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Accounts reaching their 20th Birthday - Caterkiller

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20 years ago I was 18. And Planet Gamecube had just switched forum formats. I started here earlier in 1999. At the time it was Operation N 2000, and simultaneously Planet N 2000. Then It became Planet Gamecube and then NWR. This is the only website I can say I frequented habitually for 20 years. Not even IGN gets that, as I haven't been there in years.

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the past 20 years of discussions and interactions on the Nintendo World Report forums. It has been an incredible journey, filled with laughter, excitement, and a shared love for Nintendo.

I am grateful for the friendships I have made, the knowledge I have gained, and the memories I have created through this community. Thank you for being a part of this wonderful experience. Here's to another 20 years of gaming and friendship!

And happy account birthday to IanSane as well!

Ian Sane:
Perm's got me beat as I started following the site back in 2000.  Found it as I was trying to gather all info I could on the upcoming Gamecube which at the time I assumed would bring Nintendo back to prominence now that they were going to optical discs.  Such naivety.  I'm 41 so Perm's got me beat there too.

All of this actually coincides with my current job which I also started in 2000 and over the decades have gone from being the youngest employee for the first 7 or 8 years to being the longest tenured employee today.  And that makes sense because the job provided me with a regular income for the first time so buying videogames regularly was something I could now do.  One of the first things I purchased was an N64 and the GBA and Gamecube were the first systems (and actually only ones; I always wait and see now) that I bought at launch.

So happy 20 years, Perm!  Another 20 sounds crazy but then 20 years back then sounded crazy, so who knows what the future holds.

Who would've ever thought the group of us would ever still (irregularly) frequent this place for 20 years....

Few things in my life have lasted 20 years, so congrats on lasting that long!!


--- Quote from: BlackNMild2k1 on February 01, 2023, 09:24:11 PM ---Who would've ever thought the group of us would ever still (irregularly) frequent this place for 20 years....

Few things in my life have lasted 20 years, so congrats on laying that long!!

--- End quote ---

We have to give NWR the credit for not folding.

Also to commemorate 20 years I've created a special ThePerm edition of Iansane's avatar. Because my powers have only grown since 2003.

Ian Sane:

--- Quote from: ThePerm on February 01, 2023, 10:22:12 PM ---Also to commemorate 20 years I've created a special ThePerm edition of Iansane's avatar. Because my powers have only grown since 2003.

--- End quote ---



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