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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: odifiend on January 11, 2004, 02:08:26 PM

Title: Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 11, 2004, 02:08:26 PM
I am of the opinion that Miyamoto and his apprentice, whatever his name is... Anumora?, took the Zelda series in the lighter, cel-shaded direction partly because the previous Zeldas, OoT and MM, were becoming more and more dark.  These dark themed Zelda's were pushing the series toward the Teen rating which would destroy Miyamoto's vision for the series, of a video game for all ages.  Along with the darker themes, there were the darker images of Redeads and Skulltulas which would probably haunt many kids.
Darker themed Zeldas were so awesome, so,I think, a spinoff game(s) should be made with those themes in mind.  There is little chance that Nintendo would let Link draw blood or walk through skull covered caverns.  But guess who could get the ok?  That's right our favorite Gerudo, Gannondorf.  This is one awesome character completely untapped by Nintendo.  He is entirely badass in his leather, armor and cape.  Other than @ SW 2k, he has never used his wicked sword (had it in SSBM but never used).  The guy is a mage, he could bring all sorts of new magic to the Zelda series (I like Link's sword spin but it has been done to death).  He could acquire all these items of power (cape, rings, triforce, maybe justify those earrings to us ), build and break alliances. So many possibilities...  
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Bill Aurion on January 11, 2004, 02:50:29 PM
Zelda and spinoff should never be in the same sentence...

And come on, Wind Waker wasn't taken in its graphical direction for the reason you listed...Ninty just decided that taking the series in a more realistic direction wasn't the way to go...And how can you say that Wind Waker wasn't "dark"?  I thought the ambience was much better than OoT's...
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: mouse_clicker on January 11, 2004, 02:52:22 PM

Ganondorf is defeated by having the Master Sword embedded in his skull for crying out loud- don't let the cel-shading trick you into believing Wind Waker was all cutesy and light hearted.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Polemistis on January 11, 2004, 05:12:02 PM
Yes lol, I was suprised that they did that!
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Polemistis on January 11, 2004, 05:19:41 PM
But back on topic, yes I agree that they should make Zelda darker and more mature then WW. No more cel-shaded Zelda after the next one, it just dosen't fit.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Bill Aurion on January 11, 2004, 05:29:58 PM

Originally posted by: Polemistis
But back on topic, yes I agree that they should make Zelda darker and more mature then WW. No more cel-shaded Zelda after the next one, it just dosen't fit.

Let's give a big "WTF!?" to that in bold...
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Gibdo Master on January 11, 2004, 05:43:05 PM
Oh dear lord. I thought we had seen the end of this "MAEK Z3LDA DARK3R1!111 WTF" crap. That's all I saw on Zelda boards before and shortly after Wind Waker was released.

Quite frankly you don't get the Zelda series if you feel cel-shading doesn't fit the series. Go play your "mature", violent, bloody games with big polygonal breasts and leave the Zelda series alone.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 11, 2004, 06:02:41 PM
I'm saying that this could be an answer to all crying for "darker" Zelda along with a cool expansion into the series.  Gannondorf is cool but is always made out to be (until WW) a 2D villian.  Why not expand on him?
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 11, 2004, 06:07:50 PM
Sorry guys I might have been unclear.  It's not that I'm disappointed with Link or the Zelda franchise, it's that I want to see more of Gannondorf.  In OoT, all he did was reflect crap back at you, and he should have been better than that.  Yes in WW you fought him but with Zelda's... interference and he had those two puny swords instead of the wicked one.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: thepoga on January 11, 2004, 06:13:52 PM
still, that fight was awesome. it wasnt very hard, but it was just... awesome. ummm... ya....  
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on January 12, 2004, 08:13:50 AM
Zelda might get darker and I would probably like it if it did

What I dont want is Zelda gettin redder. Blood. Gore. Yawn pass the salt.

