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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Jonnyboy117 on October 25, 2003, 07:52:39 AM

Title: True Crime!
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 25, 2003, 07:52:39 AM
I hope everyone will read the impressions I posted, as this is an interesting and very complex game.  In fact, there's so much to say that I am thinking about writing even more impressions or a preview update (facts only) before my review.

Also, if anyone has specific questions about the game, you can ask them here and I'll try to answer some of them.  And I'll answer the most obvious one right now:

Which is better, True Crime or Grand Theft Auto III/Vice City?

It's hard to answer because they are not as directly comparable as I thought they would be.  True Crime is more refined in every way, from graphics to fighting to story.  GTA is more open and encourages more exploration.  I'm a nut for finding secret packages and bonus missions, so I love all the exploration in GTA.  True Crime has some excellent fighting and shooting mechanics that blow away what you can do in GTA, and the storyline is a hundred times better.  So it really just depends on what you're looking for and what parts of GTA you like the best.    
Title: RE:True Crime!
Post by: The Omen on October 25, 2003, 07:58:23 AM
I'm looking forward to it. i hope it sells well, it'll show we cubers can handle 'mature' games.  Maybe even GTA double pack will get released if it sells real well.
Title: RE:True Crime!
Post by: bruceleefan on October 25, 2003, 10:50:39 AM
i just read on the net that SnoopDogg will also be an unlockable character. anyway..... but i seen a video of the xbox version and cube version and the xbox looks a lot better. cuz i got the dvd with the preorder. well, my question....when you fight in buildings, do you actually go in some of the buildings or does a cutscene come up? thanks.
Title: RE:True Crime!
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 25, 2003, 11:09:23 AM
You actually fight in the buildings.  So far I have had hand-to-hand battles in a dojo and a bar.  The bar had tons of breakable items, like stools and bottles and pinball machines.  And I've had a very tense stealth mission and subsequent shootout inside an importing warehouse.  This is just in the first part of the game, so I think there will be quite a few indoor environments total.
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: PIAC on October 25, 2003, 02:31:49 PM
is there a PC version coming out? and if not can you turn the GCN version's sonudtrack off, basically im not into rap one iota, so being able to turn off the soundtrack would be a plus to me. also, do they use real vehicles or is it like GTA 3 where you have somewhat recognisable cars but with different names (ie deluxo is a delorian without gull wing doors)
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: mouse_clicker on October 25, 2003, 02:38:11 PM
How well does the driving play? In Grand Theft Auto the driving was good enough to be a rcaing game in of itself (which Midnight Club basically is). I know they say True Crime isn't a driving game, but it's made by the same people as Vigilante 8, so I'm expecting some pretty balanced gameplay in terms of driving.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: the_zombie_luke on October 25, 2003, 05:17:14 PM
Can you shoot the tires of enemy cars and flatten them? That is one of things I liked to do in VC.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 25, 2003, 05:45:24 PM

Originally posted by: PIAC
is there a PC version coming out? and if not can you turn the GCN version's sonudtrack off, basically im not into rap one iota, so being able to turn off the soundtrack would be a plus to me. also, do they use real vehicles or is it like GTA 3 where you have somewhat recognisable cars but with different names (ie deluxo is a delorian without gull wing doors)

There apparently are some soundtrack options, but I haven't tested them yet.  I'll get back to you on that.  I can say that the soundtrack is mostly hip-hop and very much uncensored.

As for the vehicles, they don't have names like those in GTA, but they look much closer to real cars.  There's one that looks EXACTLY like a Ford Taurus, for instance.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 25, 2003, 05:49:27 PM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
How well does the driving play? In Grand Theft Auto the driving was good enough to be a rcaing game in of itself (which Midnight Club basically is). I know they say True Crime isn't a driving game, but it's made by the same people as Vigilante 8, so I'm expecting some pretty balanced gameplay in terms of driving.

The driving is pretty simple, just like in V8 and GTA, but it's fun and easy to pick up.  At first I thought the handling was really loose, but it turns out that was just the particular car I had.  The cars have drastically different handling in addition to the expected differences in acceleration and top speed.  Also, because of the block-by-block layout in Los Angeles, you have to make a lot of right-angle turns, which require slowing down a lot or using the handbrake.  So far I have been in one street race (it was a bonus level), and it played very well.  Hard to say whether True Crime could stand up as a racing game.  I have to spend more time on the interstates and other long, high speed streets.  So far the game has had me running around downtown mostly.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 25, 2003, 05:53:41 PM

Originally posted by: the_zombie_luke
Can you shoot the tires of enemy cars and flatten them? That is one of things I liked to do in VC.

Yes, and it's actually a bigger part of the gameplay.  In True Crime, you can shoot from first-person (actually over the shoulder) with any gun, not just assault rifles and sniper rifles.  So if you want to shoot out the tires on a car, just hold down R to enter manual aiming mode, point at the tire, and push R again.  Sometimes in high-speed car chases, this strategy seems to be almost required, because it's very hard to ram or push a car off the road when it's being chased, especially if your car isn't quite as fast.  I have had times when I shot off all four tires, sparks flying everywhere, and they were still making a run for it.  But at that point, it won't be long before you overtake and force them off the road.

