Yes player agency is important because otherwise it would just be a waiting game till most folks are on the Ashford Mafia.
Oh, I'm willing to wait!

Also want to point out an important tenet to Mafia games in general. Play to your role that you received. I remember one game, Power Rangers Mafia, where I started as a normal townie and then Rita made me a monster so I would be on the Mafia's side but I was still playing as I was a townie and folks got really upset at me after the game. I want folks to not deal with that type of situation.
Not to rehash old games but I'd say there is a difference in hedging your bets to keep options open in case you end up getting a switcheroo this game vs still playing for the other side after a switcheroo has happened. At that point, you are locked into a faction. Right now, there's the possibility of a faction swap for a lot of players so its something I think should be considered when deciding what the priority target and voting strategy may be.
Encryptor message
Oh this is interesting. There is a message from the encryptor. Not sure what it means but it is interesting nonetheless.
"Don't listen to Khush!!! Khusheses is always nasty filthy liars and mafia!! You NEVER TRUST HIM! Don't be fooled by his lies. True townie will vote for Mop it up. Confirmed to be Mafias!"
This sounds like gollum. Is there an RE character that talks like this?
Sounds like nickmitch to me based on how he's been so eager to target me in the pm game!

I'm just getting attacked from all sides this game!

I've done nothing to you all but host multiple games for you to enjoy!!

Welp, I hate to do it since I'd prefer to see what wily schemes she may get up to but if she's confirmed Mafia then I guess I'll do my part and un-Vote Mop it up. Maybe then the Encrypter will see that I'm also a true townie and not be so mean!