OoT is probably one of the darkest games I have played. Dark = Sinister not Violent

Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 12, 2004, 09:15:13 AM
No one is saying you need gratuitous gore but if blood can add to or seems right in a certain event don't not put it in.  Gore doesn't automatically make a game bad, nor does it automatically make a game good.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Polemistis on January 12, 2004, 09:39:14 AM

Originally posted by: Bill

Originally posted by: Polemistis
But back on topic, yes I agree that they should make Zelda darker and more mature then WW. No more cel-shaded Zelda after the next one, it just dosen't fit.

Let's give a big "WTF!?" to that in bold...

Making Zelda cel shaded makes it look even more of a kiddie game. Don't you feel the difference that the graphics make? Compare OoT + MM to WW. OoT + MM gives it a teen looking game, WW brings it down a few ages because of its cel shading. Sure they have those a dark dungeon and those undead guys, but still it just dosen't feel the same.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Bill Aurion on January 12, 2004, 09:39:27 AM
And gore doesn't belong in the Zelda series, period...
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Guitar Smasher on January 12, 2004, 10:13:53 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing an enemy having wounds or cuts.  But making them splatter when you slice them would just be overkill.  Make them look blood-hungry, but don't make them spray the screen.

As for the Cel-Shading, if they want to bring Adult Link back into series, then they won't be able to do cel shading.  The two just don't mix.  Try imagining cel shaded adult link.  It wouldn't work.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 12, 2004, 10:24:45 AM
Bill, earlier you disagreed with me that the graphical change was made because "Ninty just decided that taking the series in a more realistic direction wasn't the way to go." I don't think Miyamoto just randomly decided that, "hey I want to go in a completely different direction after two incredibly successful and acclaimed games."  
Zelda is an art form; it is always praised for its graphics and style.  It is the original Role Playing Game so it tends to be realistic in setting and story (if you ignore the fairies).   The realism of OoT and MM's setting mentally had me thinking that it was the middle ages.  That there should have been scenes of war and violence, which was not completely unthought of by Nintendo because after Gannondorf raided Zelda's castle, there was a dead soldier whose last duty was to beg Link to carry out Zelda's plan.  Raids aren't happy and smiling and bloodless, the fact that there was no battle, that all the town folk just kept living their lives the same way was kind of ridiculous.  In the medival setting that Miyamoto created so beautifully, people should have fled and people should have died.  The middle ages were a terrible time and gore was unavoidable.  On the GameCube, I think Miyamoto would have felt obligated to put gore in his game if he kept the style similar to that of OoT.  Hence the switch IMO. (Of course there were probably other or even more important reasons but I think that was a factor)
My spinoff idea is a way to keep with the universal success of the Zelda series (and also my selfish desire to see Gannondorf, the most badass character Nintendo has, in his own game ).  And don't say Zelda and spinoff should not be in the same sentence because that's what 4 swords and Tetra's Trackers are.

universal success defined as not just diehard Zelda fans and people who wanted a free copy of OoT and MQ.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Bill Aurion on January 12, 2004, 10:45:50 AM
I said that the two shouldn't be in the same sentence, not that it hasn't happened...*cough*Cd-I ACK*cough*...

And the gore factor is just an off-shoot of realism...Ninty realized that they didn't want to take the series in that direction(though I fear it may have to curve towards that direction eventually), so they went a path that lead to a much more ambient game...

After going back to OoT over the weekend, I realized how "dead" OoT feels...There's no sense of ambience at all compared to Wind Waker, where you notice little things like the grass blowing and emotions on characters' faces...Things that just aren't possible in a "realistic" game right now because consoles just aren't powerful enough...
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Berny on January 12, 2004, 11:35:27 AM
Maybe, if we were to use darker shades of green on Link these whiners will go away.
And maybe Zelda should look like this.

Come ON people. Zelda was NEVER as dark as you want it. It has its dark moments but it will never be like GTA (thank God). Mouseclicker mentioned one of them in WW and that isn't the only one. I frankly don't want a Zelda standing over a pool of Ganon's blood and feasting on his dead corpse. I like the series as it is and in the direction it appears to be going. Ugh, I am so sick of...some people.