Edit: Just to be clear, what I'm saying is that you can go into manual aiming mode while driving as well as when on foot.  In either case, doing so slows down time to give you a better chance at picking out your target.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: mouse_clicker on October 25, 2003, 05:55:58 PM
That's good that the cars are varied as well- I'd get tired of having to drive essentially the same car over and over again throughout the entire game.

I have another question- have you encountered any of the branching storylines? That's what really attracts me to the game, the ability to play the game multiple times and have a very different game.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 25, 2003, 06:09:37 PM
Yes, there are different missions in each chapter based on how well you do (you can continue the story even if you fail a mission) and whether you're a good cop or bad cop.  According to the manual, there are three different endings.
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: BoB007 on October 25, 2003, 07:08:02 PM
I like a large variety of weapons.( especially ones that go boom ) What kind of guns/weapons are available in True Crime?
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 25, 2003, 08:48:56 PM
I don't know the names of many guns, so I couldn't tell you any specifics.  You can hold and use two guns at all times, and they don't have to both be the same.  Kang has a default pair (which can be upgraded), and then you can pick up new guns off of defeated enemies.  Haven't seen any gun shops a la Ammunation.  Guns I've picked up off the bad guys include automatic pistols, uzis, and a shotgun.  I doubt there is anything as wacky as a rocket launcher, but I'm sure there is at least one sniper rifle...just haven't seen it yet.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: mouse_clicker on October 25, 2003, 08:51:08 PM
So you can only carry two guns at a time? Bleck- I hated the supposedly "realistic" gun limit in Halo. Realism schmrealism, it's not fun. That is, unless I'm misunderstanding you.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Dynamitega on October 25, 2003, 08:58:13 PM
You always have his normal guns, but you can get any additional 2 weapons to carry around in your hands.  He can always put away his handguns, but he doesn't have anywhere to put the shotguns..  I believe that's how it works from the videos I've seen.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 25, 2003, 09:35:45 PM
Yeah, I am pretty sure you can throw away guns that you have picked up, if you want to go back to the default ones.  But what I mainly mean by carrying to guns at a time is that you actually go around shooting with two guns at once.  Always.  That's just Kang's style.  Usually he just has twin revolvers, but if you're fighting well-equipped enemies, you may end up with a submachine gun in one hand and a shotgun and the other.  They look and sound and feel pretty powerful, especially when you go into a slow-motion dive with guns blazing.
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: PIAC on October 25, 2003, 09:49:35 PM
and how exactly does he reload said shotgun? or the sub-machine gun for that matter, the standard crotch reloading system found in any FPS or is there a delay for him to reload? or does a new clip magically apear in the gun ala GTA?
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Verdre on October 26, 2003, 01:30:19 AM
I haven't really seen this mentioned in any previews, so how does time pass in the game?
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: thecubedcanuck on October 26, 2003, 06:10:57 AM
This is my most wanted game of the year.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Bishman on October 26, 2003, 09:18:42 AM
After playing the game for a while, what would you score it?

I also have a bad feeling that the reviews of TC will decide if it sells well on the GC.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Dynamitega on October 26, 2003, 09:42:44 AM
Everyone that has played the Xbox and the PS2 demo say it's horrible.  That the controls are horrible, driving is horrible, aiming is horrible...  I'm thinking that the final release fixed a lot of those "horrible"s, or they were just driving crappy cars.  Or maybe they're just big GTA fanboys... I dunno.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: ***Holy-Bandit*** on October 26, 2003, 10:30:47 AM
Tell me about the camera angles. Are they jerky or do they flow nicely?
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 26, 2003, 03:55:33 PM

Originally posted by: PIAC
and how exactly does he reload said shotgun? or the sub-machine gun for that matter, the standard crotch reloading system found in any FPS or is there a delay for him to reload? or does a new clip magically apear in the gun ala GTA?

I don't think weapons that you find off enemies are ever reloaded.  You use them until they run out of ammo and then throw them away in favor of your default guns, which have infinite ammo.  But I will have to check on the animation.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 26, 2003, 04:03:22 PM

Originally posted by: Verdre
I haven't really seen this mentioned in any previews, so how does time pass in the game?

I haven't seen any sort of day/night progression.  Seems odd to leave out, but if you think about it, the time of day almost never made any difference in GTA.  You do lose some of the game's atmosphere without it though.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 26, 2003, 04:08:05 PM

Originally posted by: Bishman
After playing the game for a while, what would you score it?

I also have a bad feeling that the reviews of TC will decide if it sells well on the GC.

I don't do that.  I start with words when I write a review, and the number comes from the words.  And I haven't played nearly enough to write a review anyway.  Don't worry, it will be ready on the release date or maybe the day before.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 26, 2003, 04:09:48 PM

Originally posted by: Dynamitega
Everyone that has played the Xbox and the PS2 demo say it's horrible.  That the controls are horrible, driving is horrible, aiming is horrible...  I'm thinking that the final release fixed a lot of those "horrible"s, or they were just driving crappy cars.  Or maybe they're just big GTA fanboys... I dunno.

