
New Mutants has been DELAYED yet again. When will it come out? Will it ever come out?

It'll get delayed till Summer time
They'll drop it in the October slot for Halloween
Streaming Rental on Disney+ for double the ticket price
It's cursed.... it's never coming out.
Make it a double feature with Black Widow in the Drive Thru's
Right after they do the reshoots... they have time now. lol

Author Topic: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!  (Read 1439324 times)

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Offline nickmitch

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4825 on: September 25, 2021, 06:17:58 PM »
Some of that cast, I like. Chris Pratt is a WTF, but Charlie Day is a constant delight to whom I'm always willing to give a chance.  Then there's Seth Rogan who already kind of sounds like DK, and Jack Black who I guess could pull off Bowser?

The first trailer is going to be so weird. I can't wait.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4826 on: September 25, 2021, 11:27:35 PM »
The thing about Kevin Michael Richardson and Jack Black is if they switched that would probably work better. "Play the best song in the world or I'll eat your soul!" That is what I expect a lizard wizard like Kamek to sound like.

Kevin Michael Richardson is the voice of Darkseid, Shredder, and Joker in a few cartoons. He'd probably do a really good Bowser.

But I imagine they're going for a very hyperactive version of Bowser. I could hear in my head Jack Black doing an interesting take on Bowser if he does it right. If Bowser sings that's going to kick so much ass. Charlie Day can sing too.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2021, 11:46:31 PM by ThePerm »
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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4827 on: November 04, 2021, 08:30:49 PM »

A whole movie centered around kids trying to get a Nintendo in the 80's
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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4828 on: September 30, 2022, 08:23:50 PM »


What started as a throwaway joke in a faux clip show has become a true prophecy. After years of vague hints the Community movie is actually happening!

All the main characters who remained for the show's final sixth season are officially in, with some hints that Donald Glover and Yvette Nicole Brown may be in as well.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4829 on: October 06, 2022, 11:09:33 AM »
I look forward to a Community movie, but who is ready for the Xmas Movie Season to begin!?

I present to you David Harbour as Santa Claus in Gift Hard: With a Vengeance
just kidding, it's called Violent Night


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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4830 on: February 17, 2023, 08:39:04 PM »

Tetris may actually become the best video game movie ever made.

I ran into this by accident Wikipedia leaping, but I remember reading David Sheff's Game Over and the chapters on Tetris were the most gripping chapters. The fact that the main character is Henk Rogers is perfect.

Tetris Trailer


to see a movie made about Henk Rogers is just amazing.
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Offline Stratos

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4831 on: February 24, 2023, 04:41:26 PM »
Before I watched the trailer I thought this was going to be jacking the premise from the parody trailer from a long while ago.

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4832 on: June 19, 2023, 02:50:30 PM »
The Venomverse expands with latest entry of Kraven: The Hunter


Now I will say that this looks interesting, but can't imagine it being good....
I don't know much about Kraven, but I'd like to know how the lion blood makes him superhuman all of a sudden.

Between Venom (which what fun), Venom 2 (which was not), Morbius (haven't watched, but reviewed terribly), and now this.... Sony doesn't exactly have the best track record with live action Not Spider Verse movies.
I look forward to the initial reviews on this. definitely a streaming watch at best tho.

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4833 on: June 20, 2023, 06:02:31 AM »
I think in the comics he just takes a super serum much like Captain America. But whatever. You got radioactive spiders and jacked lions. How he gets his powers isn't that important. Maybe it'll be Deadpool good?
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4834 on: June 20, 2023, 12:27:09 PM »
I think in the comics he just takes a super serum much like Captain America. But whatever. You got radioactive spiders and jacked lions. How he gets his powers isn't that important. Maybe it'll be Deadpool good?

It's possible that it gets by in a Venom kind of fun way, and maybe the lion was special, and that's why it was being hunted...

I can only guess the spider scene leads to aspirations to "Hunt a giant Spider....man" at some point.

Either way, Sony's Not Spider-man Cinematic Universe movies are automatically on the "wait till streaming" list, unless reviews are absolutely incredible.... much like DCEU movies going forward.

The Flash BOMBED, regardless of all the advertised manufactured "Hype", as I know most people are probably just waiting for it to hit streaming in the next month or 2.
We all know DCEU is being rebooted, so all these sequels are all "DOA".

