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Community Forums => NWR Mafia Games => Topic started by: Order.RSS on December 22, 2019, 10:52:15 AM

Title: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Order.RSS on December 22, 2019, 10:52:15 AM
Well, that didn't take long! Granted, Phantom Road is a tricky circuit with lots of unguarded corners to be pushed off... Long-standing F-Zero bandit Samurai Goroh took a tumble straight down the very first chicane, after tripping over a randomly generated banana peel...

That Baby Guy and Mop It Up suffered an early setback and even had to ruthlessly sacrifice a fellow Mafia Member to clinch it, but in the end they steamrolled over the competition! Congratulations!

Here's who everyone was:
1. Pokepal148 was Townie Detective. Escaped death twice, killed during Night 5.
2. Khushrenada was Townie Cupid, and joined Stratos & Stevey on his first night. Served as Race Leader for a while, too. Killed on Night 3 by Mafia.
3. BeautifulShy was the Risky Driver and kept the Race Leader title firmly in the Townie camp. She was killed on Night 1, took a lucky guess, and resurrected Pokepal from death while going out.
4. Lolmonade was the Townie Doctor.
5. MASB was Mafia Goon #3, killed by the very first Townie Vote.
6. Nickmitch was a Normal Townie, the last one to perish on Day 7.
7. NRW_Insanolord was the Rogue Mafia Goon, but never used this power. Killed on Night 5 through Townie Vote.
8. Stevey started as Normal Townie, was hit by Cupid's Arrow. Died when voted out.
9. Stratos  started as Normal Townie, was hit by Cupid's Arrow. Died when voted out.
10. Mr. Bungle was a Normal Townie, killed by Mafia hit on Night 6.
11. Shyguy was a Normal Townie, voted out on Day 2.
12. Mop It Up was Mafia Goon #2 and survives to this day!
13. Backwards Flying Dragons was the Mafia Godfather & survives to this day!
14. Lucario was the Killer. Voted out on Day 3.

Thanks for playing everyone!

P.S.: Please fill out this form ( to give some feedback, if you want!
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: that Baby guy on December 22, 2019, 10:55:54 AM
The craziest part about all of this is that I never even signed up.

Edit:  I have been told every time I'm mafia and Mop it up is mafia, I vote for her. Whoops!
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 22, 2019, 11:07:42 AM
Well that was a fast and fun game even though I died in the first night.   

I sent these guesses to steefosaurus on the 18th on who I thought Mafia was. Thatguy- Godfather,Mop it up- Mafia #2, Mr. Bungle- Reluctant Mafia Member.  I was pretty spot in aside from Mr. Bungle.  I figured this much from all the players that voted for me in the Race Leader poll on the first day.   Mop it up, Insanolord and Mr. Bungle said they voted for me in the Race Leader poll and I felt like this was to make me make a difficult decision on who Mafia might be that early in the game and I did waver once but it was to Mop it up and thatguy was voting for her as well so I am sure thatguy had a plan if Mop it up was voted out instead of MASB and maybe it would of been me that was being whispered vote possibilities from thatguy instead of pokepal.

 I also questioned if I should of revived pokepal that first night instead of killing Mop it up and letting the townies figure things out instead of play Follow the Investigator throughout the game and maybe with pokepal dead thatguy couldn't of led the investigator to false options in searches.

Oh well fun game and I will be posting a signup thread for my new game sometime today and I will have it run through the holidays.  It is going to be Mafia 84: Resident Evil: Code Veronica Pain(or something like that.)  Basically it is going to be a branch off of the main Mafia game series and the Remastered game will come later on when I figure things out more for that game.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 22, 2019, 11:12:59 AM
The craziest part about all of this is that I never even signed up.

Edit:  I have been told every time I'm mafia and Mop it up is mafia, I vote for her. Whoops!
You have done that every time. Both Phoenix Wright games and this one come to mind.  Maybe stop that because one of these days people are going to notice. :P
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 22, 2019, 11:15:27 AM
I guess the only other question I have for this game is how did the Reluctant Mafia member work? Can they create a hit where there is none or is it only used when there is a hit sent in Steefosaurus?
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Order.RSS on December 22, 2019, 11:59:33 AM
Hey everyone, I've made a quick survey ( (~12 questions) through which you can send in anonymous feedback. Hope you'll take a minute to respond, but I understand if it's too busy with holidays soon.

I guess the only other question I have for this game is how did the Reluctant Mafia member work? Can they create a hit where there is none or is it only used when there is a hit sent in Steefosaurus?

My idea of the role was to only change a hit in case the Godfather sent in a target. However, I have to concede that the wording was too vague and also allowed for the interpretation that a change from "nobody" to "somebody" would still technically be a 'changing target'.

Thus, I would have allowed such a situation too.

The role largely existed as an extra vector through which the Couple could win. If the Rogue Mafia Member was part of the Couple, they could attack fellow Mafia members from within. Conversely, if the Godfather was Coupled up and began killing Mafia Members, the Mafia had this role as a fallback.
The 50% chance of passing on the trait facilitates strategies in which Coupled Mafia members work with Townies to vote out a Mafia member and hoping to extend their moveset that way.

Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Mop it up on December 22, 2019, 12:44:36 PM
Thanks for hosting the game, Steefosaurus! I believe this is your first time hosting if I remember correctly, and overall I think you did a good job setting things up. You seemed to stick to the schedule pretty well and get each day going, and made things easier by having the player list available, and trying to be as clear as you can with things.

Now, I don't mean to sound unappreciative, as I know it takes a lot of work to host these things, and there's a lot of stuff of which to keep track. But I do have some things I didn't like that I feel I should mention.

-I'm sure you were just trying to be nice, but, the voting deadline shouldn't be extended upon request. Deadlines are dealines, if we can't sort things out in the 48 hours before that, it's on us.
-Since Pokepal148 didn't actually get killed, then I think his role should not have been announced in the day thread.
-I know that you were trying to be accommodating, but I think ThePerm shouldn't have been brought into the game on day 2. This gave the townie side not just a confirmed townie, but one with a way of protecting himself at least once, which is a powerful asset for the townies to have. If you'd like to get more players to join your game, then I suggest to run the sign-up period for longer.

I'm honestly surprised we won this game with all this going on, although I suspect the main reason for that was so many players being inactive.

that playing as a Townie or non-powered role can be quite boring
Funnily enough, this is my fave role to get! It's fun to try to piece things together from the starting point of knowing nothing. Or at least, it was, back when people actually participated in these games...
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: pokepal148 on December 22, 2019, 01:25:33 PM
I was beginning to suspect I was getting double crossed but I felt like it was too late at that point to do anything but go forward with the current course of action and hope for the best.

Well played all.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 22, 2019, 01:41:03 PM
I was beginning to suspect I was getting double crossed but I felt like it was too late at that point to do anything but go forward with the current course of action and hope for the best.

Well played all.