EDIT: Hopefully fixed the link.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Ocarina_Jedi on January 12, 2004, 12:00:08 PM
When comparing OoT + MM and WW, the most obvious thing to consider is that the N64 is completely outdated next to the GC.  OoT and MM took a graphical look that was supposed to be cutting edge for the current market.  (Looking back at those games, my eyes hurt.  Ugh, what texturing...) WW focused on something else.  While the graphics for WW are gorgeous, they aren't cutting edge.  The guys at Ninty instead focused on "little" things.  Facial expressions, grass blowing in the wind, realistic physics, etc.  If you say that current consoles can't handle both 'little things' and cutting edge graphics, do you suppose the N5 will?  That is the kind of Zelda that I want to see.  OoT was a dark game, in the sense that it was sinister, not violent.  God forbid that Link should ever get an uzi and hold up the local bomb shop, but I would like to see another game that featured a 'darker' story.  I don't care what you guys say, but WW did not create feelings of impending doom.  The only other person in the game who seemed to be aware of the danger, was the King of Red Lions.  It was a happy game despite the approaching danger, which gave it a kiddy feel.  Didn't that bug anybody else?
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Bill Aurion on January 12, 2004, 01:04:10 PM
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Polemistis on January 12, 2004, 01:12:34 PM
Yes I do Ocarina_Jedi.  
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on January 13, 2004, 08:03:03 AM
Thats one of the problems with WW: It wasn't dark enough in the story sense. In MM the moon was going to crash into the planet. In OoT the world was corrupted and on the brink of destruction. WW was too safe. The next one should really put the fear of Gawd into any person who plays it, not because of zombies or anything, because you feel like you are doomed to fail, so when you win it is a truly rewarding experience.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: BiteMy~uK on January 13, 2004, 09:51:19 AM
I guess no one read that thing where Miyamoto(sp?) stated why he went in the cel-shaded direction.

He said that he decided this because this link is not related to any other link at all. "each new zelda game has an entirely different link" (I believe I quoted correctly) and that's with the exception of majoras mask. He wanted a new link, with a new look.

If you notice the kid you play in WW "is not link". You give him whatever name you choose, and nothing ever says he is link, just a decendant of the great one from OoT. He may look (sorta) like the classic link but that doesn't mean it is who he is, does it?

And on the darker subject:
I would be happy if they took a more realistic graphic look (not blood and gore). And one with more of a "sinistar" plot as some of you put it (very well I might add), But if the next one is a new for of cel shading without the shading I will play it. I'm a fan of the series and even if there were some things I diss-like about WW (the shading, how short and easy it was...) It was an over all good game. My vision of the next zelda game when I got my cube was OoT with mind blowing gfx, Though I got WW I'm still happy I got my zelda game, Now... I say, Bring on the next one With a side of Zora!
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: The Omen on January 13, 2004, 10:18:32 AM
People who are saying 'darker' are in most cases not talking about GTA style.  I understand the point, and sometimes i would like to see what a N5 Zelda in the OoT or MM style [notice i didnt say realistic?] would be like.  But i'm quite happy as long as the play is just as good as all the others.  I think the story is dark on occasion, and i feel there is little wrong with any Zelda game i've played, including The adventure of Link.  Bottom line-whatever direction Nintendo goes, i think it'll be great.  It would be cool to have  a Ganon game, kind of intertwine the two series, story wise.  I would love to be Ganon in one game, then be Link in the next.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: BiteMy~uK on January 13, 2004, 10:49:55 AM
One of the things I still can't figure out is that Miyamoto said that WW was a dark tale, and he thought darker than the previous ones... where in the storyline of WW is it darker that OoT or the other ones?
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 13, 2004, 11:11:31 AM
BiteMy~uk, you could always give link any name you wanted to, but yeah I remember reading that interview on  But I also remember reading another lame excuse from Miyamoto-san saying something like he wanted "Game Boy link to look like Gamecube link," which really got me riled up because we have yet to get a new gameboy game, and the oracles of etc... commercial was definitely the link from OoT (in appearance but I guess they all look the same), so that reason fell through.
Guys, The Omen got what I was saying- make a Gannondorf game that elaborates or expands on the series, it wouldn't have to be a souless game, in fact since Gannondorf is pretty much an untapped resource, he could give Link a run for his money while bringing a new audience to a great series, if the game was made to star Gannondorf, the first male ruler of the Gerudo in a hundred years, lord of terror, kaiser of doom, fuhror of darkness, etc...  
(Read: Just don't take away his badass-ness)
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Bill Aurion on January 13, 2004, 11:12:38 AM
Well, imo, leaving Windfall Island to head back to Outset to receive the third jewel was much more intense than anything I experienced in OoT...
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Guitar Smasher on January 13, 2004, 11:14:59 AM
Hey! No need to get political!  These are video games after all!.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 13, 2004, 11:21:38 AM
Spoken from someone who obviously hasn't joined "the mario party" yet. Ahh! that was pun-ilicious!
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Koopa Troopa on January 13, 2004, 11:37:38 AM

