and Tortimer had wanted to control this town. My first day here I stumbled upon and discovered the incredible amount of riches beneath the surface. Gold, Silver, Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds. All there for the taking if you worked hard enough. While you animals have all been busy watching each other and fighting each other, I've calmly gone about my business and striped this land dry. Thus, you can have it. There are no more riches left and you've pretty much ruined and decimated the population and buildings in it. I've already sold all the ore and made millions of bells which I can now use to retire in peace."




Continuing on, Khushrenada said, "I've got a beautiful golden palace I've designed that I think would make you, how do you put it, green with envy? Maybe if you try this again, you won't be so occupied with getting a new catchphrase to say or worrying about what kind of bug is in for home décor. Enjoy Redd. You are master of a desolate wasteland. May I suggest you build a statue of yourself telling all who see it to look on your works and despair?"

Then Khushrenada turned and let loose the golden slingshot in Hopper's direction. The stone's struck him in the head and the force of impact killed him.


Turning back to Redd, Khushrenada further said, "Your mistake was in thinking that you could win Animal Crossing as if it was some kind of game with a main quest or goal. But it doesn't work that way. It's about doing what you want and accomplishing what you want from it until you've had enough. Well, here in Shangri-La, I've done what I wanted and accomplished what I wanted and now I've had enough." Then Khushrenada exited the tent and headed back to town. Crazy Redd dropped to his knees, his heart broken on hearing about how the precious treasure he had sought and fought so long for was now gone.

After a period of mourning, Redd got up and slowly wandered into town to see just what he was master over. The grass had been worn away to dirt. There were holes and weeds everywhere. There were no more flowers and most of the trees were dead having encountered numerous disasters in the past few days. There were no villagers around that he could see. Redd didn't know if there were any left or if the remaining ones had moved away or died. He walked down the business lane full of busted shops and burnt buildings. He heard the banging of a door in the wind. Looking up, he saw it was Shampoodle's shop. He went up the steps and entered it.

Looking around inside, it seemed to be one place that was still in good condition. Redd walked over to one of the barber chairs and sat in it. "Great," he thought sarcastically, "I get to be a barber. That makes everything all worthwhile." Suddenly, there was a gush of wind from the entrance. Turning around, he saw Shampoodle standing in the doorway looking down. Having been starved for 10 days and expending much energy huffing and puffing, Shampoodle had finally freed herself from the ropes that entangled her due to the weight loss she had gone though. Once free, she was able to finally and immediately clean the floor of her shop that she had been forced to watch become a tragic mess.

A clean and pristine floor that now showed muddy, sticky footprints from the entrance to the chair Crazy Redd was sitting in. "Is something wrong?" Redd asked, puzzled at what Shampoodle seemed to be staring at. With a scream heard 10 villages away, Shampoodle grabbed a pair of scissors, charged Crazy Redd and stabbed him through the heart with them. She then left to search for the mayor to make him pay for the last 10 days also.


Seeing Shampoodle charging after him, Khushrenada quickly put on his pajamas and jumped into the bed Luna was standing next to.


"Yes, time to go," said Khushrenada.


Khushrenada hopped on the bed and things began to go dark.



Shampoodle was getting closer but then...



It was all over and Shangri-La was just a fading memory.


"Eh. It was so-so," said Khushrenada.




"Sure! Why not? I think I need more sleep," Khushenada replied.


"500?! How long was I out that you raised the price that much?" growled Khushrenada, "Fine. Fine. I'll pay it."


"What? I have to do all the work here? Are you going to give me back my 500 bells to pay for my wage then?" Khushrenada questioned.


"Way to do your job," Khushrenada said.











And so it went with Mayor Khushrenada, travelling from one town to the next, creating havoc in each one he went to. Waking up one morning, Khushrenada was surprised to see the sky filled with confetti and all the villagers dancing to the rhythm of Pave. As Pave thrust out his body and did his incredibly suggestive dancing that left little to the imagination, Khushrenada was even more horrified when all the villagers started copying it as well.


Wondering if he was stuck in a nightmare or real life, Khushrenada searched for Luna and her bed. Not being able to find it anywhere, he hurried back to his place and pulled out a top he kept in a safe. He placed it on a table and spun it watching to see if it would stop or not........