I'm curious as to if anything of your searches resulted in finding anyone other than townie or killer?
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Order.RSS on December 22, 2019, 01:42:33 PM
-I'm sure you were just trying to be nice, but, the voting deadline shouldn't be extended upon request. Deadlines are dealines, if we can't sort things out in the 48 hours before that, it's on us.
-Since Pokepal148 didn't actually get killed, then I think his role should not have been announced in the day thread.
-I know that you were trying to be accommodating, but I think ThePerm shouldn't have been brought into the game on day 2. This gave the townie side not just a confirmed townie, but one with a way of protecting himself at least once, which is a powerful asset for the townies to have. If you'd like to get more players to join your game, then I suggest to run the sign-up period for longer.

Thanks for the feedback!
Regarding Pokepal, the crucial difference I felt was because he died and the Risky Driver can only resurrect, it's not a protection like the Doctor provides. There was never going to be a situation where the Risky Driver could resurrect an anonymous player, because I had explicitly said that roles would be revealed upon death. Did I paint myself in a corner there; maybe yeah, it basically forced me to out his role.
To be honest I was hoping the Risky Driver role would survive a bit longer into the game, since it both incentivises activity in the Dead Thread, as well as posing a risk to the Mafia.

I'm honestly surprised we won this game with all this going on, although I suspect the main reason for that was so many players being inactive.

Not sure I fully agree, since the several outed players also allowed the Mafia an easy way into the Townie alliance. Note that the Townies made very few successful plays: the voting out of MASB gave an early head-start, and the deduction about Lucario's identity was inspired, but otherwise they identified just a single mafia member before it was already over. The Doctor made just a single successful save, too.

After Day 1 I was afraid I had overbalanced in favour of the Townies because BeautifulShy put in a blistering first day, but from Day 3 onwards it was already pretty clear the Townies were fast running out of runway.

Funnily enough, [townie] is my fave role to get! It's fun to try to piece things together from the starting point of knowing nothing. Or at least, it was, back when people actually participated in these games...

Yeah, activity is a tough one to crack because the setup of the game essentially punishes posting in the threads. You're often at less of a risk by only sticking to PMs or just flat-out doing nothing. This time around I think ShyGuy caught the bulk of that, along with BeautifulShy.

I think BeautifulShy's previous game had fairly elegant solutions for this with the 3-day-post rule as well as roles like the Encryptor who could post anonymous messages in the thread. I might crib from those in a future game.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Mop it up on December 22, 2019, 02:01:06 PM
Possibly ironic, but now that I actually survived past day one in a game, this is one of those games where I wish I hadn't!

I don't think Lucario was investigated, but we actually guessed that Lucario was killer from the day 1 hit. I believe thatguy even reached out to him at one point since this was the sort of game where we could use the extra hits, but the time zone difference made that difficult.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 22, 2019, 02:09:13 PM
Gonna post some of the thoughts I had after I died and throughout the game.

After I was notified  that pokepal died along with me I felt partially responsible because like a fool I told Mop it up their role in an effort to save pokepal in the vote on the first day.  It also caused the Mafia to target pokepal if they wanted them gone. I also felt like because of my foolish mistake that I had to revive pokepal.  I also figured with Khushrenada, pokepal, and The Perm the game could of gone in a good direction for the townies. Investigator, Cupid, Confirmed townie with a bumper could get things going.  That is a good trio of players.  I also felt that the Cupid role could be used in two ways.  Pair two players together and with that pair you could use investigatons on other players to try and narrow things down.  Maybe one or two of the players are Mafia and they have to stay alive and could be beneficial to the townies by forcing them to stay alive because only Cupid and the pair know they are paired together and maybe if say thatguy and say Nickmitch are paired together maybe thatguy could go after different targets or maybe one of their own mafia members and that could of made the game a bit different.   

Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: ThePerm on December 22, 2019, 02:35:26 PM
Mr Bungle is aptly named. Day 6 of the game was weird because I made my post and then it seemed to stretch on forever. I checked it last night and there was no change. And then I get back on today at noon and i'm dead and day 6 is over and day 7 is over. I'm assuming Nickmitch and MrBungle were too busy with holiday stuff or Star Wars.

If they had voted we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 22, 2019, 02:53:14 PM
Mr Bungle is aptly named. Day 6 of the game was weird because I made my post and then it seemed to stretch on forever. I checked it last night and there was no change. And then I get back on today at noon and i'm dead and day 6 is over and day 7 is over. I'm assuming Nickmitch and MrBungle were too busy with holiday stuff or Star Wars.

If they had voted we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.
That is so true.    I am guessing both of them lost track of time and when the day closed because for me the day 6 was supposed to close at a little before 8am.  I figured with Mop it up voting last night or in the early morning there would of been some votes but I guess thatguy didn't want to leave things to chance and posted his vote 20 minutes before the day was to end.   

After Insanolord was voted out I figured there was two ways this game could go either a townie or Mafia win.   Townie win involved everyone voting out Mop it up and then Day 7 would of come and it would of likely been thatguy, The Perm and one of Nickmitch or Mr. Bungle.  Townies figure out who is the GF is after some digging and vote out thatguy.  Game would of ended there. 

 Mafia had two paths.  What happened with Day 6 and 7 and the Mafia not really fearing outing themselves with the vote or something a little bit more complex.

thatguy votes out Mop it up along with everyone else,  no mafia hit on Night 6, That leaves, thatguy, The Perm, Nickmitch, and Mr. Bungle.  Players question why there was no hit once again and maybe target Nickmitch in the vote because the past few days Nickmitch has been absent from the day threads and he is voted out.  Nickmitch is voted out and then thatguy sends in a hit for Mr. Bungle and it is a one to one tie and in those cases Mafia win automatically.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: that Baby guy on December 22, 2019, 03:22:53 PM
Had they voted, what would have happened tomorrow?I would have hit ThePerm. It would be me, Mr. Bungle, and nickmitch.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 22, 2019, 03:30:56 PM
Had they voted, what would have happened tomorrow?I would have hit ThePerm. It would be me, Mr. Bungle, and nickmitch.
Or it could of been ThePerm, Mr. Bungle, Nickmitch and you from ThePerm using their bumper to protect themselves if they still had it.  That would have been interesting day.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Order.RSS on December 22, 2019, 03:38:15 PM
Or it could of been ThePerm, Mr. Bungle, Nickmitch and you from ThePerm using their bumper to protect themselves if they still had it.  That would have been interesting day.

ThePerm had already used the Boost on his very first night, good move too, because that's how he evaded a hit from the Killer.
Thatguy purposefully suggested he still had this option to obfuscate while posing as a Townie.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 22, 2019, 03:40:50 PM
Or it could of been ThePerm, Mr. Bungle, Nickmitch and you from ThePerm using their bumper to protect themselves if they still had it.  That would have been interesting day.

ThePerm had already used the Boost on his very first night, good move too, because that's how he evaded a hit from the Killer.
Thatguy purposefully suggested he still had this option to obfuscate while posing as a Townie.
What a game.  Lots of trickery.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: that Baby guy on December 22, 2019, 04:01:29 PM
There was a lot that happened this game to give the mafia a fighting chance. I don't really have the time to get into it now, but I will do a rundown tomorrow.