I figure these Sony movies aren't ever gonna really cross over to Venom, or to the MCU, so they are just stand-alone pieces that were only propped up on some imaginary connective thread that never actually materializes.

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4835 on: July 03, 2023, 04:03:27 AM »
The Flash was both the number one movie and bombed(the first weekend)

they've almost made back their money. That just goes to show you... Don't spend so much money!

I liked the movie, but if it is a 300 million budge movie, I can't tell what they spent the money on.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4836 on: November 01, 2023, 04:00:22 PM »
Not a TV Show or a Movie.... it's actually a Walmart Black Friday Ad

why would I not mind seeing this as a direct to streaming movie if they could flesh it out and bring back Regina.


Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4837 on: January 26, 2024, 06:53:08 PM »
Dave Patella and Jordan Peele bring us
Monkey Man

This looks pretty damn cool, so I'm leaving it here so I don't forget about it.

April is a ways away.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 10:34:03 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4838 on: March 07, 2024, 10:37:34 AM »
they are opening The Vault on April 11th


I don't know how many of you remember the original game for this, but the show looks pretty good based on what I remember from that game. Never got into the more recent sequels, but I'm sure I'll be all into this, as all the episodes drop 4/11

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4839 on: March 18, 2024, 11:59:31 AM »
Welcome to the POOHNIVERSE!!!



Blood and Honey and all the other extremely low budget children's tales turned Horror in the last few years are gonna Cross Over into a not as low budget(?) travesty?

I'm not sure if I should be excited at just the idea of them attempting this, or disgusted because I know it gonna be absolute TRASH thrown in the dumpster and then set on fire.

I haven't seen the majority of the movies that they are mashing together (well, really, I haven't seen any of them except for B&H and didn't know most of the rest even existed), but I'm sure I'll at least attempt to check this out if they put a real effort into it at least looking good. B Horror is a guilty pleasure of mine after all.

I mean...
Where "Avengers: Infinity War" had Iron Man, Spider-Man, Black Panther and Thanos, "Poohniverse" — from prolific horror collaborators Jagged Edge Productions and ITN Studios — will team Winnie the Pooh with murderous versions of figures including Bambi, Tinkerbell, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Tigger, Piglet, The Mad Hatter and Sleeping Beauty for an IP-bludgeoning frenzy due for release in 2025. Indeed, on the poster, which Variety is also able to exclusively reveal, Pooh is seen swinging a bear trap on a chain while riding a vicious, bloodthirsty Bambi. Because why not?

I'm sure some of you have actual reason to the Why Not? question, but honestly, why not?

edit: on second thought...
Many of the characters set to appear in "Poohniverse" will first feature in standalone films coming this year and falling under Jagged Edge's version of the MCU, the Twisted Childhood Universe. Among them are "Bambi: The Reckoning," "Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare" and "Pinocchio Unstrung," plus last year's "Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey" and its sequel "Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2," which is being released theatrically in the U.S. on March 26. The upcoming films will include various easter eggs linking them toward the upcoming horrifying crossover.

Tons of upcoming terrible low budget B horror incoming, but if they can make it entertaining, then I'm all for it.

TCU/Poohniverse Let's Gooooo!!
« Last Edit: March 22, 2024, 08:39:56 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Stratos

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Re: (NEW Poll Added!!) New Movies/TV Shows we should keep an eye out for!
« Reply #4840 on: March 22, 2024, 06:50:10 PM »
Oh boy! I had a lot of fun ideas as a kid about horror versions of Childrens shows. One of my best I thought was a Gritty "reboot" game for Dragon Tales, where the original children, now grown up, return to their childhood home to clean up after their elderly parents pass away. They find the old dragon scale and laugh about their imaginative world as kids and repeat the phase and get transported back to Dragon Land, which was real it turns out. Only its this dark barren wasteland because it turns out they were key to keeping the place happy as kids. They go on a journey to try and restore the world and run into rabid and insane versions of their old dragon friends. You could choose to spare and restore your dragon friends or slay them, and along the way you faced challenges that were metaphors for various traumas and experiences they faced growing up in real life and it would be revealed the land became a channel for them to store their trauma and that was why the land was poisoned. So it would have been like a dark and twisted version of Links Awakening and American McGhee's Alice mixed together.

I might check this out if reviews are favorable. Like you I can be a sucker for good corny B horror flicks.
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