As for the Cel-Shading, if they want to bring Adult Link back into series, then they won't be able to do cel shading. The two just don't mix. Try imagining cel shaded adult link. It wouldn't work.

I disagree, I'd love to see Adult Link cel-shaded. Although, I admit if they went with that "stubby-legged" look from Wind Waker it might not work as well... but at the same time I'd have faith that they would somehow pull it off.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 13, 2004, 12:53:30 PM
Re: Cel Shaded and the "Kiddie" look
Cel shading resembles anime as many have been quick to point out.  There is no reason why cel shaded can't be incredibly cool, just look at how Tales of Symphonia is coming along *supresses a torrent of drool*.  Most anime characters meant to look awesome, look pretty awesome. Alucard (Hellsing... even wearing that ribbon!), Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist), Chrno transformed or not (Chrno Crusade), the entire cast of Wolf's Rain, Vache, Frieza, Cell and mini & super buu (for those not using BitTorrent).
The "kiddie" look that was WW was Nintendo's fault but no bad blood; Cel shading was pretty much their idea (and took off after WW was shown).  It's gotta be tough to be a role model. *belches and scratches self*
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on January 15, 2004, 08:38:28 AM

Originally posted by: Bill
Well, imo, leaving Windfall Island to head back to Outset to receive the third jewel was much more intense than anything I experienced in OoT...

Yeh I lurved that sequence! That was so brilliant and I think that is the darkest part of WW. I think the next game should be on GC and in the cel-shaded style, a continuation of the Waker of the Wind's tale. However on N5 it would be nice to see a game in the Spaceworld 2001 (i think...) graphics.

Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Berny on January 17, 2004, 08:14:54 AM
The sequel to WW is exactly as you want it, Jale. But I personally want no part in the Spaceworld Zelda. Link looked like Zelda in a green tunic. He isn't supposed to look like a woman.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 17, 2004, 09:03:23 AM
Berny, I agree that he had way too much redness in his cheeks, but just like they changed WW Link's eyes, they could change that aspect of him.  In fact the SW 2k demo's physics did not look that great (jumping really bad), but it was a demo after all.  As for the looking like a woman part, Nintendo makes that association too easy to make, unless Link's a cartoon.  His white suit under his tunic is easily and constantly misinterpreted.  I think Ninty should change the color to black or gray or better yet have a commercial where Link is suiting up, and puts his tunic on over the body suit.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Gibdo Master on January 17, 2004, 09:11:55 AM
Yeah, I never really liked how Link and Ganondorf looked in the Spaceworld demo. Sure the graphics were great but Link looked way too feminine and Ganondorf was way too bulky and muscular. Sure you could tell he was muscular in OoT but he didn't look like the freakin' Hulk either. It made him look like he was some all brawn and no brain villain.