I've got a few moments, so let's talk about the first day:

Not much occurred here. After the fact, Mop it up pointed out to me that apparently, when I'm guilty and she's guilty, voting for Mop it up is one of our tells. Even though we lost MASB right away, in a standard game, one could say the votes put us in a pretty powerful position. The end vote was primarily between two mafia members and pokepal. Thank's to BeautifulShy's efforts, we also knew pokepal had a role, though we did not know what role that was. Moving past that, I had voted for a mafia member that got in hot water and hadn't changed my vote. Mop it up, I believe, voted for MASB and was effectively one of the killing votes. If anyone went back and analyzed the day's vote, we had some fairly decent cover.

This might surprise some people based on what I said before, but I had sent in the hit for pokepal early in the day, before any of this really happened or developed. He was just a random choice.

Typically, I make the plan for how I'll play each mafia game before the game starts, as best I can to avoid modifying my plans too heavily and making obvious mistakes in over-planning. In this case, I had decided I was going to approach the game to appear uninterested, and also rarely log in to actually do anything. This is evident in day 1's post, where I voted Mop it up, primarily to feign disdain for even signing up for the game. (I was lying about not signing up above. It was a joke! I did sign up for this one.)

Upon reading the results for day 1 in day 2's thread, at first I thought we were in pretty good shape. The killer actually took out a townie role. We knew the identity of the investigator, who was ripe for being hit. Seemed pretty basic, pretty positive. A balanced exchange. We lost MASB, we gained a lot of insight.

At this point, the mafia was Insanolord, Mop it up, and me. If you've ever played one of these games with Insanolord, you know he's pretty quiet. I kept him in the loop with our plans, but we didn't hear much back. Most strategizing was discussed with Mop it up. She pointed out how screwed we really were. I didn't even see ThePerm was added in at first. I didn't see he also came with a one-time use shield.

See, I've hypothesized the best way to deal with a townie alliance where one member is clearly confirmed for all townies to see is a townie is to make a false claim about being another townie role. An easy one in a game like this? The Doctor. Yes, the end result might be that the false doctor is discovered and voted out. However, with that, there's a strong chance that you sow paranoia and distrust, while also potentially discovering the identity of other townie roles, all things considered. It's a risky play, but one that makes sense if there's a townie alliance that is too solid thanks to verifiable information in the game. This was to be the move going forward.

Except now there were two verified townies in pokepal and ThePerm. There was literally no way to move in and pretend to be a townie role without there being one confirmed member left. Two things should have really broken the game following the first night: The certain reveal of pokepal's role and the presence of a second, fully-disclosed townie who also had automatic protection. Add in that a doctor was in the game and that pokepal had auto-protection from BeautifulShy that night, and we, the mafia, essentially had no hope.

Still focusing on the actions leading into and introducing day 2, it was assumed Pokepal investigated BeautifulShy before revealing his role to her, thus swinging the vote in day 1. It wasn't a big deal if this was a one-off event. Things could still be manipulated. It meant two more investigations instead of just the first day one, which wasn't great, but could be managed. Primarily, that management occurs via schemes that cause the lone, apparent townie to mistrust the people he or she has trusted, and it can be done. As soon as that lone townie has a reliable, confirmed second role to count on, the game becomes a lot easier, and it's easier to grow confident in connections and to also be able to steer the game with an alliance.

All these things went into consideration as we began making plans for Day 2.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 22, 2019, 05:56:06 PM
I want to note something with my role.   It was either a revive or a kill.  So if I was the only one to die that night I would of not been able to revive anyone. I would of been forced to kill someone or don't use my role at all.  If I didn't die and someone else died then I could of revived said player one time.     

Also I just want to mention I have my signups for my next game up in the Funhouse but please continue the discussion here with the wrap up for this game until I close sign ups. Carry on.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Mop it up on December 22, 2019, 06:13:28 PM
I also decide before the game how I'm going to act, and this time it was doing random things like the randomly-generated X cup! Though I probably should have explained more what that was.

Yeah, activity is a tough one to crack because the setup of the game essentially punishes posting in the threads. You're often at less of a risk by only sticking to PMs or just flat-out doing nothing.
I feel this wouldn't be true if everyone participated. It's only been an issue more recently when there have been less players overall, and seemingly an increase in inactive ones. I s'pose this may be a problem inherent with the game itself, but despite that I feel like we used to have much more participation anyway. Though, perhaps I'm just romanticizing the past and should actually go check out some old games to see if they were as active as I remember, or maybe it was just me. Also, there used to be more players interested in the roleplay aspect of the game, which would in turn inspire other people to at least try it as well, which gave more reason to post in the day threads besides simply voting.

That said, this particular game is proof that inactivity doesn't always work anyway, and it isn't the first. It's a large part of the reason we won this, and not just because of the final day where only one of the three townies showed up. Had everyone been participating, we wouldn't have been able to pull the stunt where we didn't make a hit is one example, which seemed to be part of the reason they thought thatguy was a legitimate townie.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: pokepal148 on December 22, 2019, 06:25:38 PM
That said, this particular game is proof that inactivity doesn't always work anyway, and it isn't the first. It's a large part of the reason we won this, and not just because of the final day where only one of the three townies showed up. Had everyone been participating, we wouldn't have been able to pull the stunt where we didn't make a hit is one example, which seemed to be part of the reason they thought thatguy was a legitimate townie.
It was that (especially since I knew he was active during that night period) and that Khushrenada told me he could probably be trusted.

So once again, inactivity and Khushrenada killed the Townie cause.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 22, 2019, 09:53:30 PM
That said, this particular game is proof that inactivity doesn't always work anyway, and it isn't the first. It's a large part of the reason we won this, and not just because of the final day where only one of the three townies showed up. Had everyone been participating, we wouldn't have been able to pull the stunt where we didn't make a hit is one example, which seemed to be part of the reason they thought thatguy was a legitimate townie.
It was that (especially since I knew he was active during that night period) and that Khushrenada told me he could probably be trusted.

So once again, inactivity and Khushrenada killed the Townie cause.
He can be trusted early on.  As the game goes on thatguy if he is still around and is making votes that seem to good to be true then it probably is for some reason that benefits him.   
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: M.K.Ultra on December 22, 2019, 11:00:23 PM
Mr Bungle is aptly named. Day 6 of the game was weird because I made my post and then it seemed to stretch on forever. I checked it last night and there was no change. And then I get back on today at noon and i'm dead and day 6 is over and day 7 is over. I'm assuming Nickmitch and MrBungle were too busy with holiday stuff or Star Wars.

If they had voted we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.

I let the townies down and I am sorry. Holiday and family stuff has thrown off my routine and I completely forgot about the game. I will do better next time.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: ThePerm on December 23, 2019, 03:01:41 AM
Mr Bungle is aptly named. Day 6 of the game was weird because I made my post and then it seemed to stretch on forever. I checked it last night and there was no change. And then I get back on today at noon and i'm dead and day 6 is over and day 7 is over. I'm assuming Nickmitch and MrBungle were too busy with holiday stuff or Star Wars.

If they had voted we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.

I let the townies down and I am sorry. Holiday and family stuff has thrown off my routine and I completely forgot about the game. I will do better next time.

