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Community Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: akdaman1 on April 20, 2004, 10:16:23 PM

Title: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: akdaman1 on April 20, 2004, 10:16:23 PM
O.K before I start I wanna know something. Am I able to make something offical ? or does only a mod have that honour?

O.K - Now I know there is a What to buy thread in the GCN section but I would rather opinons from you guys because I know you all quite well.

Now my birthday is coming up and my brother is gonna get me a game.

Now I want Metroid Prime, Fusion, Zero Mission. Splinter Cell and Fire EmBLem.

Now he can only get me one. So I told him to get me Prime. And seeing that you can unlock Metroid 1 ( Zero Mission ) using Fusion and a link cable - I am thinking of getting Fusion.

Now my question is do I have everything right ? And how much are each of them here in Austrailia ?
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: DrZoidberg on April 20, 2004, 11:47:30 PM
no, you can't unlock Zero Mission, which is the remake of Metroid 1, you just get 1. Metroid Prime would be great to pick up however, especially at the new players choice price ($50) i know i enjoyed the game quite thouroughly, as did Mario (damn you mario..) and Tremin9, however not everyone loves it. but hay, free game, it's worth it

also, i don't think you started enough sentances with the word 'now'
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Infernal Monkey on April 21, 2004, 12:18:38 AM
Hey Ak, Metroid Fusion's only $30 at Toy's R Us right now. Why ask for a $30 game when you could get a $50 one (Prime)?

(The original Metroid is hard, even compared to Zero Mission. ;__; *Dies on the suicide bats for the 0350945th time*
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on April 21, 2004, 01:51:37 AM
Now I think you should get your brother to buy the most expensive game on your list.

Now you should buy Metroid Fusion & Metroid Prime yourself as you basically will be buying 2 games for less than a full priced game.

Now I should get a drink!
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Ocarina Blue on April 21, 2004, 03:26:48 AM
And remember Splinter Cell is cheap cheap cheap as well (it should retail for around $50), so ask him for Fire Emblem

So guys, do I buy Beyond Good and Evil (from DVDCrave) and mutilate one of my three memory cards, or chip in for a sexy platinum NSTC Cube with my mates?
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: nitsu niflheim on April 21, 2004, 09:56:16 AM
You also unlock the original Metroid by beating Mission Zero, and no linking needed either.  I now have orginal metroid 3 time, NES, Prime+Fusion, and Zero Mission.

Who wants to bet that Nintendo releases it again this time as a classic NES collection game in the NES Classic's series?
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 21, 2004, 10:12:09 AM
Unless Ninty puts out a third series, then sure, I'll bet... ^_^

But yeah, do yourself a favor and get Metroid Prime...
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: akdaman1 on April 21, 2004, 11:54:40 AM

Originally posted by: DrZoidberg
no, you can't unlock Zero Mission, which is the remake of Metroid 1, you just get 1. Metroid Prime would be great to pick up however, especially at the new players choice price ($50) i know i enjoyed the game quite thouroughly, as did Mario (damn you mario..) and Tremin9, however not everyone loves it. but hay, free game, it's worth it

also, i don't think you started enough sentances with the word 'now'

LOL sorry.

Yeah I know I would get Metroid 1 and not Zero Mission. Is there a major difference ?

Also is Fusion on sale at Toys R Us or is it normally $30 ?

2 more questions. When I unlock Metroid 1 is it on the GBA or GCN ? Because I would rather play it on the big screen?
and is there any way I can get Supr Metroid ? Because that was my favoirite Metroid but I cant play it because of my stuffed up SNES.
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Infernal Monkey on April 21, 2004, 02:02:34 PM
Super Metroid is nowhere to be seen. ;__;
Fusion is on special, it's normally $69.95 (seeing as Nintendo NEVER officially drop their GBA game prices. olol, $69.95 for Mario Advance 1). Zero Mission has super fancy GBA graphics, as well as some sort of an attempt at smooshing a storyline in, and some new bits. Metroid NES has unsuper unfancy first generation NES graphics.

If you get Prime and Fusion, then beat them, link them up and stuff, the original Metroid is played on the big screen via Prime.
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: DrZoidberg on April 21, 2004, 03:41:20 PM

Originally posted by: Ocarina Blue
And remember Splinter Cell is cheap cheap cheap as well (it should retail for around $50), so ask him for Fire Emblem

So guys, do I buy Beyond Good and Evil (from DVDCrave) and mutilate one of my three memory cards, or chip in for a sexy platinum NSTC Cube with my mates?

get BG&E + a Freeloader all from DVDcrave, less money but more fun
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Ocarina Blue on April 22, 2004, 12:50:31 AM
Good idea. My main concern with a Freeloader is being forced to update it as newer games come out. Is Nintendo still as strict as they were in the 64 days about region-code cracking?