Also as far as adult Link not working with cel-shading that is actually something that Aunoma agrees with. Anyway I have really come to prefer the cel-shaded graphics over OoT's and MM's. I have been playing MM on the bonus disk and I really think that cel-shading would have worked great in it. Also I prefer young Link. Despite what some people try and say Link in The Legend of Zelda was supposed to be a 10 year old kid. I was like 5 or 6 the first time I played the game so I thought it was really cool that they had a little kid running around slaying demons and dragons and exploring dark dungeons for treasure.

Personally I thought WW was fairly dark. It wasn't as dark as MM but then MM was pretty damn dark for a Zelda game. As I've played through MM a second time on the bonus disk I can't believe how many times death is mentioned in the game. They don't try to kid friendly it up either. Anyway WW is dark because of Hyrule being flooded and then destroyed at the end as well as the king basically committing suicide. I think that WW was a lighter game because MM was so dark. Nintendo probably just wanted to balance things out. I'm sure with Aunoma at the helm will see another dark Zelda like MM.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on January 17, 2004, 11:06:49 PM
I never watched the Spaceworld Demo in any great detail so I don't know about him looking feminine or bad physics. I just meant that style would placate all those cel-cynics.

I dont want Zelda getting too dark like LotR dark with the world getting enslaved. Even MM had its jovial bits and in OoT most of the time you spent as a kid was quite cheery. I like Zelda games which are Dark with jovial bits added. IMO WW was jovial with Dark bits added. Still the best game on Gamecube, but only about 3rd in the Zelda series.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 18, 2004, 02:01:49 AM
Jale, if you want I could send you the demo if you give me your AIM screen name but the video i have isn't the best quality (about 3 MB- a video of a video).  
I think though that a darker surrounding makes a better hero, not necessarily gore, but the feeling of impending doom someone talked of earlier.  Humor is good in the beginning and at certain points in the story but Zeldas generally have a gravely serious plot.  At the same time, the cel shaded style and the color that goes along with it undermines that serious plot in WW.  I wish Nintendo would shift the animation style at certain points in the game.  Is there any game that does that?  If not, that actually might be a Nintendo thing to do.  
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on January 18, 2004, 03:06:46 AM

Originally posted by: odifiend
the feeling of impending doom someone talked of earlier.  

Yeh I remember...It was me and a few other people.


Originally posted by: odifiend
At the same time, the cel shaded style and the color that goes along with it undermines that serious plot in WW.  

The cel-shading could be used very well in a sinister game (XIII and Killer 7 for example) but the fact is WW doesn't have a sinister plot. Nobody is scared of dying except for the KoRL and Link.


Originally posted by: odifiend
I wish Nintendo would shift the animation style at certain points in the game.  Is there any game that does that?  If not, that actually might be a Nintendo thing to do.

