Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: WindyMan on January 14, 2004, 08:06:00 PM

Title: New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: WindyMan on January 14, 2004, 08:06:00 PM
You'd better get a bag of popcorn and find a nice, comforable couch to watch it on.


Everyone knows how Konami puts these movies together, especially the ones for their Metal Gear Solid series.  They've just released another one to promote the new Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for GameCube, and somehow, defying all logic, this trailer clocks in at an astounding twenty-seven minutes long.

Basically, the movie tells the entire Twin Snakes story in cut-scene form, so if you haven't played the original or don't really know what the story of the game is all about, then by all means, don't watch this movie, as it'll completely ruin the plotline for you.  Of course, since this is a remake of the original game, we sort of already know how it all fleshes out in the end, so it's really more eye candy then a spoiler-fest for those who do decide to look at it.  All of the voice is in English, so you won't have any problems understanding what's going on.

You can jump to Konami Japan's MGS site, then hit the first link for the streaming video.  Be warned, though, you're going to need a rather fat pipe to get the stream smoothly.  There's also a "smaller" 14-minute version of the trailer, but if you have the bandwidth for the smaller one, you can probably catch the big one without many problems.  It's likely that you'll get some busy server error messages while you try to get these, but keep trying and you'll eventually get in.  
Title: RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: MysticGohan24 on January 14, 2004, 09:31:18 PM
I've had no problem, I did run into the serever is busy error message. I just restarted and there it wen't. The 27min Worked fine for me, as I have a 1.5MB ADSL.

When can we expect to see commercials of the game? around the end of feb.?
Title: RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: Hybrid Hunter on January 15, 2004, 01:02:06 AM
I don't want to download it, is there a downloadable version out yet?
Or, will there be?
Title: RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: snacky on January 15, 2004, 01:36:56 AM
Using mplayer, I have extracted the wmv file from the stream. It is about 120 megs in size. (Streaming media over the internet sure is a stupid idea, especially for such enormous files). My upload is capped around 128kbps so it would take at least a couple hours to send it to someone. I am willing to arrange to send it to someone who posts here, so long as that person is able to redistribute it to everyone else, or at least to give it to someone who'll redistribute.

Additionally, I'm willing to make a smaller, lower quality version. Reply here if interested.

Title: RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: TheUnknownGamer on January 15, 2004, 02:29:00 AM
I'm interested. You may send the movie to and I will be happy to distribuite to who ever wants it.

Title: RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: BranDonk Kong on January 15, 2004, 04:38:36 AM
You can recieve a 120MB e-mail attatchment?
Title: RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: Knoxxville on January 15, 2004, 06:33:31 AM
Sure, but that's usually if you have e-mail piggybackin' off of a website or server.  The free ones (i.e Hotmail, Rocketmail, Yahoo) limits are much, much smaller.
Title: RE: New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: WindyMan on January 15, 2004, 07:06:09 AM
If you guys want to distribute out a movie that big, consider looking at the wonderful world of file sharing with BitTorrent.

Do a google search to see what it's about if you don't already know.
Title: RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: vasu on January 15, 2004, 07:10:31 AM
How do you capture using mplayer? what's the command?
Title: RE: New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: SearanoX on January 15, 2004, 10:01:26 AM
Man, that's insane...too bad I won't be watching it.  I haven't played much of the original (about an hour), and I don't want to be spoiled...
Title: RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on January 15, 2004, 10:02:54 AM
Yeah, sounds great, but I don't want all the spoilers since I'm more or less an MGS n00b.
Title: RE: New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: Locke Cole on January 15, 2004, 12:03:53 PM
If you guys don't want to wait heres a link somone posted at the ign boards.
Title: RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: kusanagi on January 15, 2004, 12:04:47 PM
I'm having trouble playing these files on both the bandwidth option links.  Get a server bandwidth exceeded.  Can someone host this file??  

Btw...when I finally am able to connect all I get is sound with an image in place of the Video.  Is it just an Audio Movie?
Title: RE: New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: snacky on January 15, 2004, 12:51:53 PM
I see there's no longer any need, but for future reference, this is how to capture with mplayer:

mplayer mms:// -dumpstream

By default it writes the a/v stream to a file called stream.dump. And probably I should have gone for the bittorrent option...
Title: RE: New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: SearanoX on January 15, 2004, 02:54:09 PM
Bah, finally gave in and watched it.  I'm lucky...they didn't really show anything I didn't already know.

Although the lip syncing seemed a bit off...Hopefully it's just the movie (shot at 30 fps) and the fact that the game runs at 60 fps...or they could just be using the same old technology as in MGS2.  I've never played it but it looked quite similar to what I saw in MGS2.  Shame, really...all that high-poly, nice bump-mapped stuff, awesome animation...and then this crappy lip syncing.

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes + 100 000 000 to hype meter  
Title: RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
Post by: CaseyRyback on January 15, 2004, 05:55:57 PM
Shalashaska looks awesome

I wonder what the special MGS cube is going to look like