No real problems. I expected this. Mafia games can be hard to keep track of. A lot of mafia games have started when I had a clear schedule and then suddenly I had to go out of town. Having this around the holidays was a setback for townies. From my experience playing as townies is a far more active experience. Every time I've been mafia I could cut my gameplay time to 1/3.

This was kind of an interesting role. I felt it was a pretty balanced role. On one hand everyone knew I was a townie, but I had a target on my back the whole time. But that one time save was a nice feature. Taking out lolmonade was essential to the mafia victory here.  I have seen too many episodes of survivor to not use my hidden immunity idol.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: that Baby guy on December 23, 2019, 11:40:04 AM
Mr Bungle is aptly named. Day 6 of the game was weird because I made my post and then it seemed to stretch on forever. I checked it last night and there was no change. And then I get back on today at noon and i'm dead and day 6 is over and day 7 is over. I'm assuming Nickmitch and MrBungle were too busy with holiday stuff or Star Wars.

If they had voted we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.

I let the townies down and I am sorry. Holiday and family stuff has thrown off my routine and I completely forgot about the game. I will do better next time.

This isn't fair to say about you. You were a normal townie, left out of the loop the whole game. Bear in mind, had you shown up, I would have voted for Mop it up, and we'd have gone to one more day.

Would ThePerm have given you the race leader title? If he had, would you have voted for me? If the answer to either of those questions were no, it would have remained a mafia victory.

Back before voting out Insanolord, Pokepal and ThePerm should have put their heads together and taken a risk on voting out the Godfather. At the end of the day, they should have publicly posted that by process of elimination, they knew Insanolord and Mop it up were mafia. This would have provided them the same odds while not leaving the game in the hands of someone inactive and someone else they couldn't fully trust.

Like I said, you did well with what you had this game. Don't feel like you left anyone down.

Further game action analysis and mafia scheming from day 2 to the end will come tonight.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 23, 2019, 01:09:38 PM
Had I been alive past the 1st night I would of talked with you more Mr. Bungle I guess in part that was my fault going all out with a role where I thought I could play like I usually do. Still the one thing I want to say is that as a normal townie you can afford to be more aggressive and make different guesses out on the field.  After a few days looking back on past votes may gleam different clues once a Mafia member is gone from the game. Sometimes they are good insights and sometimes they are bad this can happen all the time with any player. In any case good game Mr. Bungle and I hope you play the next game. :)
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 23, 2019, 04:15:12 PM
I am kinda curious if there was a reason why Insanolord didn't send in any changed hits?  I like the role and it in part would of been similar to one of the roles I had to cut in my last RE Mafia game and it could of been interesting.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: NWR_insanolord on December 23, 2019, 04:25:43 PM
I just never saw the point of it. It seemed like it would just lead to infighting among the mafia, and the point of the game is for them to work together. I probably only would have thought to use it if the godfather was absent and it was the only way we could have hit anybody that night.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 23, 2019, 04:44:26 PM
I just never saw the point of it. It seemed like it would just lead to infighting among the mafia, and the point of the game is for them to work together. I probably only would have thought to use it if the godfather was absent and it was the only way we could have hit anybody that night.
This did happen in the game.  I was wondering about the no hit on Day 3 I want to say.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: NWR_insanolord on December 23, 2019, 05:23:25 PM
We intentionally didn't hit anyone that night to try to throw people off. I don't know if that really worked, but we won so maybe it did.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: that Baby guy on December 23, 2019, 07:59:46 PM
Okay, I promised I'd talk about day 2 and the rest.

At the start of Day 2, the picture looked like this (from our perspective):

Mop it up


Townies with roles
Pokepal -- Investigator
ThePerm -- Confirmed Townie, also with a shield


Unknown Roles:

Mafia:Townies:Killer -- 3:9:1
Mafia:PlainTownies -- 3:5
RoledTownies:PlainTownies -- 4:5

At this point, a few things were clear: We needed to make sure we didn't hit ANYONE who was just a normal, everyday townie. Why? The investigator was impossible to kill at this point. Killing the investigator meant first hitting the doctor. And, to make matters worse, a hit on the doctor at the wrong time would result in giving away intelligence we had, or would take a random guess. Essentially, any plain townie we killed would reduce our victory chances at the end of the game, and any guess we made into who to hit would prove fruitless. No matter how it was cut, with both pokepal and ThePerm clear townies, I knew we were out of the information loop, and with two players solidly in the townie alliance, bluffing our way in wasn't going to be possible.

I considered a few things: From the first day, it was clear the killer was going for the lowest hanging fruit. I expected the killer to try to hit ThePerm. We already suspected Lucario of being the killer at this point. I thought about reaching out to Lucario and forming an alliance with him so we wouldn't cross-kill, but to be honest, in terms of personal contacts, I don't really know him that way, and I couldn't say for sure he wouldn't throw me under the bus at his first chance. Since I was the only mafia member who couldn't simply be detected, I knew that was huge risk, so it didn't happen. Worse, if I was wrong about Lucario (and based on the odds, I should have been), it would have been instantly an awful thing. In this respect, at least for day 2, I decided to stay off of Lucario's radar and hope no one else would piece things together.

After discussing things some with Mop it up, I genuinely didn't know who would be a good choice to hit. There was always a chance ThePerm wouldn't use the battery shield and the doctor was inactive, but I had a strong hunch the killer would be hitting him, so I felt it wasn't worth our hit to go after him. I considered hitting Khushrenada, as most do in these situations, but estimated (incorrectly) that if he were Cupid, he would have possibly paired himself with me, just for fun. I was under the impression (Maybe wrongly so?) that Cupid could pair himself with someone, so I figured that would be a move Khushrenada would try, and dismissed him as Cupid. I also dismissed him as the doctor, as I thought Khushrenada as the doctor would have protected pokepal. This meant, at the time of Day 2's hit, Khushrenada was suspected to be a plain townie, and would make an excellent scapegoat down the line.

The list of available targets at this point was lolmonade, stevey, Stratos, nickmitch, Shyguy, and Mr.Bungle. That left us six. We were hoping the doctor wasn't active and was Stratos. If that was the case, we'd have extra inactive cover. We were non-concerned with the lovers from our perspective, as well. No thought was given into who they may be. I didn't look over the first day's votes, but lolmonade and stevey were also relatively inactive, so I suspected they were normal townies, as well. That left nickmitch, who I knew has a habbit of being fairly inactive, and thus I considered a late-game asset, Shyguy, and MrBungle, who I had no idea about. ShyGuy was being voted out (Why? I mean, even from his defense in the thread, it was clear he didn't really care about the game, but was trying to help the townies from making a bad decision.)

Frankly, what I'm trying to say is that I didn't know enough. I didn't know enough to keep from hitting any plain townies, and we had a situation where two townies likely had protection WITHOUT using the doctor's protection, which meant beyond that, there was a half decent chance the target I'd want would be protected.

I thought about it, mulled things over, and ultimately decided to do a no-hit. I'd let my mafia know, and I would make absolute certain to start making noise. I wanted to be investigated. I wanted to have posted a lot. My angle was simple: No one knows what the mafia might do, except for the mafia. If the mafia do something unpredictable and senseless, the mafia players also know it's going to happen before it does. And their actions can appear to contradict that concept.

