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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: mjbd on December 26, 2003, 01:39:12 PM

Title: Backwards Compatability
Post by: mjbd on December 26, 2003, 01:39:12 PM
How far will nintendo go with backwards compatability?  What I mean is, will Cube controllers work?  GBA player?  Broadband adapter?  Memory Cards?  It would be nice if all these things wored with the next system, but then the footprint of the system would have to be the same.  What do you guys think?
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Guitar Smasher on December 26, 2003, 01:52:41 PM
I'd rather the N5 be just backwards compatible with Gamecube games.  I'd rather have a completely new controller, not necessarily much different, but improved.  If the system is going to be shaped like most electronics, then the GBAPlayer won't work.  Hopefully a broadband adapter will already be built in.
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: mjbd on December 26, 2003, 02:52:38 PM
Good point about the broadband adapter.  Hopefully memory cards stay the same though.
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Gibdo Master on December 26, 2003, 03:49:09 PM
It would be nice if it were backwards compatible with the GB Player, but that depends on whether or not  the design of the N5 is compatible with it. Of course the next Game Boy will probably be released by then so it won't matter a whole lot anyway. As far as the controller I really don't want them to pull a Sony and just use the same one for the next system. The GameCube controller is good but there's always room for improvement. Frankly, I'm just thankful it will be able to play the GameCube games. I'll be able to sell my GameCube without any problems now. Also being able to play the GC games will give Nintendo a nice advantage since they will essentially have a huge library on release. This is something that I think worked well for Sony when they released the PS2 and of course for the Game Boys.
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: getupkids on December 27, 2003, 03:09:32 AM
i think n5 should be compatible with all previous n systems, it would cost more for the extra slot, so maybe they should have a limited edition cube  that plays old games.   that would be awesome.
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Guitar Smasher on December 27, 2003, 06:54:22 AM
That's kind of redundant, how would you even be able to find all the old games?  Nintendo wants you to buy their new games, and play the GC ones you already own.  And they know that you can just play those games on roms, even though you shouldn't.
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: norebonomis on December 28, 2003, 08:14:28 AM
i had originaly posted this on somel long gone n5 thread, but my idea is basicly have a dock on the gamecube that you would plug your gameboy+ into, and your gameboy games would plug into your gameboy and act as the gameboy player, and it would also get a charge while docked
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Ocarina Blue on December 28, 2003, 01:11:37 PM
Well, I hope they upgrade the controller at least. Not to say I don't like the Cube controller, but there are a few things that could use fixing. The 'Z' button either needs to be scrapped or a guide to using it needs to be included in development kits or something. The pressure sensitive triggers have too much lenience between them not being used and them clicking in. It's a minor thing, bit it can be annoying when a game requites one of them to be pressed all the way down to perform a vital action (such as Metroid Prime or Time Splitters 2). The last thing, they should make two sizes of the controllers. Most of the people I know generally like the GC controller, but those with big hands find it uncomfortable to use.

I would suspect the memory cards will need to be a lot bigger; a few third parties this generation find memory storage a little too hard to handle, it will be much worse the next one.

I really don't understand backwards compatibility games-wise too well. If people own GC games, presumably they will own a GC; so if people who own the N5 also own GC games, then they would own a GC as well. The only people I would see this benefiting is people who will try to flick off their second hand GCs when they have no need for them, flood the market and hoard the games, which are no longer in production. Then second hand GC game prices would soar. However, Nintendo doesn’t care about this market at all, the only advantage they could possibly obtain from such a move is if they still manufacture GC games for all the people who just bought old GCs or a new N5 to buy. That would cannibalize software sales for the later console, which is something Sony is willing to do, but Nintendo is much more focused on software.
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: ib2kool4u912 on December 28, 2003, 02:26:46 PM

Originally posted by: Ocarina Blue
I really don't understand backwards compatibility games-wise too well. If people own GC games, presumably they will own a GC; so if people who own the N5 also own GC games, then they would own a GC as well. The only people I would see this benefiting is people who will try to flick off their second hand GCs when they have no need for them, flood the market and hoard the games, which are no longer in production. Then second hand GC game prices would soar. However, Nintendo doesn’t care about this market at all, the only advantage they could possibly obtain from such a move is if they still manufacture GC games for all the people who just bought old GCs or a new N5 to buy. That would cannibalize software sales for the later console, which is something Sony is willing to do, but Nintendo is much more focused on software.