I've heard the same thing about the demo.  I didn't play the demo, so I don't know.  But I've heard from people who played both the demo and the final version that all those problems were fixed.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 26, 2003, 04:11:27 PM

Originally posted by: ***Holy-Bandit***
Tell me about the camera angles. Are they jerky or do they flow nicely?

When driving, they are automatically behind the car, as you would expect.  You might be able to swivel around with the C stick, but I haven't tried.  When you're outside the car, it starts off behind your back but tends to lose that orientation as you change directions and get into fights.  Then you can control it with the C stick.  I haven't found a way to reset it to behind his back yet, but there is hopefully a way.
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: BoB007 on October 26, 2003, 05:16:12 PM
Can you take your anger out on innocent civilans like in GTA?
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: mouse_clicker on October 26, 2003, 05:21:49 PM
In his impresions I think he says you can, but you ARE a cop, so there are repercussions. I remember seeing an interview with the director, and he said there are effects for just about everything you do. If you kill a few prostitutes the pimps will be out hunting you down, and the only way to end it is to die yourself or kill them.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Djunknown on October 26, 2003, 06:03:06 PM
How does saving work? Can you save anywhere or do you have to go to specific areas or complete missions? Also, how many blocks does it take up? (After Dark Alliance's 29 friggin blocks and Hitman 2 taking up 59, it seems that storage is something that isn't ported well.)

Will it support Dolby Pro Logic/Proggessive Scan?
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 27, 2003, 04:07:59 AM

Originally posted by: Djunknown
How does saving work? Can you save anywhere or do you have to go to specific areas or complete missions? Also, how many blocks does it take up? (After Dark Alliance's 29 friggin blocks and Hitman 2 taking up 59, it seems that storage is something that isn't ported well.)

Will it support Dolby Pro Logic/Proggessive Scan?

Saving is somewhat of a mystery to me at this point.   The game auto-saves between missions and when you do certain things, like attempt to upgrade the character and enter a parking garage.  Otherwise, I haven't found a place to just go and save when I want to stop playing, but it could be that I just haven't found it yet.  I think it takes up about five blocks, but I'll check on that.  Pretty sure it's not a huge number.  The game does support progressive scan, but I'm not sure about DPL2.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: The Omen on October 27, 2003, 10:09:26 AM
If you do decide to become a 'bad' cop, what are the results?  Do your police buddies come after you?  Are there any major implications for driving around wrecking bystanders?
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: IIGuardian on October 27, 2003, 01:15:58 PM
I have three very simple questions...

1. What are the load times like in the game?

2. Are there any weather effects in the game?

3. Does the game seem to be glitchy or have many technical flaws?
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 27, 2003, 06:11:34 PM
I played for about four hours today and saw a lot of new territory, though I didn't progress the story much.  Before I get to new questions, let me follow up on some previous ones that I couldn't answer properly before:

The soundtrack can be customized.  There are three playlists, and they are used for different situations.  One is for driving, another for "slow action", and another for "fast action".  You can go into each one and turn off songs you don't like.  The soundtrack is maybe 25% hard rock and the rest is hip hop.  There are a couple of old school rap songs, a few R&B songs, and the rest is gangsta rap.  Some of them are hilariously uncensored; my favorite one uses four different swear words in a single line of its chorus.  I couldn't even print the name of the song in this forum.

The game does run in Dolby Pro Logic II, as well as progressive scan.

Guns that you pick up off enemies don't reload.  Once the clip is empty, you toss the gun and go back to your pistols.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 27, 2003, 06:15:57 PM

Originally posted by: The Omen
If you do decide to become a 'bad' cop, what are the results?  Do your police buddies come after you?  Are there any major implications for driving around wrecking bystanders?

There are short-term and long-term effects of playing bad cop (which includes running over bystanders).  In the short term, you lose points which are used for buying upgrades, and the civil unrest meter goes up temporarily.  If this meter gets too high, people on the street will start attacking you out of fear, and the LAPD will come to take you down.  You can apparently run away and wait for it to settle down.  I haven't gotten the meter up high enough to cause any of that stuff though.

In the long-term, your yin-yang meter goes into the negative, which means the game now considers you a bad cop (and not just a good cop doing the occasional naughty thing).  Being a bad cop takes you through a different set of missions and gets you a totally different ending.  It is a viable way to play the game, but it seems that you can't do it and still make enough points to get any upgrades.  It would be possible, however, to get upgraded first and then start being a bad cop.  Or you could just play without upgrades (would be hard).
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 27, 2003, 06:17:33 PM

Originally posted by: IIGuardian
I have three very simple questions...

1. What are the load times like in the game?

2. Are there any weather effects in the game?

3. Does the game seem to be glitchy or have many technical flaws?

The load times are a bit long, usually ten or twelve seconds.  The city doesn't have to reload once you're in it, but you do have to load between missions, which is a pain if you are repeatedly failing a mission and trying to replay it.