Notice on Day 2 that Insanolord posts and votes. The one day the godfather does nothing, Insanolord shows up. Coincidence? I wouldn't say so. I told him and Mop it up my plan, urged them to post and at least make an appearance, and they did.

My goal was two-fold. First, I needed to be the target of an investigation. This would provide me the most cover and protection from a random townie vote-out, like what happened to ShyGuy, and would also at least let my mafia avoid being detected for one day. I was not expecting to become part of the townie alliance, but rather be put fairly low on the priority list. After all, I was very active on a day the godfather AND Goon #3 didn't do anything, AND I had been investigated as a townie. If we looked at the flat odds, I had a 1/6 chance to be the godfather, and a 5/6 chance to just be a normal townie. If you weigh those with the lack of a hit, to most players, I'd be beyond suspicion.

And that's where we rested day 2.

(If it isn't clear, I'm definitely obsessive compulsive. It shows in these games. I can't NOT think about them, strategies, and so on all day when I play them. That is a large part of why I rarely sign up. I don't think it's healthy.)
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 23, 2019, 08:41:01 PM
Quote from thatguy
I was under the impression (Maybe wrongly so?) that Cupid could pair himself with someone, so I figured that would be a move Khushrenada would try, and dismissed him as Cupid.
  Cupid could pair themselves with someone else or pair two different people.  I had sent some PMs to Khushrenada about using the role and how we could use it to our advantage.  I think I suggested pairing Lucario with a suspected Mafia member as the 1st day was closing to Khushrenada before I was notified I died.

 Khushrenada messaged me and he chose Stratos and Mr. Bungle to be paired together earlier in some messages .  I guess in retrospect that wasn't entirely true but it was a nice switch and surprise for me. I was wondering if the play on the Pairing was a way to get 2 for 1 in Mafia members or just a way to narrow things down on possible searches.  It very well could have been both but it kinda didn't work if they thought one of them could of been Mafia. Still a good play one way or another.     

Personally speaking if I was hosting and there was a cupid role I would of made one change to it and have the deadline be at the end of Day 2 instead of at the end of the first day.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: nickmitch on December 23, 2019, 09:29:46 PM
Yeah, sorry Perm. I got caught up with finals and then holiday stuff. Definitely left NWR and the game out of my head. I had meant to go through the threads at some point, but never got around to it. :(
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: pokepal148 on December 23, 2019, 11:19:44 PM
With day 2 I just went along with the Shyguy vote because I hadn't had time to find a better option. Time was a big barrier against me even though I wound up being fairly active. I really wanted to do more with the Roger Buster roleplay. Just turn him into one of those asshole delivery drivers who leaves packages in the rain and probably throw something in about him getting chased by someone's dog.

Also I knew Thatguy likes to play a bit crazy but I didn't think he'd be crazy enough to throw away a kill, especially in a game where the Townie side had as much leverage as they had. I had suspected once it was out that I was the detective he'd try to lay low if he were the godfather since I was CC'd in all of his PMs from the Ace Attorney game I hosted which gave me a really good idea of how he usually operates but not making a kill really threw me off his trail.

I'm honestly really surprised that Khush didn't pair himself off with Thatguy so he could have his precious game where he and Thatguy were teamed up that he wanted back in the Ace Attorney one I hosted.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: that Baby guy on December 24, 2019, 12:04:49 AM
The trick, pokepal, is that I often operate pretty crazy regardless of which role I get and which side I am. It makes things a lot more interesting.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 24, 2019, 12:12:18 AM
The trick, pokepal, is that I often operate pretty crazy regardless of which role I get and which side I am. It makes things a lot more interesting.
This is true.
Also trust thatguy early on, late game and he is still alive. Vote him out.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 24, 2019, 02:55:08 AM
Yeah, sorry Perm. I got caught up with finals and then holiday stuff. Definitely left NWR and the game out of my head. I had meant to go through the threads at some point, but never got around to it. :(

I was kinda wondering if the first day vote had anything to do with your absence.  I mean you, MASB and Lucario ended up voting for pokepal and on day 2 we knew who pokepal was.  I guess it might of not been a factor though.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: nickmitch on December 24, 2019, 05:54:54 PM
No, I honestly just ended up spending time away from the forums and not thinking about the game.  Usually, when I'm at my computer, I take some time to web surf/check the forums.  But this is actually the first time I'm opening my laptop in a while.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: ThePerm on December 24, 2019, 09:48:27 PM
I didn't really care that much. I just wanted to make a veiled political joke. If it was a game with a prize I might have cared though. I like my collection of Green Lantern comics and my Wii U smb3 copy.

I mostly followed Pokepal's lead.  I figured out that lolmonade was the doctor through some actual detective work. Pokepal had everyone figured out right before he got eliminated. When lolmonade went we lost our shield. Then it was 50/50 at that point because of how even things were. The Mafia maintained the advantage because we were still iffy about 2 people. One thing Pokepal should have corrected was the group private messages. I messaged people mostly directly. This makes leaks harder. If you leak to the wrong person then you lose.

Also, I'm really confused who is That Baby Guy? He was in our PM list. I don't think I played much of a solid game. I got pretty confused about times too.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 24, 2019, 09:56:22 PM
I didn't really care that much. I just wanted to make a veiled political joke. If it was a game with a prize I might have cared though. I like my collection of Green Lantern comics and my Wii U smb3 copy.

I mostly followed Pokepal's lead.  I figured out that lolmonade was the doctor through some actual detective work. Pokepal had everyone figured out right before he got eliminated. When lolmonade went we lost our shield. Then it was 50/50 at that point because of how even things were. The Mafia maintained the advantage because we were still iffy about 2 people. One thing Pokepal should have corrected was the group private messages. I messaged people mostly directly. This makes leaks harder. If you leak to the wrong person then you lose.

Also, I'm really confused who is That Baby Guy? He was in our PM list. I don't think I played much of a solid game. I got pretty confused about times too.
That Baby Guy was thatguy.  I think he had Khushrenada change his name to something that worked for the roleplaying as Baby from Super Monkey Ball. So yeah having the Godfather in the group PMs spelled doom. 

Also yeah having Group PMs can be great and it works if you talk generally and not specifics.  I sometimes respond directly to someone if I need to tell someone something.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 25, 2019, 05:11:56 PM
Just as a heads up I am going to be locking this thread on the 28th so people can focus on my signup thread. So if there is anything you want to add to this thread do so before then.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: Post-mortem
Post by: Order.RSS on December 25, 2019, 10:29:31 PM
Thanks for the feedback everyone, especially those who took the time to fill in the survey too ( I'll leave it open for a little while longer, until the next game starts.

Couple of topics I want to touch on:
Some of the feedback is amusingly contradictory here: some Mafia players felt the Townies were at an advantage, whereas some Townie players felt things were the other way around. I went with Khush' advice here by aiming for 25% Mafia, 25% Special Roles and 50% Townies.
There's so many variables in terms of how the first days go and how alliances crystallise that there will inevitably exist several perceptions; isolated players will feel the deck is stacked against them, alliances may consider themselves in control, etc. I'm just glad things weren't over by Day 3 haha.

