NWR Interactive > Podcast Discussion

Episode 576: E3 2018 - Daisy Deviants

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Daisy is finally playable in Super Smash Bros. She's been at play in the NWR forums for years. You do the math.http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/rfn/47513/episode-576-e3-2018-daisy-deviantsFresh off the E3 2018 Nintendo Direct, the RFN Crew assembles to give their thoughts on the news stories of the day. Jon, Greg, and Gui call in from home, while James stumbles in glassy-eyed from the show floor to record in hushed tones from the LACC Media Center. He has to cut out a bit early for a publisher appointment, but I think we can all agree that 50 minutes of James Jones is worth nearly an hour of any mortal man.Our show begins with a rundown of every game shown at the Direct, along with a more in-depth discussion and hands-on impressions of one you might have heard of: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. We then talk about third-party games announced for Switch over the last few days, and finish off with our overall impressions of Nintendo's presentation, as well as Sony's and Microsoft's efforts. Overall, we'd probably just rather go play Fortnite (now with voice chat, because who needs an app?).Now that Nintendo has pulled the curtain back on its E3 showing, we're sure that you have burning questions such as, "What does James' hand look like with a Pokeball Plus in it?" We can answer all that and more if you'd kindly send us an email. PROTIP: if we reply, you may want to block images.

The changes made to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are too subtle for James' trolly brain who thrives on playing Super Smash Bros. like he's the fucking Joker.

Things like Wave Dashing are (Kinda) back! speed has been increased and defensive options have been changes and limited. Damage and UI have been amplified to make the 1 vs. 1 game far more dynamic. Stages having a Battlefield form is something that was specifically requested by the community. This game has Street Fighter 3 style throw-techs. they spent a portion of the stream highlighting that they put in a button combination specifically to make short hopped aerials easier to throw out without accidentally getting normal jump instead of short hop in the heat of the moment!

No, James. I posit that the way YOU play Super Smash Bros hasn't been catered to, and that is why you leave this demo deflated, unable to see the difference like you're an adult in a Cinnamon Toast Crunch commercial. Even the new stages shown in detail at the show (Moray Tower, Great plateau Tower)are the sorts of stable, stage-hazard and major transformation free environments that tend to be legal stages to play in Tournament.
in today's (Wednesday) treenhouse stream, the treehouse people actively talked about Directional Influence in detail and used Directional Influence to refer to it, which is a community term to describe the mechanic!

That being said, there are things that lend lots of credence to your theory. yeah, characters have gotten a lot of changes (some they didn't even talk about, like Donkey Kong's Up+B is now Super armored?!?), but it was clear from yesterday's tournament that characters like Bayonetta still have combos to carry foes to the top Blast zone from 0%. Even after the invitational, the 2-time invitational and 56 major Smash 4 tournament winner ZeRo said if he could make any one change, it's that Bayo still needs more nerfs, which paralells what the Smash 4 community has said about that game.

I do think it speaks volumes that ZeRo and MkLeo were able to play Smash Ultimate on stage with such comfort and ease, that most of Mario's Smash 4 combos still seem to work, etc.

Calling it smash 4 is a bit of a disservice. I played tons of smash 4 and while at first glance it gives off that look they made tons of changes plus sped up the game.

It's not just faster for people who enjoy competitive player either. Most anyone who spent a lot of time with Smash 4 is going to notice it. Here's a good comparison of Smash 4 Ike and Smash Ultimate from ZeRo, as well as Ganondorf (it should be timestamped for that part of the video). It's a big difference.

Yeah i personally noticed right away that the speed was different and probably a hybrid of Melee and smash 4.

Also the rolling and dodging is very noticeably changed as well. Some characters pretty much were mostly the same as smash 4 just faster and some were much different. It's still early though so lots will change.

I'm pretty sure smash Ultimate has more in common with 4 than any smash before had in common with it's predecessor but from what i played and saw it's not smash 4. It has it's own feel. You can just look at it and see it's much faster. Not melee but faster for sure.


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