I think backwards compatabilty is needed because disc based system don't last forever. With moving parts and the laser something will eventually break. The last thing i want is to be playing my Gamecube five years from now, have it break then have to look all over for a used one.  
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Guitar Smasher on December 28, 2003, 03:33:45 PM
They want to have back-comp for the GC games because it increases the N5's library of games, or rather in reality, give them another thing to list on the N5's features.  You know that both PS3 and Xbox2 will have this feature (99% likely), and the only way for N5 to compete is to match the others at every level.  It worked for the PS2 when it was first released, and was basically the second big selling point (behind the DVD feature).
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: mjbd on December 28, 2003, 04:33:33 PM
Ocarina Blue, thats exactly what I said when PS2 was announced.  The main thing for me is convenience, one less system I have to have hooked up.  If N5 is backwards compatable, then my Cube can go in the closet, but I can still keep out my games and not have to hook up my cube.  Parents really seem to like this feature, they always seem to think that when buying a new system, thats makes the old games useless.  But if the new systems plays the old games, its all good.  Just an observation I have made.
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: darknight06 on December 28, 2003, 06:04:08 PM
There's only one question that I'd have with backwards compatibility, would there be cube hardware within the system itself like the GBA has GBC hardware, or is the Gamecube going to be emulated in the N5 like the PS2/PS1 deal?  If they go with option 1 it'll almost be guaranteed 100% compatibility, but how much more would something like that add on to the initial price tag of the system?   Option 2 would probably be more economical to do but I could almost definitely see compatibility issues coming forth, especially with games that either really pushed the cube or used it to do unusual tricks.  I've already had 3 PS1 games fail to boot on the PS2 and I wouldn't want to go through anything like that with the N5.  Believe me though, I do want backwards compatibility and if they manage to do it seamlessly then cool.  Right now I'm just concerned about it, especially now since I hear they're actually doing it.  
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Guitar Smasher on December 29, 2003, 05:01:55 AM
Do you really expect us to be able to answer that question now?  I don't think we'll know the answer until the system's actually released.   Well I guess it's a point we can discuss.
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Berny on December 29, 2003, 06:12:20 AM
Nintendojo reported earlier that N5 will play Cube games, but I'll bet that's as far back as it will go.
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on December 29, 2003, 01:55:45 PM
I think you all forget the the other highlight of the N5 having Back Comp. w/ the GC, and that is expanding the lifeline of the GC past 4-5 years and more into 9-10.  I don't know if you noticed but Playstation1 games were(still are?) made well into the life of PS2.

On lots of commercials selling PS2 games it has the PS2 logo and the name Playstation, I don't know if that means you can find the game on PS1 or not but i do know that lots of games were(are) still made the PS1 since they knew the architecture and it was relatively easy and cheap to do.
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: BigJim on December 29, 2003, 05:35:13 PM
The cartridge systems aren't even pin-compatible, so there wouldn't be just one extra slot. There would have to be three.

They're raking in the cash by re-releasing the classics on the GBA and emulating through NGC. They have no motivation to go further back than NGC.
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Ian Sane on December 30, 2003, 09:35:17 AM
Backwards compatibility for the N5 shouldn't be too hard.  They just have to make it so that GC controllers and N5 controllers use the same "jacks" and then you can plug both of them into the N5.  They can do the same with the memory cards.  As for accessories like the broadband adapter and GB player well odds are the N5 will have both of those so they just make it so that the Cube games use the N5 broadband adapter.
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Guitar Smasher on December 30, 2003, 01:14:34 PM
They can't have backwards compatablility for anything further back than GameCube.  The reason: you can't play games that you don't have!  It would be great to be able to play all those old NES and SNES games that you never got a chance to play, but heard about, except you can't because you don't have the games! And I think it's safe to assume that everyone who has those old games, has the system for them already, thus eliminating the purpose of b-c.  Backwards comp would work for GameCube games because those titles will still be widely available going into the next generation, opposite to the other systems.      
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: Jale on December 30, 2003, 01:24:11 PM
It would be good to see more games on bonus disks. When Metroid Prime 2 gcomes out it would be great to see the old Metroid games on a bonus disk.
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: BigJim on December 31, 2003, 05:26:42 AM
Ian's post opens up another question, the N5 may be backward compatible, but I wonder if the NGC controllers will be UPward compatible?

