Ok, it's killing me. Chances that there are many hardcore PC gamers in this forum is pretty slight, but I thought I would post it here anyways, as it's the only forum I visit these days. (I am not a hardcore PC Gamer myself, I just like to tweak my hardware).
I got over 800 points today when I ran the benchmark for the first time.
http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=17049 I promptly started overclocking everything in my computer after that, and got my score a few points shy of 1100, but unfortunately the futuremark servers were too busy for me to upload at that time.

I did save the scores though, thinking I could load them and submit them later. HAH! It's a feature that is missing from the free version, although the manual says no such thing. (Yeah, I am a little ticked off about that).
Anyways, I am also having some huge problems with the demo in this version. The first test runs fine, but the second part of the demo either crashes at the start or midway through. It's really bothering me, as I love what I saw so far, and I would like to see the whole thing. Has anyone else had this problem?
Hell, even if you haven't, post your score, no matter how pathetic.

I am curious what people around here have to show.
EDIT: Managed to upload a new score. 200 points better than the one above.