Weird one, but I did a lot of things using a randomiser while setting up. I had kinda hoped that some of the less vocal players would land special roles, but that only partially panned out. Great to see Mop It Up lasting beyond the first day at least!

Personal goals
There's a few things I wanted to try here, besides giving hosting a whirl:
1. Make an accessible, fairly easy game.
2. Host in a flexible way that accomodates for people's busy schedules.
3. Try to liven up the typical Isolated Townie Experience.
4. Keep Dead Players engaged while the game goes on.

To be honest I don't know if any of my ideas here worked:
1. Regarding ease of access...The game immediately started with a chain reaction of events (a poll, voting extension, people being killed and revived, a new Race Leader appointed...). I frontloaded Day 1 too much with the Race Leader poll, which, combined with all the First Night Events must've been irritating for players who I had promised an easy, laidback game.
Rules-wise, the Cupid & Couple roles were not easily understood by everyone like I had thought. In general those roles will need tweaking if they're to be re-used. The voting extension... I don't know, I see arguments for both sides. I think rules shouldn't get in the way of players too much, but I understand that may come off as favouring one side of players, too.

2. Flexible hosting ironically contradicts an accessible game here in some ways. Letting a late arrival join the game felt natural to me; put them at a disadvantage to keep things fair, sure, but the more the merrier right? While I still stand by that decision, because this game is more about the social fun than the prizes in my opinion, it does also inject further confusion/unexpected drama. (A.k.a. the opposite of a breezy, easy to understand game.)
Amusingly, survey answers vary wildly here from "this was not a good idea" to "great way to handle the situation". Also, both Townie and Mafia players thought the addition of a late player would lead to an advantage to the other party. I would probably not give a late entry the one-time Boost again, based on this feedback.
Another point here, I didn't reach out to every killed player to come hang out in the Dead Thread. Apologies if I missed you! Should've kept track of that better. I also missed one deadline by a few hours during Night Actions due to work. Apologies, comrades.

3. To spice up Townie roles I tried to add some less-powerful Townie roles (Cupid, Risky Driver, Race Leader) which feel important, despite being limited-time use cases at best. One of my favourite recent roles was the Encryptor in BeautifulShy's first Resident Evil game. Functionally does nothing, but still feels like an influential addition to your arsenal.
By using these less-powered roles I tried to spread activity around over players who might otherwise feel less important than the roles for whom the game stops dead every 48 hours. (Cupid influences 2-3 people, being part of the Couple changes an objective, the Risky Driver is both a minor threat and a source of hope for killed players, the Race Leader poll provides incentive for early discussion/vying for the role and adds decisive weight).
Perhaps it's a mistake to assume everyone thinks playing as Townie is boring (see Mop It Up's comments (, but yeah, that influenced a lot of the design (and is again, at odds with the pitch of a simple, not too involved game).

4. Dead players are underutilised in Mafia, if you want to make it a primarily social game. It's always a bummer when people lose interest because they get voted out. It's kind of the nature of the game of course, but I was hoping to get a bit more activity in the Dead Thread.
Honestly, I banked on the Risky Driver laying low and being a way back into the game for a single player to incentivise keeping up with the thread. When that could no longer happen, I didn't really have a back-up plan other than messaging people to come check out the Dead Thread.
Future idea: provide some sort of Night Activity there. Both to keep momentum going when the Day Thread closes, but also to incentivise more chatter?
Other idea: I told people, upon request, who the living players' roles were. In the future I might just tell all the killed players, so it's more fun for them to watch from the sidelines. Of course you gotta cross your fingers nobody accidentally spills the beans, but what can ya do. (Obviously this won't combine well with a Revival role...)

The Doctor and Detective are staple roles on here, but I pulled Cupid and the Witch (here renamed to Risky Driver) straight from Wikipedia (
I picked these two because they up the stakes in several ways:
-The Witch/Risky Driver functions as a semi-bomber in that she can kill if she is killed, meaning Mafia/Killer roles may want to be considerate who they target and how much that person knows. Simultaneously, I was really hoping for this role to survive longer than Day 1, because the Revival potential is much more interesting to me as a means to keep Dead Players engaged.
This role worked pretty well for how short it was around; next time I would no longer allow a Day 1 blind revival I think. In general, revival works less well in Forum Mafia than the IRL game I guess, so maybe in a more aggressive game you could sub out the Doctor for a Witch with a one-time Protection/Kill potion.

-Cupid is a versatile staple of the Mafia/Werewolf boardgame. Usually they decide before the game starts; I picked Night 1 because then there's some limited info going around to base a choice upon. Maybe Night 2 would be better. There's some wacky stuff you can do here, like pinning yourself to a suspected Mafia member, or hoping to find the Doctor or Killer.
As for the Couple, it's a bummer both players were Townies. I think for them, with the current Win Condition, it was simply too hard of a game. This will need a more flexible Win Condition, I've received some good ideas via the survey. To Stratos & Stevey; I hope y'all still had a decent game and didn't feel like this was a death sentence.

Wrapping up:
Big thanks to everyone who came out to play during a lull in forum activity with the holidays and everything. I did not expect more than 10 players, let alone 15, to show up. I hope nobody felt forced to pick a character/car if they didn't want to, but I think it really added to the experience.
While a lot of this game's experiments didn't really pan out, and I gotta work on the clarity of the rules in the future, I think it was still a decent time right? In any case, hosting was really fun for me, so provided you fine people will suffer me once more, I'd like to give it another shot next year. Would definitely encourage anyone who wants to try to host and hasn't yet to just claim a spot!

See you in the next one, space cowboys...? (
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 25, 2019, 11:55:48 PM
I will agree the 1st day was frontloaded a bit with all the different actions happening that day.  Aside from the typical things one would expect in a Mafia game like night actions and the possible tie breaking choice. There was the Race Leader which is actually a good idea as it takes the role of Townie Whore and makes it a permanent thing.  Only thing I might have changed with the mechanic is if said player with the Race Leader dies that player can select a player to have it but on the next day or the day after put up a poll and ask if the receiving player should keep the Race Leader.   

So using this games instance.  I am the race leader and I die and I select Khushrenada to be the Race Leader.  You as a host put up a new poll asking if Khushrenada should keep the Race Leader.  At the end of the game day you tally votes and if the votes say yes Khushrenada keeps it and if not then the next day a new poll is put up with the remaining players and a new Race Leader is chosen. If Khushrenada dies it goes back to them picking a new successor and then the cycle continues from there.

As far as dead players being utilized in the game it has happened a few times on this forum.  stevey's Super Smash Brawlfia game and I think my Teen Titans Mafia game which both are complex and mixed as far as reception goes to put it kindly.  Still it is an interesting thing to think about.   

I did enjoy myself even if I died early on.  I gotta figure out a better way to play that isn't out there and in peoples faces that work with most roles. Most players 1st time hosting is not always perfect but you can grow from this and improve. Thanks for hosting Steefosaurus.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Mop it up on December 26, 2019, 11:54:58 AM
I usually like to play crazy as well, it's more fun that way! It'd be awesome if everyone were more crazy.