I don't think there are any weather effects.  I haven't seen any in several hours of play.

Overall the game is technically sound.  All the glitches I've found are graphical.  Sometimes you see a hand sticking through a car door or something like that.  The main technical flaws are draw in and sluggishness.  Buildings and streets have a good draw distance, but minor elements like bushes and street signs are drawn in very close to the camera, and it looks awful in an otherwise pretty game.  And the framerate can get pretty bogged down in certain areas of the city, though it is usually smooth.  It seems to have trouble with long hills, oddly enough.  I'm not a framerate nut, so it doesn't bother me much, but maybe some people will be put off by it.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on October 28, 2003, 01:10:30 AM
Is the bullettime mode a worthwile and useful addition, is it fun, elaborated etc or just a gimmick.
Can the fighting be in bullet time?
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: thecubedcanuck on October 28, 2003, 03:32:32 AM
one question

Has playing this game been fun?
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: GoldShadow1 on October 28, 2003, 05:14:02 PM
1.  How is the city?  Does everything look the same, or is it detailed?

2.  What happens if you try to leave L.A.?  How does the game prevent you from doing so?

3. Exactly how 'mature' is this game?  I loved the concept of GTA III, but the murderous theme does not interest me.

4.  What happens if you just ignore the missions and explore?  Does the game punish you for it?
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Bloodworth on October 28, 2003, 08:31:18 PM
Expect a detailed analysis of how well True Crime's LA compares to the real thing once I get a copy.  
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Dynamitega on October 28, 2003, 09:28:51 PM
According to IGN, they said it was very well done as far as mapping LA... but I'll still look forward to the detailed analysis.
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Bloodworth on October 28, 2003, 10:55:22 PM
Actually I expect the streets themselves to all be fairly accurate and to scale on a map.  I know they won't have all the buildings perfect, but it will be interesting to see what landmarks they kept and which they didn't.  I hear that strangely enough, they didn't even put their own headquarters in there.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: nolimit19 on October 29, 2003, 06:25:42 PM
are there hookers in the game....just wondering i am not some sick freak who wants that.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: StRaNgE on October 29, 2003, 07:43:05 PM
i preordered it today, now my big question is,  in all honesty what are the positive reasons if any to get the cube version over the x-box version?

can you customize your music in the x-box version with your own soundtrack of your cds?
is there some kind of game boy hook up that makes it better then  going with the more graphic intensive x-box version or is load time the big win only with the game cube?

pros and cons on which version would be well appriciated.

Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Dynamitega on October 29, 2003, 08:59:18 PM
I don't think he has the Xbox version, so he probably won't be able to answer those for you, Strange.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 30, 2003, 04:26:19 AM

Originally posted by: Hemmorrhoid
Is the bullettime mode a worthwile and useful addition, is it fun, elaborated etc or just a gimmick.
Can the fighting be in bullet time?

It is useful in firefights but very, very simple.  Normally pressing Y makes you roll out of the way.  If you hold Y, instead you'll jump in slow motion, and you can keep shooting while doing so.  It's free, so you can use it over and over, although there are some situations where it's dumb to do so because of the delay while you get back on your feet.  I have not see slo-mo fighting, but it could be one of the upgrades you can earn.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 30, 2003, 04:39:20 AM

Originally posted by: thecubedcanuck
one question

Has playing this game been fun?

Yes, it's a lot of fun.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 30, 2003, 04:48:16 AM

Originally posted by: GoldShadow1
1.  How is the city?  Does everything look the same, or is it detailed?

2.  What happens if you try to leave L.A.?  How does the game prevent you from doing so?

3. Exactly how 'mature' is this game?  I loved the concept of GTA III, but the murderous theme does not interest me.

4.  What happens if you just ignore the missions and explore?  Does the game punish you for it?

Some sections blend together, just like in real life.  There are plenty of distinctive looking areas, as well as a lot of landmarks.  There isn't enough detail to find someone's house in Beverly Hills, but you can drive around that neighborhood and tell that it's one of the nicest parts of town.

If you step past the edge of the map, the game will drop you back onto the map a few hundred feet from where you stepped off.  All of the roads terminate or loop back around, so you can't drive out of the city on an interstate or something like that.

True Crime is not as psychotic as GTA, mainly because you're playing a cop.  You can be rough and cruel, but you're still taking out the bad guys.  There is no incentive for killing random people and causing other senseless mayhem, and the game discourages you from doing so to some extent.  But True Crime definitely earns its M rating, with very violent story sequences and missions, plenty of drug and sex references, and a ton of swearing (more than in any other game I've every played, actually).  For instance, the soundtrack is mostly rap music, all of it uncensored.