The End
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Old Feuds. Day 11.
Post by: Khushrenada on June 28, 2014, 12:57:50 AM
May need an extra post for all the story content yet.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. Day 11.
Post by: Khushrenada on June 28, 2014, 04:27:59 AM
Bulletin Board


Shorty McNostril (Dr. Shrunk) - Killed By Vote
Toruresu (Villager) - Killed by Crazy Redd

That means the game is over. Your remaining players were:

Dan Laser (Phineas)
Stratos (Grams)
Evan_B (Crazy Redd)

The Black Market Foxes have won. All hail Crazy Redd's amazing business acumen. Thus, your winners of Mafia XLII are:

Evan_B -Crazy Redd
Lolmonade - Katrina
Caterkiller - Saharah
Pixelated Pixies - Joan
Stratos - Grams

Congratulations at being able to pull off victory in a wild and unpredicatable game.

I'd like to thank everybody that was willing to give this game a shot and participated in playing. While there were times when a bit more participation would have been appreciated, the comments from most folks not named Pokepal148 seemed to be that it was a positive experience all around.

I hope many of you can return for the next time we do this and if you would like to be notified in pm when sign-ups for a new game are happening, mention so now and I'm sure myself and future hosts would be happy to send you such a notice.

I know some of you are still waiting for me to finish writing a few chapters and I know there are some gaps in the story with them missing so I'm going to focus on wrapping all of that up over the weekend. I've got the story straight in my head. I just need to type it out already.

I'd like to thank all of you who were willing to join in to help make this an extra special round by being so willing to adopt Animal Crossing avatars and playing along even after your character was killed. It definitely made the rest of the forums a more interesting place to navigate as well.

And my biggest thank you and person I owe a lot to for helping make this game run so smoothly is Apdude. He really stepped up and did a lot to increase the fun factor of this game. Without him, it would be a lot less visual and I'd still be making dead avatars for day 2 deaths. It's funny. I was thinking of putting up a notice in General Chat for anybody that was good with photoshop artwork to help out with this game since it is not a good skill of mine but just didn't think there was time to bother or worry about it. Yet, Apdude answered that wish I had by stepping in from the beginning and freely making avatars on his own. It is always a big help when players take the initiative like that as well as in areas like roleplaying, jokes, and other such extras. He came up with images for me to use which I would try to incorporate and I gave him some challenges of events to depict as well. It felt like a good partnership to me and in the end, I consider him and me to have co-hosted this game. A job well done sir.

Thankfully, now, most of the work on this game is almost wrapped up so that I can focus on a different game I recently heard about.


Sounds like fun.

And finally, please remember that bad times..... are just times that are bad.

Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: that Baby guy on June 28, 2014, 07:47:30 AM
If I read most of that ending right, it looks like I won. Right?
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: apdude on June 28, 2014, 09:27:01 AM
If I read most of that ending right, it looks like I won. Right?

Except the floor is a complete mess.

Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Stratos on June 28, 2014, 10:22:32 AM
Well, that was kind of a bittersweet ending story. But, hey, GO FOXES!
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Evan_B on June 28, 2014, 10:36:04 AM

I won.

So why is the ending all about Khush?!
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: lolmonade on June 28, 2014, 10:44:16 AM

I won.

So why is the ending all about Khush?!

I guess the lesson here is that if Khush runs the game, then it'll be all about Khush?

Vote Pokepal for going even outside the mafia forum to complain about the mafia game after being killed, and not using the cool avatar created for him upon his death. 

Foxes win via inactivity!
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: pokepal148 on June 28, 2014, 11:41:23 AM
So mafia wins (just the wrong one).
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: apdude on June 28, 2014, 01:09:07 PM

I won.

So why is the ending all about Khush?!

I guess the lesson here is that if Khush runs the game, then it'll be all about Khush?

Well animal crossing is all about the human player so that makes sense plus that way you get the inception dream sequence thing so you can reset for the next animal crossing mafia game.  I enjoyed the shampoodle twist, as Khush had tried to tie in as much story elements pulled from the game threads as possible which was fun. 

