That was a great game everyone.
My investigations were:
1. Stratos
2. Mop it up
3. Attempted Stevey but got blocked
4. Luigi Dude
Logically by day 4 I knew there were 1 organization, 1 ashford and 1 townie between Order.rss, Lolmonade and stevey.
stevey I correctly assumed was the Organization mafia.
Order.rss had gained my trust in various ways. The most convincing was pretending to not know how Ashford recruitment works. Since I was pretty sure stevey was mafia, I assumed that Order had to be a townie and told them my identity on day 4. Hook line and sinker. Then I assumed it must have been Lolmonade that was the Ashford mafia of the trio.
Since Order had my trust, he knew exactly what I wanted to hear from Mop it up. That post on day 5 sealed the deal, and I took that to mean that by process of elimination Stratos was the Ashford mastermind.
The post I made on day 5 was an attempt to encourage stevey to go after Stratos during the night, so we could even up the playing field.
Order had so gained my trust, I asked them to pretend to be the detective, to act as a go-between with Luigi Dude, who I feared had been recruited during the night. As it was fairly obvious to me that Luigi Dude was the doctor, after protecting themselves.
One of the biggest mistakes I made was not thinking ahead about the Luigi Dude investigation. If I strongly suspected he was the doctor, I should have investigated lolmonade or Order. That would have ensured we wouldn't have directed our votes toward lolmonade who was a regular townie.
Really enjoyable game all round, thank you BeautifulShy!