Most of the main missions are timed in one way or another.  You may not be racing the clock, but you might be racing another car, or someone might be chasing you, etc.  But there are some missions that tell you to drive to some far off place.  These have no time limit, and the game actually encourages you to take your time getting there.  During these missions you can go anywhere on the map and do whatever you want for as long as you want.  And after loading your saved game, you get the chance to replay any missions you already beat, so you can always go to a "drive to" mission if you feel like wandering around.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 30, 2003, 04:50:43 AM

Originally posted by: nolimit19
are there hookers in the game....just wondering i am not some sick freak who wants that.

Yes there are, and they often become involved in the random crimes.  I haven't tried picking one up though, will remember to do it though and let you know if it worked.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 30, 2003, 04:52:04 AM

Originally posted by: StRaNgE
i preordered it today, now my big question is,  in all honesty what are the positive reasons if any to get the cube version over the x-box version?

can you customize your music in the x-box version with your own soundtrack of your cds?
is there some kind of game boy hook up that makes it better then  going with the more graphic intensive x-box version or is load time the big win only with the game cube?

pros and cons on which version would be well appriciated.


Sorry, I haven't played the Xbox version, so I don't know how the graphics or load times compare.  I do know for sure that the Xbox version has a custom soundtrack option, which would be worth using if you don't like rap music.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: bruceleefan on October 30, 2003, 10:03:34 AM
well this bites....
i just read on a site that the ps2 and xbox version ships on Nov. 7th, but the bad news....gamecube version wont ship until the 21stof Nov. i hope this isnt true. i regret have the cube for this reason and things like this.  
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Rhoq on October 30, 2003, 10:21:15 AM
All 3 versions ship on Tuesday - November 4, 2003.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: mouse_clicker on October 30, 2003, 11:34:55 AM
It's not Nintendo's fault some publisher's are stupid, brucelee.

Johnny: What's the mission system like? Is it like in GTA where you can wonder around for a while, then start a mission, or do they start one after the other?
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: bruceleefan on October 30, 2003, 12:37:57 PM
well it has to be some of nintendo's fault, then why did EGM make a big article about nintendo's mistakes and talks about crap just like this. aka: driver 3, and other games that just get cancelled on cube and no other
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: mouse_clicker on October 30, 2003, 12:40:36 PM
EGM didn't do an article about Nintendo's big mistakes, they interviewed George Harrison. And no, it's not Nintendo's fault- the only thing I could see that spurred this decision would be poor sales when compared to Nintendo's games, but it's not their fault I like Nintendo's games better. In fact, Actvision should have more incentive to release this game on time with Gamecube sales going through the roof (that's not a proble, is it?).
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: StRaNgE on October 30, 2003, 05:07:36 PM
Driver 3 got cancelled? NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

ok, I really , hate rap ,so as much as I hate to do this to my beloved cube but for the customizing tunes of my own I think I will be having to get the X-box version.

Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 30, 2003, 06:04:35 PM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
It's not Nintendo's fault some publisher's are stupid, brucelee.

Johnny: What's the mission system like? Is it like in GTA where you can wonder around for a while, then start a mission, or do they start one after the other?

The missions come one after another; it's not like GTA.  But certain missions let you drive around all you want to with no time limit, and during these missions you can explore, earn upgrades, solve random crimes, etc.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: yellowfellow on October 30, 2003, 07:00:01 PM

well this bites....
i just read on a site that the ps2 and xbox version ships on Nov. 7th, but the bad news....gamecube version wont ship until the 21stof Nov. i hope this isnt true. i regret have the cube for this reason and things like this

yah, me too... i'm really regretting my gamecube purchase since i have to wait what... a whole fourteen days longer for this game and i don't get the choice of buying games on GCN, even though the games probably run better on PS2. instead i get subjected to exclusive nintendo products which tend to be only fun /sarcasm
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: mouse_clicker on October 31, 2003, 02:25:54 AM
yellowfellow: It's not so much the waiting that makes people mad- I'm used to waiting forever for Nintendo's games- but rather it's that publishers push back only the Gamecube version for no good reason. I seriously would like to know exactly why the Gamecube version of the game had to be delayed several weeks while the other 2 verions were prefectly fine?
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Rhoq on October 31, 2003, 02:59:28 AM is listing all 3 (GameCube, PS2, X-Box) as shipping on November 3, 2003 - which means that most stores should have it on November 4, 2003.

Click HERE to see for yourself.

Edit: Same applies to
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: yellowfellow on October 31, 2003, 04:45:02 AM
as you are well aware, it is most certainly due to nintendo's image as of late.  publishers just don't see the GCN version as a high priority and thus if any version needs to be held back for the sake of the others, the choice is obvious... from their standpoint.  its funny why this is the case... the userbase arguement doesn't hold anymore since this recent pricedrop.  therefore i think it's all about image.  after reading your posts it's obvious you wonder (as do i) why the xbox version gets better treatment than nintendo, despite microsofts lack of a userbase and losses from xbox (though nintnedo is the one who is seen as on the brink of destruction?) ...the only explanation i can give is hype and image.

Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: IIGuardian on October 31, 2003, 11:44:48 AM
With the game due in stores as early as Monday, I think it is seriously about time that we get a review for this game (and not necessarily from PGC). I can't ever remember a game that was due to come out in three days time that didn't have a single review of the finalized copy. Actually I can remember a few, and everyone of them turned out to be stinkers that were snuck out to retailers before critics could trash them. In this case, I imagine that Activision was simply late finishing it, and that's why EGM and other mags haven't reviewed it yet, but still... the lack of a good buzz at this point HAS TO effect sales.  
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: mouse_clicker on October 31, 2003, 12:01:26 PM

as you are well aware, it is most certainly due to nintendo's image as of late. publishers just don't see the GCN version as a high priority and thus if any version needs to be held back for the sake of the others, the choice is obvious... from their standpoint.

But Gamecube sales are the best they've ever been now- if anything 3rd parties should be reinstating their cancelled Gamecube projects (which, according to IGN, a lot of publishers are doing). Even if the Gamecube wasn't selling as well as it is, there's still no reason to simply delay the game. Either cancel it or launch it on time, nothing else.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: yellowfellow on October 31, 2003, 04:03:56 PM
read the rest of my post...
reiteriating, i stated that sales are up so why the continuing neglect for the GCN... i think it's cause of the GCN's overall image therefore gets a smaller team and less money
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Rhoq on November 01, 2003, 05:35:34 AM

Originally posted by: IIGuardian
With the game due in stores as early as Monday, I think it is seriously about time that we get a review for this game (and not necessarily from PGC). I can't ever remember a game that was due to come out in three days time that didn't have a single review of the finalized copy. Actually I can remember a few, and everyone of them turned out to be stinkers that were snuck out to retailers before critics could trash them. In this case, I imagine that Activision was simply late finishing it, and that's why EGM and other mags haven't reviewed it yet, but still... the lack of a good buzz at this point HAS TO effect sales.

IGN just posted their review. Overall final rating = 9.0
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Kamran on November 01, 2003, 03:46:06 PM
I have a few questions:

1. How long are the load times between the missions?

2. Is the game menu like the GTA?

3. Does it load up like GTA: Vice City at the beginning?

4. Please Tell me the default controls for the gamecube?

5. Have you worked out how to save yet?

6. When you start the game for the first time can you freeroam to your first mission like GTA?
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 01, 2003, 04:38:18 PM
and not one of those questions had question marks......FOR SHAME!!!!
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Kamran on November 01, 2003, 07:18:48 PM
Are you happy now?
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Bloodworth on November 02, 2003, 08:37:20 AM
Jonny's out for the weekend, but I'm sure he'll be checking for replies when he gets back.
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 02, 2003, 09:51:02 AM
no, i'm not.  put a question mark at the end of your last post and I will be.

EDIT:  Now that wasn't so hard, was it?
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Logic5 on November 02, 2003, 05:08:50 PM
Has anyone tried to dissect a gamecube?
If so how far do I haft to go till I find the DE?
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Slime I Am on November 02, 2003, 05:21:45 PM
Not sure if anyone's touched on this yet, but since the game will be released tomorrow I was wondering how the AI in the game is, particularly among the NPCs and their interaction with Kang, such as indirect actions like running past them or brandishing a weapon.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: vudu on November 03, 2003, 07:42:27 AM
check out ign's review.  they seem to have positive things to say about the npc ai.
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: thecubedcanuck on November 03, 2003, 09:18:57 AM
I cant believe the lack of reviews for this game, the damn thing ships today and it is like it doesnt exist.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Logic5 on November 03, 2003, 10:14:12 AM
Who is behind nintendos sinister scheme.....
It can only be Shigerato Mamayoto
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 03, 2003, 11:51:52 AM
Go away...
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Slime I Am on November 03, 2003, 12:04:08 PM
I concur. Where the fheck are the reviews for this bloody game?! It's out, so says the ad.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Dynamitega on November 03, 2003, 02:04:37 PM
Yeah, it's out... mine shipped earlier today.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: StRaNgE on November 03, 2003, 07:23:23 PM
yes it's out, i got mine at 6pm  been playing it over 4 hours now.

it's a pretty fun game but it seems i am still very early into it.

i do have to say though that i am very glad i did not get the cube version this time.
i was going to but last minute switched,  only reason for me the x-box version is better is that i can not listen to hip hop, it makes my ears bleed. so i can use my own music with the x-box version. if the cube had that option then  i would have gone that way.

it would have sucked playing the game with  the music turned off or having to hear maybe 1 song on repeat.

Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: ghostVi on November 04, 2003, 12:32:45 AM
I guess it takes some time playing before writing a review, I'd rather wait for a proper one.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: StRaNgE on November 04, 2003, 05:31:49 AM
Just got to the strip club, had to fight all the strippers.
Spent the better half of the morning just driving around.

I used to work in Venice right on the board walk  so I drove over and checked it out, found the spot and most the streets are pretty much in order  but  they are  exaggerating when they say it's an exact layout of the city by far.