Beginner's question: If it's so easy to put a mod chip in/use a 'freeloader' type application with a console, why don't console manufactures just make multi-regional consoles that play PAL and NSTC games?

Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on April 22, 2004, 03:16:21 AM

Originally posted by: Ocarina Blue
Beginner's question: If it's so easy to put a mod chip in/use a 'freeloader' type application with a console, why don't console manufactures just make multi-regional consoles that play PAL and NSTC games?

Because they want you to buy the games in your region.  It puzzles me why though b/c the GameBoys have been region free.  Yeah, part of it is b/c there is no NTSC/PAL screen, but then why is there a Japan - NA region code on home consoles, since both use NTSC signals?  Anyone know more details?


Originally posted by: Bill
But yeah, do yourself a favor and get Metroid Prime...

Ummm....I wouldn't

Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: DrZoidberg on April 22, 2004, 03:41:32 AM

Originally posted by: Ocarina Blue
Beginner's question: If it's so easy to put a mod chip in/use a 'freeloader' type application with a console, why don't console manufactures just make multi-regional consoles that play PAL and NSTC games?

because your cat stinks and is ugly.

because they hate us and won't let us play the games we want ;___; SPECIALLY KONAMI, RELEASE BEMANI GAMES THAT ARN'T BUTCHERED HERE YOU CLOWNS.
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Ocarina Blue on April 22, 2004, 05:18:22 AM
I have two cats, both of which I thnk you'll find to have a fine, sleek figure as well as smooth, radiant fur. Upon closer inspection, you may notice a faint odour of jasmine, or perhaps clover honey. What you wil specifically not find, is that either one is a) ugly, b) stinky, and especially not c), ugly and stinky

If they wanted to split tings up region by region, then why don't they do the same thing with their handhelds, and why are they split by PAL/NSTC standards and language as opposed to continents, landmasses et cetera (which is what the DVD industry uses?)

I guess Japan has it's own console because of something to do with the language... though of course anything hard coded would just be binary in the end anyway. Maybe 2-byte characters are so undesirable they change it for the latin alphabet areas?  
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 22, 2004, 07:25:02 AM

Originally posted by: AiAi

Originally posted by: Bill
But yeah, do yourself a favor and get Metroid Prime...

Ummm....I wouldn't

Since when does anyone care about your opinion?
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: akdaman1 on April 22, 2004, 11:25:40 AM

Originally posted by: Ocarina Blue
Good idea. My main concern with a Freeloader is being forced to update it as newer games come out. Is Nintendo still as strict as they were in the 64 days about region-code cracking?

WHAT ? I need to update my freeloader to play newer games? From where? How? Or is he crazy?
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Infernal Monkey on April 22, 2004, 04:31:11 PM
Update = Buying the newer version. Not all games will work with the current Freeloader (0.6B or something). But Datel added a few extra ways to boot up a game with the latest Freeloader, so it should be 'future proof' for quite some time.
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Ocarina Blue on April 22, 2004, 07:04:34 PM

Originally posted by: akdaman1
WHAT ? I need to update my freeloader to play newer games? From where? How? Or is he crazy?

In the 64 days, I remember Nintendo purposely developed a new code-thingie for both Yoshi's Island and OoT so that they wouldn't work with the code-cracking equipment available.
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on April 22, 2004, 07:21:55 PM

Originally posted by: Bill

Originally posted by: AiAi

Originally posted by: Bill
But yeah, do yourself a favor and get Metroid Prime...

Ummm....I wouldn't

Since when does anyone care about your opinion?

You will be quite surprised how many people pay attention to my opinion!
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: nitsu niflheim on April 25, 2004, 08:18:39 AM
I wish it were like that for me.  I try and help people and they just ignore what I say, and then get all pissed because something didn't work.  I'm to big to say "told you so"

Also, I just today got to the impact crater in Prime.  I am such a late player.  I think the last time I touched Prime was like May of 2003. o_O  Am now I am in a Metroid fix, I am almost finished with Metroid 2.
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: akdaman1 on April 25, 2004, 11:47:42 AM
O.k - I have gotten Fusion and am really enjoying it. My brother got Hit and Run and quite suprisingly its really good.

Now I really want Metroid Prime AND Viewtiful Joe. I saw Viewtiful Joe for $70 somewhere at Highpoint. - Should I get it?

Anyplace where I can find it cheaper?

P.S - If I were to get Prime it would cost me $70 because I need the link cable.

P.S.S - Another reason Im choosing Joe is because Im scared that when I want it, it might be out of stock, Like a certain Farming game.
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: DrZoidberg on April 25, 2004, 12:14:55 PM
yeah, harvest moon is nigh on impossible to find, trust me i've been looking :\ i really should have acted quicker and secured my self a copy
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Ms.Pikmin on April 25, 2004, 12:29:37 PM
Well, DrZ, you can always preorder the girl version when it comes out.  
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on April 25, 2004, 06:02:00 PM
Hey, I might get the girl version for maximum lol and fun.  Plus to make my family worry about me.