If I made it to day 4 I would have brought in Don Ressetti, Ressetti's calmer brother to try to go a little more low key and stay out of suspicion, but as a bunch of townies found out hitting the bomb blows...   :P: :

Congrats to the Fox Mafia.  Never guessed Evan was Redd... nice job everyone for keeping it fun and interesting.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Stratos on June 28, 2014, 01:25:54 PM
This was one of the most blood thirsty and cut throat games I have played. I still feel guilty for sacrificing Cater like I did. But this is his victory as well. Everyone played a part in our victory.

Sorry, Dan and Toru, I do feel a bit bad about deceiving you, but I thought for a minute one one or both of you had tricked me and were Coons as well and, deception IS the name of the game.

I'll probably be vendetta'd day one next game for my dirty tricks.

I got so twisted in acting like a townie I almost thought I was townie at one point. Playing primarily from a phone was tricky and I forgot who some of my teammates were. It was kind of funny when I voiced my suspicious in our group PM and the guy I suspect to being a Coon was actually a fellow Fox. I also kept thinking we lost our godfather because the Coons had lost their's.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Evan_B on June 28, 2014, 02:37:53 PM
Well, I was surprised to be in a position of power for my first ever Mafia game but I tried to be as subtle as I could, acting "crazy" with my Rune Factory character.

I can't believe I stayed until the final days, but it really was Stratos who pulled us through. Kudos to him.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Stratos on June 28, 2014, 03:05:25 PM
I loved everyone's role-playing but I really appreciated yours, Evan, since I have been playing Rune Factory the most on my spare time.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Shorty McNostril on June 28, 2014, 04:03:35 PM
Well it looks like I went out in a blaze of glory.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: pokepal148 on June 28, 2014, 04:13:55 PM
I suspected everyone but Evan tbh. It was hard to get a good read on him really...

I'm half tempted to vendetta vote silenced next game for being such a great teamate (sarcasm) but no, spak is begging for it at this point
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Stratos on June 28, 2014, 04:33:13 PM
We should convince the next host to just allow the people involved in a tie to all die and then arrange a group vendetta where we tie everyone who needs vendetta-ing.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Khushrenada on June 28, 2014, 04:44:55 PM
What? This ending had it all. It was New Leaf specific using the HHA Showcase and Dream Suite. The Dream Suite was used for a twist ending which I then realized I could make an inception joke/reference with. I wrap up the story arcs of all characters left including Isabelle and Shampoodle. I explain why the criminal elements so badly wanted to control the town. If you play Animal Crossing, the town folk are often pretty poor and it is up to you to pay to get anything done. I used some of the villager memes from the new Smash Bros game and even incorporated a reference to the poem Ozymandias. And now, everyone gets a death avatar. Plus, as Apdude points out, it reinforces the notion of a real Animal Crossing game where it is focused on you the human player and the encounters you have with the animals. This whole game has been focused on the animals and they have not been paying attention to the human player until now.

What kind of ending would you have written?

And while I don't normally make myself the star at the end, in this case, I'd realized I would end this game by using the dream suite halfway through so from there it just seemed to grow to the point that I would wrap it up. It's like bookends. The mayor came to this town and started this craziness as the sort of main character then went off into the sidelines and at the end came back to the forefront and ended the craziness. The only thing that doesn't work is the fact that I came here by train and was made mayor and now suddenly it turns out to be a dream suite dream which is impossible in the real game. Oh well. Still less plot holes that Star Trek: Into Darkness. I'll take it.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Khushrenada on June 28, 2014, 04:50:21 PM
Also, animals in Animal Crossing think I'm the best:


So there.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Stratos on June 28, 2014, 05:05:24 PM
It was a good ending. And I loved the Ozymandias reference. was I the only person who got excited to hear it?

Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Toruresu on June 28, 2014, 05:12:26 PM

Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Stratos on June 28, 2014, 05:21:01 PM
I'm not going to live through day one of the next game, am I?
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Dan Laser on June 28, 2014, 06:21:10 PM
Lol well that was fun. Well played, Stratos! The only time I became a bit suspicious of you was after the inactivity purge, particularly when Lucariofan voted for you. I didn't expect to last very long. I felt a bit bad that the villagers had a new player with the powerful role of Phineas...

