n64 Release Price: $199.99 Adjusted for inflation $299.99
Gamecube Release Price $199.99 Adjusted for inflation $299.99
Wii Release Price $250.99 Adjusted for inflation 299.99
Wii U Release Price $299.99 Adjusted for Inflation $322.99
Wii U Deluxe Release Price $349.99 Adjusted for Inflation $376.83
Switch Release Price $299.99
"There are Nintendo games (Mario Kart, Splatoon, etc) that will sell incredibly well, and there are Nintendo games that will sell moderately/poorly. Nintendo could boost the sales of these games by lowering the price (like you suggest Sony and Microsoft do), but they choose not to. They would sooner sell a small number of units at a high price, than a larger number of units at a fairer one. sounds a bit like greed to me."
No, it is extremely rare for a Nintendo made game to do poorly. Nintendo rarely releases games that do under a million in sales. If they do, whatever loss they get is made up for by the sales of 10 other games. Nintendo games do not lose value. They just don't. Even old Mario Party games retain their value because the demand and supply are never at odds. If you go into any Gamestop and look at USED Nintendo game sales you'll see they are many times they are pretty much near their original MSRP. If a game doesn't sell well then they don't make more copies of the game, and it then becomes rare and its value goes up.
Playstation and Xbox games are usually following some fad. Lets compare it to the music industry. Certain acts have lasting value, and others are quickly forgotten. Also, other companies tend to oversupply. I remember when I was working at Gamestop San Andreas came out and they had 100s of copies of the game. Original retail price $49.99. Currently resalable on ebay for about $13.00. Now lets take and compare a Nintendo made(Atlus localized) game Cubivore. It's current value? $300. You just have to understand supply and demand. When the game came out Nintendo didn't even bring it to the states. They knew it would not sell here. It did but to only people like me. Nintendo is well aware how much their products are valued and sales them accordingly. Even with in infinite digital supply they know what to charge people for their products. It's not greedy.
It's also a tool. Nintendo has a level of flexibility other companies do not have. If they wanted to they could change the price of any game and it would affect the value of their console. Nintendo didn't use this tool for Wii U. I'm pretty sure they estimated the longevity of the system. Not everything works out for Nintendo. To say Nintendo is greedy is to overlook that Nintendo has been the "Budget system" for 3 generations.
PSX price $299.99 AFI $492.76
ps2 price $299.99 AFI $418.60
ps3 price $499.99 AFI $610.71
ps4 price $399.99 AFI $424.30 Current price $299.99
Also note, anyone worried about Launch need to remember that Spring and Summer are slow sales times. E3 is in June. I wouldn't expect most sales to pick up until Shopping season. Nintendo could very well have saved some stuff for e3. If not there is still Zelda. When Wii came out it only had two things going for it. Wii Sports and Zelda. Switch actually has more going for it than Wii did its first year.
Also, we should note. Wii U was the most Zelda deprived system. It had Hyrule Warriors, but so many people were waiting for Zelda to come out before they would buy a Wii U and it never did during its lifetime.
Also, lets put into perspective. NO MAINLINE FLAGSHIP TITLES CAME OUT FOR WII U. The closest to mainline games are Pikmin 3 and Star Fox, maybe DOnkey Kong but we know that in Nintendo's eyes those are B list titles. Nintendo has usually treated Zelda and Mario above all else. I'm not sure where Metroid fits in.