But I have a gut feeling it will not be released in Oz.  Oh noes....
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: akdaman1 on June 14, 2004, 09:25:39 PM
O.K This topic is baccckkkk.

Where can I order TOS from America to Melbourne AUSTRALIA?

Now can someone find me a link? I have been looking and have found zilch. Someone help me
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on June 14, 2004, 11:02:44 PM
You can try or

They're both Hong Kong importers who can import from the U.S. and ship worldwide.  At the moment, only Lik-Sang has a pre-order listing for TOS.  Both sites will charge around USD$60 for the game.
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: akdaman1 on June 18, 2004, 02:20:03 PM

Originally posted by: Professional 666
You can try or

They're both Hong Kong importers who can import from the U.S. and ship worldwide.  At the moment, only Lik-Sang has a pre-order listing for TOS.  Both sites will charge around USD$60 for the game.

Thanks man, your a legend. You really helped me out ...I appreciate it.

EDIT -- I just tried to PM you but it says you dont allow it, so if you dont mind i will ask you 2 questions.

1 - Is Lik-Sang any good? long does it take them to ship a game?
2 - Do you know if the game will work with my freeloader? I have heard of people who have had problems F-zero
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on June 19, 2004, 12:58:10 AM
I had PM's turned off?  That's strange...

1.  Both stores are good.  I bought a Dreamcast light-gun from Lik Sang a couple years ago, and I received it in about 2 weeks, considering I only paid for standard Air Mail and that it was shipped across the Pacific to the U.S.  As for Play-Asia, I ordered the Famitsu Wave DVD issue w/ the Biohazard4 trailer, it shipped the day before the street date and I received it after 1.5 weeks via Air Mail again to the States.  Upgrading to a courier service would've made shipments faster.
2.  Sorry, I don't know about Freeloader compatibility here.  I'm assuming someone makes lists online of what works and what doesn't.
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: akdaman1 on June 19, 2004, 01:03:29 PM
O.K thanks.

I guess it doesnt matter when I recieve the game because when I get it I will have just started 2nd semester. I might have to wait 9 weeks so I dont get sidetracked from school.

Its a tough decision ...not sure if I should get it now or not.

Also I just bought XIII for $50 from EB. They have a major sale going on. Soul Caliber 2 is $50. They had Metal Arms on sale along with Resident Evil and other AAA games.
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on June 27, 2004, 05:45:50 AM
Play-Asia are pretty good.  I got the PS to PC USB controller adapter from them.

But liksang offer some games free shipping, IIRC.
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: akdaman1 on June 27, 2004, 02:07:16 PM
I just got a PS2 so I decided not to import because the PS2 will keep me company untill TOS comes out. I might import TOS at a later date though.
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Shift Key on June 27, 2004, 10:31:12 PM

the PS2 will keep me company untill TOS comes out

blollin, that could be a fair while away

(waiting for ToS in the year 2020)
*ak hugs PS2 and PS2 turns to ashes*
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Bill Aurion on June 28, 2004, 06:12:01 AM
Well in this case you would have to blame Namco...Yeah...NAL isn't to blame for once...
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: nitsu niflheim on June 28, 2004, 06:44:07 AM
are too, you can blame them for everything, air pollution, world hunger.  See it's fun try it.
Title: RE: The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on June 28, 2004, 10:45:35 PM
I agree w/ Bill.  Crap from 3rd parties like Atari are not really NAL's fault.  But a lot of the Aussies like to blame NAL for everything......oh dear.
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: akdaman1 on June 28, 2004, 11:04:11 PM

Originally posted by: AiAi
I agree w/ Bill.  Crap from 3rd parties like Atari are not really NAL's fault.  But a lot of the Aussies like to blame NAL for everything......oh dear.

Well if NAL wanted then they can have TOS released here on time. They can send a few extra men to namco to help with translations etc. If they really wanted they could set a deadline for it as well.
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: Shift Key on June 28, 2004, 11:19:48 PM
Atari can pump up a release, just like they did to Driv3r recently. But that would have been with a huge incentive from Sony. So why isn't NAL doing something similar? Is it because they wouldn't know a good title from another Tak release? Or have the Rugrats released another kart racer?

Moral of the story - Iwata needs to shake up NAL, otherwise it will get worse than it is now...
Title: RE:The Official What to buy thread
Post by: akdaman1 on June 29, 2004, 01:41:48 PM

Originally posted by: Shifty
Atari can pump up a release, just like they did to Driv3r recently. But that would have been with a huge incentive from Sony. So why isn't NAL doing something similar? Is it because they wouldn't know a good title from another Tak release? Or have the Rugrats released another kart racer?

Moral of the story - Iwata needs to shake up NAL, otherwise it will get worse than it is now...