I dont think that would work. I cant imagine a character suddenly going all OoT-like halfway through the game. It would be too inconsistent.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 18, 2004, 04:40:58 AM
Still it would be original and I think it could be cool for any game not just Zelda.  I thought it was you who mentioned the impending doom but i didn't want to have to stop typing to go back and check a previous page.  But yes props to you because I agree wholly with that. Hear, hear .
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on January 18, 2004, 09:35:18 AM
I still dont think it would work. It would be like building a house half out of bricks and half out of metal. Nintendo games are like good poetry: fluid and consistent. If the rhyme system or the beat changes half way through a poem then it sounds broken and disjointed. The same would go for a game.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 18, 2004, 03:26:01 PM
Jale, I just disagree.  While I couldn't guarantee that any game that did this would be an instant success or that I could create a premise to incorporate it well, to say that it wouldn't work is being narrow-minded.  I'm not saying change the style everytime a character expresses an emotion, but as the climax builds or tension relaxes.  Also there isn't a need to go to extremes and do a cel-shaded next to photorealistic.  But cel shading with rounded and softer edges in town (a la WW), but as tensions mount in a dungeon, sharper and more angular drawings (a la Killer 7 minus the gore)- kind of like Hitchcock in Psycho.  I agree that if shifts were done suddenly and constantly it would throw off the inner rhythm of the game- but if done gradually in regular play and suddenly in a times of extreme tension or climax, it would be poetic- the art would match the story that was being told.  
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on January 19, 2004, 07:29:36 AM
Ah I see what you mean now. It would work really well on a subtle level. In WW everywhere was quite smooth and curvy and all the edges looked softened. They should put jageddy rooms in for boss rooms. Even in the Earth temple the spikes looked rounded.  
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Berny on January 20, 2004, 03:39:37 PM
Rounded except for the tops. Celshading texturing makes it very hard to give it a rusty look, so they went with shiny. I think the Earth Temple's boss could have been a little less ridiculous though. Stupid, fat hobbit.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Switchblade Cross on January 26, 2004, 12:37:38 PM
You do realize that the Zelda series existed BEFORE OOT and MM right?

COme on man, you cant deny that if Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, or any other of the older 2D games were to be faithfully, and exactly recreated in 3D, that Cel-Shading to would be the path to go.  I don't think there is anybody here that went in to a wooded area in WW and INSTANTLY though "Lost Woods, LttP"

Cel-Shading IS Zelda!    Get over it...
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 26, 2004, 01:20:46 PM
SBC, I'm assuming you were addressing me in your post, so thank you for that revelation.
Cel-Shading is obviously not the definition of Zelda because the most publically reknown one in the series is OoT.  Also to say that one art form is a Nintendo series is ludicrous.  If you said "Mario is 2D," you'd be laughed out of any forum.  In certain forums, if you said the same of Metroid, the same thing would happen.  You might be saying that celshading isn't 2D but since everyone who claims that photorealsim is a bad direction for Zelda points to the dated graphics of OoT, so I will point to similar in style 2D graphics for celshading.  No one really knows what a photo realistic Zelda game on GCN would look like, so know one is absolutely sure that the shift was right (Other than Miyamoto and his crew ).
My original post had to do with creating a side-story (since that is the new Zelda fad) starring Ganondorf because it could address some of the reasons I thought the art of Zelda was changed from OoT and sate my desire to see Ganondorf in his own game- he is an untapped resource.  He has never even used his sword outside of the spaceworld demo and SSBM victory.  If you read the entire thread you'd have learned that I'm not adverse to celshading but like Jale I found WW too happy and light.
If you weren't addressing me, sorry for anything interpreted as hostility.  
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on January 27, 2004, 08:02:54 AM

Originally posted by: odifiend
like Jale I found WW too happy and light.

I don't have many problems with WW. I think it was one of the most enjoyable games in the Zelda series, partly because it was pretty easy and therefore very playable. It was a bit cheery but I'm not going to hold that against it, after all it is only the first story of this new Link.

Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on January 27, 2004, 02:04:45 PM
Sorry Jale, I didn't mean to drag you onto my side of the argument, but that was a gripe that I had with WW that I couldn't put my finger on until I read one of your posts.  I was trying to allude to that but phrased it badly.  My bad!
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Oldskool on January 28, 2004, 05:44:03 AM
The Shadow Temple is one of the creepiest dungeons/levels ever made... The music, the setting, (yes there was a suprising amount of blood on floors and walls for all you so-called "mature" gamers) and the diologe there scared the hell out of me. Unfortunatly, they didn't follow it up in MM, which was darker throughout the whole game.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on January 28, 2004, 08:24:56 AM
The Shadow Temple was way over the top. I found it really annoying with all those fake things. Good in moderation.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on February 28, 2004, 08:22:56 PM
So SK recently leader of SK, Denis Dyack, mentioned that he wouldn't mind making a Zelda game.  What has me most excited about this possibility is that he might do something more with the magic system in Zelda.  Eternal Darkness's magic system is probably my favorite in an adventure game and I think the Zelda series could benefit.  I love the sword spin but there are tons of other things Link (or Ganondorf ) could do.  There is no need for summoning circles or anything, but if his Zelda incarnation has a collecta-thon portion, each piece acquired could go to unlocking a technique.

