Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: msuzuki on August 22, 2002, 09:44:44 PM

Title: Resident Evil 0 will also take up 2 discs
Post by: msuzuki on August 22, 2002, 09:44:44 PM
Yup, just like the first Resident Evil on GameCube, the prequel will need 2 discs for all its beauty.

Resident Evil 0 was one of the games demoed in the afternoon at Nintendo’s Fall Gamer’s Summit.  Although the version shown was very similar to previous demos (E3 demo and Japanese trial edition), Capcom revealed 1 new nugget of information.  Just like its GameCube predecessor, Resident Evil 0 will span 2 discs.  This is hardly surprising considering the game sports even better texture work than the Resident Evil remake as well as some gorgeous FMV sequences.  Also, while all the action on the demo occurs on a train, it was reiterated that the train is only one area of the game.  There will definitely be other areas to explore.  Hopefully we’ll see some of these areas before the game’s November release.