Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => General Gaming => Topic started by: nonjagged on May 28, 2003, 07:21:07 AM

Title: $ony's shares take a dive <enter Homer woohoo.wav here>
Post by: nonjagged on May 28, 2003, 07:21:07 AM
$ony's shares have taken a dive recently and lately they are at a 9 year low (LOL sorry).
$ony have announced they will be discontinuing unprofitable business ventures. (Woohoo)
Too bad their mobile phones bombed out big time so they partnershiped with Ericson and still cant manage to touch Nokia's dominance.
Would be nice if $ony discontinued their gaming business ventures (so Nintendo dont get dodgy ports from cheapskate 3rd parties) and would be nice if $ony just stuck with their cheesy Music & Movie Industry and their Memory Sticks (which by the way many people whine about the Indigo GCN but not a whimper if Sony's memory sticks are purple like grapefruit).

To stem the share tumbles/drops $ony had recently announced their gaming handheld which had no effect on their shares, and then this week $ony had to make the announcement again because stockholders where not amused and shares are still diving. Stockholders are still not amused. Woohoo.

Source: CNBC

Apparrently the source said the drive will have recording capabilities which is interesting.
In my opinion that would be the only way $ony could kill-off Nintendo by making the unit a recording device for Mp3 or Cam streaming etc and developers would not have to pay any royalty fees to develope just so every developer would want to flock to the new piracy technology $ony will be releasing to kill-off Nintendo.
Title: RE: $ony's shares take a dive <enter Homer woohoo.wav here>
Post by: RickPowers on May 28, 2003, 07:49:23 AM
Could this be any more flamebait?