Yes the streets all seem to be in the  basic right order and all but  from working in that spot for and visiting near by friends over 10 years around there  I gotta say  I got lost a few times on the game  missing streets and turns because I tried to go off the way things looked. It does not look that spot on, if you go by streets you can get  around a little better but still some turns and angles are  off  leaving you  to end up on a street that in real life you would not  enter onto because of the differences,  as well as some places have no divider in the game that has a huge 100 foot plus section between  lanes of  opposing traffic,  they left out the Hollywood palladium, the wax museum, the vipor room, tattoo mania, and all that fun stuff down in that area too.

The game play  seems fun and although there are camera issues not have  been horrible but it would have been nice to not have them at all.
One  funny one was in a fight the camera backed off and went through the opponents face and I  saw their face from the inside out.

Again, if you do not like hip hop your gunna hate the sound track as it is about 99% that.

I do not think the cube version can play your own music but there is a option to turn the sound down , select certain songs off, or just turn them all off.

If you like west coast long beach type hip hop, you'll be in love.

Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: The Omen on November 04, 2003, 06:27:41 AM
Listening to Ice Cube and bustin' caps in fools.  Oh, how i've longed for this day....
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Dynamitega on November 04, 2003, 03:27:26 PM

Originally posted by: ghostVi
I guess it takes some time playing before writing a review, I'd rather wait for a proper one.

lol.. funny.  I'll get mine tomorrow and I'll play it after I see Matrix.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: StRaNgE on November 04, 2003, 05:23:39 PM
and another night of playing, pretty addictive game play.  you end up  arresting people  halfway through walls, sorta interesting no one caught all those little glitches as they happen  constantly.

i am having to go back and up my skills as the game all of a sudden got 10 X harder.

to bad you can not walk out onto santa monica pier and  no chainsaw juggler on the 3rd street promanade either, lol.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on November 05, 2003, 03:53:56 AM
Hey guys, sorry I haven't answered anymore questions.  Once I got back from my weekend trip, I had to play the game hard to get ready for my review.  That review has been posted now, so hopefully most of your questions are answered in it.  Enjoy the game!
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: SSJBonacci2 on November 05, 2003, 12:48:55 PM
Ok, I have one question. How bad is the Sexual content, and is there any nudity. My mom (grrr she gets me mad) is going all ape over it having sexual content. I even told her its only the hookers like in GTA:VC. Ill be driving soon and she is pulling this... man she needs to chill. I told her to watch The Matrix Reloaded and then talk to me about the game. (I still have nightmares about that one L.....O....N.....G.... scene >< ) Any idea's on how i can get her to buy it for me... *thinks to self* maybe i should have my brother get it for me... if my mom doesnt. GRAND IDEA... but still please help me out here. Thank you
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: The Omen on November 05, 2003, 02:36:39 PM
I dont think you should be playing any game like GTA VC , or watching Matrix reloaded for that matter.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: yellowfellow on November 06, 2003, 03:58:05 AM
so you're old enough to be driving soon, but you want your mom to buy it for you?
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: SSJBonacci2 on November 06, 2003, 09:55:45 AM
Yea, the game stores around here are all TOO strict. They told my mom when she went to get it for me that it was rated M and had Sexual situations in it. She didnt buy it BTW... i hate when they do that... i might try and attempt to buy it myself since i look like im 18. (I work for a Tobacco free company, i go and buy cigarettes you know the drill.) Oh well... i still need an answer to my question :/
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on November 06, 2003, 11:21:30 AM
The game has prostitutes in the street who will sometimes fight each other.  And it has the F-word, which I think is why the ESRB gave it the "Sexual References" descriptor.  There isn't any actual sexual content that I ever saw, and I played through the longest path, so I've seen probably 75% of the game.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: SSJBonacci2 on November 06, 2003, 12:34:37 PM
Ok, thanks. My mom got it for me today and iv played it for along time. So far i love it, i just hope it stays that way
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: mjbd on November 06, 2003, 05:41:42 PM
I picked up the game today, and for the most part its seems pretty good.  It deffiantely has some flaws though, framerate can get choppy at times, which bugs the hell out of me.  Learning the controls takes a little bit of time, not quite as simple as GTA.  So far I havent done much, driving around and waiting for crimes to happen.  Most the reviews for this game were right on, its not perfect, but its better than decent.  It definately helps fill the genre gap, if you like GTA, your gonna like True Crime.  Is it a game that you will be playing a year from now?  Probably not, but its good for some cheap thrills.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Dynamitega on November 06, 2003, 11:33:29 PM
Most people that don't like it want it to be GTA4... then they get disappointed, such is the case with a few people that I've seen that don't like it.  I like it pretty much... a few more months in the cooker and it would've been a lot better as far as the glitchy stuff goes, but I understand how Activision is hurting for sales, so they had to get this out.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: StRaNgE on November 07, 2003, 02:16:39 PM
i  thought the scene   getting the lap dance at the strip club was pretty  good,  lots of  words  in it that many might consider bad as well.

