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Switch is so popular people don't even post

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132.2 million?

Back in the Gamecube days the consoles was doing so abysmally poor and everyone was up on here talking all the time.

That's 6 times Gamecube sales!

At least Gamecube had Eternal Darkness.

Luigi Dude:
That's because the Switch actually has games people want to play so there's less time to post.  The original tag line was "where Nintendo fans go to bitch", so since there's not much to bitch about anymore, no more post.


--- Quote from: ThePerm on December 23, 2023, 06:32:46 PM ---132.2 million?

Back in the Gamecube days the consoles was doing so abysmally poor and everyone was up on here talking all the time.

That's 6 times Gamecube sales!

At least Gamecube had Eternal Darkness.

--- End quote ---
geometry dash liteThere's less time to post because the Switch genuinely offers games that people want to play. I believe that the Gamecube's development direction may be to blame for this.

Eh, I'm still working through my Wii backlog so no time to post about Switch.

Seriously, the Switch is pretty ok... but it's also absolutely flooded with ports and re-releases. I feel pretty bad about missing Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Xenoblade 3, but after getting past those games the selection of new titles we really want to play is actually pretty slim. (Note that we already played Tears of the Kingdom on a loaned console.)

We've also moved from Nintendo consoles to Steam Deck because family library sharing is MUCH more friendly and it still provides a great mix of docked/portable gameplay. When we want to enjoy some polished Nintendo software, we rely on our Wii and Wii U backlog which has about 80% of the Switch library available anyway.

*bitching challenge accepted - how did I do?*

Ian Sane:
The Switch does have tons of ports and re-releases.  But I don't find it to be a problem because the Switch has strong enough third party support that there are enough new games on the system available that you could avoid the re-releases and still have a healthy backlog of stuff to play.  Prior to the Switch Nintendo would remake an old game and that was it, for like a three month window.  Play this port or play nothing.

I also wouldn't discount PS4 ports even if they come a few years late.  Again, back in the Gamecube days a port of a well regarded PS2 game was a valuable entry in the library.  That sort of thing isn't great if you own all the current systems but if you only own the Nintendo one then that's essentially a new game.  It's the sort of thing that between the SNES and Switch was rare for Nintendo consoles.  Over the last year I'm starting to see the types of games I'm interested in get announced for the PS5 and not the Switch but prior to that I could kind of assume that the Switch would get the games I'm interested in.  And if that's happening for like 80% of the games on your radar then you don't get hung up on the missing 20%.

With digital downloads now being the norm I would expect a significant amount of old games available on the eShop.  When music switched from records to CDs or videos from VHS to DVD it wasn't like only new content was available.  Classic content made the conversion as well.  If you went to a book store historically it wasn't like the shelves only had books written in the last five years, there were classics that would remain in print for decades.  Videogames should have the same thing.  The fact that Nintendo made that Mario 3D collection a limited time release is nuts.  Those games should just be "in print" forever in whatever digital store Nintendo has.  So in the modern world a console should have tons of old stuff, it just needs to also have a steady stream of new games.

Something I've thought of is if you loaded up the max SD card the Switch can support (which I think is 2 TB) you would have a fantastic time capsule of video game history since it has so many key games from Atari to the present.  If you were to send something out to space like the Voyager Golden Record a fully loaded Switch would be perfect.


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