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Shocktober III: Season of the Witch

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--- Quote from: Bungle4 on October 12, 2022, 08:16:11 PM ---
Though it is not technically in the series, if you liked Symphony I would recommend Bloodstained. It feels more like symphony than any other game I have played and it is pretty recent so has some QoL improvements.

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Have they fixed the loading between areas on the Switch version?

Dunno why, but felt like playing Pinball FX 3 again. Despite having a few of the DLC tables the default Sorcerer's Lair remains a fav. A lil more Goosebumps than actual horror but it has its charm.

I got distracted and did not try Resident Evil: Deadly Silence yet. However, I started up The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks which still works here because ghosts. right? I managed to get the D-pad ROM hack to work. 🥳 Better than stylus-only though not a complete solution as a lot of things still require touch like menus and most items. Not too far yet. The train segments feel like eternity. They feel like the game is not respecting my time. I'm committed as I never finished Spirit Tracks, and I want to wash away the shame.

--- Quote from: GK on October 13, 2022, 01:02:00 AM ---Have they fixed the loading between areas on the Switch version?
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You didn't ask me, but yes. After the second major update, the loading between screens on the Switch version has been pretty good except in two rooms (I don't remember precisely which ones). I don't recall them being especially bad, just longer than the usual transitions.


--- Quote from: Adrock on October 14, 2022, 01:12:28 AM ---I got distracted and did not try Resident Evil: Deadly Silence yet. However, I started up The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks which still works here because ghosts. right? I managed to get the D-pad ROM hack to work. 🥳 Better than stylus-only though not a complete solution as a lot of things still require touch like menus and most items. Not too far yet. The train segments feel like eternity. They feel like the game is not respecting my time. I'm committed as I never finished Spirit Tracks, and I want to wash away the shame.

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I played through Spirit Tracks on the Wii U VC in April of this year. I did feel bored with the Train segments as well after a while. It felt like they were designed to be played while you were riding the train in Japan and could only devote half your attention to the game. I liked finding the bunnies, oddly enough. Like most folks I think I prefer Phantom Hourglass. I ended up spending 32 hours on the game, though I was not in a rush. I thought the ending was really good so try and stick it out to the finish.

Mop it up:

--- Quote from: Bungle4 on October 12, 2022, 08:16:11 PM ---
--- Quote from: Mop it up on October 12, 2022, 03:40:04 PM --- I'm looking forward to trying out some more of this series.

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Though it is not technically in the series, if you liked Symphony I would recommend Bloodstained. It feels more like symphony than any other game I have played and it is pretty recent so has some QoL improvements.

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Funnily enough, I tried out Bloodstained back when it was on Game Pass. And I've gotta say... I didn't like it, unfortunately! I think I'll be okay to stick with the "real" thing, although I know a lot of people think the Metroidvania series went downhill after Symphony. I guess I'll find out...!


--- Quote from: Mop it up on October 14, 2022, 06:59:29 PM ---Funnily enough, I tried out Bloodstained back when it was on Game Pass. And I've gotta say... I didn't like it, unfortunately! I think I'll be okay to stick with the "real" thing, although I know a lot of people think the Metroidvania series went downhill after Symphony. I guess I'll find out...!
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What didn’t you like about it?

Personally, while I enjoyed Bloodstained, I strongly would have preferred sprite-based art. In hindsight, it also felt bloated as if IGA packed in extra content in part to justify how much money it earned on Kickstarter when the campaign was intended as proof to the publisher that there was even a small market for the game. Bloodstained earned over 10x its original goal. Whoopsie daisy. Had the game stuck to its original budget, I think we would have gotten a tighter and better game. Still scratched that Metroidvania itch for me. 💁‍♀️

If you enjoyed Symphony of the Night, all the GBA and DS ones are good to great. Despite GBA’s limitations, Aria of Sorrow got awfully close to hitting those highs.


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