Here are some of my ideas:
Link shoves his sword into the ground sending a shockwave that could stun or defeat enemies.
- Link could also use a variation of this move: while targeting an enemy push sword into ground and it would 'teleport' and hit the enemy from underneath.
Link could shoot one arrow that splits into several that rain from the air.
Variation:  With even more magic, can add fire or ice spread.
If Nintendo brings back an animal to ride on: a magical charge to charge through enemies.
Nintendo's idea that they should bring back: Long distance slash- I don't care if I have to wait until the last boss again but it needs to be in the next game.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on February 29, 2004, 04:10:56 AM
I think that there could be more magic in Zelda but not so that it replaces weaponry. OoT had a pretty good system wtih 3 spells but what I would want to see is original ideas, not the same old stuff again.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on February 29, 2004, 04:16:07 AM
Yeah actually, I noticed that some of my magic ideas would make some weapons not as useful.
Hey Gannondorf has no known weapons so his magic could be his items.
(Refuses to drop Gannondorf idea and prepares to take it to the grave)
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Polemistis on February 29, 2004, 09:01:42 AM

Originally posted by: odifiend

Here are some of my ideas:
Link shoves his sword into the ground sending a shockwave that could stun or defeat enemies.
- Link could also use a variation of this move: while targeting an enemy push sword into ground and it would 'teleport' and hit the enemy from underneath.
Link could shoot one arrow that splits into several that rain from the air.
Variation:  With even more magic, can add fire or ice spread.
If Nintendo brings back an animal to ride on: a magical charge to charge through enemies.
Nintendo's idea that they should bring back: Long distance slash- I don't care if I have to wait until the last boss again but it needs to be in the next game.

Hmm...I dunno man, it seems like it would make more of an RPG if you ask me.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Draygaia on February 29, 2004, 09:07:39 AM
I'm not sure about darker but I thought Gannondorf was the most evil in WW.  They explicitly put that he will kill any young point-eared girl.  They explicitly said he killed a kokiri and zora.  He also sounded sicker especially in the final battle.  The other Zeldas had him yeah being evil and wanting to rule the world.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on February 29, 2004, 10:24:45 AM
I agree, Ganon has evolved from his simple "smash em all" roots, however if WW is set before LttP then something must happen to send him back to his raging old self. Perhaps Link really angers him and crushes his dreams almost completly and he startss a huge eternal rampage.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on February 29, 2004, 12:02:03 PM

Hmm...I dunno man, it seems like it would make more of an RPG if you ask me.

Yeah, my ideas could be converted to an RPG easily.  But the way I'm picturing them is in a way you could use them with the current battle system.
Link shoving his sword in the ground is reminescient of Din's Fire from OoT, so that could work no problem.  The variation when he stabs his sword in the ground, could be like taking pot-shots at an enemy from a long distance or even better linked into a combo.  I loved the speed and battle system in WW, and I picture Link jabbing his sword at the ground, the enemy getting hit and popping into the air and Link following up with a horizontal or vertical slash, or even another ground jab.  All in like 3 seconds.  That is pretty true to Zelda.
The arrows idea is upon further inspection much more RPGesque, but I still think it could work and would be cool.  My only issue with the idea is that there are not enough enemies just running around to use it on and it would probably be too easy to kill enemies.  But that could be answered by having hordes of enemies everywhere and making sure that it each move takes a huge chunk of your magic bar.
The magic charge on a beast I stand-by (just like carrots but you do damage. )  And Nintendo has been using the long distance slash (when your health is full forever) and they even resurrected the idea in MM.

