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Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play

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If you're too lazy to read all this stupid text, here's a quick guide from reddit:

It would help to print it or something and have it by your side when playing the game.

Thanks for all this man. Just like Pikmin 3 I was dreaming about this game after playing it my first day, hahaha.

Everyone needs to get this game, it is insane!

Few things i learned from yesterday's play:

Cube enemies and boss (look like Golems from Bayonetta):
Their main weakness is climbing attack (X button). Yes, the enemy with the second hardest armour in the game is vulnerable to the weakest attack you have.

You simply need to overwhelm cubes by spamming X until they get staggered by heaps of your guys hanging on it everywhere, trying to pick it apart. Once staggered it can't move and is open to any attack. Of course you have to go with the most powerful one: Wonderful Hammer Rising. A few hits and scary looking cube is reduced to a puddle of helpless miserable looking dices:

But that's just the half of it. When cubes fall apart they, just like T-1000, will eventually gather together and reform to their initial shape. You can prevent them doing that by spamming X even more. Your guys will run all over the area finding cubes to fight and preventing them to even move. That way once the cube fell apart, it will never stand back. Then you just need to spam X and add some area cleaning attack from time to time, like Gun Cyclone.

Now i remember Geathjerk archive file for these enemies mentioning something about this.

Also, cube mooks' attacks can be blocked by Guts and it's an even faster way to crush them apart to pieces. Cube boss' attacks are not blockable with pudding -- he is too big.

Another thing screenshot above is showing you is a special health bar. I am honestly not quite sure how it works but from my feeling, when you're attacking enemy, the damage you make in a single combo (drawn as red area) can "pierce" through multiple replenishable health bars, and if you combo long enough it will destroy enemy completely. Because you did it all in one non-stop combo, it just kept stacking and stacking until the enemy just dies, despite that you've dealt merely a fraction of this enemy's total HP.

Remind me to re-read this thread when I buy the game, hopefully in November.

A few notes about a SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER! boss:

I am going to talk about a very special boss. His very nature is a HUGE SPOILER and disclosing it would be ruining a MAJOR moment for new players. Please don't open spoilers if you didn't played the game about halfway in.

I am not going to tell you when exactly it happens, but you WILL know what i am talking about when that happens. Just seeing THIS was so amazing and one of the most mindblowing moments in already monumentally brain melting game.

I don't want to rob you of that, so i'm going to just spoiler it completely.

Pls don't ruin it for yourself.

HELL YEAH, motherfucking PUNCH OUT bosses! sfjhsfkjsafkjshfkjsjksad! sdfkjslfjsadlk!


Yesterday, i was fighting one particular nasty Kahkoo-Regah where you had to beat 005-C boss without taking any damage. Spent an hour until i finally did it, but at least now i now his mechanics by heart. I also kept trying to platinum 008-C so i had A LOT of Punch Out that day.

As you probably know (or not), there are TWO Punch-Out style bosses, the one in 005-C and the one in 008-C. 008-C adds more moves and gives you less window to keep longer chain of hits. After you caught him it's basically just two-three hits and that's it.

Main strategy is not to hit him until you get him off guard by evading his attack. Same as you know, Punch Out? Hits to head or to the body don't seem to make much difference, though i think you can get stars only when you hit his jaw. Which is useless because you usually don't get to use these stars anyway...

Both bosses are like Piston Honda and always give out cues about future attacks with eyebrows or eye blinks.

Basically, if you see them blinking or their eyebrow twitching -- press ZR (evade) and then start hitting. This simple strategy is already enough to beat both of them comfortably, but both of them have other moves that evade won't work on.

The hardest one to block is roundhouse kick or roundhouse punch. That's the thing about this attack -- it's 50/50 and it's nearly impossible to tell what it's going to be because animation looks identical in both cases and it's shorter than half a second (!) anyway.

If it's kick -- you need to jump. If it's punch -- you need to evade as usual.

The solution to this turned out to be dead simple. Just hit the guy when he starts roundhouse <whatever>. He will cancel his attack animation and will block your hit as he usually does.

As i said stars are useless. Maybe that changes on later difficulties, but on normal and hard you will finish the fight before you will get the chance to use them.

What is not useless and is in fact your greatest weapon in these boss fights is your laser. Wait till it powers up, then wait till you stun him (i always wait till he starts seeing stars, though i've seen people doing laser before that when he's only blinking in shock) and press R button. Laser will take four or so seconds to turn on and that's why we need enemy to be stunned -- otherwise he will simply hit you and disrupt your laser.

After successful laser attack they will usually have only half of the very last health bar (they both have like seven bars or so) and after that you can finish them in a few simple counter attacks.

That's why stars are useless. You get full laser bar faster than three stars, it's much stronger and after laser there is no window to do three star drill attack anyway. But just in case, drill uppercut is executed similarly to laser -- you need your enemy stunned to do it.

Aside from boxing moves both bosses start cheating and throw stuff at you (trucks or robots or fireballs). Just evade all that stuff.

005-C has unique attack where basically goes Hondo Rush on you. If he will do three hits in preparation -- you can block his entire rush (ZL). If he does more -- evade, evade, evade.

008-C has three special summon attacks. If it's two-headed dragon -- same as fireballs, evade. Underwater hydra -- evade when waves appear on the water, just before tentacles will try to grab you.

Last summon attack is pretty hard to evade for me mainly because jump is so weird in these segments. Still can't get used to it to execute it 100%. The attack is -- Gimme summons flying snake dragon. Dragon attacks either horizontally (jump) or vertically (evade). I am not sure if the order of dragon's attacks is random or is always the same.


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