Community Forums > NWR Mafia Games

Mafia 89: RECVMake Neighbor Day 2

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Mop it up:
Vote Nickmitch

I don't really have another choice in saving myself.

Thread locked and tallying votes....

Vote tally

The Perm and TopHatAnt123 voted Mop it up
Khushrenada and Mop it up voted for Nickmitch
Order.RSS voted for TopHatAnt123

So we have a two way tie between   Mop it up and Nickmitch.

Here is how things can work.

One of the players voting for a player can either unvote their vote to cause the other player in the tie to be voted out.    Order.RSS can change their vote fromTopHatAnt to one of the players in a tie. 
Another option is that someone who hasn't voted can vote for either Nickmitch or Mop it up to make one of those players have 3 votes and thus breaking the tie.

If none of those happen within the 30 minute tie break period then I will randomly kill someone alive.

30 minutes tiebreaking period starts now.

Vote Nickmitch to safe my dear old friend Mop it up (and avoid an unfortunate player role getting whacked I hope)


--- Quote from: BeautifulShy on April 27, 2022, 12:30:58 AM ---Thread locked and tallying votes....

Vote tally

The Perm and TopHatAnt123 voted Mop it up
Khushrenada and Mop it up voted for Nickmitch
Order.RSS voted for TopHatAnt123

So we have a two way tie between   Mop it up and Nickmitch.

Here is how things can work.

One of the players voting for a player can either unvote their vote to cause the other player in the tie to be voted out.    Order.RSS can change their vote fromTopHatAnt to one of the players in a tie. 
Another option is that someone who hasn't voted can vote for either Nickmitch or Mop it up to make one of those players have 3 votes and thus breaking the tie.

If none of those happen within the 30 minute tie break period then I will randomly kill someone alive.

--- End quote ---

Geez Louise, BeautifulShy! You're tallying the vote an hour before the day ends, 17 minutes before the day ends but it takes 30 minutes to retally it again? What's that all about?  ;D ;)


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