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What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?

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--- Quote from: ShyGuy on April 26, 2013, 10:33:43 PM ---I need to go back and finish Trine 2

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I enjoyed it a lot, but some puzzles just don't work, especially when the physics start getting wonky, afterwards it becomes more about trial and error which can get frustrating very quickly.

Deus EX Human Revolution (Mac). An amazing game that far more heavily favors stealth over brute force than the original game. It's a weird design decision since the first game gave no XP for taking down enemies, only for progressing through the game, sidequests and exploration. It meant the optimal way to play the game is not to completely sneak through a level, but to knock everybody out without being seen giving you maximum XP.

The level design is a touch more linear than the original, but the levels are much larger, especially the city hub levels full of places to explore. The dialouge sequences are well done. While the facial expressions aren't really up to snuff when it comes to readability, the VA more than makes up for it along with the ability to consider what you are going to say next. The opposite of this are the infamous boss fights which are brutal stand up fights completely out of tone with the rest of the game.

If you haven't played this and have a WiiU, this should be a game you should get.

I "beat" Nano Assault Neo.

Again, i'm stretching definition of "beat" here, i just beat all four "campaigns" (three levels+boss each) and unlocked survival mode. "I'm done with it" is probably closer.

Main problem with the game is balance, most enemies in later level take way too many shots to kill and that turns it into a bore. Last "campaign" was especially unfun with swarms of extremely durable enemies.

I like arcade difficulty and online leaderboards make the game a bit more fun, but as of now i'm done.

Pixelated Pixies:

--- Quote from: azeke on May 07, 2013, 10:54:10 AM ---Main problem with the game is balance, most enemies in later level take way too many shots to kill and that turns it into a bore. Last "campaign" was especially unfun with swarms of extremely durable enemies.

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Yeah, Nano Assault EX it reminded me of Bit.Trip Fate in that sense.
I thought Nano Assault EX was a decent game, but I did find it a little boring.

I was talking about Wii U game, and it's disheartening to hear that 3DS game has the same problem.

Shin'en sure can provide great visuals, but i wish gameplay in some of their game was better.


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