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The Flash

Nice write up, nickmitch. “Hats on hats” is like the most apt way to describe this movie. And “then get stuck with an even more insufferable version of his character” is almost verbatim when I described this movie to a friend.

Nightmare fuel uncanny valley CGI especially the babies and Superman. I don’t even get the latter. Did they not have any reference materials of Henry Cavill? He even filmed a cameo that was cut. It’s as if the artist who was assigned Superman just rendered Cavill from memory.

Supergirl was kind of bland. And if they planned on bringing her back, way to let her job to Zod repeatedly. I get that it isn’t her movie. Just made her look weak especially since she had help and Superman didn’t in Man of Steel.

Getting tired of multiverse stories.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

It’s fine. I recently rewatched all of them and only Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is actively bad. I’d be here all day if I compiled a list of gripes about that movie. Even Temple of Doom is pretty good; it’s just really mean-spirited.

Anyway, Dial of Destiny is too long. Maybe I’m just old, but I often have trouble watching movies longer than two hours in one sitting. I found myself constantly saying, “That could have been cut.” For example, most of the opening scene. Sure, CGI Young Harrison Ford was coolio and all, but that entire set piece felt like an eternity.

I’m too lazy to write a whole big thing. Some quick thoughts:

1. Indiana Jones wanting to remain in the past would have hit harder had the movie spent more than 12 seconds on his son’s death and how it destroyed his marriage.

2. Didn’t need to bring back Sallah.

3. The movie never addressed how Jones was wanted for murder then just isn’t when he returns to America.

4. People were dunking on Phoebe Waller-Bridge. She was fine, not amazing or anything.

5. I liked the ending, but it would have been better had this movie released in the 2000s and Indiana Jones 4 release in the 1990s.


--- Quote from: Adrock on September 22, 2023, 07:22:05 PM ---The Flash

Nice write up, nickmitch. “Hats on hats” is like the most apt way to describe this movie. And “then get stuck with an even more insufferable version of his character” is almost verbatim when I described this movie to a friend.

Nightmare fuel uncanny valley CGI especially the babies and Superman. I don’t even get the latter. Did they not have any reference materials of Henry Cavill? He even filmed a cameo that was cut. It’s as if the artist who was assigned Superman just rendered Cavill from memory.

Supergirl was kind of bland. And if they planned on bringing her back, way to let her job to Zod repeatedly. I get that it isn’t her movie. Just made her look weak especially since she had help and Superman didn’t in Man of Steel.

Getting tired of multiverse stories.

--- End quote ---

Thank you! I was actually only able to summarize that down after explaining everything wrong with that scene to my wife in more words than I used here to describe the entire movie. Everything wrong with that scene is exactly what's wrong with the movie.

Supergirl really should've been given more time and characterization. I get that they were going for the Flashpoint version of Superman with her being trapped away from the sun, but they could've given her something. At least a death where she looks like Zod's equal.


--- Quote from: Adrock on June 01, 2023, 12:58:14 AM ---7. Ant-Man and the Wasp (and Stature for that matter) all keep taking their helmets off when they talk. Did they do that in the first two?

--- End quote ---

I notice this in Star Wars too. Maybe its an actor thing, maybe a director thing. Everyone with a helmet takes it off for any conversations longer then three words. I wonder if there is a belief that viewers need to see faces to better understand and enjoy a scene. Or studios are dicks and try to pay actors lower rates like they tried to pull on Pedro Pascal in Mandalorian, so actors guilds could be requiring a certain amount of face-time for actors with helmets.

Furiosa - 10/10

I love the series, it's amazing how each movie manages to be cool in its own way while being different than the last.

Scream (1981) - 2/10 One of the worst movies I have ever seen. So, badly made.  I was curious what this eclipsed titled movie was going to be like, it had a cool cover, and that is the only reason it gets a 2. The movie is abysmal.


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