At first I thought Mr. Bungle was both a new player and a new user, but then I checked and he had participated in one previous game. He seems to rarely post in general.

I think the roles themselves were fine. There's always going to be some luck involved which can create a lopsided game, but both sides have about an equal chance of this happening so it balances out over time. This can sometimes make it difficult to discern what is actually an imbalance and what is just bad / good luck. I agree the new roles you tried are good ideas and are worth tweaking for a next game. Personally, I think the only thing about the rules which caused problems was ThePerm's role.

I applaud your efforts to try to increase player activity however, as that's been a problem for a long time which I've been lamenting meself. I remain confused why we continue to host these games when even a number of the few people who still sign up, barely participate. Honestly, the only reason I still join in is because I feel obligated to do so as one of the few "regulars."

...whereas some Townie players felt things were the other way around...

...Townie players thought the addition of a late player would lead to an advantage to the other party...
I'm curious about the reasoning behind these.

The voting extension... I don't know, I see arguments for both sides. I think rules shouldn't get in the way of players too much, but I understand that may come off as favouring one side of players, too.
I've never viewed rules as getting in the way of players. Unfortunately, rules are what make a game, a game. I also don't think sticking to rules should be viewed as a bad thing, as strategy can be planned around them if people know for sure they're going to stick. Being loosey-goosey with rules can also create uncertainty since people won't know which rules will be more lenient and to what extent, and like you said it'll lead to favouritism. In this particular case, it was a favour to the townies and a detriment to the Mafia.

this game is more about the social fun than the prizes in my opinion
For me, the game is about mystery and doubt. Any role which is 100% confirmed for all players is totally dull.

I was hoping to get a bit more activity in the Dead Thread.
I'm curious, what kind of activity are you expecting out of the dead thread? Personally, I think that the dead players shouldn't say anything referencing any living player, as well as should not say anything which may sound like knowledge, advice, or any sort of influence to the living players, but perhaps we even disagree on this basic premise. This is why some previous games didn't even have a dead thread, a decision which made sense to me, as you just never know what a dead player might say which serves as some kind of hint or insight to a living player.

I think informing the dead players of the remaining players roles is a bad idea. You just never know if someone may decide to ruin the game, or be less subtle and try to drop hints. I also feel like when I'm in that situation, it's more engaging to not know who's who still, and take guesses at it. Otherwise, it's kind of like watching a sports game where you already know the final score, which is much less exciting.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Order.RSS on December 26, 2019, 01:02:03 PM
For me, the game is about mystery and doubt. Any role which is 100% confirmed for all players is totally dull.

Very good point.

I'm curious, what kind of activity are you expecting out of the dead thread? Personally, I think that the dead players shouldn't say anything referencing any living player, as well as should not say anything which may sound like knowledge, advice, or any sort of influence to the living players, but perhaps we even disagree on this basic premise. This is why some previous games didn't even have a dead thread, a decision which made sense to me, as you just never know what a dead player might say which serves as some kind of hint or insight to a living player.

I think informing the dead players of the remaining players roles is a bad idea. You just never know if someone may decide to ruin the game, or be less subtle and try to drop hints. I also feel like when I'm in that situation, it's more engaging to not know who's who still, and take guesses at it. Otherwise, it's kind of like watching a sports game where you already know the final score, which is much less exciting.

I guess the point where I'd like to be at is that people are watching the sports match at all, regardless of whether they've skipped ahead to watch the results.

While I don't have comprehensive data on this, I think people mostly drop off the map when they're eliminated from the game. Maybe they'll read along, maybe they don't; there's no telling, really. In some ways I guess it's irrelevant if they remain engaged for the purposes of the game, but that's a very cynical view.
People invest time/effort/attention, they go along with whatever dumb rules the host imposes; I'd like for there to be some sort of reward at the end, or at least not a lingering feeling like they've wasted their time.

Whether that's better achieved by clueing them in, or giving the option to be told ahead of time at least, I'm not sure yet. The possibility of being Revived would, as I had hoped, provide some incentive to at least be supportive to your 'team' from the sideline.
I don't think I'd bring that mechanic back in the future, but it'd be nice if the Dead Players could be interested enough to serve as the Stadler & Waldorf of the game in some way.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: that Baby guy on December 26, 2019, 01:34:55 PM
Looking at what's been posted, the reason why I say the game was tilted towards townies is fairly simple and straightforward.

When Pokepal was hit, and he came back to life, his identity as a townie with a role was cemented for everyone to see. Then, when ThePerm was added in as a townie that was verified for all, his identity was cemented.

Essentially, when playing these games on the townie side, there's the crisis of trust. As the investigator, you must be very careful who you trust with information. Even when you have reliable information which you have obtained from an investigation, like, say, you have identified the doctor, the doctor doesn't know you're telling the truth. What's to say someone in the mafia didn't literally message a slew of players saying the same thing? Or maybe they took a random guess and they were right?

By revealing that Pokepal was the investigator, that first layer of trust was established to all players. If Pokepal said something, it could be trusted. By adding in ThePerm, the second layer had a built in defense. If someone were to break into that circle of trust and find out or mislead the people in it, there was a second pillar who could set things straight. Essentially, no one could make a false claim to Pokepal or ThePerm without it being called out the next day.

I can elaborate more on this, but let's say I'm a mafia player. Let's say I've caught wind that the investigator has found the doctor, and they're forming an alliance. Brushing over how we got this information, a counter strategy might be to approach the suspected doctor, and tell this player you're the investigator. This bluff yields a swing in the votes, and the actual investigator gets voted out that night. The night's hit is on the doctor. As a mafia member, this play is very risky, but the reward would be the elimination of two powerful roles. Your risks are that the doctor might say what happened to others in the town, outing yourself, or that they may have privately left bread crumbs that point to you.

With the knowledge of ThePerm and Pokepal made official, any complex or in-depth strategy to fool the townies into a bad vote became almost completely unviable. Our victory was limited to very few avenues after the first day. I found and worked to exploit those avenues, but there were dramatically fewer than is normal for a mafia. The townies, on the other hand, ended up with a united force with all roles known. I can deconstruct and analyze some odds here, but essentially, the townies statistically had a very good chance of finding the remaining mafia members and vote them out, with me, as the undetectable Godfather being the exception. That Pokepal literally investigated everyone except for the two remaining mafia goons and didn't vote them out in the process was very unlikely.

All of that is why I say there was imbalance.

As to the voting extension, there's a small problem here. It's easy for a townie to ask for a voting extension to save a townie. Put it in reverse. What if Mop it up asked for an extension to the vote for me to come in and save MASB? While there wouldn't be evidence yet that she and I saved a mafia member, eventually there likely would be. Even moreso, there would be immediate evidence she asked for the rules to be bent to kill a townie player. Essentially, what I'm saying is that public, open requests for rules to be changed are a luxury that primarily benefits townies but can't be used as frequently or easily by the mafia, so they're more likely to be unfair due to this.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Mop it up on December 26, 2019, 05:25:47 PM
Unfortunately, I think eliminated players not really being able to do things may just be one of the ways the game works. But to be clear, I'm not against thinking of ways to include them in something, I'm always open-minded towards twists on this game. I just think it's going to be tricky to find ways of doing this without causing some problems like the ones I expressed. Also of note, this is another one of those cases of something which didn't used to be much of a problem before. Back when the game was more active, the days were actual days instead of being stretched out to 2-3 days, and so the pace of the games was much more quick. The eliminated players not being able to do anything didn't matter much at that point.

