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Episode 104: K-Mark

by Michael Cole and Pedro Hernandez - February 22, 2012, 10:38 pm EST
Total comments: 11

Pedro assists a recovering TYP in this overdue episode of Radio Trivia.

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Did you like this episode's game selections? Let your fellow listeners know in TalkBack! Think you've got a better choice? Then send it my way and your request might be on the next episode of Radio Trivia: Podcast Edition!  Heck, throw in a question and specific songs if you want.  Just remember, it has to be a game found on a Nintendo system in North America (unless we say otherwise)!

This episode was edited by Michael "TYP" Cole. Intro music is copyright Jason Ricci & New Blood. All game music is copyright their respective owners.


Games featured in this episode:

Feel the Magic: XY/XX (DS)
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (NES)
Thunder Spirits (SNES)
Castlevania Adventure Rebirth (Wii)
Super Adventure Island (SNES)

(Highlight the text above with your cursor to view it.)

I apologize for my odd cadence in this episode. I was holding back coughs pretty much the entire time.

JasonMaiviaFebruary 23, 2012

Admittedly, I got excited when the new episode popped up in my RSS reader.  Thank you, Pedro and TYP, for the great episode (even though I only got the first two games correct).

I hope you feel better, TYP.

TizonaFebruary 23, 2012

Yay! I made the podcast! Thanks TYP! Hope you are feeling better! This was the highlight of my day!

roykoopa64February 27, 2012

Thanks for choosing my request, Game 4: Castlevania Adventure Rebirth! The funny thing is, I was thinking of the wrong game when listening to this episode. I was thinking Rondo of Blood, oops! Anyway, Adventure Rebirth has an interesting Castlevania soundtrack. It's not one of my favorite soundtracks, but it has that Genesis synth sound mixed with classic Konami goodness, so I do like it. Pedro is very correct when he talks about the Konami sound.

Game 1: Feel the Magic. Never played it. This game sounds kind of bad!

Game 2: Adventures in the Magic Kingdom. Haven't played it either. Nice NES music, though the game concept seems really weird. I wonder what I would have thought of this had I played it as a kid.

Game 3: Thunder Spirits. Never played this game or even heard of it before, but the soundtrack is kind of cool.

Game 5: Super Adventure Island. I knew I had heard this music before, but I couldn't remember the game. This was a game that really impressed my as it was one of the first third-party games I rented after I got my SNES, especially the graphics and the music quality. I love that third song very much. I was totally unfamiliar with the A.I. series at that point, but now I have at least played the first one (NES) on the Wii VC. That game is brutal. I do want to play the TurboGrafx game New Adventure Island , I heard it's one of the better games in the series.

And I really don't remember whether the large sprites in this game made it more difficult to play or not. A game like Super Mario Land 2 features large sprites but is paced slowly enough that you aren't required to make any quick reflex decisions.

Awesome choice of music for closing the episode.

Roykoopa64, you rock for so many reasons!

Great music in this episode, TYP, especially the last two games.

I understand perfectly what you mean by Adventure Island being cynical in its difficulty, that said the sequels are nowhere near as infuriating. Super Adventure Island is way more accessible.

Thanks for the feedback, guys. Yes, Game 4 has an interesting soundtrack for the series.

So, no one else has actually played Game 1? Will Pedro and my dispute go unresolved?

I played it (it was part of the package I won in the PGC contest). Funnily enough, I was actually thinking this week that you should use it soon. I agree with you; I stopped playing it quite early because of shoddily responding controls.

TJ SpykeFebruary 29, 2012

I played the sequel to game #1, but not the first game. I thought the sequel was OK, not great.

I've played game #1. I actually like its music, and I liked the game at the time, while I recognize that I wouldn't go back to it because I know it won't have held up.

I agree that the controls were shoddy, but the concept was so wonderfully weird and the DS' features still novel, so it was a flaw easy to forgive, especially since I didn't really feel they prevented me from completing the mini-games.

Listening to the episode, the music from Game #1 reminds me of the fly-swatting mini-game in Mario Paint.

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterMarch 01, 2012

Quote from: Pandareus

I've played game #1. I actually like its music, and I liked the game at the time, while I recognize that I wouldn't go back to it because I know it won't have held up.

I agree that the controls were shoddy, but the concept was so wonderfully weird and the DS' features still novel, so it was a flaw easy to forgive, especially since I didn't really feel they prevented me from completing the mini-games.

This sums up perfectly why I love the game so much. It has flaws like replay value and on the whole it really did feel like a pretty tech demo for the DS. Still I didn't have any issues with the game in terms of controls, the music and characters were wonderfully quirky and it was a sweet love story.

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