mine froze up on me like 5 times today.
which sucked.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Dynamitega on November 09, 2003, 12:16:40 AM
Mine hasn't froze yet, but I've fallen off the world before and there was no way to get back, kinda funny actually.  I absolutely love how much stuff in this game that is breakable, makes for a lot of fun.  I'm pretty far in the game, near the last mission, and I've really enjoyed it, especially now that I know the controls well and know how to do things like stop cars and stuff.  The upgrades I got help too...
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: mjbd on November 09, 2003, 08:23:40 AM
This game is actually very well done, as far as gameplay goes, and the whole presentation goes.  The cut scenes are very well done, and the world is very immersive.  But the technical hitches are a bit much to ignore.  If the framerate was smooth, and the pop ups were gone, I think this game would be deserving of a 9.0/10.0, but as it stands I think it deserves an 8.0/10.0.  
Title: RE: True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Rhoq on November 09, 2003, 10:10:26 AM
The game ends with Episode V?

I feel like I just wasted $50 on what - 5 hours of gameplay?

Now, I playing a secind time and I'm going to try to be a "good cop".
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on November 09, 2003, 04:22:53 PM
The good cop path has 8 episodes, and some of them are different.  That is the longest path.  Bad cop is probably the shortest.  There is also a neutral cop path, but I'm not sure if it has any unique episodes.  I know it does have a unique ending though.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Dynamitega on November 09, 2003, 09:23:02 PM
I think it's pretty great...  all Gamecube owners should show their support and pick this title up.

My main complaint is the loading that goes on... it seems like that's all it does when doing missions.  That's really my only major complaint.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: cml on November 09, 2003, 09:42:21 PM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker

as you are well aware, it is most certainly due to nintendo's image as of late. publishers just don't see the GCN version as a high priority and thus if any version needs to be held back for the sake of the others, the choice is obvious... from their standpoint.

But Gamecube sales are the best they've ever been now- if anything 3rd parties should be reinstating their cancelled Gamecube projects (which, according to IGN, a lot of publishers are doing). Even if the Gamecube wasn't selling as well as it is, there's still no reason to simply delay the game. Either cancel it or launch it on time, nothing else.

While I appreciate that this post probably doesn't belong the True Crime thread, can I just say that the reason the GameCube versions of a lot of 3rd party titles seem to be an afterthought is generally because a GCN SKU simply doesn't sell as well as it's Xbox or PS2 counterpart.

And even though Cube sales have picked up since the price cut, the sales of 3rd party games is not likely to change a great deal as a result of the larger user base. Most people who by a GameCube at $99 will most likely already have a PS2, Xbox or both. They would be enticed into buying a Cube now because there might be a couple of GC-exclusives that interest them, and at such a low price it is hard to say no. And these new Cube owners will more than likely keep buying their 3rd party product their original console, not the GameCube. Things could turn out differently I guess, but I personally don't think they will.

I also think that your "Either cancel it or launch it on time, nothing else" comment is a bit over top. Personally I am generally happy that a publisher gives me the option of playing their game with a GameCube controller, and if I have to wait a bit for that privilege I will. I certainly would prefer not to have to wait, but if I have to choose between either a short wait or not getting the game at all, it's a pretty easy decision.


Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Rhoq on November 10, 2003, 05:46:30 AM

Originally posted by: Jonnyboy117
The good cop path has 8 episodes, and some of them are different.  That is the longest path.  Bad cop is probably the shortest.  There is also a neutral cop path, but I'm not sure if it has any unique episodes.  I know it does have a unique ending though.

Thanks for the info - I was a bad cop. A very bad cop, LOL.

I'm trying hard ot be good this time around but it's so hard to do things "by the book". It's so much easier to shoot everyone that pisses me off and run over every suspect that wants to run.

Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on November 10, 2003, 12:05:02 PM
It was hard for me to play good cop at first, because I didn't have some of the basic upgrades like manual aiming help, etc.  Plus, I didn't know exactly what was good and what was bad.  But after I got over those things, it was easy to be a good cop.  I finished the game with +130 good cop rating.  I would like to go back and play bad cop all the way through, once I have the time.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: Dynamitega on November 10, 2003, 07:52:11 PM
I'm at +87 rating now.. I can do a lot of bad and still be a good cop.  I like having that leeway.
Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: StRaNgE on November 11, 2003, 06:06:40 AM
I actually had the cops chase me down the other day, my god and a lot of them came after me and shot me down cold blood.

I am now up to 33 good cop though although on certain chase scenes I seem to  slide into people when cornering lowering the good cop ratio.

As far as upgrades I have the yellow sports car now  but  am stuck at the speed aiming one and the   run into a car at 45 degrees to make them spin out. Do you have to spin both of those cars out? seems almost impossible if so.

Also doing the fighting I am  having a hell of a time to learn a new combo, seems  it is not regerstering when I push the buttons after stunning the person.

Any ideas?

Title: RE:True Crime! (Ask a question, get an answer)
Post by: madgamer83 on November 19, 2003, 01:19:38 PM
All you have to do is frisk everybody walking around for a while and youl go up a leval when you get drugs or guns get upgrades so you can shot none fatily