By the way, I once hosted a game based on Mario Party which gave all players a chance at making a special action each day. With you expressing how you like it when all players can do more than just vote, I thought you might be interested in at least seeing the rules of this game: (

If you're curious how the day threads played out, you can find them on page 8 of this forum (or 16 with default page settings).
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 26, 2019, 05:48:56 PM
I am wondering if a 36 hour game day might work better going forward.  Then having night actions go maybe a hour or two after the lock thread. With players being able to send in actions earlier during the day.   

But yes that Mario Party game is actually a really good example of players being able to do different things during the day.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: Order.RSS on December 27, 2019, 03:01:33 PM
Yo those Mario Party rules are great! Bummer I wasn't around back then.
Wonder if it'd be replicable today, the constant switcharoos do demand a certain level of constant engagement I guess... Very cool though.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: that Baby guy on December 27, 2019, 07:22:18 PM
This'll likely be my last game summary post, covering day 3 and on.

First, it was clear with a solid townie alliance that it didn't make sense to do anything but vote for what they voted for, regardless of what it may be, which was my day 2 and onward plan.

Second, my plan of a no-hit worked as best as it possibly could, at least from the perspective of the short term. While Khushrenada declared publicly that I had been investigated, shortly after, I received this message from pokepal.

So we actually have a lot of the game mapped out at this point.

Current driver line-up
1. Pokepal148 - Detective
2. Khushrenada - cupid
15. ThePerm, a Normal Townie in a AA-battery powered Bumper Car.

Semi/mostly confirmed roles:
13. Backwards Flying Dragons - Townie
4. Lolmonade - Claims to be the Doctor

8. Stevey, - lovebird - ThePerm did some digging by asking for a Role PM and deduced he was most likely a townie.
9. Stratos - lovebird

Unconfirmed roles
6. Nickmitch,
7. NRW_Insanolord
14. Lucario
10. Mr. Bungle
12. Mop It Up

There's a killer, godfather, 2 Mafia goons, and 3 townie roles mixed between the lovebirds and our completely unconfirmed playerbase.

We need to get some clarification on how the couple/lovebirds work before we can write them off completely. It is possible for example that either Stratos or Stevey were originally mafia goons or something. One of them might have even been the godfather which would explain why the Mafia didn't place a hit (after all, if the godfather is still technically alive even if the role is no longer active than the hit ability might not have passed to the goons). The Killer has been active since Day 1 so we can assume they aren't the killer at least.

Either way, of the five players in that unconfirmed list, Lucario seems to be the most suspicious, if anything because of how active he's been this time around, along with the fact that he totally would hit me on day 1 so keeping pressure on him seems like a strong play

This meant the guesswork in avoiding plain townies was gone. There was no reason to doubt lolmonade was the doctor, but, at the same time, if I were the one sending this message, instead of identifying lolmonade as the doctor, I would have picked someone we hadn't even identified yet, or crossed Khushrenada's role with lolmonade's, just in case I was the godfather.

I had not yet considered who to hit for the day, but this easily created a struggle. Before receiving this message, I had contacted Steef who clarified that the AA-Battery shield ThePerm had had been used. We, the mafia, suspected the doctor wasn't even active. We were heavily considering targeting pokepal again just to ensure he was killed. I was very, very on the fence about it, and at one point, even sent in the hit, but then later changed it.

Lucario was the victim of the town's vote. In PMs, I had encouraged the townies not to vote him out, acknowledging he was likely the killer, but at the same time, pointing out his kills had so far been easily deflected. Were I a normal townie, I likely would have made this same approach, while also reaching out to Lucario and aiming him at suspected mafia members. As a godfather, I'd want him alive to have him aim at townies with roles. Ultimately, I sent him one vague message, something simple, like "r u the killer?" to see what reaction I'd get. Depending on his response, I would have tried to ally with him. At the same time, it was too late to save him. Had I allied, I would have told him to target lolmonade, essentially washing my hands of a degree of culpability.

Ultimately, Khushrenada was the target that night. This was primarily because he seemed to be the only player really paying attention. Pokepal just accepted me into the fold, and no one else was really in contact. I would have taken out pokepal had it been possible, but I felt to fit in with the townies, I needed to start giving them advice, such as "Protect the investigator." It seemed like common sense, but they didn't use the doctor's protection on ThePerm the day prior, so by offering up helpful-but-not-actually-helpful advice, I could definitely blend in for a little while, and perhaps take up the mantle of the lead townie in the end. Killing Khushrenada could also potentially set up me taking the mantle of the race leader down the line, but I didn't end up following the threads for that plan. That plan involved keeping lolmonade in.

Anyway, the rest of the game was fairly transparent. We hit lolmonade since he was the doctor and the townies weren't appearing skeptical of me, then pokepal since he was the investigator, and after that, inactivity mostly set in. Only hiccup was the townies deciding to vote out the lovers, since I was going to save them for a later hit to drastically and suddenly reduce townie numbers, securing our win. I also thought we could stall Pokepal's investigations by using them, but it didn't work out. That scenario was a win/win from the perspective that we could kill them later and get them to soak up investigations, or just kill them by vote, which is another day we didn't get voted out.

Anyway, @BeautifulShy, I won't be signing up for the Resident Evil mafia, but that's because I have to moderate how much I play these things or I can go overboard.

@Steefosaurus, another mafia game worth checking out was one Khushrenada and I cohosted. It was DC-themed, with a focus on the emotional spectrum and the different lantern rings. It was likely a challenging game to play, but it was certainly a challenging game to host. We had point shops and different prizes that we secret-auctioned off. I recall there was a lot of participation, but it was an earlier time, so I won't say that the format drove playing. One thing we did with the points, though, was encourage posting. If you posted in the thread, you earned points that could be spent in the shop. I don't even recall who won, but I do recall my favorite piece of the game was when UncleBob, who was Joker, which was our "Killer" role, bid 0 points for a ring, which allowed modification of the daily vote, and we decided it was perfectly in character for him to successfully win the bid because there were no other bids for the item that day.

What I liked about that game is that it did encourage and reward participation, and allowed all sides to be rewarded by participation, thus the strategy of laying low and playing very quietly by the mafia wasn't necessarily the best play, as it seems to be in games now.
Title: Re: Mafia 83: F-Zero Strapped for Crash! [PODIUM CEREMONY]
Post by: BeautifulShy on December 27, 2019, 07:54:28 PM
Anyway, @BeautifulShy, I won't be signing up for the Resident Evil mafia, but that's because I have to moderate how much I play these things or I can go overboard.
That is okay.  Everyone has to manage how much they play or not as these games can get very in-depth in someones mind.   See you another time. I was going to send out invites once this thread is locked.   It was a joy to play with you again even though I didn't get to play that much.