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Indie World Announces A Dozen Future Releases For The Switch

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--- Quote from: Khushrenada on April 19, 2024, 12:54:49 AM ---Well, one of these days I may play that original and see what all the NWR hype is about. As I recall, it scored like a 9.5 or 10 when someone reviewed it back in the day.

It's been slightly amusing to me that on the NWR Discord I've seen a lot of users hyped about the news of Heist 2 whereas in another Discord channel, I've seen it shrugged off and people wondering why they won't make Steamworld Dig 3 and are just putting out games no one wants of Steamworld Build and now Heist 2. Different communities have been split up over these various Steamworld games.

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I’m a big Image and Form dude in general. I loved Dig 1 and 2 and I’d love to play Tower Defense in some capacity, but I think Heist was the first of their games to fully embrace all elements of game design and create something super special. I like Quest, but not as much as Heist, and I’m genuinely curious about Build but it’s a bit too rich for my blood. Wondering if Heist 2 will be priced similarly, as it does seem greatly expanded from the first game.

Luigi Dude:

--- Quote from: Evan_B on April 19, 2024, 10:04:51 AM ---I’m a big Image and Form dude in general. I loved Dig 1 and 2 and I’d love to play Tower Defense in some capacity, but I think Heist was the first of their games to fully embrace all elements of game design and create something super special. I like Quest, but not as much as Heist, and I’m genuinely curious about Build but it’s a bit too rich for my blood. Wondering if Heist 2 will be priced similarly, as it does seem greatly expanded from the first game.

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Yeah this is pretty much my thought on the two series.  The first Dig game was good, the second was great, but Heist was amazing.  Plus Steamworld Dig 2 came out two years after Heist came out, so it's only fair that Heist should get a sequel first.  Especially when the Metroidvania genre is much more oversaturated genre in indie gaming, so Dig fans have more to keep them happy, while Heist fans have a lot less to choose from.

For the rest of the Indie World, I'm very much looking forward to Anton Blast.  Since Nintendo hasn't done anything with the Wario Land series for over 15 years now, I love that someone finally is.  Hopefully with this game coming to Switch, this will cause the Pizza Tower devs to finally port that game to Switch as well.  Still don't get why the Pizza Tower devs aren't trying to get that game on the Switch as soon as possible because they're leaving lots of free money on the table.

Yar's Rising could be interesting since it looks like Wayforward is trying their take on Metroid Dread.  Of course Wayforward can be pretty hit and miss sometimes so I'll wait to see reviews of this one first.

Europa looks like it could be cool, but I'd like to learn more about how engaging its gameplay will be.  I mean I don't mind the fact there's no combat, but I'd like to know how challenging things like puzzles can be, or else I worry that game could get boring after a while.

Cat Quest III actually makes me want to buy the first 2 games next time I see them on sale, so the trailer did a good job of getting my attention.

BZZZT is defiantly a must buy to me.  I heard good things about it when it came to Steam and I can't control myself when I see high quality 16-bit era pixel art.

Animal Well and Another Crabs Treasure both look like something I'd enjoy as well.  I'll put both on my wishlist and buy them on sale eventually.

I have played all the Image and Form games except Tower Defense, which I have on 3DS Virtual Console backlog and Build, for which I am waiting on the physical version. I have really enjoyed them all and will probably pick up any of their games until I encounter one I don't like. Personally, I admire their innovative approach to changing genres and look forward to them tackling a new one more than a sequel, but also Dig 2 is one of my favorites so I don't think you can go wrong, unless of course you go on discord and complain about games you are not getting  ;).

Discord was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.


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