Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => NWR Feedback => Topic started by: Demonic Uberskull on October 25, 2003, 09:39:06 PM

Title: Odd error.
Post by: Demonic Uberskull on October 25, 2003, 09:39:06 PM
PIAC here, despite the username, i have a strange error, it wont let me post, at all, it insists that i posted less than a minute ago thus making me wait, yet the problem is, i haven't posted for a good while, this error happened in both Moezilla Firebird AND Internet Explorer 5, i.. really dont know whats going on :\
Title: RE: Odd error.
Post by: Grey Ninja on October 25, 2003, 10:05:36 PM
Heh.  That would probably be the one hour that doesn't count that we get once a year.    The good thing about this is that if you did anything really bad in the last hour, it won't matter at all.    Anything that you did in the last hour is rendered void by father time.
Title: RE: Odd error.
Post by: PIAC on October 25, 2003, 10:10:03 PM
o_O well.. i think the problem is solved, i can post with PIAC again, but another odd error caused by daylight savings is in the 'gamezero' thread, all the posts are bumping mine downwards!
Title: RE:Odd error.
Post by: Bill Aurion on October 25, 2003, 10:16:06 PM
Just think of it as your post being the most important...
Title: RE:Odd error.
Post by: mouse_clicker on October 26, 2003, 06:26:10 AM
Do you even practice Daylight Savings Time in Australia, PIAC? I didn't think you did.
Title: RE:Odd error.
Post by: Bill Aurion on October 26, 2003, 06:40:51 AM
Australia has a weird way of dealing with Daylight Savings...Some places in the country do, and some don't, and sometimes the date of Daylight Savings is changed according to the will of politics!  Strange stuff indeed...
Title: RE: Odd error.
Post by: KnowsNothing on October 26, 2003, 06:55:56 AM
what?  are you sure?  that's weird.......................
Title: RE: Odd error.
Post by: PIAC on October 26, 2003, 07:52:40 AM
yeah, my state doesn't actually have daylight savings,  the farmers complained or something, that or the entire state is too stupid to work out how to change clocks, i suspect the latter.