« on: November 18, 2014, 09:20:43 PM »
Sorry to hear that you think Pokemon TFM is "trash", Karl-granted, back when I originally saw it, I didn't think it was that good either, but now I actually regard it as being fairly decent (though not without its faults), and I think I understand why it's the cultural touchstone that it is. I'd love to see a Connectivity segment discussing the movie at some point.
As for the actual BOP movie discussion, I'm glad Jonny was there, as I'm not sure the segment would have held together without his factual perspective on the WC franchise and how it relates to the movie. If I had to level one criticism at it, I don't feel it was really all that exciting-for whatever reason, the space combat action didn't grab me-in particular, I didn't like the part near the end where the enemy fleet is getting easily destroyed since the coordinates are already known, something about that just felt like a letdown.