Well done Apdude, Khush and fellow players with the Animal Crossing theme. I will never look at my villagers the same.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Toruresu on June 28, 2014, 06:34:44 PM
I'm not going to live through day one of the next game, am I?
NO! ;)
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Stratos on June 28, 2014, 06:53:35 PM
Hah, if I host the next game the townies will vote me out and put someone else in the hosting slot. Now THAT would be an upset.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: that Baby guy on June 28, 2014, 08:17:40 PM
If I read most of that ending right, it looks like I won. Right?

Except the floor is a complete mess.


I have a special floor conditioner for both blood and mud.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Toruresu on June 28, 2014, 08:48:16 PM
I would like to thank everyone involved in the game, it was a fun one. Khush you outdid yourself! Thanks for a fun and super entertaining game :)
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Evan_B on June 29, 2014, 12:10:07 AM
Didn't mean to sound disrespectful, Khush. You did a great job.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: ShyGuy on June 29, 2014, 07:32:54 PM
I think I moved to a better town during a street pass.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Silenced on June 30, 2014, 12:48:47 AM
In between work and parties I lost interest in the game, hence why I was worried about our mafia losing so many members recently. I couldn't really push forward as godfather.

So my first time as mafia and I **** up big time. Apologies to my teammates whom I completely let down, and my sincerest apology to Khush, my attendance is generally better than this, and I'm sorry for contributing to the inactivity.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: nickmitch on June 30, 2014, 09:19:04 AM
Great game. It was pretty fun to be a part of.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Fatty The Hutt on June 30, 2014, 12:14:44 PM
Good game, all. Kudos to Khush for a HUGE effort and excellent quality to boot, and to apdude for all the genius av and picture assistance. Great stuff.

and Stratos! you jammy bastard! I knew you were up to something. well played.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Stratos on June 30, 2014, 01:24:44 PM
Yeah, you and your extra hit was too much of a liability so thankfully the general mistrust of people in power helped fuel that vote.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: apdude on June 30, 2014, 02:00:11 PM
Yeah, you and your extra hit was too much of a liability so thankfully the general mistrust of people in power helped fuel that vote.

That's why I send out PM's early and often to 2-3 players regardless if I'm Mafia or Townie, just to get some allies and try to keep bandwagons off my back.  If you talking with people they are less likely to vote you out since your a source of info (reliable or not).

I tried allying with Fatty the Hutt early but didn't hear anything back from him, which may be because he suspected me or just doesn't do the PM thing during the game.

PMing also might have got me in trouble as I was talking with MopItUp and she convinced me that Stevey was probably the killer role based on the targets, and that along with the thatguy vote day one led me down the Stevey hit.  It was a toss up between Steve, Crimm and Nickmitch that night but her reasoning tipped the scales in my head towards Stevey.

I was also hinting at Stratos being mafia in my PM's which may have helped him out once it was known that I was mafia.  Though most of the people I was in communication with blew up the next day anyway.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Fatty The Hutt on June 30, 2014, 02:40:49 PM
yup, I suspected you, apdude
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: pokepal148 on June 30, 2014, 07:02:10 PM
I am disappointed that I was killed before being able to continue the fairview storyline. I was actually working the first two days so I wasn't able to do much with it.

Fairview is the name of the first town I had in new leaf which I eventually deleted because I just wasn't very fond of that particular town map layout but one of the villagers I had when I abandoned that town was Eugene so I decided to use that as a point to basically give him a backstory. I wanted to give a sort of tragic story of him having been seeking a town like Fairview and never really being able to find a rown that met that need.

had I been found out later on I would have either

A: given some sob story about how the nooks were the only ones willing to be his friend when fairview collapsed and he hoped to repay that debt somehow.


B: basically acted like he had become so overcome with grief and then realizing that the nooks had been using him and somehow lashing out at them in anger or just having a complete breakdown.

That was honestly the main reason for me to even try to vote spak out. I was discovered before I had a chance to prepare myself.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Mop it up on July 02, 2014, 03:42:13 PM
This was a pretty awesome game, I appreciate all the effort you put into the story and the activities, Khushrenada. It was a little anti-climatic at the end, but that was no fault of yours and you tried your best to keep it interesting. And thanks also to Apdude for making the icons, they certainly helped enhance the game, as well as a thank-you to everyone who got into character for playing.
Title: Re: Mafia LXII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. The End.
Post by: Wah on July 05, 2014, 05:49:04 AM
I went down in blaze of glory! ;D