They can use the same of very similar controllers, or have the N5 system recognize the game as an NGC game, then have the N5 controllers "emulate" the NGC equivalent buttons... if that makes sense. In that case the controller jacks wouldn't have to have the same specs.

Either way works, though.
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Guitar Smasher on December 31, 2003, 06:34:34 AM
Even if the jacks are different, it'll likely be completely possible for some company to make some sort of attachment that plugs a gamecube controller into the N5 recepticle. But it would probably only be able to play GC games, not the new N5 ones.
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: odifiend on January 01, 2004, 11:35:16 AM
I think backwards compatibility is awesome, especially since I'm having troubles with my GCN's lens.  At the same time I'm concerned that Nintendo will be limiting themselves due to it.  I remember hearing that the PS2 was weaker than it could have been because they had to account for backwards compatibility.  It might have just been street corner BS.   Can anyone address my worry?
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Guitar Smasher on January 01, 2004, 11:38:41 AM
Do you think that Nintendo will use DVDs or MiniDiscs as the standard medium for their next console?  Because doesn't the GC MiniDiscs rotate in the opposite direction of DVDs?  (I'm not 100% sure)  Do you think that could be a complication, or do you think that's nothing to worry about?
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: manunited4eva22 on January 01, 2004, 12:08:15 PM
No it rotates same direction, the lense just reads from the outside in. BTW, They are NOT minidiscs, they are basically mini-dvd, but not.  As for it being a big deal, probablly not, all you do is put in another lense, it's how DVD players read CD players, and it is fairly easy to impliment.  Thats the smart way to do it, ask Sony about the stupid way (making the lense have to refocus on the fly, basically why they broke so often in the beginning)

As for PS2, there is a seperate processor that does all of the PSX emulation, basically it is a little faster than PSX but is basically the same.  It costs next to nothing and does nothing to make it any worse.  

Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: cooldude32 on January 08, 2004, 11:39:24 AM
So is it 100% for sure that the N5 will be backwards compatible?
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: Fluke Worm on January 14, 2004, 09:04:37 PM

So is it 100% for sure that the N5 will be backwards compatible?

Does anyone actually read the posts before they post? As I understand it from reading this thread, no one knows, that's why it's called speculation.

Also would people stop saying PSX when they mean PS1, remember PSX is actually a new model of PS2 now.

Ahhh there, I feel better now...
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Guitar Smasher on January 15, 2004, 10:48:37 AM
I get confused by the different playstation names myself.   Can't they create an original name?
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on January 15, 2004, 11:00:05 AM

Originally posted by: cooldude32
So is it 100% for sure that the N5 will be backwards compatible?

Friday 26th December, 2003

Satoru Iwata has recently quoted in the popular Japanese gaming magazine "Famitsu" that the N5 console will support backwards compatibility.

Link to the whole article
Title: RE:Backwards Compatability
Post by: the whatz that? on January 16, 2004, 08:11:55 AM
bonus disks of old games with the new updates are a nice idea

Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: Berny on January 17, 2004, 08:07:24 AM
If they updated all the games on one disk, it would take as much time as a game they could sell rather than one they'll give away. I'm not saying I don't want one, but unfortunately it's highly unlikely. I'm gonna be ecstatic if there's backwards compatilbility though. I could sell my Cube to pay for some of the N5 and not feel guilty about it.
Title: RE: Backwards Compatability
Post by: getupkids on January 23, 2004, 04:10:59 PM
yeah i think they should put all the games made by nintendo from nes, snes, n64 on one disc, and sell it.  although id miss 3rd party games, nintendo has made a lot of games i like on the old systems.  Instead of a  slot, which i guess isnt going to happen.