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Design Your Perfect Nintendo Console - Features and Games
« on: July 10, 2024, 04:46:09 PM »
This thread is all about getting creative and dreaming up the ultimate Nintendo console! What features, controllers, or play styles would make your perfect Nintendo system? Whether it's a wild new concept or just a powerful upgrade ;) I want to hear your ideas!

I'm not sure if I'd call this my "perfect" Nintendo console, but I've always been a fan of the Wii's motion controls. I really like how VR controllers work nowadays, and I'd love to see a Nintendo console with that control scheme minus the headset. Think 3D Joy-Cons that know the spatial room you're in and reflect your movements on the TV. Imagine a super upgraded Wii Controller. The PSVR2 has all the buttons for standard controls too, so combining that with Nintendo's game design could lead to some whacky ideas.

Picture a Mario Party mini game where players must line up behind each other to row a boat (I'm crazy, I know). Or how about a spatial Mario Paint? Wii Music's drums would work well with haptic feedback on the controllers. A Punch Out game where you have to physically move to avoid punches would be amazing!

In terms of features, I'd like to keep the retro NSO offering but with optional purchases and more systems like GameCube, Wii, DS, and maybe even 3DS with glasses-free 3D on regular screens (dreaming big here)! I loved when Iwata said the Wii was a virtual console capable of playing 20 years of Nintendo history. Let's do that again but for real, and keep it up with succeeding platforms. This is a bit off-Nintendo, but it would be great to see handheld games playable on mobile through an NSO app.

I'd like the option to gift games and send messages to friends (think SwapNote combined with recordings and screenshots you can attach)! A feature I miss from the Wii U is to suspend gameplay and bring up an internet browser to check walkthroughs. Bring that back with a quick new gesture or button. I'd also love for Nintendo to make their own middleware engine and make it open source (or at least readily available like Unreal Engine/Unity) so that even the smallest indies can work on Nintendo's machines with their own internal tools.

That's what I came up with off the top of my head. What are your ideas? Where are your minds leading to?
"Video games are meant to be just one thing. Fun. Fun for everyone." - Satoru Iwata

Offline M.K.Ultra

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Re: Design Your Perfect Nintendo Console - Features and Games
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2024, 08:24:58 AM »
I have to agree with you there. I am a big fan of stereoscopic 3D so any incorporation of that would great. With the lack of 3D monitors at home now (I still have 2 but most folks don't have one) that gets tricky. I am also a big fan of VR and would love anything related to that. While I like motion controls, I think what I really like is unconventional control methods. I like any cool peripheral or neat controller including the joy-cons, but also the Gamepad, DK Bongos, etc.
Portability is not really a selling point for me as I do almost all my gaming at home in front of the TV.
I think a better system for joining folks in games would be nice. What Splatoon has is nice, but it would be cool to have that at the system level along with a messaging system so I could just message someone and ask them to join a game from outside a game. Finally, I think Discord integration would be cool as Sony and Microsoft do that and it seems to work well.

Re: Design Your Perfect Nintendo Console - Features and Games
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2024, 09:46:11 AM »
I personally love 3D as well (shout out to Mario 3D Land for making me fall in love with its potential!). I hope it can return somehow. I was thinking of a home console too and didn't even consider portability. But since Nintendo merged home and portable play, my idea would have to include that too. Maybe it could be a device that docks to the home TV again, but this time with a graphical upgrade? There could be home console exclusive games if they don't play well in portable mode, and portable exclusive games if they rely on a touchscreen maybe.

Dreaming super big, maybe in the future internet connectivity will be so advanced that devices are no longer needed and everything is just streamed to any screen you possibly own (or your high-tech glasses that replaced your smartphone? 8) ). However, I think we are still far from that, probably 25-40 years away from a playable state of streaming. It almost feels dystopian thinking about it, actually. :o

I agree that any improved online functionalities on Nintendo systems would be nice!! They could have their own voice chat system and also support Discord, like other systems. I like the idea of them creating their own "basis" for things and then adding whatever is popular at the moment on top as an extra choice for the user.

Also, I just remembered - cartridges, CDs, or no physical media at all? ;) What does the perfect Nintendo system have? I'd probably say both would be "perfect". Maybe there could be cartridges again equipped with special chips, like the Super-FX chip! That type of functionality is lost with the mini-SD cards of the Switch. Being able to upgrade games through their cartridges could offer awesome benefits. Although, I'm not sure how that would be handled with digital versions of games...
"Video games are meant to be just one thing. Fun. Fun for everyone." - Satoru Iwata

Offline M.K.Ultra

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Re: Design Your Perfect Nintendo Console - Features and Games
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2024, 11:30:27 AM »
Also, I just remembered - cartridges, CDs, or no physical media at all? ;) What does the perfect Nintendo system have?
I still cling to physical media though I realize I am in the minority. I heard that with Switch, about half of software sales are still physical so I assume we will have physical media for the next console at least. In terms of the format, whatever will last the longest  :D The whole scare of 3DS carts going bad after a long period of not being used was worrying. Of course discs also have their deficiencies.
One other thing I thought of is the wired ethernet port. This is probably my favorite upgrade on the OLED switch model so I am really hoping the launch version of the next console has this.