I was never arguing whether Ganon was evil or not but the comment about him being a tolken bad guy is what I was saying earlier.  Ganon, pre-WW, was just the villain with almost no personality.  A game about him could expand his story and let us see behind his madness.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Don'tHate742 on March 01, 2004, 03:20:47 PM
I disliked the WW battle system. Only because it seemed that you could just slash away and not do any real dodging or shielding. I didn't use my shield once during the entire game, unless of course for the octorocks. I loved OOT style becuase when fighting those two Iron knuckles at the same time, you have to use alot of dodging and timing just to survive.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on March 01, 2004, 03:35:08 PM
The battle system was essentially the sameas OoT's just faster but yes parrying did make it too easy.  If you timed your A right you could have just chucked your shield into the sea.  Still I really liked parrying but wouldn't blink an eye if Nintendo removed it in favor of a more realistic look and battle system.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Bill Aurion on March 01, 2004, 03:37:33 PM
The parry was the best possible addition to a Zelda-eque fighting system...Any more indepth and you have an RPG...<3 parrying, even if it's just to piss you all off...
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: odifiend on March 01, 2004, 03:53:45 PM
I did really like parrying but since I'm for the "return Link to realism" camp, I recognize that WW's parry just would not look right in a photorealistic (PR) environment.  I think they could implement a form of parry like in SC2 that wouldn't look ridiculous in PR 3D and still keep the function in tact.
Still parrying looked phat as hell.  Hours with Orca just parrying in WW.  Orca was why I have no regrets about shelling out 50 USD for WW.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Don'tHate742 on March 01, 2004, 05:02:17 PM
Parrying made it way to easy to kill enemies in WW. I like the battles in OOT, when you slashed it doesn't always hit the enemy. Also, enemies actually blocked with there shields and you couldn't break them. In OOT it was harder to defeat 4 Skultalas (skeleton warriors) that reappeared after a while if you didn't kill the head, then defeating 8 knights in those endless caverns in WW.

Also wasn't it more fun to fight those gypsie gaurds when ever you tried to save a prisoner?

I geuss my gripe is that WW was too easy to begin with....
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Bill Aurion on March 01, 2004, 05:19:02 PM
"In OOT it was harder to defeat 4 Skultalas (skeleton warriors)"

LOL, those are Stalfos...

And I've already been over the "easy" argument way too many times...Play through without getting heart containers...It's not quite so easy then...
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: DrZoidberg on March 02, 2004, 05:44:29 AM
bill. still pretty easy. bill.
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Bill Aurion on March 02, 2004, 06:10:18 AM
Have you tried it yet?
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Ms.Pikmin on March 02, 2004, 06:34:55 AM
Uh oh....

*backs out of thread before licorice ice cream is mentioned*
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Jale on March 02, 2004, 08:08:08 AM
I might try that when i get my game back, but I have lent it to a friend at the moment.
Title: RE:Darker Zelda
Post by: Don'tHate742 on March 02, 2004, 10:40:56 AM
As a matter of fact, bill, I have played it like that...still to easy. Those knights got whooped with simple A button smashing.....
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Bill Aurion on March 02, 2004, 11:04:20 AM
Truely?  The whole game?  Then I tip my hat to a fellow Zelda master...

(Oh, and no use of fairies and/or healing items... )  
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Don'tHate742 on March 02, 2004, 04:34:09 PM
I used one, the grandma soup.... I kept that double damage for so long it was rediculous...
Title: RE: Darker Zelda
Post by: Draygaia on March 02, 2004, 07:10:23 PM
I look at the difficulty from two places.  Either the enemies are too weak or your abilities against them were too strong.  I would say both but I still enjoyed it.  I prefer fighting the enemies in WW over the ones in OoT.  Even if it was easier.  After fighting Gannondorf in the final battle I really want a Zelda that has a more complicated fighting system.  Something along the lines of LotR or Nightmare Creatures but done better of course.